View Full Version : I Remember Halloween... my birthday.

11-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Alright I told a few people a few things about what went on so here is the story.

This year I decided to help out with the band The Misfits for their show in Chicago. I got to the venue around 3pm and started helping out. At first I couldn't get it, but I knocked on the glass and was let inside. The woman at the door was hesitant, but as soon as the crew saw me and knew me she said "I just wanted to make sure. I already knew you belong." That made me feel really good. Around 7pm the doors opened. A few people asked if was in a band. They actually remembered me opening for them last year. They were asking about what was going on and where to see us next! ;)

I love doing merch because everyone is in a good spending mood and we are all there for the same music. I'm really starting to like The Misfits now, I only liked them as much as any other band up until recently. I did great and the crew is going to ask to get my band on the next tour to promote the next album, so I could be playing to 1,000's of people a night! :D

At midnight it was all over... or so I thought. There was a limo in front of the venue and Jerry Only (the bass player) asked his fans if they wanted to go for a ride and get something to eat. So about 15 or so of us piled into this Ford Expedition and were wondering where to go. I suggested The Weiner Circle. Sure enough we were off to that place at midnight.

Soon as we got there we had to park in front because the limo couldn't make the turn into the lot. Jerry didn't know what he was in for and before he knew it he was being cursed out. It was really funny, we all knew what was going on. We got 20 hot dogs and a ton of Pepsi's too. Jerry started singing Shake Rattle and Roll during the order... Bill Haley style. He was buying for anyone who was hungry, even people who didn't ride in the limo.

Soon as we all got back in the limo we were going to head back to the venue. All was fine until someone said "Anyone have any weed?" I was in the dead center of the limo and no where near a window that opened. So sure enough the pipe was passed around, got into my hand and I passed. I've still never done drugs in my life, drugs have done me though.

Soon as we got back I went home in an ex-mail truck and I knew I was high or buzzed. I felt like I just got out of the dentist and everything tasted better and I was happy. If I could I would do that stuff everyday, but I have enough bad habits.

When I got home the girlfriend was still up. She said "Are you on something?" "No babydoll, something is on me." I ___ __ __________ _____ even though she didn't shave it in weeks. I said "Baby, I'm F-ed up, enjoy it!" It was the best ever! You decide what I did. haha

Here are a few pics. None of me, but it happened. :P

11-01-2010, 11:03 PM
You mention the Misfits, but I don't see anything about Glenn Danzig. What gives?

11-02-2010, 03:05 AM
:beer: Rock and Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooll!! :rock:

11-02-2010, 04:25 AM
All was fine until someone said "Anyone have any weed?" I was in the dead center of the limo and no where near a window that opened. So sure enough the pipe was passed around, got into my hand and I passed. I've still never done drugs in my life, drugs have done me though."

"When I got home the girlfriend was still up. She said "Are you on something?" "No babydoll, something is on me."

Ha! Now that's good!

Go prop 19! Enough of the silly, ineffective, current strategy.


11-02-2010, 05:23 AM
Contact buzz made you have an armpit fetish? Must have been some good dope.

11-02-2010, 05:36 AM
I thought there was no such thing as a contact high.....especially from just one being passed around....I could prolly see it if there were a few being passed.

11-02-2010, 06:01 AM
Getting laid while High is the best EVER

11-02-2010, 06:45 AM
Um...no comment!

11-02-2010, 07:14 AM
Um...no comment!

What, you do not get laid?

Egon Spengler
11-02-2010, 07:25 AM
Never even got so much as a contact high before. I smoke the occasional cigar and a couple beers a week and that is it. I have never been around weed before and honestly don't even know what it smells like. I'll stick to my cigars...

11-02-2010, 08:45 AM
so did you get a chocolate shake

11-02-2010, 08:46 AM
Getting laid while High is the best EVER


never been around weed before and honestly don't even know what it smells like. I'll stick to my cigars...

Smells like a dead skunk.

11-02-2010, 08:49 AM
so did you get a chocolate shake

Jerry ordered two. He said "$45, make them good!" A few minutes later I heard about five people go ewwwwwww. I didn't get a look this time. I cannot confirm, but with that reaction I would say the shakes did happen.


Adam, I'm on the same page as you dude. That's why I said bass player. I would like it if they could all play again. Their all alive, it's not like the Ramones.