View Full Version : Mike Vick Wants a Dog....

12-16-2010, 09:33 AM

When a person is convicted of a felony, there are certain rights post incarceration that individual gives up for the rest of his life...... The ability to own a firearm for instance...........

12-16-2010, 09:43 AM
If he wants a dog I say they give a room with no exit full of rabies infested hungry dogs with a steak wrapped around his balls. I love all dogs but pitbulls have a special spot in my heart due to there playful loving manners with dedication to there owner's almost unmatched by any other breed, but to exploit there flaw of animal aggression for entertainment he should rot in hell


Being a pitbull is not a crime ban the owners not the dogs

12-16-2010, 10:19 AM

When a person is convicted of a felony, there are certain rights post incarceration that individual gives up for the rest of his life...... The ability to own a firearm for instance...........

12-16-2010, 10:38 AM
From a NY Daily News Article....

Eagles quarterback Michael Vick, convicted on dog fighting charges, says he'd 'love' to have a dog

BY Kevin Armstrong (http://www.nydailynews.com/authors/Kevin%20Armstrong)
Originally Published:Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 5:44 PM
Updated: Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 11:08 PM

Commissioner Roger Goodell (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Roger+Goodell) may want to look over Michael Vick (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Michael+Vick)'s Christmas (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Christmas) list.

"I would love to have another dog," Vick said at his locker Wednesday. "My entire life I grew up with a pet in my house. The last few years were the first that I haven't had one. My daughter is used to it, my son is used to it. It's just different. I feel bad for them and the entire situation, what I did. It could be part of my rehabilitation process showing people I do care about animals sincerely and genuinely."

Vick, enjoying an explosive season with the Eagles (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Philadelphia+Eagles), was convicted on federal dogfighting charges in 2007 and served 19 months at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan. (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Kansas) It was disclosed during the trial that the animals in his care that fell short in competition were tortured and killed.

A condition of his release is that he would never again own a dog.

"I could take care of an animal in my household. If they want to monitor me doing it, then they can," said Vick, who noted he had dogs ranging from a beagle to a mixed breed growing up in Virginia (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Virginia).

Since being released, Vick has made appearances on behalf of the Humane Society as well as addressing various students groups on the lessons he's learned.

"Whatever animal I'd have would live a happy life," Vick said. "I know that."

I wonder how he'd feel if the Eagles coach made him participate in "fight-to-the-death"? Would he still want to stay with the same team?

He should donate his time to animal shelters and taking care of the dogs that actually live through dog fights. Just because his kids are used to having a dog around is not reason enough for him to have one again. He should tell his kids exactly what he did and maybe take THEM to see dogs injured in fights and see how much respect they'll have for daddy then.

He DOES deserve to rot. :censor: :censor: :censor:

12-16-2010, 11:38 AM
I said it before and I will say it again...

I dont care where you live, how much money you have or what your upbringing was like. Any man that can look in the eyes of an animal that only lives for your love and appreciation and do the things he did should be dead. My Goldie is 1/2 pit, she sleeps between my wife and I like a lil pup. Thunder is Dobie Shepherd mix and is just a loveable goofball and rests his head on my thigh every night so I can pet him till my arm falls asleep.

And this has caused issues in my house. My oldest son is an Eagles fan and I wont put an Eagles game on in my house.

Give Vick a dog? No...I would give him many things, an animal is not one.

LJ on 24's
12-16-2010, 11:39 AM
Only god can Judge him.

12-16-2010, 11:43 AM
Only god can Judge him.

I disagree.

I am more than happy to judge him as worthless.

12-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Only god can Judge him.

thank you ,im so sick and tired of this BS, he made a terrible decision, and he paid the price!

can we move on already?:mad:

12-16-2010, 11:45 AM
thank you ,im so sick and tired of this BS, he made a terrible decision, and he paid the price!

can we move on already?:mad:

Simply put, he did not pay enough.

12-16-2010, 11:48 AM
Simply put, he did not pay enough.

i disagree murderers have gotten off easier what about a drunk who kills an entire family, and then gets life time probation!

but nobodys mad about that!

12-16-2010, 11:50 AM
i disagree murderers have gotten off easier what about a drunk who kills an entire family, and then gets life time probation!

but nobodys mad about that!

I disagree.

I am all about harsh punishment.

12-16-2010, 11:51 AM
I wouldnt give murderers, rapists or pedaphiles a second chance either. Its murder, not a speeding ticket.

12-16-2010, 11:51 AM
I disagree.

I am all about harsh punishment.

maybe u should have been a judge

12-16-2010, 11:53 AM
I disagree.

I am all about harsh punishment.

+1 100%

And a judicial system that isnt wishy washy

12-16-2010, 11:55 AM
funny how people are all about harsh justice until its them in the hot seat

12-16-2010, 12:00 PM
If only God could judge him then we wouldn't have judges and law enforcement and people like him and Jeffrey Dahmer (and yes I DO put them in the same category) would be allowed to roam the streets killing and harming any one and anything they want. And as far as “paying the price” I wouldn’t call “21 months in prison, followed by two months in home confinement” paying. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who can harm an animal can and in a lot of cases DO harm humans. Period.

12-16-2010, 12:55 PM
funny how people are all about harsh justice until its them in the hot seat

That is easy.

Don't get into the hot seat.

It is called accountability.

12-16-2010, 12:56 PM
If only God could judge him then we wouldn't have judges and law enforcement and people like him and Jeffrey Dahmer (and yes I DO put them in the same category) would be allowed to roam the streets killing and harming any one and anything they want. And as far as “paying the price” I wouldn’t call “21 months in prison, followed by two months in home confinement” paying. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who can harm an animal can and in a lot of cases DO harm humans. Period.

Well stated.

and nice avatar too!

12-16-2010, 12:58 PM
maybe u should have been a judge

I agree and I have not ruked that out. For now though I will settle with being a lawyer.

12-16-2010, 01:17 PM
I agree and I have not ruked that out. For now though I will settle with being a lawyer.

well isnt that special, and here im just an underpaid police officer!:bows:

working on my juris doctorate

12-16-2010, 01:31 PM
Here is where the disconnect is for me. If Tom Brady (the QB of my NFL team) was found guilty of what Vick was, I would say the same thing. Throw the book at him, take his money, beat his azz, and never let him have a dog again........

Yet there is a portion of the population that always plays the forgiveness card in situations like this. Sorry if this offends folks but there is no forgiveness in my heart for people like this regardless of who they are or some other distinguishing characteristic.

Wrong is wrong, and in some cases People do have to judge other people so that things like this don't happen more frequently. Because they are still happening.

LJ you know you are a bud of mine, but if you see it through a dogs eyes, you will agree with me.

12-16-2010, 02:26 PM
I loved pitbulls since I was a boy and we own three in my family. I'd have to say no other dog compares! If you don't believe simply own one and watch as your opinion changes. Ignorant non leaders are the only ones who would exploit and torture them for being the leaders nature intended pitbulls to be.

12-16-2010, 02:33 PM
Just my 2cents but the guy has did his time. Thats the time the judge gave him. He did everything they asked him to do. thats it! You know when you point the finger at someone there is always some pointing back at you.

12-16-2010, 02:36 PM
I loved pitbulls since I was a boy and we own three in my family. I'd have to say no other dog compares! If you don't believe simply own one and watch as your opinion changes. Ignorant non leaders are the only ones who would exploit and torture them for being the leaders nature intended pitbulls to be.

Completely agree. They are the one of the most loyal, protective, obedient, gentlest dogs and they have a awful stigma associated with them BECAUSE of people like Michael Vick. Dogs are like children - they will do as taught. It’s not the dog, it’s the owner.

12-16-2010, 02:47 PM
Its like this...I love my dogs. (3 pitts,1lab,1blue heeler) Vick is an idiot for fighting his dogs and he deserved to be locked away. Forgive or not, It does not mean that he should have the right to own another dog. I was raised to forgive people, but it is not in human nature to forget. My father killed my mother when I was 8 years old. I have forgiven him,but I will never forget it happened. He will never be a part of my family, nor will I ever have anything to do with him. So he has lost privileges in life and so should Vick.

12-16-2010, 02:48 PM
Completely agree. They are the one of the most loyal, protective, obedient, gentlest dogs and they have a awful stigma associated with them BECAUSE of people like Michael Vick. Dogs are like children - they will do as taught. It’s not the dog, it’s the owner.
100% AGREED!:beer:

12-16-2010, 03:04 PM
well isnt that special,

You raised it and I responded.

12-16-2010, 03:08 PM
friendly conversation bud!, we just disagree

12-16-2010, 03:23 PM
Mike Vick can go to HELL. The truest test of what a person is made of is how they treat animals.

12-16-2010, 04:42 PM
True on all counts Mike, got plenty of skelletons, but none involve abuse of animals, sex crimes, assault, murder, terrorism (not unless you count the highways of metro Atlanta :o)

I like what Post # 25 says... Youngrauder seems to have more real experience with something like this than I would ever want. Forgive? If that is your way(not mine, but thats ok) Forget? Never............ Allow him to own an animal? What happens when he gets mad at his kids???? He'll possibly go take it out the dog?

If he truely thought it would be good for his kids to have a dog, the thought should have crossed his mind sometime back in 2000-2001. Maybe he woulda taken a different path. In the end absolving some for past indiscressions regardless of what the courts say is just providing an opportunity for it to happen at some point in the future.

We see this in society with addicts of all kinds.... Gambling, alchohol, drugs, sex ect.... Its been proven. How would you feel if you woke up a year from now to Vick being all over the front page for another animal abuse offense......... If it were me, I would be pissed as hell I ever said a forgiving word about him. Yes he's paid more than most would have in the same situation, mostly because he did not value what he could lose/he could lose more than most....

He has paid his debt and is a free man, and that is ok with me, but don't for a second think that he should be allowed to have responsibility for a dog or cat under his roof...... His conviction makes him unfit...... For all time.......:burnout:

Just my 2cents but the guy has did his time. Thats the time the judge gave him. He did everything they asked him to do. thats it! You know when you point the finger at someone there is always some pointing back at you.

12-16-2010, 04:53 PM
funny how people are all about harsh justice until its them in the hot seat

More "Harsh punishment" put into action when convicted of a crime might make people think twice before committing that crime.

12-16-2010, 05:09 PM
People hunt animals for sport and hang there heads on walls and that's ok because America gets to make money from it but since they can't and don't make money from that it's such a horrible thing. TRAINING a dog to fight VS shooting an animal in the wild with no warning. SN: I wonder if the same people who feel so strongly against Vick, have the same feeling toward Pittsburgh Steelers BEN ROTHLESBURGER who has been accused of rape 2 summers in back to back years

12-16-2010, 05:49 PM
People hunt animals for sport and hang there heads on walls and that's ok because America gets to make money from it but since they can't and don't make money from that it's such a horrible thing. TRAINING a dog to fight VS shooting an animal in the wild with no warning. SN: I wonder if the same people who feel so strongly against Vick, have the same feeling toward Pittsburgh Steelers BEN ROTHLESBURGER who has been accused of rape 2 summers in back to back years

As a hunter I have the utmost respect for any animal that gave it's life for me to sustain my own, this is the chain of life. I will agree that the death of any animal for sport is wrong. But to take an animal the we domesticated that wants nothing more than to be companion and force it to savagely fight for it's life for entertainment is sadistic. Not to mention all the things associated with fighting dogs. IE the females that have all there teeth removed so the can't fight back from being ***** buy the male dogs all under the supervision of there owners for a better fighting dog and any dog that can't fight is killed but not with a bullet to the head think beaten or drowned to death. Oh and by the way I feel very strongly about Vick and if Ben ***** those women he should rot in hell too

12-16-2010, 05:52 PM
Im a huge dog lover I have owned pits rotties dobbies and a spitz and currently the very proud owner of a 12 year old blind akita. All im saying is he has served his time now its over. All the hate like he should rott in hell and the neg stuff really isnt necessary. U cant fight hate with hate. True I dont think he should have another dog because he lost that right but I do think he can do alot of good by tellling his story to the youngsters. Let these kids know that it isnt right cause believe it or not they will listen to a person in his postion.

12-16-2010, 06:05 PM
Im a huge dog lover I have owned pits rotties dobbies and a spitz and currently the very proud owner of a 12 year old blind akita. All im saying is he has served his time now its over. All the hate like he should rott in hell and the neg stuff really isnt necessary. U cant fight hate with hate. True I dont think he should have another dog because he lost that right but I do think he can do alot of good by tellling his story to the youngsters. Let these kids know that it isnt right cause believe it or not they will listen to a person in his postion.

Do you really think he's sorry that he killed the dogs and would be helping the youth out of the kindness of his heart. I find his remorse hard to swallow I feel he's sorry he got caught and would only tell his story for PR purposes to get his sponsors back. Most serial killers start out killing family pets I not saying he is but it shows a certain disrespect for life

12-16-2010, 06:15 PM
Hey like I said way Vick came to Phila.....

Vick's and eagle hid your beagle:)

12-16-2010, 06:20 PM
Where I grew up at as a little one I seen guys fight dogs now my dad did not let me hang around those guys they were alot older than me but youngters look up to what the older guys do so they think its nothing wrong with it. They really dont think about the feelings of the dogs. But you put a guy like vick in front of them and let him tell what he did and how its wrong then it surely can help! Hopefully he learned his lesson but even if he didnt he can still change the mind set of others and help the cause.

12-16-2010, 06:26 PM
As a hunter I have the utmost respect for any animal that gave it's life for me to sustain my own, this is the chain of life. I will agree that the death of any animal for sport is wrong. But to take an animal the we domesticated that wants nothing more than to be companion and force it to savagely fight for it's life for entertainment is sadistic. Not to mention all the things associated with fighting dogs. IE the females that have all there teeth removed so the can't fight back from being ***** buy the male dogs all under the supervision of there owners for a better fighting dog and any dog that can't fight is killed but not with a bullet to the head think beaten or drowned to death. Oh and by the way I feel very strongly about Vick and if Ben ***** those women he should rot in hell too


I am having trouble understanding how anyone could actually defend this sub-human creep. This guy shouldn't even be allowed to be around kids.

If he wanted to gamble on something he should have just gone to Vegas like everyone else. The whole concept of dog fighting just seems so 3rd world to me. Sounds more like something that'd happen in Iran after a public stoneing.

12-16-2010, 06:43 PM
I can agree with alot of what you say Mike. After all, we are reasonable people. Remember this though....... Mike Vick would be fighting dogs today, if he was never caught.

Not to pat myself on the back, but I have been active for 11 years in animal rescue locally, and lias with groups all over the country, the level of abuse these animals endure at the hands of people like Mike Vick and partners is sickening... Its a subculture and it needs to be eradicated. These are not pillars of normal society involved in this. These are scumbag drug dealing gangster of all races and skin color. I have seen just as many redknecks gettin kicks from this bs as I have wannabe hiphopsters ect. It knows no ethnic boundry.

DJ~Comparing human-to-animal interactions/abuse, to human-to-human abuse is wrong. A person can say things and act in a provocative manner, and if the other party misreads something or has no self dicipline he/she can be in a pile of trouble...As it should be. They then are forced to register as a sex offender, and are restricted in a number of ways........ Same as Vick should be restricted from ever owning an animal again. Lets hope the next generation detects sincerity in his speeches and walks away from these activities. That would be a blessing and the only postive that came out of all this.

I can understand if someone does not share my POV, but if you have seen the things done to animals that I have seen up close, if you don't get sick and want to hurt the offenders, then you may have some issues to deal with.... It really is heartbreaking.

Im a huge dog lover I have owned pits rotties dobbies and a spitz and currently the very proud owner of a 12 year old blind akita. All im saying is he has served his time now its over. All the hate like he should rott in hell and the neg stuff really isnt necessary. U cant fight hate with hate. True I dont think he should have another dog because he lost that right but I do think he can do alot of good by tellling his story to the youngsters. Let these kids know that it isnt right cause believe it or not they will listen to a person in his postion.

12-16-2010, 07:00 PM
Im with you on that my brother! And hopefully that can be a blessing! Him getting caught I really hope this changes his mindset and the actions of others. Only time will tell.

12-16-2010, 07:27 PM
Only god can Judge him.

This is correct, only God can judge. I would accept the job to get him to see God quicker.....

12-16-2010, 07:40 PM
The man did his time, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten away with much worse. Im sure ill get flammed by saying it but I think he paid his price. A condition was no more dogs so I dont see why its even an issue. he wants one, oh well. But give the man a break, its just a dog. Thank god we live in a country that this is a crime. People murder people in some places on this earth without blinking an eye. Maybe we should count or blessings

12-16-2010, 07:48 PM
The man did his time, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten away with much worse. Im sure ill get flammed by saying it but I think he paid his price. A condition was no more dogs so I dont see why its even an issue. he wants one, oh well. But give the man a break, its just a dog. Thank god we live in a country that this is a crime. People murder people in some places on this earth without blinking an eye. Maybe we should count or blessings

He did his time. And probably got away with much worse.

He didn't pay the right price.

No more dogs, means no more, not maybe.

"Just a dog", it's a life, and God's creature, no one has the right to torture and kill it for their enjoyment.

Thank God we live in the U.S.A., and Vick should too, he would have been killed for his crimes in other countries.

People are killed all over the world, is there a point to that statement?

I count my blessings every day, and usually have to deal with at least one POS like Vick every day too.

I can't wait for the flames.....

Ms. Denmark
12-17-2010, 03:29 AM
He did his time. And probably got away with much worse.

He didn't pay the right price.

No more dogs, means no more, not maybe.

"Just a dog", it's a life, and God's creature, no one has the right to torture and kill it for their enjoyment.

Thank God we live in the U.S.A., and Vick should too, he would have been killed for his crimes in other countries.

People are killed all over the world, is there a point to that statement?

I count my blessings every day, and usually have to deal with at least one POS like Vick every day too.

I can't wait for the flames.....Agree 100%!

12-17-2010, 04:06 AM
Vic should be able to have as many dogs he wants. Nothing said by anyone here will have an affect on that.


12-17-2010, 04:10 AM
Only god can Judge him.
I would like to hear you say that if someone shot your mother. I doubt you would have the same reaction. Vick gets a big NO from me. And I can judge him and ALL other convicted convics, welfare, illegals, and other P.O.S.'s as useless.

12-17-2010, 04:33 AM
I doubt you would have the same reaction.
That's what she said.

Vick catches so much flak because he's a celebrity. I love dogs, but he really got raked over the coals just for being famous and getting caught. You can run over a toddler and get less time and fines than Vick did. I think it was harsh punishment. But I also think times change, people don't. Would you let a convicted pedophile who said they were "reformed" babysit your kids one night? No. That's why Vick cannot have a dog, because of past convictions and the unknown of what might happen if he is in control of a dog again.

12-17-2010, 06:23 AM
I got a dog for him.My ex mother-in-law:mad2:

12-17-2010, 06:25 AM
The man did his time, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten away with much worse. Im sure ill get flammed by saying it but I think he paid his price. A condition was no more dogs so I dont see why its even an issue. he wants one, oh well. But give the man a break, its just a dog. Thank god we live in a country that this is a crime. People murder people in some places on this earth without blinking an eye. Maybe we should count or blessings
Have you ever been on scene at a dog fighting event to see these animals? I submitt to you that the depravity you will see, will absolutely make you vomitt. It is a scene make an intelligent person wonder how low a human will stoop too...... "Its just a dog"???:eek: How ignorant..... Sorry buddy, but that is just wrong. A beast does nothing but be born because of the result of a human forcing a male dog on a toothless wore out female dog, alive for one purpose, and thats what you say???? Really. Feel sorry for your children if that is your mindset......

Vic should be able to have as many dogs he wants. Nothing said by anyone here will have an affect on that.

Period. Thank goodness you did not sentence Mike Vick:shake:......... How you can rationalize that he should be allowed to ever own an animal of any kind is beyond me. Remember that there is a whole subculture that fights animal types against other animals alive and well in the U.S. too. Its not just dog on dog....Much worse:alone:.

Like I said, I don't who you are, or the color of your skin(which seems to be a definer here for some reason) if you do something like this, there is no telling what level of depravity you will stoop to if given the opportunity.

Mike Vick should never be afforded that opportunity ever again. That a condition of his release from prison says he will never be allowed to own a dog is better for him, and better for dogs.He should concentrate on pay pennance for the rest of his life......PERIOD.

12-17-2010, 06:49 AM
Vic should be able to have as many dogs he wants. Nothing said by anyone here will have an affect on that.


That seems like it would be a violation of his parole, he should get a dog, so we can send him back to prison.

Have you ever been on scene at a dog fighting event to see these animals? I submitt to you that the depravity you will see, will absolutely make you vomitt. It is a scene make an intelligent person wonder how low a human will stoop too...... "Its just a dog"???:eek: How ignorant..... Sorry buddy, but that is just wrong. A beast does nothing but be born because of the result of a human forcing a male dog on a toothless wore out female dog, alive for one purpose, and thats what you say???? Really. Feel sorry for your children if that is your mindset......

Thank goodness you did not sentence Mike Vick:shake:......... How you can rationalize that he should be allowed to ever own an animal of any kind is beyond me. Remember that there is a whole subculture that fights animal types against other animals alive and well in the U.S. too. Its not just dog on dog....Much worse:alone:.

Like I said, I don't who you are, or the color of your skin(which seems to be a definer here for some reason) if you do something like this, there is no telling what level of depravity you will stoop to if given the opportunity.

Mike Vick should never be afforded that opportunity ever again. That a condition of his release from prison says he will never be allowed to own a dog is better for him, and better for dogs.He should concentrate on pay pennance for the rest of his life......PERIOD.

X 1,000,000

It takes someone who is really fu**ed up in the head to fight dogs. They are not "just" dogs, period. It's really too bad that so many feel that way, most are the same ones who believe that God doesn't exist either. I hope that there is a nice tastey spot in hell for those types.

12-17-2010, 06:56 AM
That seems like it would be a violation of his parole, he should get a dog, so we can send him back to prison.

X 1,000,000

It takes someone who is really fu**ed up in the head to fight dogs. They are not "just" dogs, period. It's really too bad that so many feel that way, most are the same ones who believe that God doesn't exist either. I hope that there is a nice tastey spot in hell for those types.

How f'd up is that thinking, shame on you. :mad2:

12-17-2010, 07:24 AM
That seems like it would be a violation of his parole, he should get a dog, so we can send him back to prison.

X 1,000,000

It takes someone who is really fu**ed up in the head to fight dogs. They are not "just" dogs, period. It's really too bad that so many feel that way, most are the same ones who believe that God doesn't exist either. I hope that there is a nice tastey spot in hell for those types.

Right between people who talk on cell phones in a movie theater and child molesters!!

12-17-2010, 07:30 AM
I think the best way to rehabilitate Mr. Vick is for him to follow the same rules he put upon his dogs as follows;
Interception = electricution
Fumble = drowning
Losing game = strangulation.

A friend of mine used to take in abused pitt bulls from the humane society at their request to rehabilitate. What people did to these dogs is evil. The people who did it are evil, many also treat humans the same way, many are rapist and murderers.

12-17-2010, 09:00 AM
The man did his time, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten away with much worse. Im sure ill get flammed by saying it but I think he paid his price. A condition was no more dogs so I dont see why its even an issue. he wants one, oh well. But give the man a break, its just a dog. Thank god we live in a country that this is a crime. People murder people in some places on this earth without blinking an eye. Maybe we should count or blessings

Vic should be able to have as many dogs he wants. Nothing said by anyone here will have an affect on that.


“Just a dog”?!! “As many dogs as he wants”?!! REALLY GUYS?! That’s like saying a child molester can open up a daycare center because they’re just kids!

Do you realized that because of this subculture and people like Vick, the breed as a whole has been banned, BANNED, in many places across the country?!! In Miami-Dade for example, if you are found owning a Pit, you will be fined and the dog “will be removed from the county”. And if a stray Pit is picked up (which pretty much means, any dog off a leash or without tags – now keep in mind, since it’s illegal who would have tags on the dog to begin with) will be taken in and put to sleep?!!! Put to sleep JUST because they’re a Pit!!!

These are dogs, not bears or deer. They are smaller than us and, as previously mentioned, have been domesticated BY us. They are our pets. The play with us, roll around the grass with us, and depend ON US. WE have to feed them, WE have to bathe them, WE have to clean up after them and take care of them. Sounds a lot like having a child no? And you wouldn’t have your kid fight to the death for shear entertainment and to make a quick buck would you?

In my opinion, he’s sick in the head for what he did. He admitted to being involved in the destruction of 6–8 dogs, by hanging or drowning!!!! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT TO A HELPLESS ANIMAL?!?!!!! I have no sympathy for him or how the public feels toward him. Always remember: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. If he wants the public to have a better opinion of him, he should go above and beyond his is weak, sorry excuse, of a sentencing.

12-17-2010, 09:08 AM
If he wants the public to have a better opinion of him, he should go above and beyond his is weak, sorry excuse, of a sentencing.[/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]

Well stated. :beer:

12-17-2010, 09:24 AM
http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=101501213589856 09&set=a.488221215608.296181.6442 65608 (http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?fbid=101501213589856 09&set=a.488221215608.296181.6442 65608)

12-17-2010, 09:26 AM
“Just a dog”?!! “As many dogs as he wants”?!! REALLY GUYS?! That’s like saying a child molester can open up a daycare center because they’re just kids!

Do you realized that because of this subculture and people like Vick, the breed as a whole has been banned, BANNED, in many places across the country?!! In Miami-Dade for example, if you are found owning a Pit, you will be fined and the dog “will be removed from the county”. And if a stray Pit is picked up (which pretty much means, any dog off a leash or without tags – now keep in mind, since it’s illegal who would have tags on the dog to begin with) will be taken in and put to sleep?!!! Put to sleep JUST because they’re a Pit!!!

These are dogs, not bears or deer. They are smaller than us and, as previously mentioned, have been domesticated BY us. They are our pets. The play with us, roll around the grass with us, and depend ON US. WE have to feed them, WE have to bathe them, WE have to clean up after them and take care of them. Sounds a lot like having a child no? And you wouldn’t have your kid fight to the death for shear entertainment and to make a quick buck would you?

In my opinion, he’s sick in the head for what he did. He admitted to being involved in the destruction of 6–8 dogs, by hanging or drowning!!!! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT TO A HELPLESS ANIMAL?!?!!!! I have no sympathy for him or how the public feels toward him. Always remember: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. If he wants the public to have a better opinion of him, he should go above and beyond his is weak, sorry excuse, of a sentencing.

I agree 100% Cupcake. I have seen the brutalty first hand of dog fights and it is worse and more bloody then you can imagine.

12-17-2010, 09:36 AM
How f'd up is that thinking, shame on you. :mad2:

Shame on me? Are you sure?

Why don't you explain how my thinking is f'd up?

So what are you saying, you agree with the way Vic treated those animals?

Or are you another irritated atheist?

12-17-2010, 09:45 AM
Shame on me? Are you sure?

Why don't you explain how my thinking is f'd up?

So what are you saying, you agree with the way Vic treated those animals?

Or are you another irritated atheist?
You know what you said, i know what you said and you know what i meant.

For the sake of this forum i will leave it at that.

12-17-2010, 09:47 AM
You know what you said, i know what you said and you know what i meant.

For the sake of this forum i will leave it at that.

Kernie he said "most" and it should have been "some".

12-17-2010, 09:52 AM
You know what you said, i know what you said and you know what i meant.

For the sake of this forum i will leave it at that.

I know, you know, we all know, WTF, why don't you just say what you mean. If you don't want it on the board, PM me, I think I'm man enough to hear what you have to say, got thick skin etc.

Or don't PM me, because you probably don't want to hear my response. :eek:

I'm really tired of having to worry about my belief(s) "offending" someone, how about if their's offend me? Tit for tat.

12-17-2010, 10:06 AM
http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=101501213589856 09&set=a.488221215608.296181.6442 65608 (http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?fbid=101501213589856 09&set=a.488221215608.296181.6442 65608)
That pic says it all. Very well put my friend...

12-17-2010, 01:23 PM
http://cheezcomixed.files.wordpress.c om/2010/12/f0a89633-17b0-477b-957b-95fcd693c7d1.jpg

12-17-2010, 01:25 PM
http://cheezcomixed.files.wordpress.c om/2010/12/f0a89633-17b0-477b-957b-95fcd693c7d1.jpg
lmao!! Love it!

12-17-2010, 02:33 PM
“Just a dog”?!! “As many dogs as he wants”?!! REALLY GUYS?! That’s like saying a child molester can open up a daycare center because they’re just kids!

Do you realized that because of this subculture and people like Vick, the breed as a whole has been banned, BANNED, in many places across the country?!! In Miami-Dade for example, if you are found owning a Pit, you will be fined and the dog “will be removed from the county”. And if a stray Pit is picked up (which pretty much means, any dog off a leash or without tags – now keep in mind, since it’s illegal who would have tags on the dog to begin with) will be taken in and put to sleep?!!! Put to sleep JUST because they’re a Pit!!!

These are dogs, not bears or deer. They are smaller than us and, as previously mentioned, have been domesticated BY us. They are our pets. The play with us, roll around the grass with us, and depend ON US. WE have to feed them, WE have to bathe them, WE have to clean up after them and take care of them. Sounds a lot like having a child no? And you wouldn’t have your kid fight to the death for shear entertainment and to make a quick buck would you?

In my opinion, he’s sick in the head for what he did. He admitted to being involved in the destruction of 6–8 dogs, by hanging or drowning!!!! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT TO A HELPLESS ANIMAL?!?!!!! I have no sympathy for him or how the public feels toward him. Always remember: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. If he wants the public to have a better opinion of him, he should go above and beyond his is weak, sorry excuse, of a sentencing.

This is why we live in a free country. What works for you won't work for me. You love dogs... I don't.... That does'nt make me wrong nor does it make you right. You cannot compare a dog to a human being, especially a child. I just dont see it, I have not loved any animal as much as my own child.

As far as MiamiDade is concerned the breed is outlawed and has been outlawed for years. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, FL all my life so I know the story.

They were'nt outlawed because people were fighting them, they were outlawed because pit bulls have killed many children and postal worker's. My Mother is a retired letter carrier and has come home shaking unable to work because someone's pit bull got after her on many occassions. You know what all the owners had to say? "He's a gentile dog and would'nt bite a flee" HA!

Dog's are fine (if thats your thing) it's the piss poor people that own them that suck!

12-17-2010, 03:08 PM
Lmmfao !!!
http://cheezcomixed.files.wordpress.c om/2010/12/f0a89633-17b0-477b-957b-95fcd693c7d1.jpg

12-17-2010, 03:16 PM
This picture always puts a knot in my throat, it's dedicated to the 20+ doggies who died while the U.S. was taking Guam in 1944. Some were shot, some were blown up, you can imagine. They guarded the perimeter at night, explored caves and bunkers during the day, amazing stuff. And the doggie sitting at attention paying doggie respects is sad and cool at the same time.


12-17-2010, 03:28 PM
This picture always puts a knot in my throat, it's dedicated to the 20+ doggies who died while the U.S. was taking Guam in 1944. Some were shot, some were blown up, you can imagine. They guarded the perimeter at night, explored caves and bunkers during the day, amazing stuff. And the doggie sitting at attention paying doggie respects is sad and cool at the same time.


Just (bow) wow.

12-17-2010, 06:50 PM
You can not have children if you compare taking care of a dog to a child or hurting one to hurting a child. I have 2 children, own a few dogs too. Its not the same. People are more important than animals, if you cant grasp that then theres no getting through to you I suppose. It is just a dog. I love my dogs, but they are dogs, ill be sad if they die but not remotely the same level as if my kids got hurt. What it came down to is Vick broke the law, went to jail, got out of jail on the terms the state felt reasonable for the actions he made. Im sure he doesnt need some random forums support on the internet. He will need to pay for his actions on his judgement day, same as each of you will. I for one am comfortable with him walking the streets till that time.

12-17-2010, 07:01 PM
He did his time. And probably got away with much worse.

He didn't pay the right price.

No more dogs, means no more, not maybe.

"Just a dog", it's a life, and God's creature, no one has the right to torture and kill it for their enjoyment.

Thank God we live in the U.S.A., and Vick should too, he would have been killed for his crimes in other countries.

People are killed all over the world, is there a point to that statement?

I count my blessings every day, and usually have to deal with at least one POS like Vick every day too.

I can't wait for the flames.....

Yes people getting killed all over the world has a point. You act as if Vick is some subhuman garbage that needs to be killed, yet all of its over a dog, maybe you should devote some of your hate to the millions of people killing people in this world, see that a dogs life isnt more important than a human beings. And what country executes people for dog fighting??? Pretty sure a country like that would be so evil they would support dog fighting.

I find it a little strange you cast such judgement on someone then mention God. Yes it sure is one of Gods creatures, and God will punish him for his actions. God also teaches forgiveness and not judging people. He who is without sin cast the first stone right??

12-17-2010, 07:33 PM
This is why we live in a free country. What works for you won't work for me. You love dogs... I don't.... That does'nt make me wrong nor does it make you right. You cannot compare a dog to a human being, especially a child. I just dont see it, I have not loved any animal as much as my own child.

As far as MiamiDade is concerned the breed is outlawed and has been outlawed for years. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, FL all my life so I know the story.

They were'nt outlawed because people were fighting them, they were outlawed because pit bulls have killed many children and postal worker's. My Mother is a retired letter carrier and has come home shaking unable to work because someone's pit bull got after her on many occassions. You know what all the owners had to say? "He's a gentile dog and would'nt bite a flee" HA!

Dog's are fine (if thats your thing) it's the piss poor people that own them that suck!

You can not have children if you compare taking care of a dog to a child or hurting one to hurting a child. I have 2 children, own a few dogs too. Its not the same. People are more important than animals, if you cant grasp that then theres no getting through to you I suppose. It is just a dog. I love my dogs, but they are dogs, ill be sad if they die but not remotely the same level as if my kids got hurt. What it came down to is Vick broke the law, went to jail, got out of jail on the terms the state felt reasonable for the actions he made. Im sure he doesnt need some random forums support on the internet. He will need to pay for his actions on his judgement day, same as each of you will. I for one am comfortable with him walking the streets till that time.

Look, I know this is a battle neither you nor I will win. No one is right or wrong technically. We all have our opinions. That's the basis of a good ol fashion debate.

I am EXTREMELY passionate about dogs and this topic, and I know that there are people who can careless about the subject and they have that right just as I have my right to defend it endlessly. I'm sure we can go back and forth with this and make it into a 1,000 page thread.

HOWEVER, for you to say I can not be a mother because I compare the two is a little out of line. I find it a little strange you cast such judgment.

12-17-2010, 07:42 PM
Look, I know this is a battle neither you nor I will win. No one is right or wrong technically. We all have our opinions. That's the basis of a good ol fashion debate.

I am EXTREMELY passionate about dogs and this topic, and I know that there are people who can careless about the subject and they have that right just as I have my right to defend it endlessly. I'm sure we can go back and forth with this and make it into a 1,000 page thread.

HOWEVER, for you to say I can not be a mother because I compare the two is a little out of line. I find it a little strange you cast such judgment.

I have never met a parent that compares injury to their children to that of an animal. If you are that way, and you do have children, ill consider myself corrected. Im not judging anyone. Maybe your not understanding me, what I ment is theres no way you do have kids if you feel that way, not that you shouldnt have children. But hey maybe im wrong

12-17-2010, 08:33 PM
You act as if Vick is some subhuman garbage..... Agree 100% A dogs life isnt more important than a human beings...... In some cases I beg to differ. Namely, Mike Vick or a dog? For sure I will take the dog. What country executes people for dog fighting???... Maybe this should be a law. Considering every time they catch the participants in dogfighting, they find illegal weapons, drugs and people with criminal records... Seems like a pretty good idea to me.. Pretty sure a country like that would..... Would have a lower crime rate then most of its peer countries... God will punish him for his actions.... Why wait that long.....

There.......... Fix it for ya. Don't have to thank me, just don't trivialize the malice and potential for worse than what he went to Jail for, some time in the future. It will take a life time of walking the straight and narrow to truly account for his previous transgressions. This was not some mistake of youth. This was premeditated and no animal should have to endure this treatment. You don't have to be an animal lover to appreciate that.

12-17-2010, 09:27 PM
There.......... Fix it for ya. Don't have to thank me, just don't trivialize the malice and potential for worse than what he went to Jail for, some time in the future. It will take a life time of walking the straight and narrow to truly account for his previous transgressions. This was not some mistake of youth. This was premeditated and no animal should have to endure this treatment. You don't have to be an animal lover to appreciate that.

LOL, get over yourself. No one is saying what he did was right. It was wrong, and he went to jail for it. And yes, no animal should have to endure that. But im not trivializing anything. It was a dog, not a human, and people are comparing the two as if they are similar. He was a rich young man that thought he could do as he pleased because he thought he ran the world. And his action crashed him back to earth and he spent time in one of americas fine federal prisions. Im sure not many people including myself have been humbled to this extreme.

Just as your not gonna agree with me, im not going to agree with you. Good thing we live in a place that embraces those differances. Im done with this thread, God Bless us all and lets just each do our own part to care for the 4 legged friends we have as best we can. Night all :beer:

12-18-2010, 06:05 AM
Yes people getting killed all over the world has a point. You act as if Vick is some subhuman garbage that needs to be killed, yet all of its over a dog, maybe you should devote some of your hate to the millions of people killing people in this world, see that a dogs life isnt more important than a human beings. And what country executes people for dog fighting??? Pretty sure a country like that would be so evil they would support dog fighting.

I find it a little strange you cast such judgement on someone then mention God. Yes it sure is one of Gods creatures, and God will punish him for his actions. God also teaches forgiveness and not judging people. He who is without sin cast the first stone right??

People being killed all over the world had zip to do with this thread...

Vick is subhuman, he wants to act that way at least, he should be treated as such. Killing him would be too easy.

My hate, I don't hate, nor do I judge, I am just looking at the facts.

A dogs life worth more than a human, absolutley, you are obviously young and haven't seen many of the stellar examples of people that live among us.

You would be surprised what countries that support/condone and yet they execute people for far less.

I am not judging Vic, a judge in a court of law has done that. Vic himself admitted to what he did, not much room to judge someone, I know from experience what goes hand and hand with the dog fighting culture. I don't hate Vic, what he did does not affect me in any way.

I am not judging him, part of his sentence and parole is that he cannot own a dog, period. How in the world does that equate to me judging him?

I am full of sin, and the point is?

12-18-2010, 06:11 AM
I have never met a parent that compares injury to their children to that of an animal. If you are that way, and you do have children, ill consider myself corrected. Im not judging anyone. Maybe your not understanding me, what I ment is theres no way you do have kids if you feel that way, not that you shouldnt have children. But hey maybe im wrong

You should consider yourself corrected, plenty of people with animals love them as much as their children.

So what your saying is.... you would give your dog different care than you would a child, say for a broken leg? Or maybe a flu virus?

Would you let the animal suffer for the same thing you would treat a child for?

Or better yet, if we feel that way about animals, we shouldn't have children? You do say that with you last statement "but hey maybe I'm wrong". Proof reading can be your friend.

12-18-2010, 06:16 AM
LOL, get over yourself. No one is saying what he did was right. It was wrong, and he went to jail for it. And yes, no animal should have to endure that. But im not trivializing anything. It was a dog, not a human, and people are comparing the two as if they are similar. He was a rich young man that thought he could do as he pleased because he thought he ran the world. And his action crashed him back to earth and he spent time in one of americas fine federal prisions. Im sure not many people including myself have been humbled to this extreme.

Just as your not gonna agree with me, im not going to agree with you. Good thing we live in a place that embraces those differances. Im done with this thread, God Bless us all and lets just each do our own part to care for the 4 legged friends we have as best we can. Night all :beer:

I had hope for you when I started reading your post, then you started with the "it's just a dog" crap again.

Why in the world would having money make you think "you ran the world"? I already know the answer, my wife told me.

Federal prison = summer camp, there are a lot worse places in America than a Federal Prison.

Thanks for the blessings, we all need all we can get.

fast dtr
12-18-2010, 06:32 AM
:nono::down::bop::tongue::tmi: :razz::argh::cheesed::loco:


Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 07:29 AM
This isn't a discussion or comparison of which is worse, the torture of dogs or of children! The crime committed by Vick is about the act of torturing/killing dogs. It stands all by itself as a heinous crime. He was stopped and punished. A person who has committed this crime is not a suitable pet owner. Astoundingly some of you find room for disagreement! Fortunately my faith in humanity is restored by GAMike, Papillion, Marty, Spectragod, knine, and the rest of you who haven't rationalized that what he did was anything short of horrendous. And BTW....experience has shown me that people who dislike dogs are people I won't find much in common with on many fronts.

12-18-2010, 07:51 AM
This isn't a discussion or comparison of which is worse, the torture of dogs or of children! The crime committed by Vick is about the act of torturing/killing dogs. It stands all by itself as a heinous crime. He was stopped and punished. A person who has committed this crime is not a suitable pet owner. Astoundingly some of you find room for disagreement! Fortunately my faith in humanity is restored by GAMike, Papillion, Marty, Spectragod, knine, and the rest of you who haven't rationalized that what he did was anything short of horrendous. And BTW....experience has shown me that people who dislike dogs are people I won't find much in common with on many fronts.

Right on point!

Does your husband know hw lucky he is?

12-18-2010, 08:38 AM
thank you ,im so sick and tired of this BS, he made a terrible decision, and he paid the price!

can we move on already?:mad:

i disagree murderers have gotten off easier what about a drunk who kills an entire family, and then gets life time probation!

but nobodys mad about that!2 NFL player got caught with a DWI/DUI and killed ppl, they got off like nothing happened. smh :shake:

Simply put, he did not pay enough.

i saw in an interview that he said, "when i heard those doors slam for the first time, i was a changed man". now that may seem too easy, but when your in a certain circumstance that you have no control over things tend to change you. hearing those doors click-click-click-click and slam, i bet it opened his eyes.

12-18-2010, 08:52 AM

2 NFL player got caught with a DWI/DUI and killed ppl, they got off like nothing happened. smh :shake:

i saw in an interview that he said, "when i heard those doors slam for the first time, i was a changed man". now that may seem too easy, but when your in a certain circumstance that you have no control over things tend to change you. hearing those doors click-click-click-click and slam, i bet it opened his eyes.

You "agreed" to move on, so why post?

Did they, what's your source for the info?

An interview? He is going to say whatever it takes to make everyone feel sorry for him. Poor baby, he tortured and killed dogs, and admitted to it, part of his sentancing is that he cannot have anymore dogs, which, by the way, is what this post is about. Yet people keep defending him.

There seems to be a common denominator here with those that defend what he did, paid his debt blah blah blah.

Till it happens to you, you got no dog in the hunt. Anyone capable of touturing and killing animals will usually one day, do it to people, it has been proven..... just look at Jeffery Dahmer.

12-18-2010, 09:14 AM
You "agreed" to move on, so why post?

Did they, what's your source for the info?

An interview? He is going to say whatever it takes to make everyone feel sorry for him. Poor baby, he tortured and killed dogs, and admitted to it, part of his sentancing is that he cannot have anymore dogs, which, by the way, is what this post is about. Yet people keep defending him.

(1) my opinion...

(2) NFL Football Cleveland Brown’s wide receiver Donte Stallworth struck and killed a pedestrian while driving his Bentley on March 14, 2009 in Miami Beach Florida. Stallworth’s car hit and killed 59 year old Mario Reyes a little after 7 a.m. on McArthur Causeway on March 14th.
Media outlets soon reported that Stallworth was driving drunk with an alcohol content over the 08 legal limit in the State of Florida, when he struck and killed Reyes....AND Manslaughter conviction (Leonard Little, STL Rams Defensive End)
After leaving a birthday party in 1998, Little crashed into and killed Susan Gutweiler in St. Louis (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/wiki/St._Louis), Missouri (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/wiki/Missouri). When tested, his blood alcohol level measured 0.19 percent, a level in excess of the statutory level of intoxication (0.08) in the state of Missouri. Little received four years probation and 1,000 hours of community service. In 2004 he was arrested again for DWI after being stopped by The Ladue Police Department for speeding (78 in a 55 mph zone). At the time he had red eyes, smelled of alcohol and failed three roadside sobriety tests. He later admitted drinking alcohol to the police. He was found not guilty in February, 2005.

(3) have you ever had a F*** UP that made you say "i never do that again".? theres your sign

12-18-2010, 09:24 AM
You "agreed" to move on, so why post?

Did they, what's your source for the info?

An interview? He is going to say whatever it takes to make everyone feel sorry for him. Poor baby, he tortured and killed dogs, and admitted to it, part of his sentancing is that he cannot have anymore dogs, which, by the way, is what this post is about. Yet people keep defending him.

There seems to be a common denominator here with those that defend what he did, paid his debt blah blah blah.

Till it happens to you, you got no dog in the hunt. Anyone capable of touturing and killing animals will usually one day, do it to people, it has been proven..... just look at Jeffery Dahmer.

To further Spectragods point.......... At least one of those players stopped and waited for the Police when he hit the pedestrian (Don't remember the other). Not saying what he did was right by any means, and I have little sympathy for the stupid decision that he made, but 2 points:

1. When he realized what he had done, he stopped and waited for the Authorities...

2. There was no premeditation or malice in his actions... He made a poor choice is all...And took full responsibility from the outset.... Where as Mike Vick was very deliberate in his denial(in the beginning)/choices/decision making......... If Vick happened to be out with some friends, and they dragged him to a dog fighting event where he was an "observer", and not a participant........ And the event got busted, I would not be so harsh.... It was a poor decision to go with his friends and get caught up in the net.

He was an organizer, a funder, and an active participant in all of the activities to prepare and fight dogs. This is not a simple brush off. It goes to pathology and decision making. I never thought I would use my fathers words to me when I was a young man....." Maybe when you have had enough experience with this life thing, you will come to see things differently."

Some lessons are mean't for the moment. Some are for all time.... Thanks Dad.:bows:

One last thing....... I think Arthur Blank (Falcons Owner) knew.... If he did and he kept the secret, then he(and all of his core management team who would also by default know) is an accomplice and just as big a dirtbag as Mike Vick

12-18-2010, 09:37 AM
Where as Mike Vick was very deliberate in his denial(in the beginning)/choices/decision making.........

yea he was, but when you know when your in the wrong either you man up or you deny, which he did because he knew it was terrible thing to do.

I never thought I would use my fathers words to me when I was a young man....." Maybe when you have had enough experience with this life thing, you will come to see things differently." i like that!

Some lessons are mean't for the moment. Some are for all time.... Thanks Dad.:bows:

One last thing....... I think Arthur Blank (Falcons Owner) knew.... If he did and he kept the secret, then he(and all of his core management team who would also by default know) is an accomplice and just as big a dirtbag as Mike Vick.

im not sure, because in the same interview, his caoch at the time Tom Mora, interviewed him and Vick told him "nobody knew", the coach dam sure didnt. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

12-18-2010, 10:13 AM
A dogs life worth more than a human, absolutley, you are obviously young and haven't seen many of the stellar examples of people that live among us.

I really hope you left out "not" after the absolutley. And my youth doesnt mean inexperiance. Having spent 15 months is Baghdad with 1st Calvary Division I have seen some horrors, and I garuntee they were worse than dog fighting. I assure you I have seen "the stellar examples"

12-18-2010, 10:27 AM
I really hope you left out "not" after the absolutley. And my youth doesnt mean inexperiance. Having spent 15 months is Baghdad with 1st Calvary Division I have seen some horrors, and I garuntee they were worse than dog fighting. I assure you I have seen "the stellar examples"

I didn't leave out anything...

Thanks for your service.

Vic is still a POS irregardless.

Since you have witnessed first hand what great people that are out there, how can you not have more love for an animal?

12-18-2010, 10:27 AM
I really hope you left out "not" after the absolutley. And my youth doesnt mean inexperiance. Having spent 15 months is Baghdad with 1st Calvary Division I have seen some horrors, and I garuntee they were worse than dog fighting. I assure you I have seen "the stellar examples"
Get's a wee bit silly kinda quick around here doesn't it, :shake:.

At least you have your service to the country to fall back on, try I am canadian, see where that gets ya, lol.

12-18-2010, 10:33 AM
@ Breeze............. When I lived in NYC back in the 90's I socialized with a person that worked for NFL security. In our conversations he went into some detail about the lengths the NFL goes too, in an effort to protect their "brand"........ All kinds of risk analysis/background checks are performed on each and every player and its ongoing, throughout their career...... This info is passed along and compared with the due diligence each team does on their own...... Somewhere in that mix of retired FBI types with their network of contacts and abilities to peak into a players life, it must have been known...If it was, Vick would be the last to know if they wanted it that way

There are things that happen that we never hear about. Some are things that are known about, that are never spoken of in order to have plausible deniability....

I guess I should include the NFL in with Blank as that makes as much sense given the above summary. Strange world huh.

@Wht02Lightning - Thank you for your service first off. Absolutely you have seen some of the worst byproducts of warfare. Again, brutality towards a defensless animal who did nothing to bring the shear terror and abuse on itself is horror of a different kind, and there are many kinds.

I don't pretend to have seen "it all", but what I have seen will have a lasting effect on even a person with your armed services background. Countries and peoples do things to bring warfare to their door... Choices and consiquences......

Defensless animals should be so lucky to have those choices.

Again, I appreciate your service to our nation, but we are dyametrically opposed here.

12-18-2010, 10:56 AM
You should consider yourself corrected, plenty of people with animals love them as much as their children.

So what your saying is.... you would give your dog different care than you would a child, say for a broken leg? Or maybe a flu virus?

Would you let the animal suffer for the same thing you would treat a child for?

Or better yet, if we feel that way about animals, we shouldn't have children? You do say that with you last statement "but hey maybe I'm wrong". Proof reading can be your friend.

Would I treat my dog differantly than my children medically?? Are you serious?? The answer is yes. If my dog gets cancer and needs a $5,000 surgery to live, im putting him down. If god forbid my child gets cancer ill rob a damn bank if I have to to get them care. I would give my life for my children, I surely would not give my life for my dog. And yes I said "but maybe im wrong", because I know im not always right. But I feel with all my being if you would put your children on the same level as your pets then you have no place being a parent.

12-18-2010, 11:04 AM
Would I treat my dog differantly than my children medically?? Are you serious?? The answer is yes. If my dog gets cancer and needs a $5,000 surgery to live, im putting him down. If god forbid my child gets cancer ill rob a damn bank if I have to to get them care. I would give my life for my children, I surely would not give my life for my dog. And yes I said "but maybe im wrong", because I know im not always right. But I feel with all my being if you would put your children on the same level as your pets then you have no place being a parent.

Am I serious, yep. Not 5k, but 4k to keep him alive, and I would do it again.

My dogs would give theirs lives for mine. If someone decides that they need to attack my animals or family, we'll just see what happens.

I guess in your eyes I am a terrible parent, at least I'm not you.

Not much chance you'll ever agree with me on this, I don't really care, Vic was convicted, and is not supposed to own dogs, that's kinda the end of it, your opinion and mine are just that, opinions.

12-18-2010, 11:23 AM
Am I serious, yep. Not 5k, but 4k to keep him alive, and I would do it again.

My dogs would give theirs lives for mine. If someone decides that they need to attack my animals or family, we'll just see what happens.

I guess in your eyes I am a terrible parent, at least I'm not you.

Not much chance you'll ever agree with me on this, I don't really care, Vic was convicted, and is not supposed to own dogs, that's kinda the end of it, your opinion and mine are just that, opinions.

LOL thats the one thing youve said I agree with. I dont think he should have a dog either. I just got into this debacle becuase people were comparing his crimes to child molestation, and the 2 arent similiar.

If you really do hold your children and pets on the same level then yes I think your a terrible parent. I have faith in humanity tho and dont believe you truely would draw the same line with your children and pets. But gun to your head you have to pick one to live and one to die are you telling me it wouldnt be an instant decision to save the child? I know that situation would never happen but I think it proves my point. So im sure your a great parent, as you would protect your child

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 12:10 PM
LOL thats the one thing youve said I agree with. I dont think he should have a dog either. I just got into this debacle becuase people were comparing his crimes to child molestation, and the 2 arent similiar.

If you really do hold your children and pets on the same level then yes I think your a terrible parent. I have faith in humanity tho and dont believe you truely would draw the same line with your children and pets. But gun to your head you have to pick one to live and one to die are you telling me it wouldnt be an instant decision to save the child? I know that situation would never happen but I think it proves my point. So im sure your a great parent, as you would protect your child
This is possibly the most absurd argument yet. THIS IS ABOUT VICK'S TORTURE OF DOGS. NOT YOUR MORONIC COMPARISONS TO OTHER HORRIBLE DEEDS AGAINST CHILDREN OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING ELSE. Wow, just WOW! Why are you making this about which people love best...children or pets. To restate the painfully obvious THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

12-18-2010, 12:28 PM
This is possibly the most absurd argument yet. THIS IS ABOUT VICK'S TORTURE OF DOGS. NOT YOUR MORONIC COMPARISONS TO OTHER HORRIBLE DEEDS AGAINST CHILDREN OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING ELSE. Wow, just WOW! Why are you making this about which people love best...children or pets. To restate the painfully obvious THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

That might be whats its about to you. To me its about people comparing dog fighting to other much worse crimes. To me the most absurd argument of the whole thread is killing vick because of his mistreatment of animals

12-18-2010, 12:31 PM
LOL thats the one thing youve said I agree with. I dont think he should have a dog either. I just got into this debacle becuase people were comparing his crimes to child molestation, and the 2 arent similiar.

If you really do hold your children and pets on the same level then yes I think your a terrible parent. I have faith in humanity tho and dont believe you truely would draw the same line with your children and pets. But gun to your head you have to pick one to live and one to die are you telling me it wouldnt be an instant decision to save the child? I know that situation would never happen but I think it proves my point. So im sure your a great parent, as you would protect your child

I am a terrible parent, my pets and children get the same care, sometimes the animals get better care, just do to the level of care my vet provides for animals.

If someone were to put a gun to my head, they had best hope it's their favorite flavor. Been there done that too. I would protect my child, pet or even you, as that's what I swore to doing.

12-18-2010, 12:32 PM
To me its about people comparing dog fighting to other much worse crimes. The thread title "Mike Vick Wants a Dog..." pretty clearly defines what this thread is actually about.

12-18-2010, 12:34 PM
That might be whats its about to you. To me its about people comparing dog fighting to other much worse crimes. To me the most absurd argument of the whole thread is killing vick because of his mistreatment of animals

It is compared to other worse crimes because they go hand in hand with one another.

I say Vic should thank his lucky stars that he had another chance at fame and fortune and forget about owning another dog.

As far as killing him, I'm kinda surprised he didn't get shanked in the shower....

12-18-2010, 12:39 PM
I am a terrible parent, my pets and children get the same care, sometimes the animals get better care, just do to the level of care my vet provides for animals.

If someone were to put a gun to my head, they had best hope it's their favorite flavor. Been there done that too. I would protect my child, pet or even you, as that's what I swore to doing.

Wow your full of yourself. I like how you said even me, as if im the sum of the earth because I dont value dogs lives as much as a humans. I feel sorry for your children.

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 12:41 PM
That might be whats its about to you. To me its about people comparing dog fighting to other much worse crimes. To me the most absurd argument of the whole thread is killing vick because of his mistreatment of animalsThere you have it........but on the bright side you do own a Marauder (I think) so you get points back for that. Yup there it is is your sig.! :D;) Got one just like it (except with OEM wheels) sitting in my driveway...so we do have something in common.

12-18-2010, 12:42 PM
Wow your full of yourself. I like how you said even me, as if im the sum of the earth because I dont value dogs lives as much as a humans. I feel sorry for your children.

Nope, not full of myself at all. I just know how the real world works.

And I was sincere when I added "you", it doesn't matter to me what value you place on anything, I'm not here to change your beliefs.

I feel sorry for you....... and your children.

12-18-2010, 12:44 PM
There you have it........but on the bright side you do own a Marauder (I think) so you get points back for that. Yup there it is is your sig.! :D;)

LOL, yes I do. Thats one thing I love about this forum, the only reason we conversate is the shared vehicle, but view points and upbringing are differant.

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 12:46 PM
LOL, yes I do. Thats one thing I love about this forum, the only reason we conversate is the shared vehicle, but view points and upbringing are differant. +1 And we can both agree one that for sure!:)

12-18-2010, 12:46 PM
Nope, not full of myself at all. I just know how the real world works.

And I was sincere when I added "you", it doesn't matter to me what value you place on anything, I'm not here to change your beliefs.

I feel sorry for you....... and your children.

Okay I think we have both gone a little far here. Not sure why I even posted again but im really done this time. Me saying that I feel sorry for your children was wrong and childish. Sorry. That being said, I really am done with this thread

12-18-2010, 12:51 PM
Okay I think we have both gone a little far here. Not sure why I even posted again but im really done this time. Me saying that I feel sorry for your children was wrong and childish. Sorry. That being said, I really am done with this thread

By all means, please accept my apology for doing the same. No real need to act like kids. :beer:

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 12:55 PM
By all means, please accept my apology for doing the same. No real need to act like kids. :beer:
I love a happy ending.....and on that note "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of us! :beer: And our beloved pets and children. :)

12-18-2010, 01:05 PM
I didn't read this whole thing. What Vick did was atrocious. If he wants another dog for his family he can have a tea cup poodle. A nice fluffly white one. I believe he'll find out on the day of his death how badly he messed up.

12-18-2010, 03:09 PM
I love a happy ending.

Well we have something in common then!

Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 03:26 PM
Well we have something in common then!
You mean something else? (besides our Marauders).....:rolleyes::roll eyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::roll eyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D

12-18-2010, 03:45 PM
You mean something else? (besides our Marauders).....:rolleyes::roll eyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::roll eyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D

Oh yeah, the Marauder thing, that's what I meant! And "Woof" since it's a doggie thread, lol.

12-18-2010, 04:18 PM
How about them cats that leave puddy-cat prints on your MM?


Ms. Denmark
12-18-2010, 04:23 PM
How about them cats that leave puddy-cat prints on your MM?

:D:D:D:D Yeah...we got that problem too! LOL Right down the windshield and across the hood...:eek:

12-18-2010, 04:41 PM
“Just a dog”?!! “As many dogs as he wants”?!! REALLY GUYS?! That’s like saying a child molester can open up a daycare center because they’re just kids!

Do you realized that because of this subculture and people like Vick, the breed as a whole has been banned, BANNED, in many places across the country?!! In Miami-Dade for example, if you are found owning a Pit, you will be fined and the dog “will be removed from the county”. And if a stray Pit is picked up (which pretty much means, any dog off a leash or without tags – now keep in mind, since it’s illegal who would have tags on the dog to begin with) will be taken in and put to sleep?!!! Put to sleep JUST because they’re a Pit!!!

These are dogs, not bears or deer. They are smaller than us and, as previously mentioned, have been domesticated BY us. They are our pets. The play with us, roll around the grass with us, and depend ON US. WE have to feed them, WE have to bathe them, WE have to clean up after them and take care of them. Sounds a lot like having a child no? And you wouldn’t have your kid fight to the death for shear entertainment and to make a quick buck would you?

In my opinion, he’s sick in the head for what he did. He admitted to being involved in the destruction of 6–8 dogs, by hanging or drowning!!!! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT TO A HELPLESS ANIMAL?!?!!!! I have no sympathy for him or how the public feels toward him. Always remember: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. If he wants the public to have a better opinion of him, he should go above and beyond his is weak, sorry excuse, of a sentencing.

Could not have said it ANY BETTER!!!!!!
Like many other bad people, he's only sorry because he got CAUGHT!!

12-18-2010, 04:43 PM
Yeah...we got that problem too! LOL Right down the windshield and across the hood...:eek:
And you wonder why it allways seems muddy, lol. Not sure who's cat is the culprit here, doesn't much matter, all creatures get a pass in my book.


12-18-2010, 06:10 PM
Yeah...we got that problem too! LOL Right down the windshield and across the hood...:eek:

Mouse traps with a piece of summer sausage on them will fix that quick fast and in a hurry. Works on birds, also, so don't put them on it during the day. :o

12-18-2010, 06:14 PM
My neighbor found out that her dog (a Schnauzer) could hardly hear, so she took it to the veterinarian.
The vet found that the problem was hair in the dog's ears. He cleaned both ears, and the dog could then hear fine.
The vet then proceeded to tell the lady that, if she wanted to keep this from recurring,
she should go to the store and get some "Nair" hair remover and rub it in the dog's ears once a month.
The lady went to the store and bought some "Nair" hair remover.
At the register, the pharmacist told her, "If you're going to use this under your arms, don't use deodorant for a few days."
The lady said, "I'm not using it under my arms."
The pharmacist said, "If you're using it on your legs, don't shave for a couple of days."
The lady replied, "I'm not using it on my legs either. If you must know, I'm using it on my Schnauzer."
The pharmacist says, "Well stay off your bicycle for about a week."

12-18-2010, 08:39 PM
I didn't read this whole thing. What Vick did was atrocious. If he wants another dog for his family he can have a tea cup poodle. A nice fluffly white one. I believe he'll find out on the day of his death how badly he messed up.

Why would you do that to a poodle? Also, there is no such thing as a tea cup in that breed, only toys, minature and standard are recognized.

There are smaller and larger of each size, FWIW.

Guess which one isn't a poodle.....