View Full Version : Tax Cuts Middle Class & Small Business

09-10-2010, 09:55 AM
President Obama just announced he has cut taxes for the Middle Class and Small Business!

As a member of both please tell me what taxes he has cut?:confused:


Paul T. Casey
09-10-2010, 10:07 AM
In the new politicalspeak, anytime you don't raise taxes with a specific bill, you can claim you've cut them. This also holds true for "letting the Bush tax cuts expire." No legislation was enacted calling for raising the rates, ergo a tax cut. You got to get hip to these new lingos. BTW, tax breaks for small business was just a fad.

09-10-2010, 11:05 AM
Allowing the "Bush Tax Cuts" to expire goes back to the "Clinton Tax Increases". The ones Al Gore as Pres of the Senate cast the tie breaking vote to effect.

To date nothing has been done to extend any part of the "Bush Tax Cuts". Pres Obama used the past tense, perhaps he mispoke???:confused:

Crown Vicman
09-10-2010, 11:35 AM
Im not sure about that but I know on January 1,2011 the US shall have the biggest tax hike in American history.

09-10-2010, 12:33 PM
You don't think our president would mislead us do you? :lol:

09-10-2010, 02:23 PM
Obamas war against American jobs continues. It won't end until we ALL have to beg Fedzilla for help.

http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/09/the_rich_have_another_name_emp _1.html

09-10-2010, 04:32 PM
That's what nobody seems to get. Even on an individual basis rather than small business, people with higher incomes are willing to pay somebody else to do work for them. People with lower incomes will do it themselves because they can't afford to hire somebody to do it for them. Raising taxes on the higher incomes just reduces their ability to hire other people.

I've been there, I paid to have remodelling done on my house, paid to have car mods done, paid to have regular maintenance done on my cars, paid to have my lawn mowed. Because I could afford it and because I had more money than time. Now that my incme is reduced, I do my own maintenance work, figure out how to do the car mods myself, repair the plumbing, replace the storm doors, paint the walls and trim, mow the yard, trim the trees. Maybe it's not much, but there are a few people who counted on that portion of their income. Whack the rich with unreasonable tax increases and they will quit hiring people. Heck, a lot of them already have just because they anticipate the tax increases. They'll hold onto cash until the administration changes hands or changes policy.

09-10-2010, 04:58 PM
Being a remodeling contractor, I know all too well that people with a little extra money aren't spending it like they used to, and are doing the jobs themselves. The last 3 years for me has been extremely tough. Obambi just keeps making things worse.

09-10-2010, 06:52 PM
Analysis on Tax Cuts and Fed tax Revenues
http://startthinkingright.wordpress.c om/2010/09/08/tax-cuts-increase-revenues-they-have-always-increased-revenues/

Art Laffer developed the Laffer Curve which showed a 0% tax would yield the same tax revenue as a 100% tax. Point being taxation changes behavior.

09-14-2010, 05:54 AM
Yeah, lets give the top 2% a break on their taxes.

09-14-2010, 05:57 AM
Yeah, lets give the top 2% a break on their taxes.
They hold 98% of the wealth.

09-14-2010, 06:07 AM
Yeah, lets give the top 2% a break on their taxes.

They hold 98% of the wealth.

And do well over 90% of the hiring. Anybody ever been hired to work for a poor person?

09-14-2010, 07:30 AM
Does Gov't taking from those who generate wealth, charging an Admin Fee in the process and giving it to those who do not generate wealth increase wealth? The answer is no it does not increase wealth, it reduces wealth.
If Gov't were a wealth generator we would all be trying to get into Cuba and North Korea.
The TOP 1% have 20% of the income and pay 40% of the income tax, up from 36% under the Clinton Tax Increase.
The big question is where will the money for this tax incrase come from? No dining out, no new car, no new TV, no new boat, no vacation and no new job.
The second biggest question is what will Gov't do with the Capital it has removed from the economy? Will Gov't bail out another bank, Wall Street firm, Insurance firm, car company, study the reproductive habits of the fly?

None of it matters if spending is not reduced. Dobling the tax to 75%+ on the top 1% will not eliminate the deficit or pay back the debt.

The increased tax on my partner and myself is close to a part time employee. Until we know our income tax for 2011 we will not be hiring.

It is not a break on their TAXES. It is only a break on their TAXES if you believe Gov't owns all and determines who gets what. Clinton increased the taxes by Al Gore casting the tie breaking vote. Going back to the Clinton Tax Increase is a Tax increase!

09-14-2010, 07:48 AM
What is appalling is per USA Today the AVERAGE Fed Civilian Salary and benefits is $125K per year over double the average job in the USA. Under the current Admin the Fed Civilian workforce has increased 10%. A Fed couple is bringing in ~$240K per year.
The most frequent visitor to the WH the President of the SEIU, the ACORN founded Public Employees Union. Why do Public Employees need protection from the tax payer?
When will Gov't reform? When will Gov't be required to set goals and meet performance standards?
When I graduated from College my peers who went into Gov't accepted 30% lower pay in exchange for job stability and benefits. I have been the founder and/or owner of 6 businsses. Had my wife and I went to work for the Feds we would have accumulated a retirement worth millions with no risk.
When it is more profitable to work for the Gov't than to generate wealth our society has reached the tipping point of wealth decline.

Fed Income Tax, State Income Tax, Sales Tax, Fuel Tax, Phone Tax, Property Tax, etc. total close to 50% of my income. Gov't is over 35% of every dollar in our economy, leaving only 65% available to generate wealth. When does Gov't ever have enough momey. 47% pay no Fed income tax. 40% get money from the Fed. How can 60% be expected to support 40%?

Joe Walsh
09-14-2010, 08:10 AM
What is appalling is per USA Today the AVERAGE Fed Civilian Salary and benefits is $125K per year over double the average job in the USA. Under the current Admin the Fed Civilian workforce has increased 10%. A Fed couple is bringing in ~$240K per year.
The most frequent visitor to the WH the President of the SEIU, the ACORN founded Public Employees Union. Why do Public Employees need protection from the tax payer?
When will Gov't reform? When will Gov't be required to set goals and meet performance standards?
When I graduated from College my peers who went into Gov't accepted 30% lower pay in exchange for job stability and benefits. I have been the founder and/or owner of 6 businsses. Had my wife and I went to work for the Feds we would have accumulated a retirement worth millions with no risk.
When it is more profitable to work for the Gov't than to generate wealth our society has reached the tipping point of wealth decline.


The time is soon coming we will have more City, County, State and Federal government employees than we have in the private sector.
I'm no tax whiz....but....How will that work?
And, as you pointed out, being a government employee no longer means trading a lower salary for better benefits and lifelong job security.
(You only get fired if you "Go Postal" and shoot coworkers.....:rolleyes:)
I remember when Linda Tripp...you know...she taped Monica's conversation about Slick Willie's bent weener?
She was put on PAID administrative leave from her $93,000/yr Pentagon job during that whole hubbub back in 1998.

This is how she Tripp "retired" from her Federal Government job:

Tripp sued the Department of Defense and the Justice Department for releasing information from her security file and employment file to the news media in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto handled Tripp's Privacy Act lawsuit. On November 3, 2003, Tripp reached a settlement with the federal government. The settlement included a one-time payment of more than $595,000, a retroactive promotion, and retroactive pay at the highest salary for 1998, 1999 and 2000. She also received a pension and was cleared to work for the federal government again. Her rights to remain part of a class action lawsuit against the government were also preserved.

09-14-2010, 08:17 AM

The time is soon coming we will have more City, County, State and Federal government employees than we have in the private sector.
I'm no tax whiz....but....How will that work?
And, as you pointed out, being a government employee no longer means trading a lower salary for better benefits and lifelong job security.
(You only get fired if you "Go Postal" and shoot coworkers.....:rolleyes:)
I remember when Linda Tripp...you know...she taped Monica's conversation about Slick Willie's bent weener?
She was put on PAID administrative leave from her $93,000/yr Pentagon job during that whole hubbub back in 1998.

This is how she Tripp "retired" from her Federal Government job:

Tripp sued the Department of Defense and the Justice Department for releasing information from her security file and employment file to the news media in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto handled Tripp's Privacy Act lawsuit. On November 3, 2003, Tripp reached a settlement with the federal government. The settlement included a one-time payment of more than $595,000, a retroactive promotion, and retroactive pay at the highest salary for 1998, 1999 and 2000. She also received a pension and was cleared to work for the federal government again. Her rights to remain part of a class action lawsuit against the government were also preserved.

Sweet Jesus! All that money AND smokin' hot!

Joe Walsh
09-14-2010, 08:23 AM
Sweet Jesus! All that money AND smokin' hot!

LOL.... When the government hands you $595,000 + back pay and a full pension, you can afford to 'get pretty':

Since the Lewinsky scandal Tripp has moved to Northern Virginia, had extensive plastic surgery, married German architect Dieter Rausch in 2004 and opened with her new husband a year-round Christmas shop, called the Christmas Sleigh, in Middleburg, Virginia.

09-14-2010, 08:31 AM
LOL.... When the government hands you $595,000 + back pay and a full pension, you can afford to 'get pretty':

Since the Lewinsky scandal Tripp has moved to Northern Virginia, had extensive plastic surgery, married German architect Dieter Rausch in 2004 and opened with her new husband a year-round Christmas shop, called the Christmas Sleigh, in Middleburg, Virginia.

Incredible. Hey maybe someone will 'Monica' Obama and we can impeach him. Aaaaand gonna go ahead and call dibs on IBTL after that comment.

09-14-2010, 08:36 AM
Incredible. Hey maybe someone will 'Monica' Obama and we can impeach him. Aaaaand gonna go ahead and call dibs on IBTL after that comment.

Are you volunteering Case?

09-14-2010, 08:40 AM
Are you volunteering Case?
If it would work? Hell yes.

09-14-2010, 11:39 AM
And this goes back to "knocking having anal sex with a white man and a black man" off your bucket list. Way to take one for the team Casey :censor: