View Full Version : xcal 3 question

09-23-2010, 11:32 PM
Okay so I have a xcal 3 tuner with a custom tune. The shift firmness is set at 0 on the handheld but the car still shift firm. He said he also did some tuning to the transmission. Maybe he set the shift firmness on his computer while he was tuning it. But I want it to shift a lil bit more firmer. Is it okay to change my shift firmness on my handheld. By doing this will it mess up the the shift firmness on the custom tune

09-24-2010, 04:15 AM
I believe that you can start to adjust the shift firmness, you are not changing the tune programming permanently. You're only altering it at that time...meaning that if you went back to a stock tune (or some other tune), then re-loaded your present tune, the firmness would have to be adjusted from 0 again.
These "tunes" are computer files. The adjustable features you are talking about, do not change the actual file.

Here's a question and response I got from SCT Support regarding exactly what you are asking here.

My qestion:
"If any user adjustable settings are changed IN THE SCT PERFORMANCE TUNE, and I don't like them, can I return all the SCT settings back to your settings?"

Their answer:
"you will be able to return the settings back to default setting if you do not like the changes you have made to the tune using the preloaded options."

Hope this helps.

09-30-2010, 02:06 AM
You can try changing with the controller, it will only allow you to do so much. Shift firmness (through the programming) is not just one value. There are many different things that compile together to result in a firmer shift. Most handheld units wont allow but so much user control. Meaning, if the programmer of you handheld unit did it properly, you can control everything you can safely without harming anything.

Bradley G
09-30-2010, 03:46 AM
If you want crisp firm shifts do the J mod.
I've had my car almost seven years and justbob just did a J mod to my car this summer and I love it!
I would have done it first, had I known how quick it would make the car shift.