View Full Version : Pops back in the hospital

08-10-2010, 06:03 AM
I have been in the hospital since Saturday over another heart event. We have been getting ready for a fishing tournament since last Tuesday. On Friday night I started having chest pains and they continued thru Saturday morning. I did fish the tournament which turned out to be a one day event due to weather. I think we finished 4th or 5th in the Pro Division.

I went into the Holland Mich. hospital on Saturday afternoon. They checked me out in the ER and then moved me to a room. The EKG shows some minor activity and the blood work says no heart attack this time! They put me in the Cath lab on Monday and found that the bypass that had a stent placed in it last time was about 70% plugged. They do not place stents in this facility unless it is life or death so I was transferred to Grand Rapids. The doctors here looked at the images and found one other small vessel that appears to be blocked. They said they feel it is to small to put a stent in. The next plan of attack is a chemical stress test so they can see what really going on with the heart. That is scheduled for 10 AM this morning.

After the test they will decide on treatment. It could be as simple as a medication change. I will let you know what they come up with for a solution.

On a lighter note the staff has been geat and have been doing a great job looking after me. The foods has not been very good when I am allowed to have it. They cut off food and water 12 hours before tests and procedures. My spirits and sense of humor are doing fine.:D The only issues are the inability to sleep and no bowel movements! So I guess that makes me full of $&*#!!!!!!!!!! I am allowed visitor and phone calls. The phone number here is 616 391 1774 and I am in room 1617.

08-10-2010, 06:13 AM
For cryin out loud Pops..... Will you cut this crap out????:P We got the Shootout in a couple of months:burnout:

Seriously bud, I am hoping you get on the mend in a permanent way. My thoughts are with ya.:)

08-10-2010, 06:17 AM
Hang in there. I want you around so you have to make your car faster than mine!

Will give you a call this afternoon.


08-10-2010, 06:22 AM
I have been thinking about you in the last couple of days. Glad you are still with us. Fishing sounds like a great sport. I really need to come up and see you. :)

Paul T. Casey
08-10-2010, 06:27 AM
Hey, knock this crap off!!! Get well soon, and you're in my prayers.

08-10-2010, 06:34 AM
Hang in there, Man!!!!

08-10-2010, 06:40 AM
I have been in the hospital since Saturday over another heart event.

After the test they will decide on treatment. It could be as simple as a medication change. I will let you know what they come up with for a solution.

So I guess that makes me full of $&*#!!!!!!!!!! I am allowed visitor and phone calls. The phone number here is 616 391 1774 and I am in room 1617.

We've always known you were full of $&*# !!!!! But I don't think that will show up on the results. ;)

Get well, John. Hope that the test results in a simple change to meds and hope you are back in good health and fine spirits soon. :up:

All these recurring heart issues showing up here on the MM.Net is making me nervous as H3LL. :(

08-10-2010, 06:45 AM
Dammit man!

Let me know if I can do anything for you, like take care of the T Bolt or anything.... :D


Bradley G
08-10-2010, 07:04 AM
Don't be sayin' your not moving well or Dr. Bradley G will be there with the Gloves on!:eek:
Who Loves ya'?, Who's yer' Buddie?, Who's you Pal?:D

08-10-2010, 07:06 AM
I might need you to do more mods on my sound system so ya better get well soon.

08-10-2010, 07:08 AM

Don't be sayin' your not moving well or Dr. Bradley G will be there with the Gloves on!:eek:
Who Loves ya'?, Who's yer' Buddie?, Who's you Pal?:D

He's been itching to use those gloves since Indy MV7. :rofl:

08-10-2010, 07:11 AM
Hang in there man! Hope medication is all that is needed. Get well soon!!

Ms. Denmark
08-10-2010, 07:28 AM
We're so sorry to hear this John! You and Linda are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending you positive energy for a complete recovery! :)

Ms. Denmark
08-10-2010, 07:33 AM
He's actually in Room 6817.

08-10-2010, 07:38 AM
John get well and take care of yourself and listen to Nurse Linda.

Joe Walsh
08-10-2010, 07:41 AM
Glad to hear that you are doing "OK"....good luck with the tests and get well soon!
Marianne and I will keep you in our prayers.

william s
08-10-2010, 07:47 AM
I hope you get well soon.

08-10-2010, 08:13 AM
Get better soon! Need you to be at Marauderville VIII!

08-10-2010, 09:27 AM
Dammit man!

Let me know if I can do anything for you, like take care of the T Bolt or anything.... :D

FEEL BETTER!!!! Well Marty it is due to have the oil change and some more wax! Come and get her if you are ready to work!:D

ProRauder I am still going to make a run at ya!:burnout: :banana2:

For the rest of you people I have changed the fun number so it rings into the room. I could not find it! Seems its on the wall right in front of me!!!:shake:

I did the test and am back in the room. The actual test takes 15 seconds! They inject a nuclear chemical in. It was not bad. Before the test they injected dye into my sytem and took pictures of my heart for 15 minutes. When the chemical test was done they inject dye a second time and you wait for 20 minutes so it goes thru the body again. Then back to the 15 minutes of heart pictures again. I will see the heart Dr. in a couple of hours to see what he has to say. Till then no news. My spirits are good over all this and at this time I have no more chest pains!

08-10-2010, 09:32 AM
Glad you are ok John and feeling better. Only to months for sshs10. Are you coming this year with the gm?
Take care.

08-10-2010, 09:35 AM
Some how I knew the Poop/crap story was going get a following----:o

So do cut the crap!!! ;) :lol:---and get on down here next month----you've been a great inspiration to a lot of folks and on many levels-- we all are with you through all of this---

Take care and keep us posted-------Tom

08-10-2010, 09:36 AM
Prayers sent! Hope your back in the store/behind the wheels soon:)

08-10-2010, 09:55 AM
Good luck John and get well!!

Mr. Man
08-10-2010, 10:22 AM
Hope you feel better John. I know being in the hospital can be a drag. If you keep going in to the hospital people are going to think Doomies got you runnin' scared.:D:lol:

08-10-2010, 10:44 AM
Mr. Man you need to tell Doomie its time to start running! They are letting me out in a couple of hours. The stress test was pretty good and they feel they can control the issues with one more medicine that has a small amount of Nitro in it. I hope this works as the next step would be more cath lab work which would be tricky as the arteries that present the problem are very small and hard to stent. Plus the stents in the small arteries could create more problems. I hope this all works out and only time will tell us what the results will be. I do feel comfortable with the Drs. consultation. Thanks again for all support from here.

Marty it looks like you are going to have to wait on T Bolt again.:P

John I am going to be ready for you even faster now that I am Nitro Powered!!!!!!!:lol:

08-10-2010, 10:46 AM
Mr. Man you need to tell Doomie its time to start running! They are letting me out in a couple of hours. The stress test was pretty good and they feel they can control the issues with one more medicine that has a small amount of Nitro in it. I hope this works as the next step would be more cath lab work which would be tricky as the arteries that present the problem are very small and hard to stent. Plus the stents in the small arteries could create more problems. I hope this all works out and only time will tell us what the results will be. I do feel comfortable with the Drs. consultation. Thanks again for all support from here.

Marty it looks like you are going to have to wait on T Bolt again.:P

John you better watch out as I will be Nitro powered!:lol:

Thanks again everyone!:beer:


08-10-2010, 11:21 AM
Get well soon, and you're in our prayers!

08-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Great news John!!!! :up:

Glad to hear your heading home:)

08-10-2010, 12:09 PM
Pops thank god you are ok!!!

Just now reading this!

Will call you in a few! :chat:

Your pal DOOMIE. :D

08-10-2010, 12:24 PM
Just got off the phone with the old man.
He's being released and waiting for linda to pick him up! :banana2:

:cool5: :cool5:

Mr. Man
08-10-2010, 12:55 PM
Wonder if a few of those Nitro pills would make the T-Bolt faster?:hmmm:
Glad to hear your feeling better. Now comes the hard part, getting Linda to pamper to your every whim but yet not becoming overbearing, it's a fine line.:lol:

08-10-2010, 01:44 PM
Take care, hoping for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to seeing you at SSHS10

08-10-2010, 01:56 PM
I hope you have a speedy recovery John. A change in meds has made a world of difference in my heart probs. I'm surprised they would leave a 70% blockage in place.

08-10-2010, 02:01 PM
Speedy recovery John!!!!

White Knuckles
08-10-2010, 03:24 PM
Hope the meds do the trick----best wishes!!

08-10-2010, 03:31 PM
Sorry to hear this John you need to race more and spend less time in the hospital. I'm only a few hours away let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

08-10-2010, 04:31 PM
Wonder if a few of those Nitro pills would make the T-Bolt faster?:hmmm:

We can check it at MV8. I've been carrying a bottle of 100 since January. Fortunately, the bottle is still full. :D

08-10-2010, 05:11 PM
Get well soon!

08-10-2010, 05:45 PM
YOO, don't wait so long to go to the hospital but i'am glad you caught lots of fish. Hope things are moving now, get better you have some racing to do. :)

08-10-2010, 06:32 PM
Damn John, really? I think per rules of the website your only allowed a heart thread once a year! Get well Bud! AND STAY WELL!!!

Bradley G
08-10-2010, 06:40 PM
Glad to learn they released you John~

SC Cheesehead
08-10-2010, 07:35 PM
We've always known you were full of $&*# !!!!! But I don't think that will show up on the results. ;)

Get well, John. Hope that the test results in a simple change to meds and hope you are back in good health and fine spirits soon. :up:

All these recurring heart issues showing up here on the MM.Net is making me nervous as H3LL. :(

^^^^^^^ + 1 ^^^^^^^ ;)

You're in my prayers, bubba, get yourself well, then make sure you get your azz down you MV8, somebody's gotta keep Doomie in line...http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/images/smilies/Beat_Them_With_Sticks_extended .gif

08-10-2010, 08:36 PM
Hey, Pops glad they released you to roam the streets again. Stay well so you can avoid them there hospitals, of course if theres lots of them pretty nurses running around, all bets are off :D. We'll understand.

08-10-2010, 09:58 PM
glad you got out wish you well

Local Boy
08-10-2010, 11:15 PM
Always wishing you All the Best, my friend...


08-11-2010, 06:46 AM
Thanks for all the replys everyone. I am back at work today and have one more day before the restictions are off. I do get to taake Thursday off to go fishing with my son! The only thing is the only thing I am allowed to do is drive the boat!!!! It should be fun watching him and his friends having fun. As far as Linda goes she will try to keep me in line with her Hockey stick!

08-11-2010, 07:02 AM
Glad to hear you are better today. Also glad to hear you are paying attention to your body and go to the doctor. Sounds like you have good doctors. I wish you another 100 yrs of good life.

08-11-2010, 07:14 AM
Glad you're feeling better :beer:

08-11-2010, 07:14 AM
Just saw this thread, glad you are doing better, take care of yourself.

08-11-2010, 10:11 AM
Just saw this thread as I do not get on here often.

Was about to call but, saw you are back at work.

Glad you're doing better. :beer:

08-11-2010, 06:40 PM
Glad you are feeling better. Take care John.

08-11-2010, 06:44 PM
Glad to hear your back POPS. We kinda missed ya. Only restriction is driving the boat heh. Well at least the DOC didn't restrict ya from driving the MM.

08-11-2010, 06:54 PM
So glad to hear you are back home and at work John. I hope for nothing but smooth sailing for you.

08-11-2010, 09:15 PM
wow, glad everything is ok, we most likely will be back up that way this weekend, if you need anything let us know, Sharon or I can pop by.

08-12-2010, 01:02 PM
Glad everything is okay :beer:

08-13-2010, 06:36 AM
Just read this, glad you are better :beer:

08-13-2010, 07:05 AM
I took my son and his friends fishing yesterday. It was a good relaxing day. Work today and then back to the boat for the weekend!

08-13-2010, 10:00 AM
John, glad to hear that you are back at work and in the boat. Please take care, my friend and watch out for that hockey stick. One slap with that baby and you will have real trouble.:D Get well.. see you in Commerce in November. Dennis

08-14-2010, 05:55 AM
John /Linda glad to hear your out of the hospital. I just caught this thread today and feel bad that I hadn't seen it sooner. Gail and I send our best wishes to you and linda.
I couldn't post any pictures of those excellent steelhead and trout we caught because when I updated my wife's phone the updated erased all her recent photos?
Gail and Gary