View Full Version : Anyone a mathmarologist?

11-29-2010, 06:34 AM
Trying to figure out the math for the part about the farmers getting aid...


WASHINGTON — The unemployed and millionaires. Doctors and black farmers. Illegal immigrants hiding from the law and gays hiding in the military. Along with just about everybody else, they all have something at stake as Congress struggles to wrap up its work for the year.
Lawmakers, after taking Thanksgiving week off, arrive in town Monday along with the Capitol Christmas tree for the final stretch of the postelection session. Facing a daunting agenda, they could have that tree in their sights well into Christmas week.
At the top of the to-do list are the George W. Bush-era tax cuts, enacted in 2001 and 2003 and due to expire at year's end. President Barack Obama and most Democrats want to retain them for any couple earning $250,000 or less a year. Republicans are bent on making them permanent for everybody, including the richest.
The cuts apply to rates on wage income as well as to dividends and capital gains. A failure to act would mean big tax increases for people at every income level.
Obama has scheduled a meeting at the White House with Republican leaders on Tuesday, and possible options for compromise will be on the table, including providing a temporary extension for the wealthy.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has suggested that the Senate hold two votes: one on the Democratic plan confining the tax cut extension to the middle class, the other on Republican leader Mitch McConnell's plan to extend the cuts to everyone. If both are defeated, as anticipated, then the real negotiations begin.
"There will be bipartisan support in the lame duck to extend all the tax cuts for two or three years, and I think that vote will be had before the end of the year," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Sunday. "And if the president doesn't support that, I think he's running a risk of making the economy weaker."
Congress also has a Dec. 3 deadline to pass a temporary spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The Senate hasn't passed a single spending bill for the budget year that began Oct. 1. Democrats are working on a catchall $1.1 trillion to fund the government's day-to-day operations. Republicans, fresh off their election victory, are unlikely to go along.
"If this election showed us anything, it's that Americans don't want Congress passing massive trillion-dollar bills that have been thrown together behind closed doors," said McConnell, R-Ky.

One idea is to fund the government at current levels through February, when the next Congress and its influx of anti-spending conservatives, will deal with the matter.
If the pre-Thanksgiving first week of the lame-duck session is any indication, the chances aren't good that Congress will accomplish much in the weeks ahead.
The House tried, and failed, to extend federal unemployment checks for the 2 million people whose benefits will run out during the holiday season. Republicans objected, saying the $12.5 billion cost of the three-month extension should be paid for so it doesn't add to the deficit.
The Senate's main achievement was approval of a long-delayed settlement with black farmers and American Indians who say they were swindled out of aid, subsidies and royalties in past dealings with the government. Under the agreement awaiting House approval, black farmers would receive almost $1.2 billion and American Indians $3.4 billion.
The Senate also postponed, for a month, a 23 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors; it was to begin on Dec. 1. The House is expected to go along, giving lawmakers time to come up with a longer-term plan to avoid cuts that could prompt doctors to stop seeing Medicare patients.
As early as Monday night, the Senate could pass and send to the House a measure that gives the Food and Drug Administration greater authority to order food recalls and inspect imported food.
The House is to take up a Senate-passed child nutrition bill, which promotes healthier school lunches and has the support of first lady Michelle Obama.
Also on the House agenda is a last-ditch effort by Democrats to show they have not forgotten immigration policy. Legislation known as the Dream Act, which has stumbled once in the Senate, would provide a path to legal status for the children of illegal immigrants who either go to college or join the military.
Also on the to-do list:
_Senate Republicans have blocked a defense bill that would end the military's ban on gays serving opening. The Pentagon is to release a report Tuesday on how lifting "don't ask, don't tell" would affect military operations, and Democrats say they will try again to change the policy. Graham said he doesn't believe there are "anywhere near" the votes on the GOP side for a repeal right now. "So I think in a lame-duck setting, `don't ask, don't tell' is not going anywhere.
_Obama says the new START treaty that would reduce nuclear weapons arsenals in the U.S. and Russia is a "national security imperative" and he wants the Senate to hold a ratification vote this year. But a key Republican, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, says the vote should be put off until next year. There are "higher priority items" in the lame-duck session, he said Sunday. The addition of more GOP senators in the new Senate will complicate passage.
_Democrats say they want to give the extension of unemployment benefits another shot. One possibility is tying it to the tax cut bill. Democrats could try to portray Republicans as supporting tax cuts for the rich that would cost $700 billion over 10 years while opposing help for the jobless.
_There are numerous other tax breaks, such as for research and development, that need to be renewed. Congress is facing a deadline to shield some 21 million from significant tax increases by adjusting the alternative minimum tax by the end of the year. The cost of that is about $70 billion.
On the sidelines, hearings are expected on new airport screening methods judged by some travelers as being too intrusive, and House Republicans will continue to develop the rules under which they will govern when they become the majority in January. Republicans must settle several disputes over who will become committee chairmen next year.
To darken everyone's holiday mood, the president's bipartisan deficit commission on Wednesday is expected to come out with its ideas on long-term cuts to Social Security, Medicare, defense and other federal spending needed to keep the government solvent.
"The commission probably is dead," Graham said.

Really? 1.2 billion dollars? Let's say 10,000 farmers qualify. That is 120 MILLION dollars apiece. Or let's say there were 100,000 farmers who qualify. That's 12 MILLION each. Is my math that bad or did I miss something? I think we are all in the wrong business....

11-29-2010, 07:52 AM
do the math again.

1 Bad Merc
11-29-2010, 09:38 AM
You are also forgetting the Indians-because allowing them to have reservations and Casinos is not enough!

But let's cut-off unemployment benefits for Americans who are out of work during the holidays-but wait -maybe North Korea needs another billion to quiet down -this governments priorities are severely screwed up.

11-29-2010, 10:55 AM
If you really want to put people back to work..... end welfare.

11-29-2010, 12:22 PM
Really? 1.2 billion dollars? Let's say 10,000 farmers qualify. That is 120 MILLION dollars apiece. Or let's say there were 100,000 farmers who qualify. That's 12 MILLION each. Is my math that bad or did I miss something? I think we are all in the wrong business....

You sure you don't work for the government? Mistaking 1.2 trillion for 1.2 billion in your calculations is easy when you're the federal government.

1.2 billion divided by 10,000 farmers is 12,000 dollars.

11-29-2010, 04:04 PM
Hey that's why I asked, my calculator doesn't go that high.

11-29-2010, 04:07 PM
You sure you don't work for the government? Mistaking 1.2 trillion for 1.2 billion in your calculations is easy when you're the federal government.

1.2 billion divided by 10,000 farmers is 12,000 dollars.
Wait a minute, no it isn't!

11-29-2010, 04:07 PM
It's $120,000.

SC Cheesehead
11-29-2010, 04:56 PM
You sure you don't work for the government? Mistaking 1.2 trillion for 1.2 billion in your calculations is easy when you're the federal government.

"A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money." - Sen. Everett Dirksen

11-29-2010, 05:23 PM
You sure you don't work for the government? Mistaking 1.2 trillion for 1.2 billion in your calculations is easy when you're the federal government.

1.2 billion divided by 10,000 farmers is 12,000 dollars.

You're not a mathematician either. The ^^^^ answer is $120,000. Still not chump change for the farmers. What's it for again? :rolleyes: I am trying to get in on the "Not growing Corn" subsidy. ON that same piece of land, I am not growing potatoes, not growing any tomatoes, no beans, no wheat, ..... I am not growing alot of stuff. :rofl:

11-29-2010, 07:22 PM
You're not a mathematician either. The ^^^^ answer is $120,000. Still not chump change for the farmers. What's it for again? :rolleyes: I am trying to get in on the "Not growing Corn" subsidy. ON that same piece of land, I am not growing potatoes, not growing any tomatoes, no beans, no wheat, ..... I am not growing alot of stuff. :rofl:
Yep 120k.....I knew I misplaced that zero somewhere

12-02-2010, 07:52 AM
You can put a LOT of zeros in an Excel Spreadsheet. Just saying.....

Seems we can also put a lot of zeros in Washington.

12-02-2010, 08:09 AM
You can put a LOT of zeros in an Excel Spreadsheet. Just saying.....

Seems we can also put a lot of zeros in Washington.

Good one! :beer:

Joe Walsh
12-02-2010, 09:02 AM
Did you say Mammarologist?


OOPS!....:o......my bad!

You are forgetting that by the time the Government sets up a new agency to administer the program, and finally gets around to dispersing the earmarked funds, only @ 8% of the money will be left to distribute = $9,600 per farmer.

12-02-2010, 09:09 AM
Did you say Mammarologist?


OOPS!....:o......my bad!

You are forgetting that by the time the Government sets up a new agency to administer the program, and finally gets around to dispersing the earmarked funds, only 8% of the money will be left to distribute = $9,600 per farmer.

(Insert farmers daughters joke here)
My part of the math was based on assuming there were 100,000 black farmers. I don't think there have ever been 100,000 farmers of any color combined, so why the staggering payout? No offense to any black farmers, I just don't get it.

12-02-2010, 11:14 AM
I believe there is around 2,000,000 people involved in farming/ agriculture in America. I'd sure like to know more about this whole discrimination thing. $120,000 is a LOT of discrimination.

Joe Walsh
12-02-2010, 11:20 AM
I believe there is around 2,000,000 people involved in farming/ agriculture in America. I'd sure like to know more about this whole discrimination thing. $120,000 is a LOT of discrimination.

It's how liberals relieve themselves of their guilt about 200 year old transgressions.....
Throw money at it so that you can feel better about yourself.
.....and don't check or even worry to see if the wasted BILLIONS helped anyone....at all.

02-14-2011, 12:06 PM
Oh this is about to get good....


02-14-2011, 12:25 PM
Oh this is about to get good....


Why isn't the Obama admin. listed in the suit, along with her superiors in her chain of command? They supposedly pushed for her resignation without properly investigating. If the courts view the freedom of speech differently now, I won't be surprised.

02-14-2011, 03:09 PM
If you want to know the actual numbers, a quick google search found this.


President Obama's signature last week on a landmark discrimination settlement will do more than send money to more than 75,000 black farmers across the country.

Most are expected to receive an average of $50,000 from the $1.15 billion settlement that Obama signed into law Wednesday.

02-15-2011, 05:38 AM
What has happened is, he released the video and waited for her to make a move. He waited 7 months and nothing happened, so he held a news conference, the next day, she filed suit:

He said he believes it is "no coincidence" that the suit was filed the day after he held a news conference calling for a congressional investigation into the settlement of a case -- Pigford v. Glickman -- reached more than a decade ago between the USDA and minority farmers.

Breitbart told CNN on Monday. "Shirley Sherrod is a central figure to the largest single politically motivated fraud in the history of the United States. It's called the Pigford black farmers' settlement."
Breitbart said Sherrod's husband and the couple's "defunct communal farm ... collectively were the largest recipients of compensation in that lawsuit."

She played right into his trap by sueing for defamation of character. Now he and his team can bring up anything and everything she has ever done in her life, and by doing so reveal so much dirty dealings, his "defamation" of her will actually look like puppies and rainbows. And, they can call in everyone involved in this case and reveal even more dirt. How many people got part of the 1.5 billion? How many people got paid more than once? How many recipients are actually fictitious? Breitbarts sole purpose of doing this was to expose it, and by realizing Sherrod would think herself untouchable, and then when she IS touched, try intimidation tactics like sueing Breitbart. She not only walked into a trap, she built the damn thing! This story is the thing books and movies are made of, it really is. Especially if you follow politics and crooks in politics. My jaw actually dropped when I read it yesterday. My original post was about how crazy the over 1 billion dollar payout was, I never expected this would actually go anywhere until yesterdays story broke. I see 2 possible things happening. Sherrod, being a narcissistic egomaniacal megalomaniac, will push forward and go down in flames taking everyone she can with her, or her suit will suddenly be dropped. Option 1, we will see some fantastic scandalous dirt being slung. If she goes with option 2, Breitbart can countersue for defamation, and we still get to see the evilness of shady dealings revealed. It's a win-win. Unless you could care less what dirty politicians do with billions of your tax dollars.

02-15-2011, 09:06 AM
I believe there is around 2,000,000 people involved in farming/ agriculture in America. I'd sure like to know more about this whole discrimination thing. $120,000 is a LOT of discrimination.

I submitted my application to get part of this settlement ;) .... was looking forward to the $120K. My application was denied because they said my 5 x 5 vegetable garden didn't actually qualify as a "farm". I woulda had trouble proving the other part too. :P

Joe Walsh
02-15-2011, 09:50 AM
What has happened is, he released the video and waited for her to make a move. He waited 7 months and nothing happened, so he held a news conference, the next day, she filed suit:

He said he believes it is "no coincidence" that the suit was filed the day after he held a news conference calling for a congressional investigation into the settlement of a case -- Pigford v. Glickman -- reached more than a decade ago between the USDA and minority farmers.

Breitbart told CNN on Monday. "Shirley Sherrod is a central figure to the largest single politically motivated fraud in the history of the United States. It's called the Pigford black farmers' settlement."
Breitbart said Sherrod's husband and the couple's "defunct communal farm ... collectively were the largest recipients of compensation in that lawsuit."

She played right into his trap by sueing for defamation of character. Now he and his team can bring up anything and everything she has ever done in her life, and by doing so reveal so much dirty dealings, his "defamation" of her will actually look like puppies and rainbows. And, they can call in everyone involved in this case and reveal even more dirt. How many people got part of the 1.5 billion? How many people got paid more than once? How many recipients are actually fictitious? Breitbarts sole purpose of doing this was to expose it, and by realizing Sherrod would think herself untouchable, and then when she IS touched, try intimidation tactics like sueing Breitbart. She not only walked into a trap, she built the damn thing! This story is the thing books and movies are made of, it really is. Especially if you follow politics and crooks in politics. My jaw actually dropped when I read it yesterday. My original post was about how crazy the over 1 billion dollar payout was, I never expected this would actually go anywhere until yesterdays story broke. I see 2 possible things happening. Sherrod, being a narcissistic egomaniacal megalomaniac, will push forward and go down in flames taking everyone she can with her, or her suit will suddenly be dropped. Option 1, we will see some fantastic scandalous dirt being slung. If she goes with option 2, Breitbart can countersue for defamation, and we still get to see the evilness of shady dealings revealed. It's a win-win. Unless you could care less what dirty politicians do with billions of your tax dollars.

We can only hope that more of this :bs: gets uncovered and publicized.

I submitted my application to get part of this settlement ;) .... was looking forward to the $120K. My application was denied because they said my 5 x 5 vegetable garden didn't actually qualify as a "farm". I woulda had trouble proving the other part too. :P

You should have told them that you were growing pot for "medicinal purposes"....:rasta:
then I'm sure that you would have received a government loan!

02-15-2011, 09:59 AM
We can only hope that more of this :bs: gets uncovered and publicized.

You said it. I can't wait to watch this play out, it's exciting. This was like a game of Checkers where she was looking 1 move ahead at how she could make a jump and yell "King me!", and when she pounced he was already 3 moves ahead. The best part is he has the money to sustain a fight in court, boo-ya!