View Full Version : Problems with a dealership. Suggestions?

Egon Spengler
10-21-2010, 09:15 AM
My girlfriend bought a Honda at a Honda dealership. He car has sensors in the tires that trigger a dash light if the tire pressure is low. The light came on and won't go off in the car. She brought it to a different dealership because it has a warranty and they told her it is $1,000.00 and to bring it back to where she bought it. She brought it back to the Honda dealership that she bought it and they told her that they won't fix it because they didn't put those tire on the car and that she must have. She has only has the car less than 2 months and DID NOT put anything on that car since she bought it! I called and they said my name wasn't on the car and that it wasn't my business and hung up on me!:mad2: I am steaming mad right now. Any suggestions on what to do from here? They still have the car and she is going to pick it up tonight. This is not fair and I am pissed and my girlfriend is in tears. She gets a nice used car that they said they did a full inspection on, and now they are trying to screw her over. Just isn't fair. I need some advice! SHE HASN'T EVEN HAD THE CAR TWO MONTHS!!! Why would she have to put new tires on it!?!?! PLEASE HELP!

10-21-2010, 09:23 AM

Drive the POS through the front window.

10-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Tell them if they won't fix the car under the warranty that they sold it with she wants to return it for her money back and that you are contacting the state's Attorney General's office. Then do it!

10-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Call the Better Business Beaurue (spellcheck)

10-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Then again Gordon has a good idea!

10-21-2010, 09:48 AM
If they sold it with those tires, they are responsible. Also, not sure why a different brand of tires would cause the TPM light to come on. Sounds like the sensor went bad. A bad sensor is not a 1,000 repair.

Go with her to pick it up. She can introduce you to the service manager servicing her car. Then you can have the conversation with him about the issue. I think they are trying to take advantage of a the girl driving a car. It happens all the time ...


10-21-2010, 09:49 AM
Is the car new or used?

If it is new she should contact Customer Relations at Honda North America HQ and complain about the dealership.

Egon Spengler
10-21-2010, 09:59 AM
This all sounds great. I just can't get ahold of the salesman that sold us the car to try and rationally speak about this. I am heated big time.

Thanks for the information guys. This is just absolutely obsurd.

10-21-2010, 09:59 AM
Drive it up near the windows with a big sign on it. But I agree with the others.
Ask who the district supervisor/manager is. Let them know you will also start a facebook blog/internet smear campaign.

10-21-2010, 10:04 AM
Then again Gordon has a good idea!

Thanks Paul...:D

Joe Walsh
10-21-2010, 10:24 AM
Sorry, I only read the first sentence of your post.

10-21-2010, 10:33 AM
If that was my Daughter, G/F, Wife or friend, I would be up at that dealer Sooooo fast.

Get your gal, go straight to the President/Owner of the dealership. have a sit down with him/her and have your gal tell them what has happened. If you get nowhere with that, then Your local BBB and the Attorney General are then next calls to make.

A Mazda Dealership tried to pull crap with my Niece a few years back. I made two calls to the place and she has been VERY well taken care of since. I am in Buffalo, and she in Virginia. I told the Senior VP of the dealership he was a short 8 hour drive away, and I could be right down there.....

It is a fact that these a-holes try to take advantage of those less informed. It is so sad to see. Since business is running on tight margin, they grab what they can when they can. These service writers want to come out looking like heros.

10-21-2010, 10:47 AM
I agree with dragcity completely. Go in the showroom make sure there are other potential car buyers in there and if whoever you are talking to at that time, if there still acting like nothing will be done, start talking real loud asking for the manager of that dealership or the regional manager for that dealer. I would try to go up there everyday until they fix it.

10-21-2010, 10:50 AM
Most states now have areas that will deal with corrupt dealers above and beyond what the BB will do. Delaware was regulated through DMV and Texas has it go through the tax office. However, I agree with the chain of command approach. Once you get to the GM of the dealership, after exhausting all efforts with salesmen, sales managers, new and used car managers etc, the GM should have the issue addressed without issue (hopefully). EX: Wife just bought a Mountaineer with some issues that were unforseen. We got no where and were belittled until we spoke to the GM. After that, they took the car, fixed the issues at no cost and delivered it to my work.

Also remember, you'll get more flies with honey than vinegar, so swallow some crow and smile and be syrupy sweet. Bottom line is you want your lady to be happy and not get fleeced for a grand. I hate biting down and shutting up, but for my wife...I will. I imagine you're the same to make your lady happy too. (Am I whipped?)

10-21-2010, 11:09 AM
A lot of Hondas have the low tire warning light come on. Check the Honda websites and find out about it before you go in.

10-21-2010, 11:12 AM
LOL at all this.
First, its not that big of a deal.

Unplug the light. Fixed

10-21-2010, 11:15 AM
Escalation always works, sooner or later you'll get to someone that can help. Start by personally going down to the dealership (As has been said try and read up on the problem prior to going). Remain calm, going in with an attitude of confrontation will only breed confrontation. If the person you talk to won't help, ask to speak with the General Manager, if they still give you the same attitude mention the "Lemon Law" and contact the better Business Bureau as well as Honda. Following that, spend a few Saturdays in fron of their lot with a huge sign that says "John Doe" Honda ripped me off and won't service the warranty they sold me, ask me how?
Hopefully that will get you somewhere

10-21-2010, 11:28 AM

Egon Spengler
10-21-2010, 04:10 PM
I got it all figured out. I talked to the salesman that sold us the car and she called the general manager. Both went down to service and they all had a meeting about it and found them at fault and it will be fixed at no charge. It was just d!ck head service guys! The service manager called and was VERY apologetic and so was the salesman. I am going down to pick the car up with Mel tomorrow and see if I can find my friend that gave me attitude on the phone! Have a little chat with him!

10-21-2010, 04:20 PM
Don't. He already got teamed. Just smile, say thank you. If he appologizes, just let him know it's cool and you're glad everything is getting done.

You may make a friend after all this.

Remember, you got what you wanted, and he got what he deserved. End it at that. Next time you have a problem, he will be at the ready to take care of you. Right?

10-21-2010, 05:14 PM
Although I'm not running out to buy a foreign car anytime soon :flamer:
What dealership, spill it so others locally dont make the same mistake..

Egon Spengler
10-21-2010, 07:30 PM
Although I'm not running out to buy a foreign car anytime soon :flamer:
What dealership, spill it so others locally dont make the same mistake..
Bernardi Honda in Natick. They are actually taking really good care of us now. It was a misunderstanding and everyone that isn't a grease monkey has been great to us. Problem was solved and they are admitting guilt. They fired the guy that did this to my girl's car in the first place, so that is a step in the right direction.

I will be nice tomorrow when I go there. I am not going to kiss a$$, but I will be civil so we can bring her car back there if it ever needs anything done to it. I told the manager about the confrontation and he was apologetic, so I am much calmer now!

10-21-2010, 07:32 PM
Bernardi Honda in Natick. They are actually taking really good care of us now. It was a misunderstanding and everyone that isn't a grease monkey has been great to us. Problem was solved and they are admitting guilt. They fired the guy that did this to my girl's car in the first place, so that is a step in the right direction.

I will be nice tomorrow when I go there. I am not going to kiss a$$, but I will be civil so we can bring her car back there if it ever needs anything done to it. I told the manager about the confrontation and he was apologetic, so I am much calmer now!

Very well done!! Always take the high road IF you can!

10-22-2010, 07:06 AM
Atta' Boy.

Tell you what, I feel pretty bad for al the times I lost my cool. Getting older has it's benefits, albeit few and far between.

10-22-2010, 08:42 AM
Bernardi Honda in Natick. They are actually taking really good care of us now. It was a misunderstanding and everyone that isn't a grease monkey has been great to us. Problem was solved and they are admitting guilt. They fired the guy that did this to my girl's car in the first place, so that is a step in the right direction.

I will be nice tomorrow when I go there. I am not going to kiss a$$, but I will be civil so we can bring her car back there if it ever needs anything done to it. I told the manager about the confrontation and he was apologetic, so I am much calmer now!
Really, wow, that's like the health insurance worker who rubberstamps "denied" getting canned for denying claims.

10-22-2010, 10:36 AM
What kind of used warranty was it? Honda, aftermarket? Powertain plus, powertrain only, bumper to bumper? Some have limitations on it where you can't have a claim in the first three months, six months, etc. Read it thoroughly and know the facts before you go back. And are you sure this is a factory item, not aftermarket?