View Full Version : The North VS The South

11-24-2010, 10:29 AM
Korea, that is. It's about to get real, son.


11-24-2010, 10:53 AM
I've been wondering how many BILLIONS they want from us this time. And the billions we will give them to step down will only go for the emperor to enhance his lifestyle.:mad2:

SC Cheesehead
11-24-2010, 10:59 AM
Yeah, this isn't gonna have a happy ending...

11-24-2010, 11:00 AM
I've been wondering how many BILLIONS they want from us this time. And the billions we will give them to step down will only go for the emperor to enhance his lifestyle.:mad2:

We also pay Egypt and Israel not to nuke each other.

Black Dynamite
11-24-2010, 11:06 AM
We also pay Egypt and Israel not to nuke each other.

I think we pay Israel to not nuke Egypt and we pay Egypt to stop making them want to do it.....

11-24-2010, 11:10 AM
I say F it. Let all of them kill each other. Problem solved. They are all dead. As long as they stay off our shores. Tired of us fixing other peoples **** while our own country falls apart.

11-24-2010, 11:12 AM
Yeah, this isn't gonna have a happy ending...
That's what she said!:mad2:

11-24-2010, 11:18 AM
I heard an interesting response on Fox Business today from the Whitehouse. The plan is to pressure International Banks that do business with North Korea by having American Banks refuse to do business with any International bank doing business with North Korea until they eliminate them as clients, ultimately hurting the cash flow in the country that is spent on the Emperor's new clothes.

I dare say this might be the first good idea Obama has had. Knowing we aren't in the best position for a 3rd war, this is a good way to apply pressure I think...Follow the money.

Curious what my Republican friends out there think about this

Joe Walsh
11-24-2010, 11:26 AM

My uncle fought in that craphole back in 50s....it's time to re-combine them!

................as one glowing mass of atomic wasteland.

11-24-2010, 11:34 AM

My uncle fought in that craphole back in 50s....it's time to re-combine them!

................as one glowing mass of atomic wasteland.
+1, fanned and faved!

11-24-2010, 11:53 AM

My uncle fought in that craphole back in 50s....it's time to re-combine them!

................as one glowing mass of atomic wasteland.

My thoughts exactly

11-24-2010, 12:12 PM

My uncle fought in that craphole back in 50s....it's time to re-combine them!

................as one glowing mass of atomic wasteland.

+1, fanned and faved!

My thoughts exactly
I vote against the atomic wasteland.


Joe Walsh
11-24-2010, 12:16 PM
I vote against the atomic wasteland.


Party pooper!......:P

11-24-2010, 12:21 PM
I think the Whitehouse should turn the North Korean flag upside down. That will show' em and have about the same results as what they will do. I am surprised Obama hasn't invited the short ugly guy over for a Beer Summit.:beer:

Joe Walsh
11-24-2010, 12:24 PM
We'll see if Obama is as good at "rattling his sword" as Clinton was.....:rolleyes:

(Of course Slick Willie was more interested in "rattling his other sword".)

11-24-2010, 01:32 PM
A couple of well placed EMP bombs would be enough to send them to the stone age. They can't use tech without an electrical grid and they don't have much of a grid as it is. Their nukes, radar, etc. would be as good as rocks.

11-24-2010, 02:17 PM
I think the Whitehouse should turn the North Korean flag upside down. That will show' em and have about the same results as what they will do. I am surprised Obama hasn't invited the short ugly guy over for a Beer Summit.:beer:

Cofee & Tea for evryone, OH and Obamas fiftieth million party at the white house god knows he as already more gatherings then Bush & Clinton did in the last 12 yrs what a J/K

11-24-2010, 02:53 PM
I vote against the atomic wasteland.


I agree with you kernie.

I need my own computer with it's own log-in!!!!

11-24-2010, 04:34 PM
I vote against the atomic wasteland.


I also agree with you. These people have suffered long enough under socialism.

On the other hand, if we did nuke 'em, their good buddy China will end our line of credit and the Dems would no longer be able to buy our votes with "free" stuff like health care.

I guess it all boils down to them or us. I vote us. Nuke 'em til they glow.

Ms. Denmark
11-24-2010, 05:11 PM

My uncle fought in that craphole back in 50s....it's time to re-combine them!
Mine too.....Uncle Herb. He brought me home a Korean doll which I treasure to this day. Sadly the saga there continues......

11-25-2010, 07:16 AM
We can't nuke it because we made a 3rd world cess pool into a huge industrial power that has a retarded cojoined twin.... As Ms. Demark said, sadly the saga will continue and whoever said follow the money nailed it.