View Full Version : The cool rare car factor of Marauders....

12-14-2010, 06:46 AM
Got to thinking from the GNX thread....

I currently have a 86 GN and am looking to purchase a black MM as my semi-daily driver. I like both for their mix of performance, rarity and cool factor....or Not?? When I pull the GN into the gas station I usually get the thumbs up and the occasional "you don't see them anymore" or "my dream car"...yada yada. Just wondering....Do you get the same 'cool' factor with your MM? I honestly didn't know a MM from a hole in the ground before I got into the recent muscle era (I was always a '60s muscle fiend). So do you get the nod or the approach or the thumbs up, or does everyone just think its a run of the mill marquis or CV 'till you blow them off the line :D

12-14-2010, 06:52 AM
So do you get the nod or the approach or the thumbs up, or does everyone just think its a run of the mill marquis or CV 'till you blow them off the line :D
I get the "thumbs up" frequently out on the road or at traffic lights. At the gas station, shopping center, or parking lots I occasionally get someone to walk up and ask about the car. However, there is an entire segment of the population who couldn't tell a CV or GM from a Marauder .... or a Accord or Altima for that matter. :rolleyes:

12-14-2010, 06:59 AM
My experience since buying my MM in mid-'09 is that most people think I'm a cop. I get lots of looks. Most people, I've found so far, don't know what to think when they see it, unless they know what it is. The "fear factor" is high...and that works for me because I'm not big on racing. I like to have the power and have people leave me alone ;)

Oh, and I always give GN's a thumbs-up when I see them! Awesome cars. :cool:

Egon Spengler
12-14-2010, 07:08 AM
Definitely get head turns as people pass me on the street. I am always getting compliments and people striking up conversation about the car. There will be those people who know nothing and will say it is a cop car or a grand marquis. You will also get people asking what size motor it has and if it is supercharged. I get a lot of people surprised that it has such a "small" motor. They expect it to be supercharged and be a 5.4 or a 5.8L.

12-14-2010, 07:43 AM
I get more comments in this car than any other car I've ever owned, and I've had many different cars.
I've had a few people offer to buy it from me too, which has never happened to me before.

12-14-2010, 07:58 AM
Got to thinking from the GNX thread....

I currently have a 86 GN and am looking to purchase a black MM as my semi-daily driver. I like both for their mix of performance, rarity and cool factor....or Not?? When I pull the GN into the gas station I usually get the thumbs up and the occasional "you don't see them anymore" or "my dream car"...yada yada. Just wondering....Do you get the same 'cool' factor with your MM? I honestly didn't know a MM from a hole in the ground before I got into the recent muscle era (I was always a '60s muscle fiend). So do you get the nod or the approach or the thumbs up, or does everyone just think its a run of the mill marquis or CV 'till you blow them off the line :D

In my small town, there aren't many who know what the car is. However, for the few people who have asked me about it, their questions will be one of two things "Is that thing supercharged?" or "Do you know Dennis Reinhart?" I guess a number of his relatives are from the area.

If you put it in shows, get ready for a lot of hurr durr-isms from mouth-breathers or people who think they know what they're talking about. You'll also get a fair amount of compliments. Some gems from my experiences:

-(pointing to my JLT intake) "Gaww damn, that sum'b***h supercharged?"

-"How much poop she got?"

-A younger guy to his wife: "It's just a highly modified cougar."

-"Why would anyone want this when they could get a mustang?" :rolleyes:

-"They put a 460 in this, right?"

-"Why would anyone put a crown victoria in a car show? I'm glad I didn't have to pay to get in.":mad:

...and my favorite one:

-An older guy to me about my marauder: "Boy, they don't make 'em like that any more." Points to the red '99 Camaro RS next to my marauder and gets a gravely concerned look on his face. "You see that thing? It's f***** plastic. You f***** flick it and it'll f***** break!" He then stormed off. The very existence of that car bothered him on a personal level. You could see it on his face.

12-14-2010, 08:02 AM
-A younger guy to his wife: "It's just a highly modified cougar."

I didn't know that ^^^^^. Something else to add to my showboard. ;)


12-14-2010, 08:14 AM
I get impromptu car shows around my car wherever I park. Its the attitude of the car prevents me from ever thinking about parting with it.

12-14-2010, 08:33 AM
I rarely get recognized. I think most people either could care less or think it is just a Mercury. Whatever.

Matt In Detroit
12-14-2010, 08:53 AM
With almost 4 years behind the wheel of a MM, I remember 1 or 2 times someone said something. And I always had them looking ready for the show.

12-14-2010, 08:58 AM
Bluerauder has a beauty! My first up close with a blue at Carlisle last year. Charlie gets my vote as Ambassador to represent Marauders everywhere.

12-14-2010, 09:36 AM
most people just dont know what it is, and just assume its the police

12-14-2010, 09:54 AM
Bluerauder has a beauty! My first up close with a blue at Carlisle last year. Charlie gets my vote as Ambassador to represent Marauders everywhere.
Wow ... thanks for the vote of confidence. :D

Now I feel embarrassed :o 'cause the Bluerauder is shall we say a little dirty. If it wasn't 20 degrees outside ... I'd run right home and wash it. ;)

12-14-2010, 10:58 AM
My owner of the company I work for, he"s car crazy, a hellva car museum as matter of fact he has 1 of 6 cars made. Can't think of the name all I no that him and jay Leno has one. He always giving me all type of nice car, to sounds good young man, who wash that car, u keep it clean, and the lates they stop making mercury u better keep that car . Now go get urs and get the same props as on the gn if not more.. Respect..

12-15-2010, 05:14 PM
I still get a lot of attention and compliments. The valets on the Vegas Strip love it. Car guys know what it is and admire it, who cares what the auto-ignorant think?

12-15-2010, 05:29 PM
I get compliments almost daily when driving the MM, I think mostly because not too many people have ever come across a Panther that sounds like mine. Love it.

12-15-2010, 05:36 PM
I seem to get a lot of comments just about anywhere I go.
One of many reasons I plan on keeping it for a long time.

12-15-2010, 06:36 PM
When I drive the car which is maybe twice a week, people just stare and at gas stations everyone wants buy it. But when my gf drives it she gets complements all the time.
They ask:
Is that your or your husbands car?
Older guys like it a lot and want to talk to her for hours.
Then she does stand out with her big blonde hair.

12-15-2010, 08:07 PM
Crown Vic with Rims, right? love that one.

12-15-2010, 08:11 PM
Normally people stick their fingers in their ears and look like this :awe: when i'm out driving.

12-16-2010, 02:52 PM
not to much attention but thanks to lack of advertising like they do for chevys ,people just think its a fixed up marquis .rarely someone will know what a marauder is ,but thats ok we know what it is.

12-16-2010, 06:00 PM
i meant they do alot of advertising for chevy,dodge but little to none for marauders at the time.

12-16-2010, 06:57 PM
Don't worry "robertme"...you'll have your cool factor with a Maruader!! Period!

Ms. Denmark
12-17-2010, 03:32 AM
You need to read the thread "6 weeks with Marauder". That guy explains the cool factor perfectly....