View Full Version : What is the status of your alternator?

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 06:49 AM
Hey everyone. My alternator is original from 2003 and now that it has passed the 7 year mark, I am a little nervous as to how much longer it will last and I would rather not get stranded. My MM has 118k on it. My question is how long did your alternator last before it died if anyone has had theirs die on them. Am I worrying over nothing? With winter approaching it is always in the back of my mind. Living in New England, I would rather not get stranded waiting for a tow truck on a cold winter day. Thanks in advance for the feedback!

12-01-2010, 07:02 AM
Hey everyone. My alternator is original from 2003 and now that it has passed the 7 year mark, I am a little nervous as to how much longer it will last and I would rather not get stranded. My MM has 118k on it. My question is how long did your alternator last before it died if anyone has had theirs die on them. Am I worrying over nothing? With winter approaching it is always in the back of my mind. Living in New England, I would rather not get stranded waiting for a tow truck on a cold winter day. Thanks in advance for the feedback!

I would say yes. I've never had an alternator die (on any vehicle) so fast that I got stranded. I did buy a spare because I thought mine was squalling but it was a pulley making the racket.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 07:04 AM
I would say yes. I've never had an alternator die (on any vehicle) so fast that I got stranded. I did buy a spare because I thought mine was squalling but it was a pulley making the racket.
I have had to do ONE in my driving career, but that car had like 180,000 miles on it. My friend goes through alternators like candy, but that is on a Chevy. Come to think of it, the car I did an alternator on was a Chevy too! I have had good luck with Fords!

12-01-2010, 07:07 AM
I have had to do ONE in my driving career, but that car had like 180,000 miles on it. My friend goes through alternators like candy, but that is on a Chevy. Come to think of it, the car I did an alternator on was a Chevy too! I have had good luck with Fords!

That's the good thing about Chevy parts, dirt cheap :D

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 07:23 AM
That's the good thing about Chevy parts, dirt cheap :D
Yeah, because they are in high demand! Mass production = Lesser cost! haha

12-01-2010, 07:47 AM

12-01-2010, 07:51 AM
110,000 + and still charging.

12-01-2010, 08:06 AM
The car is on its third one, at least that I know of. However, like a number of members have stated, the pulley bearing can be repaired, and I chose to not go that route, so I may very well have been able to be on the original one.

12-01-2010, 08:09 AM
I'd say run it until it gives up the ghost.

Keep an eye on the voltmeter.

12-01-2010, 08:54 AM
I'd say run it until it gives up the ghost.

Keep an eye on the voltmeter.

Yeah, at least that's real. :P

Black bart
12-01-2010, 09:00 AM
Mine died about 2 months after I bought it! replaced with new one and so far so good!


12-01-2010, 09:26 AM
I had one fail on my '85 Ranger in 1995 with about 250K on it. Brushes were worn out. Threw new brushes in it and kept it for 15 more years. The main things to fail in an alternator are brushes, slip rings, bearings, voltage regulator(part of the brush holder/voltage regulator assembly) and diodes. The diodes usually fail only after someone reverses polarity on a battery hookup or jump start. All this having been said, mileage alone may not be a cause for concern.

12-01-2010, 09:27 AM
im on my 3rd

12-01-2010, 10:18 AM
I just got my upgraded one fixed under warranty. It stopped charging (just before the 1 yr warranty exp), shipped it to them just before Thanksgiving, got it back yesterday. Black powder coated.

12-01-2010, 10:28 AM
I just got my upgraded one fixed under warranty. It stopped charging (just before the 1 yr warranty exp), shipped it to them just before Thanksgiving, got it back yesterday. Black powder coated.k
http://www.powerbastards.com/products.asp?cat=125978 do these alternators have the clutch pulley?

12-01-2010, 10:54 AM
I would think you could swap on the old pulley?

12-01-2010, 11:20 AM
do these alternators have the clutch pulley?
No. My original didn't either. I think that's because mine was used as an undercover police car though. Should swap right out like he said. Never had a prob without the clutch style pulley.

12-01-2010, 12:52 PM
I don't want the clutch pulley. Got to keep the voltage feeding the fuel pump at wot.

12-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Mine is original and A OK at 101K

Paul T. Casey
12-01-2010, 01:22 PM
Good grief TJ, things must be going good if you're inventing things to worry about. Mine's still fine, and I have a few more miles than you.

12-01-2010, 01:32 PM
I don't want the clutch pulley. Got to keep the voltage feeding the fuel pump at wot.
??? Maybe I'm mistaken, but, I thought the clutch allowed the momentum of the alternator spindle to freewheel until it caught up with the belt/pulley when coming out of a high rpm load. WOT turns off the charge function with a command in the PCM. I thought anyway.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Good grief TJ, things must be going good if you're inventing things to worry about. Mine's still fine, and I have a few more miles than you.
Hey Paul! Things are ok, but I never really am sure about alternators. They seem to vary from car to car in terms of reliability. Just making sure ours hold up! If you still have your original, that is comforting for sure! haha

12-01-2010, 02:18 PM
Still on my original, but my marauder only has 50k on it. :D

My 01 vic had 240,000k on it and never had a problem. :bows:

12-01-2010, 02:20 PM
??? Maybe I'm mistaken, but, I thought the clutch allowed the momentum of the alternator spindle to freewheel until it caught up with the belt/pulley when coming out of a high rpm load. WOT turns off the charge function with a command in the PCM. I thought anyway.

that first part is correct.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 02:31 PM
All I know it mine whines like a supercharger when I let off from WOT. does that mean they are clutched? That was my guess.

12-01-2010, 02:37 PM
All I know it mine whines like a supercharger when I let off from WOT. does that mean they are clutched? That was my guess.

ALL of them came from the factory with a clutched pully why you would swap it out on a n/a set up or even a centrifugal is beyond me. the only reason you have to swap it out on the trilogy is cuz you turn the alt around backwards, one way pulley dont work so well when its backwards.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 02:43 PM
ALL of them came from the factory with a clutched pully why you would swap it out on a n/a set up or even a centrifugal is beyond me. the only reason you have to swap it out on the trilogy is cuz you turn the alt around backwards, one way pulley dont work so well when its backwards.
I see. All this clutch talk confused me. Thanks for the clarification. Mine is obviously clutched because the thing winds down quite loud.

12-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Last alt I had fail was on my '86 Grand Marquis, that was probably 15 years ago & it never stopped charging, but the alt light would pop on at random...

I ran a '92 & '93 Grand Marquis around 150Kmi each and never had a problem...

The status of the one on my Marauder??? It spins backwards...

12-01-2010, 04:22 PM
I put a new one on at 150K miles but found out it was still fine....currently have almost 70K on the replacement and it is fine.....they usually get noisy before they die!!:eek:

Bradley G
12-02-2010, 06:36 AM
I have replaced mine three times in seven years and 103500 miles. None of the failures were under warranty.
The next time it comes to life, it too will be perched and rotating without a clutched pulley backwards.

12-03-2010, 11:39 PM
Hmmm...between my car and Dave's (Trilogy #170 and #180), we've gone through 5 alternators. One blew up (literally on fire) on the dyno, one gave out while driving, mine died on the way home from my Tril install, again on the way home after installing my snow tires.(?!?!?!?)
3 were stock, 2 were PPA heavy duty ones.

03-02-2011, 09:53 PM
My 2003 MM has 120,000 miles on it and my second go 'round with alternatorrs has begun. The original one went out on me about 4 years ago (probably 60,000 miles) Local Ford dealer put one on...no good. Ordered another one...came in broken, ordered another one and that one lasted until about 2 weeks ago. Voltage light came on, had it checked at Advance Auto parts (thought it was my battery) The guy said battery and alternator were fine. Here in Kansas we had just had some very cold, warm, cold, warm weather. The guy said alternators will sometimes act up like this.

A week went buy and all was fine. While driving on the highway with my 11 year old daughter and her friend....my voltage light came on...then my abs, then all the other lights came on...the radio and heater flickered on and off...dash lights dimmed and I think my headlights went off. I hit the high beams to check the headlights and then all the lights came on...including the dome light....and the car took off, and seemed to return to normal. Got to our destination, parked for about a half hour, drove across the street and it died in the parking lot. A jump start got us home. The shop I use...that put a head gasket in it 2 years ago, replaced the alternator...after ordering one from Ford that came in broken. Took it home and it started doing the same thing. Now at another Ford dealer....waiting on yet another alternator....

And the saga continues....

03-03-2011, 04:40 AM
My 2003 MM has 120,000 miles on it and my second go 'round with alternatorrs has begun. The original one went out on me about 4 years ago (probably 60,000 miles) Local Ford dealer put one on...no good. Ordered another one...came in broken, ordered another one and that one lasted until about 2 weeks ago. Voltage light came on, had it checked at Advance Auto parts (thought it was my battery) The guy said battery and alternator were fine. Here in Kansas we had just had some very cold, warm, cold, warm weather. The guy said alternators will sometimes act up like this.

A week went buy and all was fine. While driving on the highway with my 11 year old daughter and her friend....my voltage light came on...then my abs, then all the other lights came on...the radio and heater flickered on and off...dash lights dimmed and I think my headlights went off. I hit the high beams to check the headlights and then all the lights came on...including the dome light....and the car took off, and seemed to return to normal. Got to our destination, parked for about a half hour, drove across the street and it died in the parking lot. A jump start got us home. The shop I use...that put a head gasket in it 2 years ago, replaced the alternator...after ordering one from Ford that came in broken. Took it home and it started doing the same thing. Now at another Ford dealer....waiting on yet another alternator....

And the saga continues....

I got mine from DB Electrical, no problems.
