View Full Version : Man brings gun to meeting... My jaw dropped...

Egon Spengler
12-15-2010, 06:54 AM
Can you believe this!?!?! Good thing someone else there had a gun to even out the playing field! This is so disturbing.

12-15-2010, 07:08 AM
I saw it on the news last night. A miracle that none of the School Board members were shot!! Unbelievable!

12-15-2010, 07:32 AM
Is it time now where you need to have armed officers at every public meeting? Pretty expensive for small towns but maybe needed nowdays.

12-15-2010, 07:36 AM
Glad no one other than him sustained bodily harm.
I am stunned that no one tired to help the lady when she hit him with her purse.
At a college the only one who tried to hold the door to keep the killer out was an elderly holocoust survivor. All the students just sat and watched.
We are being taught to be victims and to take no action to save ourselves or others. Just wait for help.
I saw this on a mass scale from Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike. All people needed to do was to walk on the MS River Levee a couple of miles to food, water and safety.

12-15-2010, 07:37 AM
Only the bad guy was carrying? What a terrible shot. Well, except for the last one.

Egon Spengler
12-15-2010, 07:43 AM
I am stunned that no one tired to help the lady when she hit him with her purse.
I was actually surprised by that as well! If I saw that happen, I would have found that as my time to pounce! I would have flown up from my chair and did whatever it took to protect myself and others in the room! I guess that is where I am a little crazy. Being a fireman, I am the one that is running towards what people are running away from... I definitely would have pounced and left it in God's hands. Better to die trying than to die the way that one guy saying "please no, please no" could have!

12-15-2010, 08:23 AM
I was actually surprised by that as well! If I saw that happen, I would have found that as my time to pounce! I would have flown up from my chair and did whatever it took to protect myself and others in the room! I guess that is where I am a little crazy. Being a fireman, I am the one that is running towards what people are running away from... I definitely would have pounced and left it in God's hands. Better to die trying than to die the way that one guy saying "please no, please no" could have!

I'm with you. Running emegencies, you get used to running towards to the issue and not away from it. I would used the opportunity to get up close and personal with the gunman.

12-15-2010, 08:26 AM
I guess you never know what you will do in that situation unless you are there. That said, I agree with the above comments once a move has been made its probably better to make your move then rather than wait to be executed like sheep; not all psychos are bad shots. Im glad all worked out obviously in this case.

Egon Spengler
12-15-2010, 08:33 AM
I guess you never know what you will do in that situation unless you are there. That said, I agree with the above comments once a move has been made its probably better to make your move then rather than wait to be executed like sheep; not all psychos are bad shots. Im glad all worked out obviously in this case.
Exactly. Her trying to stop him would just rile someone up and make them think even less rationally! Might as well try while he is distracted before he gets even more riled up. Stupid reason to take your own life, but obviously the man had an altered mental status. At least he had the courtesy to ask the women and children to leave.

12-15-2010, 08:47 AM
Glad no one other than him sustained bodily harm.
I am stunned that no one tired to help the lady when she hit him with her purse.
At a college the only one who tried to hold the door to keep the killer out was an elderly holocoust survivor. All the students just sat and watched.
We are being taught to be victims and to take no action to save ourselves or others. Just wait for help.
I saw this on a mass scale from Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike. All people needed to do was to walk on the MS River Levee a couple of miles to food, water and safety.
+ 1 I don't get how people think sometimes, that could have been bad they are very lucky. Sailsman i enjoy reading all your post. :)

12-15-2010, 08:55 AM
The purse lady should get an award, all the guys who sat there should get knee capped for just sitting there.

12-15-2010, 09:05 AM
Hero's name was Mike Jones? Makes sense to me!

We had our school board meeting and Christmas dinner Monday night. I'm glad ours was a little less exciting.

12-15-2010, 10:06 AM
The purse lady should get an award, all the guys who sat there should get knee capped for just sitting there.
+ 100. She gave them the OPPORTUNITY, they just sat there.

He was distracted long enough. Want to see a real hero? Check out this vid below. Not only did he disarm the armed robber, but the bad guy got shot with his own gun and died. BONUS: The bad guy was a killer on the loose.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-3qKkEFOlg
Story about bad guy being a killer: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/12/cops-cardon-off-home-of-possible-honeybee-killer.html

12-15-2010, 10:57 AM
I could critique the heck out of this considering there was an armed, trained (?), professional in the room, but won't. Thank God no one else was hurt. My question is what is this country coming to when we need armed guards at school board meetings?

12-15-2010, 12:37 PM
I guess even though he did not hit anyone he got the Boards attention. Where was the almighty teachers union for saving his wifes job when you need them. I would demand all my union dues back.

12-15-2010, 01:02 PM
I guess even though he did not hit anyone he got the Boards attention. Where was the almighty teachers union for saving his wifes job when you need them. I would demand all my union dues back.
Umm..., aww never mind.

12-15-2010, 01:19 PM
The purse lady should get an award, all the guys who sat there should get knee capped for just sitting there.

That lady was a moron. He told the women to leave and she goes back and swings a stupid handbag instead of getting help. She could have scared him enough that made him fire the pistol and deliver a fatal head shot to one of the people standing in front of him. Or dummy herself could have been killed.

BTW, you can say you can do this and that, but faced in that situation where the outcome is possibly a bullet in the head, you would no doubt think twice before acting.
I think I would only risk that if a loved one was in the line of fire, not a room of co-workers or strangers.

12-15-2010, 01:27 PM
Apparently, the shooter's wife quit... She did not get fired. ???

12-15-2010, 01:44 PM
Want to see a real hero? Check out this vid below. Not only did he disarm the armed robber, but the bad guy got shot with his own gun and died. BONUS: The bad guy was a killer on the loose.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-3qKkEFOlg
Story about bad guy being a killer: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/12/cops-cardon-off-home-of-possible-honeybee-killer.html

^^^^^One for the good guys! I wish we had more people that. People that have the "kahunas" to defend innocent human life. ^^^^^^^ I don't get it, why would you stand there and let someone do what they wish with you and not put up a fight! All I'm saying is that if I know I'm in danger I'm going out with a fight! :gunfire:
If something does happen to me I'm not going to be know as part of the sheepeople.

Joe Walsh
12-15-2010, 02:05 PM
Want to see a real hero?
Check out this vid below.
Not only did he disarm the armed robber, but the bad guy got shot with his own gun and died. BONUS: The bad guy was a killer on the loose.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-3qKkEFOlg
Story about bad guy being a killer: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/12/cops-cardon-off-home-of-possible-honeybee-killer.html

Having those poor people tie themselves up....:shake:....you know that would have turned out to be a double murder if Jason hadn't jumped him.
Man is that great that the scumbag get ventilated by his own gun!
First Jason "polished his forehead" with the pistol before dropping two rounds in the turd.
What a great savings of our tax dollar....no trial, no long term cost to imprison him and more oxygen for all of us.

If only it turned out this way all of the time....:rolleyes:

12-15-2010, 03:58 PM
I could critique the heck out of this considering there was an armed, trained (?), professional in the room, but won't. Thank God no one else was hurt. My question is what is this country coming to when we need armed guards at school board meetings?
Who was the armed and trained person in the room? The report I read said the armed guard was in another part of the bldg. Perhpas additional information has come out?

12-15-2010, 04:04 PM
Suppose it would have been a little different if each person in the room had their own handgun?

12-15-2010, 05:05 PM
Is it time now where you need to have armed officers at every public meeting? Pretty expensive for small towns but maybe needed nowdays.

No, it's time more law abiding citizens exercised their right to bear arms and carried. If more people carried, one of two things would have happened:

1. The dude never would have pulled this stunt because he would have no idea who there was going to whoop his ass.

2. The instant he pulled his gun out, someone would have whooped his ass.

Outlaw guns, and only the outlaws will have guns.

12-15-2010, 06:06 PM
I guess even though he did not hit anyone he got the Boards attention. Where was the almighty teachers union for saving his wifes job when you need them. I would demand all my union dues back.

Suppose it would have been a little different if each person in the room had their own handgun?

I don't see a problem.

12-15-2010, 07:51 PM
That lady was a moron. He told the women to leave and she goes back and swings a stupid handbag instead of getting help. She could have scared him enough that made him fire the pistol and deliver a fatal head shot to one of the people standing in front of him. Or dummy herself could have been killed.

BTW, you can say you can do this and that, but faced in that situation where the outcome is possibly a bullet in the head, you would no doubt think twice before acting.
I think I would only risk that if a loved one was in the line of fire, not a room of co-workers or strangers.

She is a moron? :shake:
She is all that is still good in America, people helping others at great risk to themselves. That room had one thing the gunman didn't, and that's superior numbers. She should be pissed that no one had her back when she charged a gunman with a purse. If it were me on the board, I would hope someone tried to help instead of running out of the room, but then again I wouldn't have sat there begging for my life I would have charged him out of pure meanness because I don't like being interrupted when I'm heading a meeting. And if he emptied the gun in me and I didn't make it out alive, so be it, at least he used all the bullets on me and didn't have any left to use on anyone else. You have to imagine, anyone who pulls a stunt like that probably doesn't expect to live through it, so why not go out fighting the summabitch. I mean, it was on videotape, what if he'd actually killed a few people and they just sat there? If one of them was a family member or a friend, which would be harder to watch, them getting slaughtered while begging for their lives, or them getting slaughtered putting up a fight?

12-15-2010, 08:22 PM
Who was the armed and trained person in the room? The report I read said the armed guard was in another part of the bldg. Perhpas additional information has come out?

Nope, you are correct. I had misinformation. Which is why I said initially I would not critique the way the incident was handled. I heard/read three different scenarios. The security person was in the room, outside the door, in the building. All three are quite different and change how that person would/should respond. Their chief of security, a retired LEO, entered the room and engaged the threat after the 1st shots were fired. I certainly hope and expect that their armed school security personnel train for active shooter scenarios on a routine basis.

12-15-2010, 08:31 PM
That lady was a moron. He told the women to leave and she goes back and swings a stupid handbag instead of getting help. She could have scared him enough that made him fire the pistol and deliver a fatal head shot to one of the people standing in front of him. Or dummy herself could have been killed.

BTW, you can say you can do this and that, but faced in that situation where the outcome is possibly a bullet in the head, you would no doubt think twice before acting.
I think I would only risk that if a loved one was in the line of fire, not a room of co-workers or strangers.

I hope myself, my friends and family are never in need of you to do something to help them. I have risked my life on several occasions to rescue others as have many. Looking back it is easy to say what I did was stupid and I should have just gone and gotten help. Looking back the help would have only been for retrieving bodies.
I do not expect others to risk their lives to help someone, however when they do I don't judge their actions other than to hold them up as a HERO.

“Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.”

12-15-2010, 09:08 PM
I hope myself, my friends and family are never in need of you to do something to help them. I have risked my life on several occasions to rescue others as have many. Looking back it is easy to say what I did was stupid and I should have just gone and gotten help. Looking back the help would have only been for retrieving bodies.
I do not expect others to risk their lives to help someone, however when they do I don't judge their actions other than to hold them up as a HERO.

“Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.”

I believe this lady acted out of shear gut instinct and she is the type of person who has never run away before so why start now. I'm sure she is looking back thinking to herself "what the hell was I thinking of ?" But she bought time and that was critical. The guy who tried to speak calmly to the nut job is a real hero too and I believe he is right, the good Lord was standing in front of him. For the non believers in this world, play this over a few times. There should have been a number of dead or wounded folks there. You tell me how he missed so many times. Odds are he hits someone, yet he didn't, why? I can't explain it.

12-15-2010, 09:32 PM
^^^^^One for the good guys! I wish we had more people that. People that have the "kahunas" to defend innocent human life. ^^^^^^^ I don't get it, why would you stand there and let someone do what they wish with you and not put up a fight! All I'm saying is that if I know I'm in danger I'm going out with a fight! :gunfire:
If something does happen to me I'm not going to be know as part of the sheepeople.

Maybe you mean "cojones"?

12-15-2010, 11:55 PM
The woman that tried to knock the gun out his hand had more balls than all the men in that run.

12-16-2010, 04:29 AM
very fortunate no innocent people were killed, doesnt usually end that way

12-16-2010, 05:39 AM
She is a moron by the way she went about it. Jump on top of him if you wanna create a diversion, bite him, get something of weight to hit him in the head with. Flopping her handbag on his arm with a gun pointed at people in his hand is stupid.

12-16-2010, 05:54 AM
I just cant believe that in a state like Florida, no one else was carrying... im in maryland and can legally carry in florida... and i do whenever i visit. As it has been proven time and time again, no telling when lives will be in danger... I for one, will not be the guy begging "please dont, please dont"

States like Maryland that drag ass and find every excuse not to grant law abiding citizens Concealed Carry Permits are doing this country a great injustice...

12-16-2010, 06:05 AM
The woman that tried to knock the gun out his hand had more balls than all the men in that run.

She is a moron by the way she went about it. Jump on top of him if you wanna create a diversion, bite him, get something of weight to hit him in the head with. Flopping her handbag on his arm with a gun pointed at people in his hand is stupid.

She was the bravest person in the room. Some people are just big wimps.

12-16-2010, 06:08 AM
I just cant believe that in a state like Florida, no one else was carrying... im in maryland and can legally carry in florida... and i do whenever i visit. As it has been proven time and time again, no telling when lives will be in danger... I for one, will not be the guy begging "please dont, please dont"

States like Maryland that drag ass and find every excuse not to grant law abiding citizens Concealed Carry Permits are doing this country a great injustice...

The problem is that most law-abiding citizens with a permit obey the law. Some of the people in the room may have had a permit and a weapon but left it in the car as dictated by law. Government buildings and schools are still off limits for legal handgun carry even if you have a permit. Only problem is the criminals don't care what the laws say.

12-16-2010, 06:39 AM
I encourage those who are in favor of outlawing guns to pass legislation requiring all those who support same to put a gun free sign in front of their home, business and on their vehicle. This way the criminals will know where to go to practise their proffession in safety and I will know where not to go.;)

12-16-2010, 07:56 AM
I encourage those who are in favor of outlawing guns to pass legislation requiring all those who support same to put a gun free sign in front of their home, business and on their vehicle. This way the criminals will know where to go to practise their proffession in safety and I will know where not to go.;)

You know the difference is in places with handgun bans, that nutbar would not have had a gun and likely would not have been able to find one. I guess he would have just gone to the meeting and yelled at them.

What do we really know about the extent of gun crime in England and Wales?
During 2007, nine young people lost their lives in shootings, including the killing of 11-year-old Rhys Jones in Liverpool.
According to Home Office figures, there were 59 firearms-related homicides in 2006-07 compared with 49 in the previous year. That is an increase of 18% in just one year. There were 507 serious injuries from firearms - more than one incident a day.
But at the same time, the trend in gun crime overall has been going down.


Just saying...

12-16-2010, 08:01 AM
What do we really know about the extent of gun crime in England and Wales?


Just saying...

The better question is: What do we really care?

The Brits screwed up royally (Pun!) by banning firearms.

12-16-2010, 08:08 AM
You know the difference is in places with handgun bans, that nutbar would not have had a gun and likely would not have been able to find one. I guess he would have just gone to the meeting and yelled at them.

What do we really know about the extent of gun crime in England and Wales?
During 2007, nine young people lost their lives in shootings, including the killing of 11-year-old Rhys Jones in Liverpool.
According to Home Office figures, there were 59 firearms-related homicides in 2006-07 compared with 49 in the previous year. That is an increase of 18% in just one year. There were 507 serious injuries from firearms - more than one incident a day.
But at the same time, the trend in gun crime overall has been going down.


Just saying...

He was in a place that banned hand guns and he also, assuming the news report is correct that he was a convited felon, was banned from owning a gun. When I lived in NYC, where there are some of the most restrictive guns laws, the average time served for arrest for having a handgun was 5 years. The criminals would rent the guns from fruit stands so they could limit their possesion time. There was a net work of fruit stands that rented guns.

Egon Spengler
12-16-2010, 08:16 AM
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns... IT IS TRUE! They will EASILY find a way to get their hands on them! Personally I sleep better at night now that I recently got my LTC and am in possession of a firearm.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1168.snc4/151048_1684022748669_148062935 8_1788896_5004663_n.jpg

12-16-2010, 10:06 AM
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns... IT IS TRUE! They will EASILY find a way to get their hands on them! Personally I sleep better at night now that I recently got my LTC and am in possession of a firearm.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1168.snc4/151048_1684022748669_148062935 8_1788896_5004663_n.jpg

You know what's interesting? Here in the United States, where pre-May 1st 1986 registered machine guns can still be purchased by civilians who can pass a background check and pay the $200 tax stamp, there have been ZERO non-justifiable homicides committed with them since the controversial Gun Control Act of 1934. I wish I knew the figure before then.

Amazing, right? In this age of what gets viewed as rampant gun violence, people can responsibly own machineguns without being overcome by an intense desire to go play Rambo with the local law enforcement. Granted, the hoops you have to jump through to get a hold of a machinegun are much more difficult than a handgun, but it does paint a great picture of responsible firearms ownership.

I'm sure some of you know that after the National Firearms Act of 1986, the registry for machineguns was closed which created a fixed supply of legal arms and drove the prices through the roof. In other words, it became even more difficult for the average person to buy one legally. But remember that before the closing, a Cobray M10 (Mac 10) a notorious "gang gun" could still be purchased legally for $150 + tax stamp, less than most pistols even with the tax stamp factored in. Still, no legal M10's were ever used in a non-justifiable homicide. That same gun will now cost you ~$4000 after taxes.

12-16-2010, 10:18 AM
You know the difference is in places with handgun bans, that nutbar would not have had a gun and likely would not have been able to find one. I guess he would have just gone to the meeting and yelled at them.

What do we really know about the extent of gun crime in England and Wales?
During 2007, nine young people lost their lives in shootings, including the killing of 11-year-old Rhys Jones in Liverpool.
According to Home Office figures, there were 59 firearms-related homicides in 2006-07 compared with 49 in the previous year. That is an increase of 18% in just one year. There were 507 serious injuries from firearms - more than one incident a day.
But at the same time, the trend in gun crime overall has been going down.


Just saying...

what your're saying has no basis other than it's what happens to be the case in one location. There is no way to say that a gun ban reduces gun related incidents.
As an example, where I'm from Jamaica there's pretty much a complete ban on firearms. You can try to get one legally but it's extremely hard, I don't think I've ever even seen a gun shop back home. That being said we are, I think, #2 in the world for gun related homicide per capita :rolleyes: Gun related crime has a lot more to do with the prevalence of other criminal activity, which will always drive the availability of firearms. Hell back home they make their own guns, called "Jungle Jesus."
Just saying...

12-16-2010, 10:41 AM
kernie, with all due respect sir, you are living in a fantasy land. Anywhere firearms have been outlawed violent crime against the person has increased. I posted in another thread that we have few burglaries where I live. The reason being that virtually every homeowner is also a gun owner. The USA has never been invaded in modern times, why? One of the main reasons is that the invaders will no only have to fight our military, but a really pissed of ARMED citizenry.

A man with a firearm is a citizen. A man without a firearm is subject.

And, as far as the "police" being for gun control, don't believe it. Most chiefs serve at the leisure of their masters, what do you expect them to say? Speak to the rank & file. They have no problem with law abiding citizens owning firearms.

12-16-2010, 10:56 AM
Right on, ray. When I think of gun control nuts I think of Richard Daley. He is violently opposed to letting Chicagoans arm themselves, but his crooked political arse is always surround by guess what? ARMED men. So he can run his mouth and feel safe. I wonder how he'd feel without that security blanket he wraps around himself while telling others they don't need one?

12-16-2010, 11:22 AM
Seriously, Why are we legal, responsible gun owners banned from carrying at public places? How many times has an incodent occured in these "gun free zones" where only the perpetrator has been armed? Seems kinda silly to me.

If I have my .45 with me while going to mail a letter, but have to lock it up in my car, unloaded, and a jackarse walks in to said post office to try to make a point, what have we accomlished? All they did was disarm me. For what? I'm not the one to worry about. I legally have a gun and use it responsibly.

I get courthouses and airplanes, but the rest?

I can comprehend that anywhere there is a large congregation of people we do not want to have some crazy gun fight going on. Too great a chance for someone to be hit by a stray bullet. So, on the flip, all those in the presence of a nut job with a gun in an otherwise protected area are simply lambs in a slaughter house..... No where to go for safety or protection. No one to help.

There is probably no real answer. How's things where you have to carry your gun EXPOSED? Are those communities safer?

12-16-2010, 11:42 AM
Maybe they should just make it illegal to go shoot up school board meetings. There, problem solved! Maybe they could even pass a law outlawing bad guys and nut jobs too. :rolleyes:

How's that sound Kernie?

12-16-2010, 11:53 AM
kernie, with all due respect sir, you are living in a fantasy land. Anywhere firearms have been outlawed violent crime against the person has increased. I posted in another thread that we have few burglaries where I live. The reason being that virtually every homeowner is also a gun owner. The USA has never been invaded in modern times, why? One of the main reasons is that the invaders will no only have to fight our military, but a really pissed of ARMED citizenry.

A man with a firearm is a citizen. A man without a firearm is subject.

And, as far as the "police" being for gun control, don't believe it. Most chiefs serve at the leisure of their masters, what do you expect them to say? Speak to the rank & file. They have no problem with law abiding citizens owning firearms.

OK, let me understand what you are saying, in England where they have one, 1 firearm murder a week, you guys are safer from violent crime because you are packing a gun? Forget about crime and criminals, america has 4 or 5 children dying by accident a week!

I've said it before and i will say it again, i am 51, i have never seen a handgun, i have never known anyone to have a handgun and i have never, ever felt threatened by a gun.

With all due respect i will go back to my fantasy land now.

12-16-2010, 11:57 AM
I've never been threatened by a gun either.

12-16-2010, 12:00 PM
I've never been threatened by a gun either.

Its the guy with the gun you have to worry about!

12-16-2010, 12:14 PM
Its the guy with the gun you have to worry about!
Absolutly correct! ha ha.

No worries.


12-16-2010, 12:25 PM
There are a LOT of statistics out there. Take one or two as an example. Canadian Population Vs US population vs your Great Britan.....

How do folks in Canada off themselves? (like in SUICIDE)?

All I'm saying s there is a LOT more to look at than plain numbers.

YES, if guns were all gone, we would probably all be better off. Just like if all motor vehicle were gone, just think how low teen deaths would be...

No reason for any of us to get stupid here, but don't think for minute you can throw a number out and expect it to magically make sense.

12-16-2010, 01:09 PM
There are a LOT of statistics out there. Take one or two as an example. Canadian Population Vs US population vs your Great Britan.....

How do folks in Canada off themselves? (like in SUICIDE)?

All I'm saying s there is a LOT more to look at than plain numbers.

YES, if guns were all gone, we would probably all be better off. Just like if all motor vehicle were gone, just think how low teen deaths would be...

No reason for any of us to get stupid here, but don't think for minute you can throw a number out and expect it to magically make sense.

Great post!:)