View Full Version : Busted

10-13-2010, 08:15 PM
Got nailed tonight for driving without a seat belt in my Jeep. It didn't matter that I haven't had a moving violation since 1993. They finally got me. Oh well...

If I understand this all correctly, these fines are meant to keep me safe by encouraging me to buckle up. If that's the case (and I doubt it is) why not fine me for;

1. Riding a motorcycle. Those things don't even have seat belts! Or bumpers, air bags, crumple zones, or about a gazillion other safety features that cars have. I don't even have to wear a helmet anymore. (I do but that's mostly because June bugs taste awful.)

2. Riding the town bike. Speaking of helmets, why not create condom use laws? My "dress code" is my best cowboy boots and nothing else. Bumping bellys with her is certainly much more dangerous than riding motorcycle. Why isn't there a fine for that?

3. Joining the Army during a war. I did that in 1990. If they were really interested in keeping me safe, they should have fined me $5,000 for that one. Nope, no fine all though...

4. Smoking 2 packs a day and drinking 24 cups (two pots) of coffee/day. No fine at all there! The way I see it, if smoking was bad, they'd ban it. Right? I mean they got rid of lead paint, leaded gas, and about a 1,000 other things that are bad for us. Why not smokes?

5. Cutting firewood. Working alone in the woods with chainsaws and falling trees. That's real safe :rolleyes:. Again, absolutely zero fines for that! Nearly got killed twice this week doing that.

6. Bees. A simple bee sting can kill me. There are bee nests everywhere out here. Why is no one even attempting to fine me for living on a farm filled with old buildings packed with bees?

Seriously, I do wear my belt once in a while, but a $100+ fine for not wearing one? Lesson learned Minnesota! I'll take the motorcycle next time, with no helmet, to the town bikes house, put the spurs to her, and have a smoke afterward.

If you really cared about me Minnesota, you'll fine the heck outta me. I must be stopped before I hurt myself. :rolleyes:

10-13-2010, 08:17 PM
You do know that 'revenue' was badly misspelled in the law book? Right?

10-13-2010, 08:25 PM
The Federal Register has over 4,000 laws up from 165 in 1890. Please note most criminal laws are State not Federal.
Since 1980 over 300,000 new laws have been passed. In less that 2 years over 200 new Federal Laws have become effective totalling over 8,000 pages. No person or group of people knows what the new laws say or mean.,

Soon it will be more efficient for Gov't to tell us what to do instead of not what to do.
Tyranny is upon us. First the King shall have your gold, then your wife and finally your life. Rise up and break the chains of TYRANNY!

10-13-2010, 09:09 PM
Why is no one even attempting to fine me for living on a farm filled with old buildings packed with bees?

Because of the sweet sweet honey. :D At least I read your whole rant...

Big Black Beast
10-13-2010, 09:25 PM
I always wear my seat belt.
It's just automatic.
The ONE time I got distracted and forgot to put it on, I got stopped.
They offered to drop the fine if I went to "traffic school".
I paid the fine.

10-13-2010, 09:38 PM
I'm taking this one to court. F' em!

I'm gonna march in right there with my cycle helmet under my arms and proudly tell the Judge that I didn't use my selt belt today either. Maybe the irony of this "we're here to protect you from yourself" attitude will sink into at least one thick skull.

I wasn't even speeding when they pulled me over. The cop told me it was a "sting". (Wow! A whole State Wide sting just to get me?). I know he was just trying to make me feel better, but still...

Also, who did I hurt? Me? You? Anyone else? No, no and no!

Who ever coined the phrase "No harm, no foul" never drove 25 mph through a sleepy, one horse town in rural Minnesota.

10-13-2010, 09:58 PM
You do know that 'revenue' was badly misspelled in the law book? Right?

It seems to me that the 'Thin blue line' has turned into the States last hope to save 'the bottom line'. I guess this what happens when polititions spending goes into the red.

I have no issue with law enforcement or laws. I dislike "laws" that were created soley to be enforced (randonly) for revenue creation.

The only reason I wasn't wearing a belt tonight was because of the cold. I put on my heavy winter jacket and just planned to leave the belt off until it'd warmed up a bit inside. My Cherokee Sport is pretty cramped even without a thick coat on.

10-14-2010, 03:25 AM
I wasn't even speeding when they pulled me over. The cop told me it was a "sting". (Wow! A whole State Wide sting just to get me?). I know he was just trying to make me feel better, but still...

I thought you said a sting would kill you? Yeeeaaaah, caught you in lie!! :lol:

10-14-2010, 04:29 AM
Farmer John, did Sam pull up behind you with his rollers on? :lol:

When you go to court with your helmet, tell the judge that you did not even wear it.

10-14-2010, 04:32 AM
I'm taking this one to court. F' em!

I'm gonna march in right there with my cycle helmet under my arms and proudly tell the Judge that I didn't use my selt belt today either. Maybe the irony of this "we're here to protect you from yourself" attitude will sink into at least one thick skull.

I wasn't even speeding when they pulled me over. The cop told me it was a "sting". (Wow! A whole State Wide sting just to get me?). I know he was just trying to make me feel better, but still...

Also, who did I hurt? Me? You? Anyone else? No, no and no!

Who ever coined the phrase "No harm, no foul" never drove 25 mph through a sleepy, one horse town in rural Minnesota.

In your state failure to wear a seat belt a primary offence? By that I mean is the preception of failure to wear a seat belt probable cause to stop you, or is some other offence required to stop to establish probable cause?

10-14-2010, 07:04 AM
I'm taking this one to court. F' em!

I'm gonna march in right there with my cycle helmet under my arms and proudly tell the Judge that I didn't use my selt belt today either. Maybe the irony of this "we're here to protect you from yourself" attitude will sink into at least one thick skull.

Seems like a really good way to run a $100 fine into a $500 Contempt of Court charge. Hey, go for it. There's an old saying that you should "Choose Your Battles Wisely". Don't think that this is a good one at this time. There are much bigger battles to fight.

BTW --- I still can't believe that there are still people out there who do not wear seat belts. I fought the system for a couple years back in the 1970's; but found out that all the reasons I had for NOT wearing seatbelts were :bs: Have been wearing mine now for almost 40 years...... even with a winter coat on. No problem.

thathotrodlincn --- they don't need a reason to pull John over. He's offensive all the time. :jk:

10-14-2010, 07:18 AM
In your state failure to wear a seat belt a primary offence? By that I mean is the preception of failure to wear a seat belt probable cause to stop you, or is some other offence required to stop to establish probable cause?
In Indiana they can pull you over just for the s/b. In fact they even had seatbelt checkpoints for the longest time. The campaign was called Click It Or Ticket. :shake:

10-14-2010, 07:22 AM
In Indiana they can pull you over just for the s/b. In fact they even had seatbelt checkpoints for the longest time. The campaign was called Click It Or Ticket. :shake:
I'd like to start one called Purge Baby Purge. No papers? Your ass gets kicked back over the border even if you did have your seat belt on. We have check points for DUI's and seat bealts and baby seats and no one has a problem with it, but we can't set up paperwork checkpoints for illegals?
Good luck in courts, give 'em hell. I support your anger. I wear a seatbelt mainly because of my driving habits, but I think it should be optional.

10-14-2010, 07:32 AM
Sharpen you pitch forks and light your torches folks, we're going downtown!

10-14-2010, 07:35 AM

10-14-2010, 07:37 AM
I wear my sealtbelt because of the aggravating ding ding from the selt belt alarm. And my wife's nagging!!

10-14-2010, 07:46 AM
I wear my sealtbelt because of the aggravating ding ding from the selt belt alarm. And my wife's nagging!!

When I was a kid I used to ride in the package tray of the Torino fastback. I wasn't too good to go through the windshield with the rest of the family. When I was 8 my mom was driving me to school in the Torino, and got quarter panel'ed by a Ford dually. I flew off the seat into the metal dash. Kids these days are p*****s. :shake:

10-14-2010, 07:50 AM
When I was a kid I used to ride in the package tray of the Torino fastback. I wasn't too good to go through the windshield with the rest of the family. When I was 8 my mom was driving me to school in the Torino, and got quarter panel'ed by a Ford dually. I flew off the seat into the metal dash. Kids these days are p*****s. :shake:

Tell me about it, when I was a kid someone threw a metal beam off a building through the roof of the car. If I was wearing a sealt belt I would have been killed.

10-14-2010, 09:28 AM
Seatbelt laws are BS in my eyes. If I dont want to save my own life in case of a crash isnt it MY choice. I really doubt too many are killed by someone flying out of a car and hitting them. Government is way too much of a nanny state where they think they know better. Im growing to hate where this country is headed

10-14-2010, 09:33 AM
I know what you are talking about Leadfoot. I never wore a seatbelt till about ten years ago when I got pulled over and got a ticket. I thought it was a goofy thing to get pulled over for. I guess I decided I would not get a ticket for that again. There are laws against most everything. Maybe there should be one against getting married.It would at least save you a bunch of money.;)

10-14-2010, 09:35 AM
The law may be BS but explain that to the parents here in Michigan. Last week we had a 16 year old pass a car and lost control of it. 4 kids in the car. No one wearing seat belts. One of the passengers was ejected from the car and did not make it. Others hurt also. Seat belts and they would have at least had a chance! They do save lives and help stop injuries.

I was in the body shop business for many years and can tell you as soon as the law was enacted that we replaced a lot fewer windshields, dashes and steering wheels. Guess you have never picked teeth out of a dash and seen the carnage up close of not wearing a seat belt.Those of you who do not wear them are tempting fate in a way that you can not control. All over claiming it is your right and choice!

10-14-2010, 09:43 AM
...Those of you who do not wear them are tempting fate in a way that you can not control. All over claiming it is your right and choice!

...and it is my fate to chose not Big Brother.

10-14-2010, 09:51 AM
If I dont want to save my own life in case of a crash isnt it MY choice.

You'll probably feel differently when your brain is fully formed. :rolleyes:

Self-preservation is a fundamental survival instinct. If you don't have it .... you're on borrowed time. :P

10-14-2010, 10:13 AM
You'll probably feel differently when your brain is fully formed. :rolleyes:

Self-preservation is a fundamental survival instinct. If you don't have it .... you're on borrowed time. :P

Resistance is futitle, you will be assimilated into Obama's Health Care Plan.

10-14-2010, 10:15 AM
All over claiming it is your right and choice!

It's your "right and choice" to smoke, doesn't make it a smart choice. For now anyway... Until we can replace the insane amount of tax revenue with something not fatal... But just because it's a choice you can make legally doesn't make it the right one. When I said kids today are p*****s, I was joking. Seat belts work. Ever see a professional racer say "It's my right and my choice not to wear my harness." Not trying to be devil's advocate, wear your seatbelt people. :shake:

10-14-2010, 10:17 AM
Attempting suicide is against the law. What else would you call refusing to wear a seatbelt and ramming your car into a tree/pole/wall/car/truck?

10-14-2010, 01:57 PM
No seatbelt is now a Primary offence here in the Peoples Republic of Minnesota. I learned that last night.

I agree seat belt do save lives. Motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. There is some serious flaws in the states logic here about trying to protect people from themselves.

I put 6,000 miles on this summer without a belt. That was done at speeds up to 75 mph, in a deer infested area without any bumpers or airbags. Why does the state allow that? It's the inconsistancy of it all that annoys me.

I didn't wear my belt last night. A crime was commited. But who was the victim?

10-14-2010, 02:03 PM
I thought you said a sting would kill you? Yeeeaaaah, caught you in lie!! :lol:

Actually last nights sting just gave a really bad reaction.

The only thing that happened was some severe itching of the logic portion of my brain, a sharp pain to the wallet, and possibly a bruised ego.

10-14-2010, 02:22 PM
The law may be BS but explain that to the parents here in Michigan. Last week we had a 16 year old pass a car and lost control of it. 4 kids in the car. No one wearing seat belts. One of the passengers was ejected from the car and did not make it. Others hurt also. Seat belts and they would have at least had a chance! They do save lives and help stop injuries.

I was in the body shop business for many years and can tell you as soon as the law was enacted that we replaced a lot fewer windshields, dashes and steering wheels. Guess you have never picked teeth out of a dash and seen the carnage up close of not wearing a seat belt.Those of you who do not wear them are tempting fate in a way that you can not control. All over claiming it is your right and choice!

Seen this too. Two months ago 4 teen girls were racing their pickup home from school against another pickup. The one with the girls crashed. Three of them were killed ages 16 (driver) 13 and 14. The twelve year old girl lived. None of them were wearing their seatbelts. That was just a few miles from me. Learned a few days ago the boy in the other truck they were racing is being charged with it. Negligent homicide or something...I forget right now.

You can't fix stupid. You can't tax and fine stupid away either.

I used to work in a salvage yard. I've also seen teeth stuck in steering wheels, hair and blood stuck to glass, and the rest of that stuff. That experience certainly made me a better driver. What happened last night did not. I got robbed last night. Pure and simple. I am an adult and am fully aware of what my actions are.

No matter what the fines are, I will continue to occasionally forget to buckle up. I will forget my cycle helmet at a friends house once in a while. And no matter what happens, who gets elected, or what they try to do for me (or to me), I'm gonna die one day. Most likely they'll fine me for that too.

10-14-2010, 02:25 PM
To me, seat belt laws are cut of the same bolt of cloth as motorcycle helmet laws. I think each individual should have the right to choose for themselves. However, by choosing not to use those safety devices that choice should include the implied consent not to sue anyone for damages caused by, or exacerbated by so chosing. We must each be responsible for the consequences of our actions.

10-14-2010, 02:33 PM
Seen this too. Two months ago 4 teen girls were racing their pickup home from school against another pickup. The one with the girls crashed. Three of them were killed ages 16 (driver) 13 and 14. The twelve year old girl lived. None of them were wearing their seatbelts. That was just a few miles from me. Learned a few days ago the boy in the other truck they were racing is being charged with it. Negligent homicide or something...I forget right now.

You can't fix stupid. You can't tax and fine stupid away either.

I used to work in a salvage yard. I've also seen teeth stuck in steering wheels, hair and blood stuck to glass, and the rest of that stuff. That experience certainly made me a better driver. What happened last night did not. I got robbed last night. Pure and simple. I am an adult and am fully aware of what my actions are.

No matter what the fines are, I will continue to occasionally forget to buckle up. I will forget my cycle helmet at a friends house once in a while. And no matter what happens, who gets elected, or what they try to do for me (or to me), I'm gonna die one day. Most likely they'll fine me for that too.

Your right, you can't fine away stupid, but at least they are trying.

Just kidding, Palin for president!


10-14-2010, 03:11 PM
Your right, you can't fine away stupid, but at least they are trying.

Just kidding, Palin for president!


Oh, I forgot to mention that Canada can't be fixed either. ;) Just kidding. Canada is a nice place. Too many Canadians though.

BTW you're right Charlie. I am a bit offensive ain't I? :lol:

10-14-2010, 05:05 PM
I am a bit offensive ain't I? :lol:

I like your writing style, always read your stuff. :beer: