View Full Version : See Where Your Head is

11-16-2010, 09:18 AM
The Furnham Shape & Color Test provides a deeper insight into human behavior and emotional makeup than any other conventional subjective test. Comparing your test results to our database of over 100,000 certified baseline scores allows ShapeTest to accurately diagnose, predict, and report the psychological status of the test subject.


Egon Spengler
11-16-2010, 09:22 AM
Not true....

Diagnostic Overview:
Your responses indicate that you're basically normal, except for your obsession with sheep and running naked in the moonlight. Electroshock therapy might help; taking foolish inkblot tests on the internet sure as hell won't. Get a hobby (one not involving sheep) and try to keep your twisted impulses under control. People who answer as you did always cheat at card games or other pursuits.

Long-Term Prognosis:
Your impairments will prevent you from holding a job, dating, having friends, experiencing love, or trusting other people. In other words, you're perfectly suited to become a patent attorney or game show host. Your obsession with hoarding means your creepy apartment will be jammed to the ceiling with old newspapers and discarded Kentucky Fried Chicken containers.

Additional Fears:
You're also afraid of cats, gainful employment, and red cars. This is silly- when was the last time red cars caused you any harm?

Joe Walsh
11-16-2010, 09:46 AM
Mine said:

"You are an abnormal, power hungry individual who must modify anything and everything....
even if said item is in perfect running order.
Quite often this results in spectacular, yet unreliable performance which both thrills and frustrates you at the same time.
You also have a penchant for non-conformist automobiles which are low production, high powered, fuel inefficient and garner jealous looks from other drivers.
Japanese automobiles represent surrendering to the commonplace and giving up your ideals to become "a sheep".
There is no hope for a full recovery from this condition. Getting married and trying to act responsibly will only exascerbate the problem.
For treatment we suggest you undergo a steady regimen of microbrew beers, pulled pork sandwiches and a constant supply of 93 octane fuel."

SC Cheesehead
11-16-2010, 09:49 AM
Pegged it!

Diagnostic Overview:
Your responses indicate you've gone off your medication, and are probably breaking parole right now. Stay away from schoolyards and daycare centers; that's the first place they'll look for you. You also wear a lot of black clothing because the voices tell you to, right? People who answer as you did are almost always crack addicts or sleazy porn film extras.

Long-Term Prognosis:
With luck, you could exist in a vegetative state, doing phone sales or selling insurance. Just don't push it; too much brain work will make your butt ache. You don't hate your mother and father, but you hate total strangers and anyone wearing blue. Prozac is prescribed in your case, lots and lots of Prozac.


Blk Mamba
11-16-2010, 09:54 AM
Not true....

Diagnostic Overview:
Your responses indicate that you're basically normal, except for your obsession with sheep and running naked in the moonlight. Electroshock therapy might help; taking foolish inkblot tests on the internet sure as hell won't. Get a hobby (one not involving sheep) and try to keep your twisted impulses under control. People who answer as you did always cheat at card games or other pursuits.

Long-Term Prognosis:
Your impairments will prevent you from holding a job, dating, having friends, experiencing love, or trusting other people. In other words, you're perfectly suited to become a patent attorney or game show host. Your obsession with hoarding means your creepy apartment will be jammed to the ceiling with old newspapers and discarded Kentucky Fried Chicken containers.

Additional Fears:
You're also afraid of cats, gainful employment, and red cars. This is silly- when was the last time red cars caused you any harm?

This is exactly what mine said the first time, and way off the second time.

11-16-2010, 11:37 AM
Diagnostic Overview:
Your responses indicate you've gone off your medication, and are probably breaking parole right now. Stay away from schoolyards and daycare centers; that's the first place they'll look for you. You also wear a lot of black clothing because the voices tell you to, right? People who answer as you did are almost always crack addicts or sleazy porn film extras.

Long-Term Prognosis:
Your impairments will prevent you from holding a job, dating, having friends, experiencing love, or trusting other people. In other words, you're perfectly suited to become a patent attorney or game show host. Your obsession with hoarding means your creepy apartment will be jammed to the ceiling with old newspapers and discarded Kentucky Fried Chicken containers.

Additional Fears:
You're also afraid of gainful employment, the doorbell, and clowns. This is silly- when was the last time clowns caused you any harm?Odd, I've worked at the same company for 10yrs now in various positions with a current role in foremanship and commercial pesticide use. The hoarding bit and fear of clowns is spot on though.

Ms. Denmark
11-16-2010, 04:50 PM
Yup my worst fears have been confirmed...."sleezy porn film extra." :rolleyes: Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.....:(:D

11-16-2010, 05:09 PM
People who answer as you did are usually reckless fools and terrible drivers.

Long-Term Prognosis:
Your impairments will prevent you from holding a job, dating, having friends, experiencing love, or trusting other people.

Oops ..... :D