View Full Version : Aarp

11-23-2010, 09:36 AM
Got my "final" notice from AARP yesterday...didn't take 'em too long to figure out that I want no part of them anymore as I've been writing "return to sender" on them for a year now!:flamer:

SC Cheesehead
11-23-2010, 09:43 AM
Got my "final" notice from AARP yesterday...didn't take 'em too long to figure out that I want no part of them anymore as I've been writing "return to sender" on them for a year now!:flamer:

AARP, don't get me started...:mad2:

11-23-2010, 10:00 AM
:confused: Okay, why don't you's like them. I know what it stands for but why the anger.

11-23-2010, 10:04 AM
AARP is against individual gun ownership.

11-23-2010, 10:04 AM
:confused: Okay, why don't you's like them. I know what it stands for but why the anger.

They pushed hard for Obamanation care!!!!:mad2:

11-23-2010, 10:15 AM
They pushed hard for Obamanation care!!!!:mad2:

TWICE! They pushed hard for it when Hillary tried it also. They will not get money from me.

11-23-2010, 10:29 AM
Well, good enough of an explanation for me :beer:

11-23-2010, 12:30 PM
AARP is one of the biggest bullies on K street. Questionable lobbying practices, but that in itself is a truism, strong arm tactics, they try to scare the ***** out of large numbers of undereducated older folks by running simplistic, mostly untrue, if not completely fabricated ad campaigns, shall I go on? I try to urge all of my relatives and friends who are of that age not to join or give a dime to these crooks, but what I get in response is, "Oh, I don't know much about that, but I get great discounts...":mad2:

11-23-2010, 05:33 PM
Thanks for the heads up, they just started sending me there info.

SC Cheesehead
11-24-2010, 06:07 AM
Thanks for the heads up, they just started sending me there info.

Do yourself a favor, organize all future materials received from them immediately into your circular file.

11-24-2010, 08:47 AM
AARP is against individual gun ownership.

SFW !!!??

^^^^ Who the hell cares about *that* ? Is your entire view of the whole world seen through a gun sight?

I see value in that organization, and believe me, you will too, after you retire or are over 60.

I joined them, just the hotel discounts ALONE make the dues you pay, worth it.

Once - when married, my wife, who was about 36, back then, got the discount, I must have been around 52, (<------ or around in there at the tme). We laughed at that, how hooking onto my membership saved HER so much money.

11-24-2010, 08:56 AM
Yeah, that requirement everyone have insurance (to take load of public hospitals), closing the "donut hole" for prescription drugs, making it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions (or to drop you completely if you get sick and reach "lifetime limits"), expanding coverage on parents policies for college age kids, yep, Obama/Pelosi/Democrats are all a bunch of commies.

SC Cheesehead
11-24-2010, 08:57 AM
SFW !!!??

^^^^ Who the hell cares about *that* ? Is your entire view of the whole world seen through a gun sight?

I see value in that organization, and believe me, you will too, after you retire or are over 60.

I joined them, just the hotel discounts ALONE make the dues you pay, worth it.

Once - when married, my wife, who was about 36, back then, got the discount, I must have been around 52, (<------ or around in there at the tme). We laughed at that, how hooking onto my membership saved HER so much money.

"That" something Haggis is referring to is the ever-increasing encroachment of big government into our lives, and has much more to it than "viewing the world through a gun sight."

As for me, I see no value in joining a liberal, socialistic group just to save a couple bucks on hotel rooms.

But to each his own. Have another glass of kool-aid, and enjoy.

11-24-2010, 09:08 AM
Yeah, that requirement everyone have insurance (to take load of public hospitals), closing the "donut hole" for prescription drugs, making it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions (or to drop you completely if you get sick and reach "lifetime limits"), expanding coverage on parents policies for college age kids, yep, Obama/Pelosi/Democrats are all a bunch of commies.

Ah, another Liberal who has finally seen the light!:P

11-24-2010, 10:21 AM
SFW !!!??

^^^^ Who the hell cares about *that* ? Is your entire view of the whole world seen through a gun sight?

I see value in that organization, and believe me, you will too, after you retire or are over 60.

I joined them, just the hotel discounts ALONE make the dues you pay, worth it.

Once - when married, my wife, who was about 36, back then, got the discount, I must have been around 52, (<------ or around in there at the tme). We laughed at that, how hooking onto my membership saved HER so much money.

I do!!! An armed person is a citizen an unarmed person is a subject. I rather not have a government telling me what I can or can not own or do.

Are you that cheap that you need to join an organzation just to get a few dollars off a hotel room?

11-24-2010, 10:44 AM
Hell if motel room discounts are the lure, Triple A has better discounts, actually provides a service for your investment and they don't care to run your life, bully your legislators or lie to old people. The Cheeses are right...in the round file. Dennis

SC Cheesehead
11-24-2010, 11:06 AM
Hell if motel room discounts are the lure, Triple A has better discounts, actually provides a service for your investment and they don't care to run your life, bully your legislators or lie to old people. The Cheeses are right...in the round file. Dennis

Heck, Dennis, I can do that, and I won't even charge folks... ;) -----> :D

11-24-2010, 11:25 AM
Ah, another Liberal who has finally seen the light!:P

Why did it take so long?:laugh:

11-24-2010, 03:06 PM
I do!!! An armed person is a citizen an unarmed person is a subject.

Do you "open carry" or "conceal carry"?

I rather not have a government telling me what I can or can not own or do.

Then the place for you to live is in Somalia.

They have no goverment at all. Since 1991, nothing. Plus, you can "pack" to your heart's content. Probably you would need to...

Are you that cheap that you need to join an organzation just to get a few dollars off a hotel room?

Sure! Millions of people prefer not to pay the "rack" rate if they don't have to. It's almost always totally negotiable, in case you don't know.

Though I don't begrudge a innkeeper the right to a reasonable profit.

11-24-2010, 03:29 PM
Do you "open carry" or "conceal carry"?

Concealed carry... always armed.

Sure! Millions of people prefer not to pay the "rack" rate if they don't have to. It's almost always totally negotiable, in case you don't know.

I quit AARP also. I found that only on one occasion was their negotiated rate cheaper than the AAA rate. Their group rates on insurance were no better than what I found from other professional organizations and alumni groups that I belong to. I didn't know they were anti-gun until after I had joined, but I continued to be a member until they supported obamacare.

11-25-2010, 10:50 AM
I joined AMAC just to thumb my nose at AARP.


11-25-2010, 12:59 PM
[QUOTE=FordNut;985254]Concealed carry... always armed.

Concealed carry.... never know when I carry; that is the object of concealed carry.

11-25-2010, 11:13 PM
[QUOTE=FordNut;985254]Concealed carry... always armed.

Concealed carry.... never know when I carry; that is the object of concealed carry.

How does it work if you are suddenly attacked from behind by some DB by surprise ?

Mike M
11-25-2010, 11:32 PM
I also threw out the AARP form. Looking into alternatives...AMAC?

I carry concealed by the way. Kel Tec PF9 Thinnest 9mm made.

11-26-2010, 02:14 AM
How does it work if you are suddenly attacked from behind by some DB by surprise ?

Better than being unarmed.

11-26-2010, 02:29 AM
Better than being unarmed.

How so?

If you get attacked by surprise, (like from behind, let's say) and you couldn't get to your concealed weapon, in time, to turn around, take your weapon out, draw down, and then aim and fire, how did carrying it in the first place, help you?

That is what I am wondering about.

In that case, maybe packing only gave you a false sense of security.

11-26-2010, 05:09 AM
When I get whacked in the head from behind, then pull my weapon and defend myself before getting beaten to death, I figure it's better than just laying back and taking it. But hey, anyone who likes being defenseless is welcome to do so.

11-26-2010, 05:25 AM
Something that amazes me about the anti-gun crowd:

They push for laws restricting guns in parks and restaurants that serve alcohol....
The guns are already there. The bad guys are carrying them, they don't care what the laws say. The laws that permit guns in these places only apply to people who are legally permitted to carry, it's not a free-for-all. Why is it that you're not afraid of me when we're in Wal-mart, Target, the grocery store, Cracker Barrel, McDonalds, or just walking down the street but then you think if I go into Olive Garden or Red Lobster where alcohol is served, or go into a park, all of a sudden I'll go insane and start shooting? We know what the rules are, we have to learn that in order to get the CCW permit. We know we will lose the permit and probably go to jail if we drink while carrying or brandish our arms to intimidate.

Here in my hometown, just a couple of days ago, a woman defended herself from two bad guys who were committing a home-invasion robbery on her in her home. One got away, the other was killed. If she hadn't been able to defend herself she would have likely been ***** and possibly murdered.

11-26-2010, 12:07 PM
How so?

If you get attacked by surprise, (like from behind, let's say) and you couldn't get to your concealed weapon, in time, to turn around, take your weapon out, draw down, and then aim and fire, how did carrying it in the first place, help you?

That is what I am wondering about.

In that case, maybe packing only gave you a false sense of security.

In that most unfortunate of situations, it's hard to say what any of us would do. However, I'm not a big guy (6'0 170lbs) and likely won't be able to fight off an assailant without a weapon. But I do have a Beretta 9mm handgun which I practice with weekly and is more than capable of getting the job done on my hip. At least having it there might give me a fighting chance. Repeated blows to the pelvis from my steel toed boots also might prove useful.

And to the "Who cares" remark? About 80,000,000 U.S. citizens who keep a firearm for personal defense do.

11-26-2010, 12:29 PM
How so?

If you get attacked by surprise, (like from behind, let's say) and you couldn't get to your concealed weapon, in time, to turn around, take your weapon out, draw down, and then aim and fire, how did carrying it in the first place, help you?

That is what I am wondering about.

In that case, maybe packing only gave you a false sense of security.

Do you wear your seatbelt? Why? You'll probably never need it. It's probably just giving you a false sence of security. I'd recommend not using it from now on. You don't wanna look like a paranoid lunatic do you?

The AARP fights against 2nd amendment rights. You responded "SFW?!"

Question; Do you give money to organisations that oppose your rights and freedoms? I highly doubt it. Why then would you expect any of us to do that?

BTW, I conceal carry (just barely) a Kimber 1911. :P It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. It's like CPR training. Perhaps you oppose CPR training too? After all, isn't that a job meant for the hospital?

SC Cheesehead
11-26-2010, 02:34 PM
Ah, youse guys are getting all worked up over nothing.

Somebody's already got a plan in mind to keep us "secure"...:rolleyes:


11-26-2010, 02:57 PM
I've never seen a handgun, have never known anyone that has one.

I prefer my situation.


11-26-2010, 02:59 PM
I've never seen a handgun, have never known anyone that has one.


You know at least one now!!

11-26-2010, 03:01 PM
I've never seen a handgun, have never known anyone that has one.

I prefer my situation.



11-26-2010, 03:02 PM
You know at least one now!!
When i come to Kill Devil Hills, NC, I will watch my p's and q's, lol.


SC Cheesehead
11-26-2010, 03:05 PM
When i come to Kill Devil Hills, NC, I will watch my p's and q's, lol.


Not to worry, the Blues Brothers got your back.

(Casey, you take point, I'll cover right flank...;))

11-26-2010, 03:15 PM
It's true, let me fix those icons for ya, :eek::cool::D

Not to worry, the Blues Brothers got your back.

(Casey, you take point, I'll cover right flank...;))
Ha, good stuff!


11-26-2010, 03:46 PM
I've never seen a handgun, have never known anyone that has one.

I've got enough to make up for your shortcomings...

.22 LR, .32 auto, .38 special, .380 auto, 9mm, .357 magnum, .32-20, .30 carbine, .45 ACP, .44 magnum, then there's the long guns and shotguns.

11-26-2010, 04:26 PM
If gun laws worked, California, New York City, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington DC would have no gun crime.

11-26-2010, 04:43 PM
If gun laws worked, California, New York City, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington DC would have no gun crime.
Well for you guys the genie is out of the bottle....and a handgun ban won't be tolerated by the population....so thats what the way it is.:beer:

Mike M
11-26-2010, 11:30 PM
How so?

If you get attacked by surprise, (like from behind, let's say) and you couldn't get to your concealed weapon, in time, to turn around, take your weapon out, draw down, and then aim and fire, how did carrying it in the first place, help you?

That is what I am wondering about.

In that case, maybe packing only gave you a false sense of security.

So you are saying that at least 50% of the time (assuming half the attacks come from front and the other half come from behind) carrying a gun will save you. Not bad...not bad at all.

11-27-2010, 08:13 AM
Ah, youse guys are getting all worked up over nothing.

Somebody's already got a plan in mind to keep us "secure"...:rolleyes:


They call it the Gestapo in this clip but actually Hitler had the Brownshirts as his personal army until he was elected Chancellor then he disbanded it. This "civilian" army sound very much like his Brownshirts!

"Those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"!

SC Cheesehead
11-27-2010, 08:15 AM
They call it the Gestapo in this clip but actually Hitler had the Brownshirts as his personal army until he was elected Chancellor then he disbanded it. This "civilian" army sound very much like his Brownshirts!

"Those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"!

Deja vu all over again...

11-27-2010, 07:19 PM
It's interesting that AARP pushed hard for OBAMACARE, saying trust us it will be good for you. Now because the insurance costs are going up because the parent's policy now carries their kids out to age 27 (is it?), AARP is making their employees pay more for their insurance policies.

AARP and OBAMACARE, trust us BIG government is better.....

It's a good thing I'm NOT drinking their KOOLAID.

I told AARP where to go

CCP also, though I don't hold one in the Socialist State of Maryland.

11-28-2010, 08:38 AM
Not to worry, the Blues Brothers got your back.

(Casey, you take point, I'll cover right flank...;))

No problem, I like to helps peoples. :beer:

11-28-2010, 09:49 AM
It's interesting that AARP pushed hard for OBAMACARE, saying trust us it will be good for you. Now because the insurance costs are going up because the parent's policy now carries their kids out to age 27 (is it?), AARP is making their employees pay more for their insurance policies.

AARP and OBAMACARE, trust us BIG government is better.....

It's a good thing I'm NOT drinking their KOOLAID.

I told AARP where to go

CCP also, though I don't hold one in the Socialist State of Maryland.
Once again...the genie is out of the bottle for you guys.

In this case the genie is the insurance industry who has you all by the short and curlies and has no intention of letting go. Big buisness runs the show.

Don't argue with me...look into the other 35 or so other western democracies who ALL provide healthcare to ALL thier citizens for ALL thier needs, at about half the cost per capita without those helping soothing hands of the insurance industry. Also note that almost ALL of the citizens in those countries would not trade thier loved universal care for your system.

Bill Mayer has it right and says it best..

Steal France's system.


SC Cheesehead
11-28-2010, 10:01 AM
Once again...the genie is out of the bottle for you guys.

In this case the genie is the insurance industry who has you all by the short and curlies and has no intention of letting go. Big buisness runs the show.

Don't argue with me...look into the other 35 or so other western democracies who ALL provide healthcare to ALL thier citizens for ALL thier needs, at about half the cost per capita without those helping soothing hands of the insurance industry. Also note that almost ALL of the citizens in those countries would not trade thier loved universal care for your system.

Bill Mayer has it right and says it best..

Steal France's system.


kernie, kernie, kernie, let's not go here again.

We can make improvements in our health care system, for sure; but a socialistic system is NOT the way to go. As a starter, tort reform would be a great way to go.

As for Bill Mayer's suggestoin; the only thing I'd be willing to steal from France is their wine...

11-28-2010, 10:21 AM
kernie, kernie, kernie, let's not go here again.

We can make improvements in our health care system, for sure; but a socialistic system is NOT the way to go. As a starter, tort reform would be a great way to go.

As for Bill Mayer's suggestoin; the only thing I'd be willing to steal from France is their wine...


But I'd sell the wine after I got it!!!:D

11-28-2010, 10:40 AM
I believe it was the good ol US of A that the Saudi prince came to for medical care. I suppose he could afford to go ANYWHERE but here he is. I wonder who has the best healthcare in the world?

11-28-2010, 10:44 AM
kernie, kernie, kernie, let's not go here again.

We can make improvements in our health care system, for sure; but a socialistic system is NOT the way to go. As a starter, tort reform would be a great way to go.

As for Bill Mayer's suggestoin; the only thing I'd be willing to steal from France is their wine...
I was responding to another post, i guess as long as you agree with what is written then the topic is OK.


11-28-2010, 10:51 AM
Once again...the genie is out of the bottle for you guys.

In this case the genie is the insurance industry who has you all by the short and curlies and has no intention of letting go. Big buisness runs the show.

Don't argue with me...look into the other 35 or so other western democracies who ALL provide healthcare to ALL thier citizens for ALL thier needs, at about half the cost per capita without those helping soothing hands of the insurance industry. Also note that almost ALL of the citizens in those countries would not trade thier loved universal care for your system.

Bill Mayer has it right and says it best..

Steal France's system.

A few points.

1. Too late. They've already stolen their unwanted, bankrupt and broken system and forced it on us.

2. Who the heck is Bill Mayer? Regardless, Ted Nugent trumps anyone named Bill Mayer any day of the week.

3. Trying to tell Americans that Europe is better than us in any measurable way is a very hard sell. Don't believe me? Go tell all your friends and neighbors that Canada sucks and that if they wanted to be cool and smart they'd be more like Americans.

4.Insurance.I've already posted this here once for you. Maybe now you'll read it. http://townhall.com/columnists/AnnCoulter/2009/08/19/liberal_lies_about_national_he alth_care_first_in_a_series/page/1

11-28-2010, 10:57 AM
A few points.

1. Too late. They've already stolen their unwanted, bankrupt and broken system and forced it on us.

2. Who the heck is Bill Mayer? Regardless, Ted Nugent trumps anyone named Bill Mayer any day of the week.

3. Trying to tell Americans that Europe is better than us in any measurable way is a very hard sell. Don't believe me? Go tell all your friends and neighbors that Canada sucks and that if they wanted to be cool and smart they'd be more like Americans.

4.Insurance.I've already posted this here once for you. Maybe now you'll read it. http://townhall.com/columnists/AnnCoulter/2009/08/19/liberal_lies_about_national_he alth_care_first_in_a_series/page/1

Actually it's Bill Maher who is an ultra Liberal comedian?:confused:

11-28-2010, 11:07 AM
Actually it's Bill Maher who is an ultra Liberal comedian?:confused:
Right you are, my bad spelling.

11-29-2010, 10:07 AM
Cuba and Iran have socialized medicine but who wants to live there to recieve free medical care?

11-29-2010, 06:46 PM
AARP is against individual gun ownership.

WHAT?!! :eek: :mad2::mad2::mad2::censor:

News to me but THANKS for the info!

Just got my lifetime NRA membership too!:banana:

SC Cheesehead
11-29-2010, 07:12 PM
WHAT?!! :eek: :mad2::mad2::mad2::censor:

News to me but THANKS for the info!

Just got my lifetime NRA membership too!:banana:

Check out the following:


11-29-2010, 07:23 PM
Check out the following:

Wow, what a horrible organization, against handguns and the carnage they cause...


11-29-2010, 07:39 PM
Wow, what a horrible organization, against handguns and the carnage they cause...


Handguns don't do anything. People do.

11-29-2010, 07:47 PM
Handguns don't do anything. People do.
Meth don't do anything. People do.

11-29-2010, 07:49 PM
And that's illegal in every state... Lot of good it does, eh?

11-29-2010, 07:52 PM
'scuse me while I buy some more ammo... Need to keep at least 1000 rounds on hand of every caliber I can shoot...

11-29-2010, 07:56 PM
'scuse me while I buy some more ammo... Need to keep at least 1000 rounds on hand of every caliber I can shoot...
Well you can't be stocking up for little ole me...

So...whatcha stocking up for?

11-29-2010, 08:02 PM
Handguns don't do anything. People do.

It's not the guns or the people that kill. It's the sentient bullets they fire!


The only carnage caused by me shooting any of my handguns involved a whitetail deer two years back. She was most delicious and so much cheaper than buying venison. Aside from that, I guess they've been used to perforate a good number of paper targets. If you'd care to call that carnage.

The only way any of my handguns are even getting drawn on someone is if my life is in imminent danger. I'll even go out on a limb to say the vast majority of us who carry concealed feel the same way. Unfortunately a minority of firearms owners (most of whom have them illegally) get most of the attention when they use a gun to commit a crime. I suppose it would be boring news if they did a piece on those of us who use a gun responsibly every day.

11-29-2010, 08:19 PM
So...whatcha stocking up for?

My lil old varmint rifle. .223/5.56 caliber, been shopping for 77gr Mk262 mil-spec ammo. Figuring some big varmints might come around.

Don't have a .308 yet, so proper ammo for the Mini 14 will have to do the job for now. It'll punch thru car doors, but gotta have a .308 to penetrate the engine block.

11-29-2010, 08:24 PM
My lil old varmint rifle. .223/5.56 caliber, been shopping for 77gr Mk262 mil-spec ammo. Figuring some big varmints might come around.

Don't have a .308 yet, so proper ammo for the Mini 14 will have to do the job for now. It'll punch thru car doors, but gotta have a .308 to penetrate the engine block.
Just wondering...how many legs do these varmints have?

11-29-2010, 08:31 PM
It's not the guns or the people that kill. It's the sentient bullets they fire!


The only carnage caused by me shooting any of my handguns involved a whitetail deer two years back. She was most delicious and so much cheaper than buying venison. Aside from that, I guess they've been used to perforate a good number of paper targets. If you'd care to call that carnage.

The only way any of my handguns are even getting drawn on someone is if my life is in imminent danger. I'll even go out on a limb to say the vast majority of us who carry concealed feel the same way. Unfortunately a minority of firearms owners (most of whom have them illegally) get most of the attention when they use a gun to commit a crime. I suppose it would be boring news if they did a piece on those of us who use a gun responsibly every day.
I certainly understand that the vast majority of gun owners are responsible with thier guns.


11-30-2010, 07:24 AM
I certainly understand that the vast majority of gun owners are responsible with thier guns.


I appreciate that :)

11-30-2010, 08:00 AM
How can anyone dispute the old slogan "if guns are olutlawed, only outlaws will have guns".
Admiral Yamamoto was fearful of invading the U.S. because he said most Americans have guns.

11-30-2010, 08:25 AM