View Full Version : Great News - Happy I got a ticket.

12-18-2003, 07:33 PM
Parked my car in LA and when I got back found a parking ticket on my window.

See, in many parts, the signs are impossible to understand. Usually there are 3-4 signs all saying different things.

Anyway, it seems that I needed to have a 3R permit to be able to part for '2 hours' between 8AM-6PM.

Because I have a new car, I have no plates, yet.

So, I see that the ticket has my VIN number on it. But it looked off.

So I checked the number and they entered the WRONG VIN number. One of the digits is an H, but the meter person thought it was an M.

Anyway, I am really happy I go the ticket and I am happier that I don't have to pay it becaue they can't trace it.

:) :) :)

12-18-2003, 07:59 PM
Directedby, you should see/read some of NYC `s parking signs especially in Manhattan. Confusing especially for folks visiting the BigTown.

12-18-2003, 09:02 PM
We're telling.....


12-18-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by martyo
We're telling...

No, we're not "telling" on Paul, not now. But, remember that he lives out west, where things get strange. Really strange.

One day, he will want to sell his property, only to find it all burried under a litanny of leins and judgements, including his pristine Mach 1 hidden at Mom's house.

Pay the ticket, Paul, why bother with the fight?

12-18-2003, 09:59 PM

That ticket will get spit out because of the mistake but the paper-pushers will doggedly reenter the number again and again until frustration turns to anger. Then they'll get the Supervisor involved and then he'll ask an Investigator to look into it and when he finally mensas the "H" into an "M"...well you get the picture. As Mac so correctly suggests, pay the man now rather than pay him and your attorney later.


12-18-2003, 10:08 PM
Hey, Bill!

Merry Xmas!

Nice to have you back and posting with us again.

12-18-2003, 10:41 PM
Their is no way to outrun the long arm of the law...

Pay now or pay later:)

Good luck:)

12-18-2003, 11:41 PM
There's a program law enforcement uses caleld VinAssist. It takes VIN numbers and it will tell you it the VIN is legitimate or which digit is wrong. Then it gives you the correct character. If they really want the $$ that bad, they can do that. Why mess with your karma (carma?). Either pay it, or make an equal donation to charity, but then you'll have to look over your shoulder when going to the mailbox.....

12-19-2003, 12:28 AM
Mac is right. They'll find you. Take it in personally. Tell them it was on your car but the VIN is wrong. They'll either still make you pay it, or they may waive it.
Either way it's better than having a record of unpaid parking tickets.

12-19-2003, 01:05 AM
Hey, I live in california, the karma Capitol of the world. I even drive my MM with sandles (that's for you , Mac).

I get a parking ticket about once every 3-4 years. I really really abide by the laws and actually respect them.

I am up on the fence on this one, because I though I was legally parking. It was unintentional.

Now for the debate as to whether they can and will trace it to my car.

How is this possible? My insurance company told me that when they traced the VIN, my car didn't exist. Also, from another thread, there are so many different configurations for the '04 VIN.

Over 20 years ago, I got a speeding ticket and the cop made a mistake on the ticket by writing the wrong DL numer (digit off).

I decided to wait and see if I got a notice in the mail...nothing. It just dissappeared.

OK, I don't need bad karma. I walk old ladies across the streets of LA just to get good Karma. But it is war out there.

Why can't I park on a public street that I pay taxes for?


12-19-2003, 01:29 AM
going to claim to know a lot about this topic, but it sounds like you're really talking about two separate issues. The possibility of being tracked down, and the justification for the ticket being issued are two different issues that are unrelated.

The way I see it, if they DO track you down, then weather or not you should've received the ticket, or weather or not you deserved it will NOT make any difference at all. And even though they couldn't track you down 20 years ago, that doesn't mean that they can't now. Today's technology is leaps and bounds ahead of what it was back then. Just some things to think about.;)

12-19-2003, 01:53 AM
Why can't I park on a public street that I pay taxes for?

sometimes it's about controlling traffic, sometimes it's all about revenue

12-19-2003, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by Directedby

Why can't I park on a public street that I pay taxes for?


Same reason you can't use the ladies restroom in city hall. Your taxes paid for it, but it's something you simply ain't suppose to do. :)

12-19-2003, 08:17 AM
Directedby--- you don't have plates yet? In CA, don't new cars come with some kind of temporary paper tags or other temporary ID until the regular plates come in?

12-19-2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Ross
Directedby--- you don't have plates yet? In CA, don't new cars come with some kind of temporary paper tags or other temporary ID until the regular plates come in?

Paper/registration tag is on the front windshield. No name or contact info other than VIN number.

12-19-2003, 02:27 PM
I suspect you have a carbon copy? On the original it may well be a M, just looks like a H on the carbon copy for some reason? Doesn't take buy one very small spot where the paper wasn't treated right and the carbon copy would appear differently than the orginal.

12-19-2003, 02:47 PM

You have a good 50/50 chance. Don't pay! - it's a matter of principle (keep your principle $$ intact). Just pretend the wind blew the cite away. If it comes back to roost - just pay it. You got a chance to circumvent the system - that is always a yes!! Remember, it's the little victories in life that really matter.



12-19-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by ParkRanger

Just pretend the wind blew the cite away.

Do you have any idea what percentage of people use this "excuse" 6 months later when they end up in court for non-payment? It's a running joke in the courtrooms now and actually pisses off the judge. :)

12-19-2003, 04:42 PM
Having grown up in a family where right/wrong were black and white and also to respect law enforcement, I would probably just pay the ticket and forget about it. Why worry about such a small detail when there are so many big problems to worry about. I've had speeding tickets and parking tickets(hasn't everybody!) and I just take my lumps and move on. If I do the crime, I do the time, I guess. I don't argue or get cranky with the police, because I know I'm wrong. It just seems like the right way to go through life. It also keeps you off the news as the dash cam shows you getting your butt kicked for disrespecting people that you shouldn't disrespect!! just my 2 cents.

RF Overlord
12-19-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by RedMM
It also keeps you off the news as the dash cam shows you getting your butt kicked for disrespecting people that you shouldn't disrespect!!

ROFL, Red...!

Seriously, though, I agree with everything you said...one of the biggest problems in this country today, IMHO, is that EVERYTHING is someone ELSE'S fault...gosh darn it all to heck, if you did something wrong, be a MAN and admit it...it's not the end of the damn world...

<end rant>

12-19-2003, 09:33 PM
RF Overlord-thanks for your thoughts- when we see episodes of cops, or the local news, we really are seeing the worst of people and I don't feel it is a fair or accurate representation of the MAJORITY of our fine fellow Americans. The 90% of us that work, pay taxes, treat our fellow human beings with kindness and respect and go through life trying to do the right thing are never really noticed. It's the other 10% that we hear about and sadly tend to remember. A dear friend of mine that was a cop for 25+ years died 2 years ago of a massive heart attack and right before his death, he told me that even after all those years as a patrolman-he still believed in the basic goodness of HIS fellow human beings and that if he ever developed the jaded attitude of some of his fellow officers that civilians are all ass****s, he would stop being a cop and move on to something else. And you know what-the day of his funeral, the little town of Brook Park, Ohio had hundreds of sobbing and grieving people who were devastated over his death. THe funeral procession took him past the police station and his house and to his final resting place also in the town where he touched so many people. They put black cloth across the badges on the door of his cruiser and covered the light bars in black cloth which followed directly behind his hearse. Citizens stood on the street and sobbed as the procession drove by. I cried a river that day as did most of the town. He loved his civilian townies and they loved and respected him. No cop bashers here!! Even people he arrested and put away gave testemonials to local news shows about the change he had made in their lives in getting themselves turned around to become productive citizens. He had tremendous respect and kindness towards people who were truthful and didn't lie and bs him when he nabbed them for something and again, I feel that we all should live our lives with this same dignity and INTEGRITY. It's just a cool way to be! Forgive the rambling, but it sure makes me think about things I do and I hope I can be half the man he was!! RIP badge 23!! :bows:

12-20-2003, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by RedMM
A dear friend of mine that was a cop for 25+ years died 2 years ago of a massive heart attack....

There is a connection ya know?

Cops also have......

...a high divorce rate.....

....a high alcoholism rate....


....a high domestic violence rate.

12-20-2003, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by SHERIFF
There is a connection ya know?

Cops also have......

...a high divorce rate.....

....a high alcoholism rate....


....a high domestic violence rate.

Gee, sounds just like all the same fringe benefits of being a lawyer, just less pay....

12-20-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by SHERIFF
There is a connection ya know?

Cops also have......

...a high divorce rate.....

....a high alcoholism rate....


....a high domestic violence rate. Police work is extremely stressfull and not every officer can deal with that. IMO training and higher education are some factors that help rectify the problem. Most Police Departments now require at least 64 college credits at time of hiring in NYS .

01-23-2004, 12:14 AM
Was it one of those complete package tickets that tells you how much and is also an envelope to send it in? Or just the usual carbon ticket? If it is the carbon one, you would be receiving a bail notice in the mail advising you of the fine and where to send it. If you dont receive one within a month or so of the citation date, you probably are not going to.

01-23-2004, 08:09 AM
That's how it works here. They will send a notice after about a month saying you owe a fine. If not, then it didn't go through.

There was a parking sign that was in the paper a few years ago, when someone got a parking ticket and wrote the newspaper about it.

The sign read: No Parking, Freight Zone, 6 pm to 8 am.

He parked his vehicle during the day (between 8 am and 6 pm) since he thought that was alright. He comes back and there's a parking ticket on his windshield. He goes to the Admin Hearing (court) to contest it. He told them how the sign read and he felt that he could park during the hours it wasn't a Freight Zone. The Parking Admin said that it's no parking 24 hours a day and a Freight Zone from 6 pm to 8 pm and accused him of trying to interpret the sign to his advantage.

I had to laugh on that one.

Yes, we have the most zealous Parking Enforcement people anywhere. They do not fall under the Police Department, but under the Department of Public Works. This makes these meter maids the most ignorant bunch of people you ever dealt with.

Oh well, the joys of living in the City.

Dave Compson
01-23-2004, 09:21 AM
I dont know man, those parking nazis are the worst. They are worse than most highway patrol. They would cite their own mothers. Even i know not to mess with them. In my book there are three things not to mess with in this world. The IRS, The DMV, and The Parking Enforcement Nazis! In the long run, this little cite could make life miserable. My honest opinion would be to pay it.

01-23-2004, 09:27 AM
But then keep the ticket, and then park anywhere you want, put the old ticket under your wiper, so they think you've already been ticketed.!! :)

I saw this once... Trying to remember the movie...

01-23-2004, 09:36 AM
>I had to laugh on that one.

I had a guy take me to court once over a parking ticket I wrote. He was parked right next to a fire hydrant in a no parking zone. I only wrote him for the hydrant. They have a pretty hefty fine by themselves!

Well he takes a whole boat load of photographs and takes them to court. They show his car to be about 20 feet from the hydrant. Of course he took them after he moved his car...but anyways..in the photos you can see the no parking any time signs. So the judge asks him what the signs are and he tells the judge they say no parking!

Yep...he got that fine too. :lol:

01-23-2004, 11:06 AM
Why can't I park on a public street that I pay taxes for?


Same reason you can't go hop in the nearest police cruiser and go joy riding for a couple of hours. You paid for it, but it is not for your entertainment. :)

I guess a street is a tad different though. I understand your frustration. When I go anywhere near Court Square where I live, I can't find a parking space because 3 or 4 courts are in session and police cars are "illegally" parked in civilian spots. They of course do NOT get tickets.

01-23-2004, 11:10 AM
I got a parking ticket once while driving my brothers Thunderbird Super Coupe. The moron who wrote it said I was "on" the sidewalk. Well, I wasn't........ and I appealed the ticket. Due to my occupation and knowing me personally the judge dismissed it. It was dismissed because he would have to bring a substitute judge in from another county or city to hear the case. He couldn't rule fairly after knowing me for so many years. It would have cost more to hear and collect the ticket than it was worth. :)

01-23-2004, 02:41 PM
Actually, I personally try to park the police car in areas where civilians can't so I don't take up a legit spot. Parking is hard enough to come by. Our meter maids (also known down here as meter nazis too), ticket police vehicles. I haven't figured that one out yet. Most of the time unmarked cars, but I've seen them try to tell us we can't park there even in marked cars.

01-23-2004, 07:06 PM
Don't give 'em a dime!
Make 'em come after you!

Gotta Love It! :rasta: