View Full Version : Forget winter tires!

12-11-2003, 03:14 PM
Get a winter job down south! 65 beautiful degrees just the other day. The only time it's supposed to get below 50º during the day between now and next saturday is a high 30º for this saturday. This is upstate South Carolina...just imagine Charleston...or better, Miami!:coolman: It's cold at night, but you put your baby in a garage anyways! No cruddy salt trucks:banana:, houses are cheap:up: (at least here in Greenville) and if you live far enough south, you can forget about a heat bill!:beer:

12-11-2003, 03:34 PM
If I could hit you with a snowball from here (Phila:))I would :lol:

12-11-2003, 03:44 PM
I moved here 8 years ago from Sharon Pennsylvania...I would never consider moving back...I know what it's like, I feel your pain!

Dr Caleb
12-11-2003, 04:27 PM
If I had a good launch vehicle, your house would be piled deep in good 'corn snow'. :) It's a balmy -28 degrees (-20F) here today. It's supposed to break -10 by the weekend.

Reminds you that men have nipples too.

12-11-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Dr Caleb
Reminds you that men have nipples too.

:lol: So I've heard...I've got neighbors in Canada...

12-11-2003, 05:08 PM
Woaface-better idea..... why don't you come up north and practice your snow shoveling. I'm sure you must be out of practice by now!!! :uzi:

12-11-2003, 10:04 PM
21 years on Long Island has made my 27 years in Texas a pure joy--would never go back ----

12-11-2003, 10:49 PM
I'm sorry, but winter isn't winter without snow. Too bad we havn't gotten our first meaningful snow fall yet :(

12-11-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by cruzer
21 years on Long Island has made my 27 years in Texas a pure joy--would never go back ----

Come on now! You can't tell me you miss good old snow ball fights..............

Try that in Texas......................... .................:):):)

12-12-2003, 08:09 AM
BigDog--- we have tamale fights in Texas!

12-12-2003, 02:26 PM
nope, winter isn't winter without christmas...but some people live where there's never really a winter...: )

My aunt is visiting and she lives near W. Palm Beach Florida...she said it's 75º during the day: (...now I'm jealous...

12-12-2003, 06:17 PM
Uh...one track mind there...winter isn't winter without SNOW is what I meant...

Bobby Clobber
12-12-2003, 06:41 PM

Anyway ,very little snow here and the rain washed it away. Today I washed the beast and I'm hoping to get to the holidays before I cover.

By the way , thanks for all the info. I just wish I was closer to hook up with a few of you.

Merry Christmas to all the folks on the best site on the web.

12-13-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by cruzer
21 years on Long Island has made my 27 years in Texas a pure joy--would never go back ---- Maury - I for one like the change of seasons. To each his/her own. Not everyone enjoys heat 24 - 7. NY is where its at.:D

12-13-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by jgc61sr2002
Maury - I for one like the change of seasons. To each his/her own. Not everyone enjoys heat 24 - 7. NY is where its at.:D

What he said...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/r/bigdance2.gif

12-13-2003, 02:13 PM
12F here today. One word... GOOD AIR (okay, two words...)

Throttle was almost impossible to modulate from a complete stop without snapping my wife's head off. Note to self: next time make sure wife is dead before attempting to snap head off.

No snow but lots of salt. As long as things stay dry, I'll keep the MM on the road. This car is just way too much fun to keep off the road, and I'm too old to keep stashing away cars every winter. What good are they to me once I'm dead and gone and yet they still look showroom new?

12-13-2003, 02:59 PM
I'm having the same thoughts you are. Here in not so sunny Cleveland(where there is a "severe weather alert" tonight) I am torn with keeping the MM with 700 miles in the garage or saying "dammit, just drive it" (those HEATED seats are awfully nice!!) I've done this in the past-leave the new car in the garage and drive something else............only to be stranded when that something else won't start(and sit in dead car thinking-IDIOT, there's a new car at home, where I would be now, if I had driven it!!!) She hasn't seen snow or salt yet, but I don't honestly know which way I will go. I could drive "THE TRUCK" all winter, but.........on the other hand.......the wonderful MM :confused: ?????? We will see if logic or emotion win out on this one!!! Thanks, Mike

12-13-2003, 04:35 PM
Tough call, Mike.

It's already got some salt on the undercarriage, from last week's surprise dump of snow (a mere 10 minutes north of me, where I'm hopefully building a house in a few months, no snow was to be seen!). So I guess as long as things stay dry and I wash off the underbody next time I bring it to work, things will hopefully be fine.

Problem is that I'm not terribly confident of this car's corrosion resistance. I had the car ONE day out in the wet, last April, with some salt still around, and I was more than a little disappointed at some areas... notably the exhaust tip hangers. As much as I love this car, I am seeing too many corners cut, and I'm worried corrosion resistance was one of them.

And to make matters worse, the OTHER winter car is a 1998 Honda Civic EX 5-speed (the non-Vtec Canadian version). That means it's as reliable as sin, and is so fuel-efficient it'd make a Haliburton exec blush. But it's as exciting as Martha Stewart on Ecstacy...

But as I've said many times before, cars are cars and were made to be man's slave, not vice versa.