View Full Version : A bad weekend

01-15-2011, 03:38 PM
Fri-I didn't get to keep the change from my insurance claim

Sat-My car is still in the shop until monday with a bad oil pan and water pump:mad2:I had to change my mom's tire on her maxima on the e-way with no help from the two cops that rode past me:bigcry:

Sun-( Can my weekend get any worst )

SC Cheesehead
01-15-2011, 03:53 PM
Fri-I didn't get to keep the change from my insurance claim

Sat-My car is still in the shop until monday with a bad oil pan and water pump:mad2:I had to change my mom's tire on her maxima on the e-way with no help from the two cops that rode past me:bigcry:

Sun-( Can my weekend get any worst )

Weren't you saying in a different thread that the insurance claim didn't cover the damages to your car? :confused:

I thought your water pump had been fixed. :confused:

What's wrong with your oil pan?

01-15-2011, 03:57 PM
That all sounds like minor stuff, dont let those things ruin your weekend. Why werent you able to keep the change from your claim? Did they tell you that you had to send it back to them or something?

01-15-2011, 03:59 PM
Weren't you saying in a different thread that the insurance claim didn't cover the damages to your car? :confused:

I thought your water pump had been fixed. :confused:

What's wrong with your oil pan?

Nah cheese, they covered all damages that they decided were related to the accident. My water pump and oil pan were not related,,,(according to them). So the insurance didnt pay for the pump and pan but paid everything else. I took my car to a ford dealer to have the pump and pan replaced at no charge bcuz I have a warranty. I'm not rich lol so I had most things covered when I purchased the car. It's just alot of issues happening at once but I guess thats apart of being an adult.:corner:

The damage ended up being more then the original estimate....(according to the body shop) It sounds shady because it is.

01-15-2011, 05:06 PM
Did they DO more than the original estimate???? If not they would defiantly honor their first price. It sounds like they are pushing you around because they think they can.

01-15-2011, 05:38 PM
Did they DO more than the original estimate???? If not they would defiantly honor their first price. It sounds like they are pushing you around because they think they can.

Yes, once they priced the parts which came out to be more then the original estimate, they charged up even more for labor. Bottom line, they were workin very close with the insurance company and they knew the amount of the check from company. The final bill was 700 more then the check. Then don't forget they had to paint my car the same color and it looks good. They did a great job. I'm just sore I didn't pocket some mulah.

01-15-2011, 06:17 PM
You are aware that they have to either pull the engine or drop the K member to do a oil pan swap. That could be costly in labor.

01-16-2011, 07:05 AM
You are aware that they have to either pull the engine or drop the K member to do a oil pan swap. That could be costly in labor.

Yea well if thats the problem then it has to be fixed. Cars are expensive. This is known by all drivers. Its not as costly for some because most can do their own work. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix everything myself. I wish I did but I dnt.