View Full Version : Did you know the DREAM act almost got shoved down our throats today?

09-21-2010, 07:26 PM


09-21-2010, 07:31 PM
Un"F"ing real!!!!

09-21-2010, 07:35 PM
In Chicago (http://www.nbcchicago.com/topics?topic=Chicago), a group of about two dozen people gathered in front of Republican headquarters Tuesday morning to gain support. The group included undocumented young people, like 23-year-old Irera Unzueta, who has been in the U.S. since she was seven.
"We have so much talent and we have so much energy and we are so ready to continue helping and contributing, but we're just not allowed that chance," she said.

Go take you *****g talent and energy and march your a$$ back to your country or become a legal tax paying citizen. WTF is so hard for them to do it the right way. What a giant slap in the face to all imigrants who became good law abiding tax paying citizens.

09-21-2010, 07:39 PM
God, I hope Reid gets defeated. He tried to tack this and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell onto the Defense Appropriations Bill. Slime dog, trying to back-door and end-around anything they can before the elections.

Egon Spengler
09-21-2010, 07:45 PM
That is Fukken waxed.... oh wait, wrong thread.
That is nuts!

09-21-2010, 08:01 PM
Why do Illegals come to the USA at great peril to themselves and their families? The Coyotes beat them and rape many of the young women. The answer is corruption and their fellow countrymen who tolerate corruption. 60% of illegals come from Mexico, a country with an industrious population and vast natural resources. The Mexican Gov't isssues fake IDs, hands out brochures and teaches courses on how to get a job in the USA illegally.
The corrupt Mexican Gov't relies on the USA as a prop to their own failed policies, we are proping up the corrupt Mexican Gov't. Enforce our laws and secure our border as President Ike did and the good Mexicans will return home over throwing their corrupt Gov't, ending the cycle of poverty.

I visited a client on the TX border who hires 40% Mexicans with a Green Card. They must get cleared by the FBI and get drug tested on a regular basis. They told me the Cartels control the banks in Mexico and give them the bank accounts of the workers with USA dollars coming in. They kid nap the legal Mexican workers moms and dads in Mexico for the amount in their bank accounts. If they come to the USA illegally with their family they are no longer a kidnap target.

Most illegal immigrants are low skilled, hard working and illiterate in both their native language and in English. When they aer granted amnesty they will no longer have a cost advantage to be hired. They will not be able to compete and will end up on welfare.

We turn our backs to the terrible human suffering from the slave trade of smuggling them to the USA and then we will grant them amnesty enslaving them economically while proping up their corrupt Gov't. No wonder they hate us.

1 Bad Merc
09-21-2010, 08:58 PM
Where was the INS agents arresting these illegal immigrants at the rally? Why dont they do their frickin' jobs! By rights these people should be deported.

09-21-2010, 09:37 PM
God, I hope Reid gets defeated. He tried to tack this and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell onto the Defense Appropriations Bill. Slime dog, trying to back-door and end-around anything they can before the elections.

That's my favorite part of the whole story though, where he tacks on an unrelated bill in the hopes of it riding on the curtails of the positive bill, and then turns around and says (and I quote) "But to hide behind this procedural ruse -- this unanimous consent request -- is totally unfair." when it flops.

If there's one thing the democrats have upheld in the past two years, it's their claim of transparency: I don't think it gets any more plain and obvious how devious and two-faced these people are.

09-22-2010, 03:16 AM
Why do Illegals come to the USA at great peril to themselves and their families? The Coyotes beat them and rape many of the young women. The answer is corruption and their fellow countrymen who tolerate corruption. 60% of illegals come from Mexico, a country with an industrious population and vast natural resources. The Mexican Gov't isssues fake IDs, hands out brochures and teaches courses on how to get a job in the USA illegally.
The corrupt Mexican Gov't relies on the USA as a prop to their own failed policies, we are proping up the corrupt Mexican Gov't. Enforce our laws and secure our border as President Ike did and the good Mexicans will return home over throwing their corrupt Gov't, ending the cycle of poverty.

I visited a client on the TX border who hires 40% Mexicans with a Green Card. They must get cleared by the FBI and get drug tested on a regular basis. They told me the Cartels control the banks in Mexico and give them the bank accounts of the workers with USA dollars coming in. They kid nap the legal Mexican workers moms and dads in Mexico for the amount in their bank accounts. If they come to the USA illegally with their family they are no longer a kidnap target.

Most illegal immigrants are low skilled, hard working and illiterate in both their native language and in English. When they aer granted amnesty they will no longer have a cost advantage to be hired. They will not be able to compete and will end up on welfare.

We turn our backs to the terrible human suffering from the slave trade of smuggling them to the USA and then we will grant them amnesty enslaving them economically while proping up their corrupt Gov't. No wonder they hate us.

Well said, Sir. I did not know that about the banks, interesting.

09-22-2010, 04:06 AM
Mexico is a threat to the US. We should give Mexico an ultimatum; "invite the US to administer the country or we will invade". We could then establish a regent, martial law and proceed to end the drug cartels and corruption.

Oh wait, we can't do that cause the fuel for the drug market and attendant corruption is in the US and we can't stop American's from wanting their daily doses. Drats. The drug cartels and corruption would just move to Norte Americana.

09-22-2010, 06:58 AM
No wonder they hate us.

Who f***king cares if they "hate" us?
They need to fix their own country before screwing up someone else's.

09-22-2010, 07:07 AM
That is the point, so long as our Gov't props up their corrupt Govt's and we are an economic outlet for their corrupt Govt's they will continue to come here.
Until we change our policy it will be more of the same with the violence coming to a town near you.

Joe Walsh
09-22-2010, 07:23 AM
In Chicago (http://www.nbcchicago.com/topics?topic=Chicago), a group of about two dozen people gathered in front of Republican headquarters Tuesday morning to gain support. The group included undocumented young people, like 23-year-old Irera Unzueta, who has been in the U.S. since she was seven.
"We have so much talent and we have so much energy and we are so ready to continue helping and contributing, but we're just not allowed that chance," she said.

Go take you *****g talent and energy and march your a$$ back to your country or become a legal tax paying citizen. WTF is so hard for them to do it the right way. What a giant slap in the face to all imigrants who became good law abiding tax paying citizens.

My feelings exactly!!

Why can't the Democrats see it that way???

Because all those illegal immigrants will become "the government gives us money!!" voting Democrats.....that's why.

09-22-2010, 07:24 AM
Every U S congressman that was for this bill should be exported to Mexico so they can enjoy their chosen country. They do not like this country.

09-22-2010, 08:58 AM
My feelings exactly!!

Why can't the Democrats see it that way???

Because all those illegal immigrants will become "the government gives us money!!" voting Democrats.....that's why.

And THIS ^^^^ is why the measure will be introduced again and again. The Dems know that they dont have anything going for this this November, but if they can instantly legalize all the illegals in the country (even if it's just the children of illegals that have been here for five years, and blah blah blah) that they stand a good chance of winning the November elections. This is no different than all the voter fraud, voter intimidation, and ACORN stuff of 2008.

09-23-2010, 07:54 AM
Where was the INS agents arresting these illegal immigrants at the rally? Why dont they do their frickin' jobs! By rights these people should be deported.

Dont blame Immigrations SA's. Blame politics. Alien sweeps require authorization at department level. FYI, it has been the same policy for decades, under Republican and Democrat administrations. Neither party really wants to stop illegal immigration. For Republicans, its cheap labor. For Democrats, its more do-gooderism.

1 Bad Merc
09-23-2010, 11:34 AM
That is what is crazy about the whole thing- That people can go ahead and flout the law so openly without a care in the world is incredible! Heaven forbid we treat the Illegals like Mexico treats their immigrants!

09-28-2010, 03:53 PM
Grow pot here, legalize and tax it. This would help on sooooo many levels. As for the illegals. Just how big are their balls to protest here ILLEGALLY? Tells ya right there they don't give a rats azz about this great land, it's all about our money..

09-28-2010, 04:16 PM
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy

The last real president of the United States.