View Full Version : Pipe Tobacco smokers?

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 08:44 AM
I started a thread about cigars a while back, but over last winter while unemployed, I bought a pipe to try it out. Always liked the smell of a pipe. Though I still like my cigars, the pipe is definitely enjoyable as well. It is cheaper too. I figured I would save money by buying a pipe and buying tobacco by the ounce instead of a cigar for $7+. Anyone else smoke pipes?

Please save the "That's what she said" for another thread. We all know this thread will be full of opportunities, but lets try to keep it classy...

No weed smokers please... I have never even had a puff and never will.

12-01-2010, 08:48 AM
I started a thread about cigars a while back, but over last winter while unemployed, I bought a pipe to try it out. Always liked the smell of a pipe. Though I still like my cigars, the pipe is definitely enjoyable as well. It is cheaper too. I figured I would save money by buying a pipe and buying tobacco by the ounce instead of a cigar for $7+. Anyone else smoke pipes?

Please save the "That's what she said" for another thread. :( We all know this thread will be full of opportunities, but lets try to keep it classy...

No weed smokers please... I have never even had a puff and never will.

I used to, love the cherry tobaccy smell. I still have a couple bags of pipe cleaners, they make good wire ties in a bind if you run out of zippy ties.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 08:51 AM
I used to, love the cherry tobaccy smell. I still have a couple bags of pipe cleaners, they make good wire ties in a bind if you run out of zippy ties.
I like unflavored pipe tobacco, but my buddy bought an ounce of the cherry flavored and I must say, it did smell nice.

I saw that you posted and said "ut oh" by the way... haha

Black bart
12-01-2010, 09:15 AM
Inherited my Dads pipes many years ago plus added a few sourced from all over the world on business trips. My favorite pipe tobacco is a Cavendish blend, Bob’s Best… aromatic, mild and is sweet in flavor.

Mostly light up on weekends or after arriving home from work checking e-mails and with a Martini in hand.


12-01-2010, 09:19 AM
I have smoked a pipe off and on for years. I have a few hand made pipes. I try and stay away from the "flavored tobaccos". They do smell wonderful, but they seem to have more of a bite . I like a tobacco blend that contains about 10% Latakia tobacco. The closest I get to a flavor is a tobacco called Troost. Chocolate flavor and aroma . I've mostly smoked cigars as of late.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 09:45 AM
I've mostly smoked cigars as of late.
I keep going back and forth myself. The pipe is nice, but sometimes I just gotta have a nice cigar! I have been doing cigars lately with my buddy every Thursday night, but he is asking for a pipe for Christmas from his parents, so I will be digging mine out tomorrow to season it a little for when my friend gets his. Just got an ounce of a great flavor. My local Smoke Shop in Worcester has their own and name them after areas in Worcester. I got the elm park which is a very nice smoke without any scent. These guys also invented the "Tee-Gar" if any of you have used it, you know where it comes from now. It is for golfing. It is a tee with a little cigar holder at the top that you push into the ground when you are smoking and want to make a shot. Genius!

12-01-2010, 11:02 AM
C.B. Perkins used to sell a brand called "Faneuil Hall".
Always loved the smell of that stuff!

12-01-2010, 11:17 AM
Been smoking a pipe for 30 years.
Un-flavored is the only way to go for a true smooth, good smoke.
100% White Burley is the blend to use.

Blk Mamba
12-01-2010, 01:09 PM
My grandfather smoked a pipe as long as I can remember, use to sit by the pot belly stove and light up, those were the days. At about 16 years old I bought a cheap pipe and tried it, nasty, never could get it cured, so I bought a Meerschaum, cured in just days, and smoked a blend called Capt. Black. Smoked it on and off for years, hint never smoke anything else in a tobacco pipe, nor vice versa.

12-01-2010, 01:34 PM
... and smoked a blend called Capt. Black.

I tried a pipe for awhile when I was in Germany in the mid '70s. I liked the Captain Black blend too. The pipe didn't last cause I could never keep the dayum thing lit.

Egon Spengler
12-01-2010, 01:42 PM
I tried a pipe for awhile when I was in Germany in the mid '70s. I liked the Captain Black blend too. The pipe didn't last cause I could never keep the dayum thing lit.
I have that problem as well (keeping it lit). I bought a three piece tool that has a tamper, a spoon, and a poker on it. It helps to get a good light. Got to pack it the right way and also tamp it every so often. I enjoy it and am looking forward to sparking mine up tomorrow night.

12-01-2010, 04:18 PM
Only cigars... no pipes.

12-01-2010, 04:23 PM
Got to pack it the right way and also tamp it every so often.

Oh come on, maaaaaaaan!!!!

12-02-2010, 06:56 AM
I go for the hookah myself with tropical blend

12-02-2010, 06:58 AM
Oh come on, maaaaaaaan!!!!

He said tamp... not tap.

Egon Spengler
12-02-2010, 07:05 AM
He said tamp... not tap.
I did say pack though! haha. What, no cigar in my package that you sent recently?!?!? haha :beer:

Black Dynamite
12-02-2010, 09:29 AM
I have smoked a pipe for about ten years. I prefer the long stem pipes. (how's that for CBT territory huh?)

I buy my tobacco from David's Briar Shop. I belive you can order it online but I just pick it up at the store. They do their own blends and allow you to mix your own blend. I have "perfected" a blend of Black Cavendish and a Coventry with a pinch of a vanilla that I enjoy quite thoroughly.

I've never found a good way to keep the pipe lit other than smoking faster. I have found that for me a looser pack of the bowl seems to keep the embers lit.

Egon Spengler
12-02-2010, 09:44 AM
I've never found a good way to keep the pipe lit other than smoking faster. I have found that for me a looser pack of the bowl seems to keep the embers lit.
I have tried a loose pack and just wind up getting air holes that blow by. I have smoke it quite a few times and maybe got one light that I could say was PERFECT. It was very enjoyable. Really is a fickle little beast!

12-02-2010, 09:52 AM
....you're killin me with the TWSS ban....:rolleyes:

12-03-2010, 10:58 AM
I'm killing myself laughing reading this thread thinking that CBT is probably just dying to type those famous words...

I have never smoked a pipe, but have smoked cigarettes for 26 years. How is a pipe more "socially acceptable" (like say a cigar)? Is it just not harmful or what? I really don't know.

12-03-2010, 11:06 AM
I'm killing myself laughing reading this thread thinking that CBT is probably just dying to type those famous words...

I have never smoked a pipe, but have smoked cigarettes for 26 years. How is a pipe more "socially acceptable" (like say a cigar)? Is it just not harmful or what? I really don't know.
Pipes and cigars are WAY worse, they throw off more smoke, and none of it is filtered.

12-03-2010, 11:18 AM
Pipes and cigars are WAY worse, they throw off more smoke, and none of it is filtered.

I think quality pipe and cigar tobaco may be a little less "adulterated" than cigarette tobaco - the cigarettes were "blended" to maximize the "effects" of nicotine.

That said I still enjoy a Camel non-filter every once in awhile!

Egon Spengler
12-03-2010, 11:27 AM
Pipes and cigars are WAY worse, they throw off more smoke, and none of it is filtered.
Yes, but I can smoke at will. I am not addicted. If I decided to quit smoking today, it wouldn't be a problem. Not as addictive.

12-03-2010, 11:36 AM
Pipes and cigars are WAY worse, they throw off more smoke, and none of it is filtered.

I think quality pipe and cigar tobaco may be a little less "adulterated" than cigarette tobaco - the cigarettes were "blended" to maximize the "effects" of nicotine.

That said I still enjoy a Camel non-filter every once in awhile!

Yes, but I can smoke at will. I am not addicted. If I decided to quit smoking today, it wouldn't be a problem. Not as addictive.
Same here. I smoke cigars. I can go months without even the urge to light up one. I smoked Tijuana Smalls all through high school, stopped after I got married, didn't have another cigar for over 25 years. Started back with some "regular" cigars about 4 or 5 years ago. If I smoke a cigar 3 times a month, that's alot.

12-03-2010, 12:49 PM
If you google Latakia tobacco you might not smoke it after you find out how it's cured. LOL! Unsure of the correct spelling .

12-17-2010, 08:31 AM
Pipes and cigars are WAY worse, they throw off more smoke, and none of it is filtered.

Don't tell that to George Burns or Mark Twain or Churchill or the many others that smoked about 10-20 a day and lived to be plenty old.
Recent research even stated two cigars a day do nothing to increase your health risks.
In fact, there are somethings worse than cigar smoking...

You oughtta get a kick out of this one...

Now to the OP....
I smoke Cigars and have tried pipes. I also have a hard time getting them to stay lit. It's definitely an art form. I like some of the McClelland Frog Morton blends. It's hard to find a pipe shop down here. Cigars are on every corner.
Ever try Iwan Ries? Old as time...

12-17-2010, 09:07 AM
The theory for Cigars and Pipes is you don't inhale. With that said I know people that do and of course they are just as hooked as a cig. smoker. I quit smoking cigarettes 24 yrs ago. I've since used chewing tobacco, pipes and cigars. Quit the Chew and don't have a jones for smoking. Only smoke cigars while playing golf. JMTCW! CBT I think you can work with this too.LOL

12-17-2010, 07:02 PM
I've been smoking a pipe for 10 years or so. I find pipe tobacco to have more consistent taste than cigars. Seems every time I find a cigar that really blows me away the next one I buy doesn't measure up. When I was in Arkansas I used to buy a blend called "Buttered Rum" at a little smoke shop in Texarkana and it was the best tobacco I ever smoked. I wish I still had their address/phone #.

12-17-2010, 10:58 PM
Don,t enjoy anything!!!! That goes for smoking, drinking, eating good comfort food, like steak & ribs. Don,t drive fast cars, don't eat bacon & eggs . Take all those darned statin drugs to keep you alive & miserable at the old folks home while you wait for someone to change your soiled diaper. I love a beer & anything else that I decide to enjoy.