View Full Version : Northern Climate Marauder Question

12-19-2003, 08:49 AM
I have noticed two things since the weather got cold, and was wondering if anyone else is having the same experience:

1. My air compressor seems to run a lot more than it did during the summer.

2. My AutoMeter gauges are sometimes fogged up, but clear up when the car warms up. I always leave a window cracked open, so I wouldn't think there is a buildup of moisture inside the car...

Thoughts, anyone?

12-19-2003, 08:54 AM
1.) - Yes. Same here. Seems to run a lot more.
2.) - No fogging up here to report. MM is parked outside all year. All windows closed.

Heavy D.
12-19-2003, 09:02 AM
1) Yes, me too . I don't drive it very often in the winter but the few times I've had it out when it's below freezing I've noticed this.
2) Don't know. Heated garage.

Sheboygan and Madison, very nice places! My wife and I moved to Northeast Wisconsin 4 years ago and absolutely love it.

12-19-2003, 09:09 AM
Heavy D. - Where exactly are you at? Green Bay (Go Pack!) or Door County area?

Heavy D.
12-19-2003, 09:51 AM
MMM2003 - I'm about 70 miles northwest of Green Bay (Go Pack GO!), a small unincorporated town called Lakewood. Typical northwoods town, about 850 year round residents and 17 bars...

I have Western Great Lakes as my location because I travel to Chicago on business quite frequently, and have worked in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin on various assignments over the last 7 years.

Thanks for asking!