View Full Version : Search Function

09-29-2010, 08:55 PM
Recently I've noticed a lot of threads with statements like "I tried using search, but found nothing." and "The forum search function sucks." I have to say I have had the same annoying issues with the search function. That's because the site's search function sorts it's results by recent activity, not relevance. Also, if the information you want is on page 12 of the thread it will just link you to page 1 and you have to find it yourself.

The solution is use Google search. Go to google.com and type site:mercurymarauder.net followed by your search terms. It will do a Google search on just MM net and it does a hell of a lot better than the built in search function. You'll never have to struggle with the crappy search function again.

PS: A suggestion to the site admins, I've seen other forums implement Google search as the built in search tool. Maybe this would be a good idea. It should cut down on repeat threads at least a little.

09-30-2010, 02:04 AM
^^^^ Hey, it works.


Ms. Denmark
09-30-2010, 02:23 AM
Thanks for the info Rocco! I had pretty much given up on using Search LOL!

Bradley G
09-30-2010, 03:49 AM
great info, I too gave up on using search through the site.

SC Cheesehead
09-30-2010, 04:23 AM
svtperformance.com has this feature, I've tried it a couple times.

If I use the MM.net search, I usually start with a thread search, the "postings" search is a mess.

09-30-2010, 06:40 AM
The site search that Google offers is really valuable.

I showed my wife how to use it because her grad school's website is horrible to navigate and it's way easier to have Google do it for you.

09-30-2010, 06:46 AM
I don't have any problems with the search function. You just have to use the right combination of words. It helps if you can remember who said it and about when it was discussed. ;) It takes a little practice. :P

09-30-2010, 07:26 AM
Can't beat the results on Google....I've got the patients and the skill to carve this site up easily when I'm locked in on a topic (I've scoured this site on MAF and NOS and TC stuff lately thinking of my spring '11 mods)...but I can agree that the chronological order of the search results sometimes makes it a deep reading session going back 12, 20 or whatever pages to get back to 2008, 2005, etc.

Nice find! I'd say both methods work but the Google drives straight to the hoop.


09-30-2010, 10:48 AM
Recently I've noticed a lot of threads with statements like "I tried using search, but found nothing." and "The forum search function sucks." I have to say I have had the same annoying issues with the search function. That's because the site's search function sorts it's results by recent activity, not relevance. Also, if the information you want is on page 12 of the thread it will just link you to page 1 and you have to find it yourself.

The solution is use Google search. Go to google.com and type site:mercurymarauder.net followed by your search terms. It will do a Google search on just MM net and it does a hell of a lot better than the built in search function. You'll never have to struggle with the crappy search function again.

I am glad you brought this issue up. I wasn't sure if it was me who doesn't know the proper syntax or what. I find it difficult to search when you want two or more words and you need all of the words on the same post. Here is an example, if you want info on "stainless steel bumper inserts" I don't want posts on stainless steel exhaust or bumper replacement or whatever else you can come up with. If you did a google search and wanted all four words in that same order, all you have to do is put them inside quotes. I believe on most search engines you can use the "&" symbol between words. If any of you know how to search for multiple words, I am all ears.

The Google search solution makes great sense to me!

PS: A suggestion to the site admins, I've seen other forums implement Google search as the built in search tool. Maybe this would be a good idea. It should cut down on repeat threads at least a little.

^ ^ ^ I second RocsMerc's suggestion!!!

09-30-2010, 10:55 AM
Try the search function, noobs!

09-30-2010, 11:19 AM
Yeah!! Use the search function weirdo!!

Just kidding.

09-30-2010, 11:41 AM
HEHE! Look at all the whiners! :D
site:mercurymarauder.net search function

09-30-2010, 12:16 PM
Thanks so much for the google info. I really hated using the search function especially if i wasnt even sure if there's already a thread on the problem I'm looking for. This should help greatly.