View Full Version : Well, scratch one Mustang...

11-05-2010, 08:07 PM
On the way home from picking up my son tonight we got in an accident that totalled our 04 Mustang. Personal injury wise things came out for the best and nobody really got hurt. The girls in the other vehicle were beyond hysterical and will definitely be sore tomorrow, but I think the worst injury was to my left wrist and that just pretty much feels like I punched a wall or something. Not at all serious but I can't lift much right now. With the potential for bad in this crash, we all got damn lucky. Everyone walked away.

What happened is that a 17 y/o inexperienced driver lost it on the slick roads as she made a turn. She over-corrected about 3 times and was all over the place. She freaked out and obviously never came off the gas at all. I was driving the other direction down the road and when I saw her lose it I didn't know whether to speed up, slow down or what. With what I had to work with, I went for a handily placed right turn lane and fortunately didn'teither brake or speed up until her passenger front corner hit me in the drivers side front corner. She was doing maybe 30 and we were doing about 55.

But, that was just the beginning of the ride in my end of things. When she hit me it aimed my car straight at a phone pole that was on the passenger side where my son was. I was still at speed because by the time I knew I needed to hit the brakes I had nothing there to work with. I steered left away from the phone pole which didn't do much good, but my side of the car was now heading at a row of street signs that we missed by just enough to knock the mirror off the drivers door. The phone pole would have caused a call to the coroner and the signs would have put me in the hospital at the very least according to the deputies.

For whatever reason, both Sheriff deputies came to me individually and commented on what a piece of driving it was to have gotten the car between the pole and signs without hitting either. There was literally not even a full lane width there. When I got a good look at the car it was obvious how little I could have been doing even though where I aimed is where we ended up. When she hit me it tore the drivers side front wheel almost completely off the car and I am guessing that is what dragged us away from the phone pole and toward the street signs. I have no explaination for how we veered right and missed those because that loose wheel was digging a pretty good rut as we went through. Like I said though, I was definitely steering, but I am positive there was a hand involved that didn't belong to me. Like I told my wife, that guardian angel got his/her hands dirty and worked overtime on that one.

Obviously I didn't see what happened to her vehicle immediately after we hit, but I bet that poor girl in the truck went for one hell of a spin after we hit.

Fortunately all that was lost were a couple of vehicles and I thank God for that. This could have ben a whole lot worse.


11-05-2010, 08:12 PM
WOW!! I thought of your Guardian Angel even before you mentioned them! Get the arm checked out just to be sure. So glad you and your son are OK!

11-05-2010, 08:20 PM
Sucks to hear man. We had some weird weather here in Indy today.

Mr. Man
11-05-2010, 08:35 PM
Glad to hear you and your passengers are in good shape. Get the wrist checked out just in case it doesn't heal quickly, you will have it on record when it happened.

Saturday would be a good day to go 5.0 shopping:)

11-05-2010, 08:55 PM
Scary to think what can happen in the blink of any eye?

Glad no need a ride to the hospital from the accident. Always a "good" thing.

Like other said get the arm check and tald to you son tomorrow and make sure he is ok?

11-05-2010, 09:02 PM
Yowsers! That everyone walked away is nothing short of amazing! You're very lucky to have nothing but a minor wrist injury.

11-06-2010, 03:46 AM
I am glad you both are ok, probably will be a little sore for the next couple of days. It is nice to have a guardian angel.:concur:

SC Cheesehead
11-06-2010, 11:17 AM
Wow! Sorry to hear about the accident, but gald to hear you and your son are okay.

11-15-2010, 01:28 PM


I will be the first to say it...

That will buff right out. LOL


11-15-2010, 01:32 PM
You have one hell of a buffer then, glad you and your son are OK...

11-15-2010, 01:33 PM
Somehow I don't think that will buff out Darrin! Missed this thread and glad to see you and your family are ok!

11-15-2010, 01:44 PM
Glad you and your family are ok, Darrin

11-15-2010, 02:09 PM
Dibs on florrma.... Oh, it's not an mm... Glad you two are ok! How's the arm?

11-15-2010, 02:22 PM
You guys have no idea how thankful I am that someone was watching over us that night and that I am sitting here typing and joking about it.

Glad you two are ok! How's the arm?

Actually my left wrist and ankle still hurt like hell and are reminding me that I am 45. If I were 20 I would have forgotten about it already. Everyone else involved was 17 or younger and they are totally fine now. The girls in the other truck were completely freaked out, but that was about it. My son wasn't even sore afterward.

We got lucky.


11-15-2010, 02:45 PM
cars are replaceable, children are not. Glad to hear everyone is OK

11-15-2010, 06:37 PM
Hey Darrin, think about whether you were the co-pilot during the tough parts????