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12-13-2010, 06:34 AM
Stolen Car Is Returned To Owner 27 Years Later

Robert Andrews says his 1973 Chevrolet Camaro was stolen outside his apartment when he was 22-years-old, back in 1983.

http://media.trb.com/media/photo/2010-12/58168373.jpg 1973 Chevrolet Camaro (KTLA / December 8, 2010)

KTLA News 10:55 a.m. PST, December 9, 2010

LOS ANGELES ( KTLA) -- A man has been reunited with his car, 27 years after it was stolen.

Robert Andrews -- who used to live in Santa Ana -- reported his Chevrolet Camaro stolen back on July 31, 1983.

There were few leads and the 1973 Camaro was never found. But last month, it showed up after a man -- who had just purchased it from a woman in Los Angeles -- tried to register the car at the DMV.

Turns out the vehicle was still listed as stolen, prompting DMV workers to call police.

The man who bought the car told authorities that the woman who sold it to him said that she had kept it in the backyard for more than 10 years.

While the man is not a suspect, authorities say they plan to talk to the woman who sold him the car.

Meantime, Andrews -- the original owner -- was tracked down in Nevada and on Tuesday, he reclaimed his car from the West Los Angeles CHP station.

Andrews says everything on the Camaro has been upgraded or replaced, except for the front bumper.

http://mv.trb.com/clear.gif?dname=www.ktla.com&uri=/news/landing/ktla-man-reunited-with-stolen-car-3-decades-later,0,1597298.story&tag=/news/landing&citype=story&title=Stolen%20Car%20Is%20Retu rned%20To%20Owner%2027%20Years %20Later&tnurl=http://media.trb.com/media/thumbnails/story/2010-12/58168192-08173615.jpg&hkey=d2d3ab6c2f77f66c319d88387 ebcabd4

SC Cheesehead
12-13-2010, 06:51 AM
While the man is not a suspect, authorities say they plan to talk to the woman who sold him the car.

Meantime, Andrews -- the original owner -- was tracked down in Nevada and on Tuesday, he reclaimed his car from the West Los Angeles CHP station.

Andrews says everything on the Camaro has been upgraded or replaced, except for the front bumper. http://mv.trb.com/clear.gif?dname=www.ktla.com&uri=/news/landing/ktla-man-reunited-with-stolen-car-3-decades-later,0,1597298.story&tag=/news/landing&citype=story&title=Stolen%20Car%20Is%20Retu rned%20To%20Owner%2027%20Years %20Later&tnurl=http://media.trb.com/media/thumbnails/story/2010-12/58168192-08173615.jpg&hkey=d2d3ab6c2f77f66c319d88387 ebcabd4

Lady's name wasn't Lynne Foose by any chance...?



12-13-2010, 06:51 AM
To get that type of a ride back man I would b happy too.. Its guy here(the show me).. Has one I mean this thing is amazing.. I love that year camaro.. I had a 87, and a 91rs.. Respect

12-13-2010, 06:53 AM
Did he still have his mullet when the car was returned to him?

12-13-2010, 07:11 AM
Did he still have his mullet when the car was returned to him?

And his acid washed jeans :beer:

12-13-2010, 07:19 AM
Such a touching story. I think...............I think I am.............I think I am going to shed a tear..http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:9dGtn229vO6IHM: (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://heartsunbroken.files.wordpress .com/2010/01/1763426-2-one-single-tear.jpg&imgrefurl=http://heartsunbroken.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/happily-never-after/&usg=__s8SO-XugI9WFLYHis1T62oY_xFE=&h=550&w=516&sz=63&hl=en&start=13&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=9dGtn229vO6IHM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtear%26hl%3Den%26 gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1)

SC Cheesehead
12-13-2010, 07:43 AM
And his acid washed jeans :beer:

Tie-dyed shirt...