View Full Version : Let it snow! (AWD appreciation + vid)

12-13-2010, 06:22 PM
(cross-posted on LXforums.com and CVN)


Got bored and went out in the Magnum to do donuts. We've been under some sort of winter storm advisory for the past couple days and it is supposed to last until Wednesday.

Unfortunately, the snow we've been getting has been getting blown around by 30mph gusts. Therefore, not much is sticking to parking lots and roads. This was really the only halfway okay place to spin around tonight. Even so, the car was down to dry pavement a few times (you can hear it over the music around 0:44). :mad:

Though the gas mileage on this car blows (still better than Codyy's car though), it does a lot of things nicely. The rear-biased AWD is really a blast to drive in the snow. It lets you do dumb things, but still lets you fix whatever problem you've created for yourself with ease.

12-13-2010, 07:16 PM
Even my dog likes it.

12-13-2010, 09:03 PM
LOL, g00d times Bro!!!

12-13-2010, 09:14 PM
I have been having so much fun over the last few days it's not even real!

Every morning commute is like frogger!
I'll run those snow covered lanes all alone at the speed limit while everyone else is crawling in the one single wet lane.

I actually find a reason to go out when the roads are nearly shut down....get there first...and look good doing it.


Stage-1 WRX = awesomeness the MM could never provide.

I even already have a fudged up air dam as seen below driving in a similar fashion. :shake:


12-14-2010, 01:20 AM
I'll run those snow covered lanes all alone at the speed limit while everyone else is crawling in the one single wet lane.

I actually find a reason to go out when the roads are nearly shut down....get there first...and look good doing it. +1 to both.