View Full Version : No COLA again

10-10-2010, 10:17 AM
Hmmm, did Congress get a raise this year?


10-10-2010, 10:22 AM
This comment deleted by Chuck Norris. Reason: Not enough violent content.

10-10-2010, 10:27 AM
Hmmm, did Congress get a raise this year?


Congress stole the Social Security money. I am 51 and I am projected to only get 76% of benefits which is a negative return. At 100% benefits I get a 2% return.

Social Security is the greates Ponzi Scheme in the history of man.

In 2 years our Gov't has increased the Public Debt as a %of our economy by 55%, $10,600 for every man, woman and child. More disturbingly our Gov't has Budgeted increasing the Public Debt another 50% asuming average annual growht og 4% and unemployment of 4.5%.
The IMF says it will be 105% where Greece was 2 years ago.

The Fed is going to try to bring back inflation to pay down old dollar debt with new lower dollars. What this means is 1) we cannot pay back the debt and 2) the economy is strng enough to with stand inflation.

They will SUCKER you in the future with a BIG COLA, however I guarrantee you it will be less than INFLATION .

Gov't workers do not worry your generous Pension Plans that return ~10% are protected.