View Full Version : Finally adding to the house!

08-01-2010, 07:09 AM
I wanted to share this here.
For many of you that fondly remember the EAM meets we had at our tiny farm house over the years...this should prove interesting.

I have titled it "1913 meets 2010".
I am adding picures to my flikr daily as we proceed.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/)

Thus far, only exterior work is being performed.
Many interior changes are to be made as well.

It was time that the kids had their own rooms and we spread out a bit.
It has been in the plans for years, but with the rough economy and my being laid off, we were very reluctant.
Well...I was...the wife never looks forward and wants it all now lol!

We did not get the loan we needed as a result of a poor appraisal due to the economy. We were only able to add one floor rather than two.

AS A POST EDIT 12/22/10:



08-01-2010, 07:42 AM
Very cool. I hope you keep posting pics as the progress continues.

08-01-2010, 07:58 AM
... due to the economy. We were only able to add one floor rather than two.

Geesh, I know what you're going through... Times are tough!

08-01-2010, 07:59 AM
That's cool Barry. You and Jessica have a beautiful home. Looking forward to seeing its completion.

08-01-2010, 08:08 AM
Very cool indeed. Is using block as oppossed to concrete more typical there? I never see that around here anymore. Hopefully the addition does not create too much stress for you and your family.

08-01-2010, 08:25 AM
That house looks real nice. The red really stands out with mother nature around it.

08-01-2010, 09:03 AM
That house looks real nice. The red really stands out with mother nature around it.

i thought the same, looks sweet

08-01-2010, 09:37 AM
Good luck Barry. We did major renovations 15 years ago and I still have nightmares about it.

08-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Good luck Barry!! Keep the pic's coming :banana: Are you able to help with any of the work (to save $$$$$) or has it been contracted out?

08-01-2010, 10:44 AM
I hope everything turns out as planned and stays under budget, please keep us posted!

Ms. Denmark
08-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Great looking house, Barry. Good luck on this project!!

08-01-2010, 05:42 PM
Barry i have been a remodeling contractor for 20+ years now,if you have any questions feel free to pm me...i'm not one to MF other contractors and will give you honest opinions.

08-08-2010, 03:38 PM
Updated folder recently.
I also added a cool pic (pic1) of the house from the back forte taken last summer.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/)

Still working on the foundation however.
The city is requiring me to add footer drain tiles as this is the norm these days. However I have nothing to tie them into.
It was all I could do to convince the inspector that this house, being built in early 1900 has no footer drain tiles. I am not sure they even put those around houses back then...particularly the amish!

I had to add piping and and a sump pump to push it up to the level of my old gutter drain tile that illegally runs out to the street. We don't have sewer in this area yet. When the sewers went in back in the day, this area being on a glacier bed wreaked havoc with digging.

Very cool indeed. Is using block as oppossed to concrete more typical there? I never see that around here anymore.

It's a combination of both. The block must match the existing, therefore where the block meets the new grade level, I need to use 'split block'.
This was also a last minute price increase. These block cost nearly $6 each versus $1 each for the others. I went with red, and will dye/paint all of my existing foundation over time.
We are only adding a 4' crawl space under the addition. Once the block is done, the slab will be poured.

Good luck Barry!! Keep the pic's coming :banana: Are you able to help with any of the work (to save $$$$$) or has it been contracted out?

I am doing all the paint work inside and out. I am also doing most of the electrical, all of the fixtures, and all of the telco/data. I will also do some of the gas line and lighting fixtures.

Barry i have been a remodeling contractor for 20+ years now,if you have any questions feel free to pm me...i'm not one to MF other contractors and will give you honest opinions.

Thus far, the concrete guy my builder uses has had me on the edge of jumping off a buiding. He just doesn't listen to my requests / needs.
He also hauled off nearly 6 ton of 6 to 10 foot diameter sand stone he was to move about the property. First he claimed his buddy came over and took them to the dump. Upon investigation, he claimed they were at his dad's house. I demanded he bring them back. He then emptied his dump that was full of disposal brick and stone to recover four (nearly as) large stone and asked me if those would be ok.

I know what he did. He stole them. And he either sold them or bartered them for concrete material. He has yet to bring them back...and I am pissed.

He also increased his billing by $1900 for the addition of aproximently 65' plastic 4" drain tile, 15 ton of gravel to cover said tile, an 8' length of 12" corrugated pipe for the sump, and a sump pump. I saw the pump he intended to use sitting in his truck when he was offsite. A 1/2 hp pump that appeared to have been sitting in his barn for years and with a google search came to be a $65 unit.
I told him to come up with something bigger as the quote indicated we would get a 1-1/2 hp unit.

I am losing my mind with this guy....:mad:

11-02-2010, 01:45 PM
Epic amounts of waiting for updates/progress pics.

11-02-2010, 02:04 PM
I haven't been around for awhile, and frankly didn't think anyone was interested.

There was a death in the family and I have been overwhelmed as poa, executor, and fiduciary. If some thing could go wrong with the extensive planning of this estate....it has.:rolleyes:

The construction is officially out of control.
The more I am away from the house, the more stupidity occurs.
I have had it at this point and just don't care.

Some pics are updated, but I will take more in a day or so and get them up.

SC Cheesehead
11-02-2010, 04:08 PM
Hang in there, bubba. When all is said and done, you're gonna be happy with it.

Mr. Man
11-02-2010, 07:20 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation Barry. Being a contractor myself I know the horror stories your dealing with. From what I've read here it seems you have a builder and he is sub-contracting the work he doesn't do. He is responsible for the work they do. If you don't like something make sure your contractor is aware of it. He should get it remedied. He wants to get paid and if you don't sign off on the work that's been done then there will be a delay in his pay check. Always remember $$$ talks. If he is a buddy of yours remind him you entered into a business deal and as the saying goes business is business.
I use the same guys for most of my jobs and it took me a long time to find guys I could work with and count on. Now thank God I don't have many issues with the sub's. I know it is sometimes uncomfortable to bring up issues with people but you need to hold your ground. If your contractor is telling you something you don't believe ask him to explain why you can't have it the way you want. It may cost more but if that's what you truly want then you may be willing to pay extra.
As for the building inspectors there are two types... those that are willing to work with the contractor/homeowner and total a**holes who don't budge on anything because the book says. Not much you can do about the latter. Just coming to the realisation that your not the only one the inspector is screwing makes the water flow under the bridge quicker.:)

Black bart
11-03-2010, 07:55 AM
Quite a project you have undertaken.

Very appealing floor plan and setting is very picturesque. The kids must love it!

Did you retain a general contractor or are you performing expansion construction yourself?

Keep up the good work!


11-06-2010, 07:41 PM

I'm sorry to hear about that.

You've got a lot on your plate right now.


11-28-2010, 02:11 PM
Epic amounts of waiting for updates/progress pics.

Damnit...I don't get on site too often and now I see Zack is gone again...:P

Oh well....

Flikr folder update with 12 new images.
The outside looks great, but the inside is taking far longer than we imagined.
The kitchen cabinets, and whole house flooring is ready...but who knows when these guys will have the walls and ceiling ready.

LINK to the new images:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/)

The old exterior view:

The new exterior view:


11-28-2010, 02:33 PM
I have been there and seen the work very nice!

12-01-2010, 10:30 AM
Looking good Barry!

12-01-2010, 11:26 AM
Sweet! That is one sharp looking little house you built in front of your house! :D

12-21-2010, 06:05 PM
I fired the contractor two weeks ago.

I caught them starting to lay my new 1100 sq. feet of hardwood flooring without correcting, prepping, nor proper vapor barrier over the sub floors.

This was the last straw.

I have gobs of images and video ready to post on flikr and you tube.

The deviations from building plans, mistakes, shoddy work, and short cuts are insurmountable.

Most we haven't caught until most recently when I had professional union tradesmen come in and survey my dilemma.

The problems go back to day one when the foundation was build. We later learned it was 5" out of square and the builder never told us, nor did he have his subcontractor correct it. I noticed the framing was oddly not plumb and threw a few lasers here and there and found it.
The contractor assured the walls would be fine.

Not so. The walls are so bad in the areas they tried to hide the 5" across 35', I cannot get a 90 angle anywhere.
We also have found a half dozen wall studs that were never tweaked prior to getting drywall. They did not check anything. There are humps of up to one inch out on several walls. One wall is nearly 2" out where the addition meets the old house.
Every drywall seam can be seen on every wall and ceiling, as well as every corner bead. They obviously had no idea how to finish drywall.

Not one doorway is straight or plumb with its opposing side. Again, poor framing and not checking the walls before covering with drywall.

Someone has said my ceiling can lights look like a random act of violence.
Not one was placed as the drawings suggest, (over specific areas such as sink, stove, island, etc), and none are in line with each other in anyway.

I have found several A/C outlets with hot - ground reversals. These guys did not even use a test light to check their work. It's quite amusing however to plug a vacuum cleaner in and try to turn it on. The sweeper doesn't come on, but its switch now turns the lights on / off in the basement lolz.

We came home today to find water pouring out of one of the new ceiling can lights. Melting snow found its way under their new roof. That's another paragraph in its self. Before I could get a ladder to shovel the roof off, another can light gave up the ghost and water poured in like faucet!
The ceiling and insulation is shot now. The paint bubbled from all the water as well. I am just glad it did not fall down while we were gone.
Once I shoveled the roof, the water stopped coming in.

The roof...oh boy...we discovered today with the help from a visit by the engineer that did our architectural drawing that the roof was not built as engineered. Ironically, he came by to find out if we ever paid our guy for the drawings as he was never paid for his services.
The roof leaks as a result of the deletion of a key field saddle on the west roof line to alleviate water from flowing against the dormer, and in turn routing water away from the new connection to the old along the base of the dormer. Without this, the roof will leak forever. They tried to fix it with silicone....and a lot of it. They also changed the mud room roof from the engineered gable to a 'shed' style. The mud room leaks as a result as well.
Did I mention they put the wrong shingles on the roof and claimed the color difference would fade to match over time? It only took a moment for me to prove he clearly not bought the wrong style and color, but chose to install it anyway. I convinced him to replace it. He did. OVER THE WRONG SHINGLES! Now I have two layers of shingle over my new roof.

The HVAC work they did is a mangle of mishaps. I need to rebuild most of the duct work as they chose to use flex throughout my crawl space.

All said, I called him today and warned him he has a choice here.
Either we settle this between us, or we take it to court. Either way, nearly all of our renovation needs razed and rebuilt.
And he won't be returning. He will be paying.

Unfortunately, we paid him over 66k thus far.
I'm over budget, still 40% incomplete, without a kitchen going on 6 months which means eating out every night, no sinks to wash dishes, the house is a disaster of a mess, the Christmas tree shares a spot with the refrigerator in the living room...err only room we can use, and now it all needs rebuilt.


Some Christmas eh?

12-21-2010, 06:16 PM
Wow....just wow :mad: Sorry to hear about all the troubles that you're having. One thing that I've learned is to use UNINON. We are TRAINED in our skills and are very proud of the work we do and it shows in the end results. Good luck getting things back to normal and getting you money back. Again, sorry to hear of the troubles that you're having.

12-21-2010, 06:30 PM
Sorry to hear this Barry, hopefully it will all be made right.

12-21-2010, 06:47 PM
We need to get Mike Holmes on this case.
(one of my new favorite shows, he fixes epic contractor fails)


12-21-2010, 06:56 PM
thats realy a good idea! its worth a shot, your situation is tailor made for him, i would find out if you meet the criteria for consideration

mike holmes is the man!

12-21-2010, 08:57 PM
We need to get Mike Holmes on this case.
(one of my new favorite shows, he fixes epic contractor fails)


Many have suggested, and I was ready to spill my story and all....but he only does Canada.
Currently Ontario.

I live in the wrong country apparently.:P

12-22-2010, 01:25 AM
I live in the wrong country apparently.:P

I have been saying you live in the wrong country for years!

All kidding aside, I am sorry to hear about all this. What a mess. Get on to suing the contractor early -- unfortunately most of them are out money before you can get a judgment.

Keep us posted.

And make sure you wish the family a Merry Christmas from me!!!

12-22-2010, 04:44 AM
Many have suggested, and I was ready to spill my story and all....but he only does Canada.
Currently Ontario.

I live in the wrong country apparently.:P

Sorry to hear of your problems.

Mike Holmes did some work in New Orleans.

12-22-2010, 05:06 AM
Hey shoot the story to the producers of the show. I've watched this guy for years - as he, at one time, was only on here in Toronto. As the years went by, he got more popular, and then the New Orleans visit...
As he is a TV "personality" now, I'm sure they may consider the story so Mike and the production can get more U.S. exposure.
Give it a shot!

12-22-2010, 12:16 PM
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cruztaker/sets/72157624454708299/)

New images and descriptions added.
Hold tight...this gets ugly.

Video later this week.

12-22-2010, 01:54 PM
Oh my gawd!

"Several A/C outlets were found to be miswired with HOT - GROUND reversals.
When I plugged the vacuum in the outlet, it would not turn on, however the vacuum's on/off switch would turn the basement lights on and off.
You must see the video. It's epic-failur-us!" <--tried not to laugh at your new word do to the circumstances, but I couldn't help it :o

12-22-2010, 01:57 PM
Geez, those overhead lights got lined up fairly well huh? I'd have lost my blankity blank mind....

12-22-2010, 06:05 PM
I did a bedroom / bathroom addition just before the housing bubble burst.
I too had problems with the original contractor who signed a contract and the declined to doo the work. My project whent from $54000 to $79000 after finding certain problems with the old house and us adding a few upgrades. It was built in 1951. So I hired the subcontractor on the job as the contractor. They didn't always show up when they were supposed to, but they got the job done with very little problems, We did upgrade certain parts of the project like the shower, some of the lighting swiches we installed a few extra light in the ceiling were needed. We upgraded the old electrical system. New sewer line to the ally in back.
The best part is the ceiling fan in the bedroom. We need that durring the summer months. Sue their bond holder company for the entire job.
It needs to be torn down and redone properly. Where was the inspector?
It should never of passed inspection.

Sorry for your ruined house.

12-22-2010, 07:03 PM
I feel bad for these guys,I have seen 1st hand what has happened.I cant believe those guys that did that work graduated!

12-23-2010, 08:22 PM

12-23-2010, 08:33 PM
JezZzzz... I know you'll get through this and you'll have a beautiful home at the end.

12-24-2010, 12:37 AM

12-24-2010, 08:45 PM

12-24-2010, 09:14 PM
Well Barry that really sucks!! Sorry to hear about the problems with new addition.

To change the subject, how is the ice rink this year, has Gage been skating much?

12-24-2010, 10:07 PM
Well...the contractor never cut in the plumbing we needed so badly early on.
We reminded them over and over and apparently screwing up other things was more important.

For all we know, they would have hooked the gas line to the hot water feed....:P

The rink is up, but never fully completed.
The ice needs zambonied really bad as well.
The weather is goofing with us with a lot of snow and 30 degree days.

I need to re-level the area next year as the fill from last year prior settled so bad we have a high side of 16 and a low side of 5.
Just can't get the high side to freeze to the base.

Gage still plays on a local team full time however, and has become quite a rough defensive man, and a key player on his team.

12-25-2010, 10:12 PM

01-08-2011, 07:24 PM
We served papers on these guys....now we wait.
We also learned they falsified information on the building permit.


de minimus
01-08-2011, 08:14 PM
What a disaster.Those pot lights would drive me crazy. Where were the municipal building and electrical inspector during this reno?

01-09-2011, 01:37 PM
City inspectors do not look for shoody work, just specific code violations.

Although they suggested things be done better, they have no power over the contractor in regards to their craftmanship.

01-09-2011, 01:38 PM

Mr. Man
01-09-2011, 02:01 PM
Man that video bummed me out. Being a now part-time remodeler myself I know dealing with old house and new house can be a challenge but what your going through is unacceptable. Wish I was closer I'd help you fix it.

01-09-2011, 06:53 PM
This will be the last video until we settle....or we out these guys.


01-09-2011, 08:03 PM
This will be the last video until we settle....or we out these guys.


Hope you win a huge settlement, and can get someone good to make this right. Doesn't anyone know how to do their job, or WANT to do a good job anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hang in there........

01-09-2011, 08:45 PM
Hope you win a huge settlement, and can get someone good to make this right. Doesn't anyone know how to do their job, or WANT to do a good job anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hang in there........

what a disaster i have never seen such crappy workmanship! these idiots were nothing more then a bunch of Chancers period. It all started with the foundation guy building it out of square from there on you have to fight it all the way to the roof. It probally should be torn down and done right or at least gut all the drywall and strap or str8n out the walls and floors. I feel for ya dude i hope you get some money back from these guys insurance

01-09-2011, 10:33 PM
This is ridiculous, my parents and myself did wayyy better work on our old house renovating the basement, with no prior experience on our extra time. I would tear down everything and have it redone after settling.

01-11-2011, 06:12 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone!

We are currently in limbo awaiting a response from the builder's in regards to the City's Notice of Violations.

After that, we will offer an ultimatum to make this "all go away".

At this point, 9 months without a sink or a stove, we need to move forward in some way.

Everyone is watching.;)

01-11-2011, 07:01 PM
Wow, what a disaster. Call up Mike Homes. This would be a great show.

It's called Homes on Homes, and his tag line is "make it right"

Your addition is a perfect candidate for his television show. I'd submit your video with him!! If he selects you - his crew will come out and fix it better than you ever imagined (for free)


01-11-2011, 07:48 PM
Been watching these videos and looking at the pictures at work here and I can't believe how bad that stuff is! I hope you get 'em for what they owe you and then some. What does their other work look like?

01-12-2011, 10:27 AM
Having a Carolina "sun" room put on my house and I hope I fare better. My contractor was referred by a friend that has done work at his house so should be ok.

Mr. Man
01-12-2011, 10:38 AM
Having a Carolina "sun" room put on my house and I hope I fare better. My contractor was referred by a friend that has done work at his house so should be ok.
What kind of tarp do you put over the refrigerator box to keep the weather out:D

01-12-2011, 11:02 AM
Having a Carolina "sun" room put on my house and I hope I fare better. My contractor was referred by a friend that has done work at his house so should be ok.

Is that a sunroom with a boot?

01-14-2011, 05:22 PM
Wow, what a disaster. Call up Mike Homes. This would be a great show.

It's called Homes on Homes, and his tag line is "make it right"

Your addition is a perfect candidate for his television show. I'd submit your video with him!! If he selects you - his crew will come out and fix it better than you ever imagined (for free)


Try it you have nothing to loose! Your Canadian Bros up north do it right first time round

01-14-2011, 07:17 PM
What does their other work look like?

Ironically, the contractor has a website showing their work with quotes from happy customers underneath each image.

Sadly, each image is of the company owner's own home. None of which he nor his lackies built. The quotes are made up and lies.

Try it you have nothing to loose! Your Canadian Bros up north do it right first time round

Holmes does not take applications / submissions from the USA.
I am on their forums, but have yet to share my story as I am having trouble logging in.

02-01-2011, 04:28 PM
as a post edit 2/2/10
all videos have temporarily gone private during litigation.

02-02-2011, 05:14 AM
as a post edit 2/2/10
all videos have temporarily gone private during litigation.
Git-R-Done! Hope it works out for you. I don't have a mansion, but what I have I like, and if someone did that to something I like I would be P-O'd.

02-02-2011, 07:42 AM
Good luck to you and hope you get compensated for that abortion.

02-02-2011, 09:47 PM
like he says

07-11-2011, 03:48 PM
It's been a year now.
We still wash dishes in the tub. The four of us still share two 12x15 rooms. Tarps cover everything, and water continues to leak in our walls and ceilings. I had to sell the Marauder to continue to go after this guy.

Brian Pauley and his fraudulent company BGP Renovations (aka BGP Properties) has closed up shop.
The meeting with the City and our attorneys seemed good, but once Brian found out the excess od required repairs, he bailed.

I am working with the bond company for the replacement of the entire roof and much of the electric work they illegally performed.

There will be massive repairs needed as a result of the water damage and plain old negligence that do not fall into code violations and therefore are not covered by the bond. He does carry liability insurance, however if he himself does not file a claim, I can't touch it. I'll have to sue him for that.

Over the last few months we have uncovered what a fraud this guy is.
He falsifies his background, his credentials, and his business practices for years. He was convicted once as well.

I have added more video, unblocked everything, and disclosed his name.
I want to bury this guy.

I need a website now...


07-11-2011, 04:02 PM
Oh man. I am sorry to hear this has not been resolved. But not shocked as we had an issue that needed attorney and it took us just shy of 5 years and a trial to resolve. I hope you don't have to wait that long.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

07-11-2011, 04:30 PM
It's been a year now.
We still wash dishes in the tub. The four of us still share two 12x15 rooms. Tarps cover everything, and water continues to leak in our walls and ceilings. I had to sell the Marauder to continue to go after this guy.

Very sorry to hear this Barry. :( What a mess for you and your family. I hope that you can get this resolved through the courts and the bonding company ... this has got to be one of the worst remodeling nightmares around. The bastige should be shot. :mad:

Baaad GN
07-11-2011, 09:28 PM
Ok guy's I've been working as a Building Inspector for the last 4 years, yep retired and started doing it part time and now full time. Not my original career but I have rehab houses for years so after taking many class's have got certified. Ask Justbob the work I did in my sons House and his garage. Not bad! What I see going on here is the same crap I see all the time, contractors that do not know what the hell their doing or just slapping something together to make a quick buck. As much as people dislike (code inspectors) we catch this crap and in many cases force them to make corrections. That electrical work should have never passed inspection and I bet it was not inspected before the wallboard went up as it should have been by law. I tell ever owner you have to watch, watch, watch ever day whats going on!!!!!!!!!!! If ya don't like something stop them Immediately!!!! I think you waited to long to put your foot down!
Cruztaker ever city state etc has their own codes but many are close enough that what's correct here is usually there also, If I can give you any advise call me and I will try and help you if nothing else how to handle the city. If I don't know the question I will try and find out the answer.
Good Luck


07-12-2011, 09:27 AM
Barry, good luck with getting this set right. All I can say is stay the course and keep to your goal. The legal process is long and slow. We are just going to depositions this week on my daughter being mauled by the POS neighbor's dog in Oct 2008. Its a real PITA. I have tripled what our settlement number would be because of their BS. Keep at, they will want to settle instead of going before a jury.

07-12-2011, 06:26 PM
i was just watchin your vids and all i can say is wow! i think a long walk in the woods with him is in order with only you comin out.

07-13-2011, 06:49 AM
I just clicked on your post for the first time Barry. I'm so sorry to hear your going through all of this. I wish you nothing but the best in resolving this.

07-17-2011, 06:46 AM
I was recently contacted by the producers at HGTV.
No kidding...they saw my youtube videos and found interest in my silly ceiling fan fiasco.

No home remodel here, but the possibility of some air time in the near future be it ever so small, could lead to other opportunities.

I was thinking of having signs all over over the house and my kids to have t-shirts that say "Brian Pauley was here".
Obviously "Brian and BGP SUCKS" would just get blurred out...:flamer:

07-17-2011, 08:24 AM
Very sorry to hear this Barry. :( What a mess for you and your family. I hope that you can get this resolved through the courts and the bonding company ... this has got to be one of the worst remodeling nightmares around. The bastige should be shot. :mad:

What Bluerauder said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

02-08-2012, 03:05 PM
Nothing worse than an unfinished story...

Believe it or not, we still aren't finished. :shake:

A lot has happened since my last post.
The Master Bedroom is finished.
The Kitchen is at > 90%
The Dining Room is > 95%
The Living room is in process at about 60%
The Mud Room is at 50%

The City had us remove the entire roof and most of the electric the former contractor did. We settled with the Bond company to correct these items for about $15,000. Attorney's fees to get the City, the Contractor, and the Bond Company moving were around $5000.
The subsequent damage caused as a result of both was in excess of $8000, and no one wants to cover that.

Repairs due to negligence are in excess of $12,000. No one wants to cover those as well.

Costs to finish what we already paid the prior contractor are growing each day. I believe I have wrote checks over the last four months totaling over $20,000.

This past December we found the exterior walls on the new addition are pulling away from the house. All 800 sq. feet of vinyl siding and tyvek need removed and reinstalled so that the boards can be nailed properly. Apparently the contractor never finish nailed the exterior sheeting prior to covering. We don't even have a quote for that yet.

We learned a lot about the former contractor. 50+ years of combined experience was more like 5 years. He lost his job at National City Bank in 2006 for stealing over $90,000 from customer accounts, was convicted of a class-B felony, and served prison time. He was sued for shoddy work twice in 2010, and two other occasions for non-payment.
He dissolved his company, BGP Properties in May 2011, but not before Incorporating as new company a month prior in April now known as Renovatemenow. He continues to defraud the renovation industry.

Those inquiring earlier will have some fun with this though.
Our story, with video and dialogue, was featured on the HGTV Network's DISASTER HOME as "Disaster of the Day", episode 307 'Small But Mighty' that aired on January 6, 2012. It was VERY cool....but they did not want to pay either lol.

All in all, the contractor took $60,000 from us.
We have spent nearly $40,000 in repairs, continuations, and attorney fees thus far.
We have recovered a mere $15,000.

Now you may understand why I sold the Marauder :P

For those curious, visit my YouTube channel. Lots of new videos and more in process.

02-08-2012, 04:26 PM
All in all, the contractor took $60,000 from us.
We have spent nearly $40,000 in repairs, continuations, and attorney fees thus far.
We have recovered a mere $15,000.

Now you may understand why I sold the Marauder :P

Jebus Barry .... very sorry to hear about how this continues to go down. :(

How can this guy stay in business and form another company with a pizz-poor record like that?

In retrospect, is there anything that you could have done differently to avoid all this expense and headache? Did you get references, check with BBB, or anything prior to signing the contract? You are pretty savvy with this kind of stuff. Where did you go wrong? Just asking so others may avoid a similar situation.

Hope this all end in your favor soon.

02-08-2012, 06:26 PM
Would it be advantageous to just burn the house down from shoddy electrical work?

If only:(

That's some real BS going on. I can not imagine the feelings running through you and your family.

Good luck.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

02-09-2012, 12:40 PM
For that money there are people who take care of people like that; just saying.

Glad to hear it is coming together and good luck collecting what is due you Barry, give Jess our best.