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12-19-2003, 03:48 PM
Stupid Criminals....

Collier County, Florida December 18, 2003

Authorities say two suspected burglars getting into what they thought was their getaway car instead entered a Collier County deputy's unmarked patrol car ? with the deputy inside.

The sheriff's office believes it's all connected to "Dinner Set" burglars who have been working the area, breaking into homes while residents are out to eat. The Dinner Set burglars have been working Collier County for about the last five years.

Police say their method of operation is to get dropped off between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., pick out a few houses to hit and then have a rendezvous pickup point for a getaway driver.

Sergeant Robert Maxfield was canvassing the neighborhood Wednesday night after responding to a burglary at 2354 Cheshire Lane in the Pelican Marsh development.

The homeowner reported finding a sliding glass door had been pried open and three pieces of jewelry, worth an estimated $9,000, was missing.

As Maxfield searched an area on Nottingham Drive, near Airport Pulling Road North, around 8:45, he noticed two people dressed in dark clothing come out of the bushes.

"They thought this was the getaway vehicle and I was in the right place at the right time," Maxfield said.

Maxfield stopped his car and the suspects ran towards him, getting into the front and rear passenger side.

"Before I could even get on the radio the suspects ran toward my vehicle, came up to the vehicle and tried to get into the vehicle," Maxfield said. "They sat in and turned and had a realization they weren't in their pickup vehicle. They were actually in a sheriff's vehicle."


When they realized they were in a patrol car, the duo took off. Maxfield chased them and was able to arrest one, later identified as 45-year-old Alan McClain of Davie.

The other suspect ran into the Pelican Marsh subdivision. A Collier sheriff's K-9 unit and helicopter were unable to locate the second suspect.

Deputies say a large screwdriver was found on the ground near where McClain was apprehended. In his pockets, deputies say they found a pair of cloth gloves, a cell phone and a small flashlight.

The jewelry was not recovered.

Deputies say the same type of crimes have also affected Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. Maxfield says they've been difficult to crack.

"Normally they go unsolved because of little evidence," Maxfield said.

According to authorities, McClain has an extensive burglary history. It is not known if he has been involved in similar burglaries in the area.

Investigators say so far McClain is not cooperating ? he won't give up the names of the other suspects involved Wednesday night.

McClain is being held on $105,000 bond on charges of burglary, grand theft, and possession of burglary tools.

12-19-2003, 03:49 PM
In reading this tale, I have to wonder if they got their pictures confused? The picture of McClain..... he looks like a cop, not a criminal! :)

12-19-2003, 04:24 PM
Don't know if you caught the story or not-it was on all the national news-a local man her was posing as a Federal Agent. I believe he was driving a Chevy Lumina, but can't swear to it. He actually went so far as to pull over a car for a traffic altercation, and CALL POLICE FOR BACKUP!!!! Yhey believed him for a while but did finally become suspicious. His house was loaded with badges and police items. Surprisingly, he did not go to jail. I think he really believed his own story!! Mike :shake:

12-19-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by RedMM
Don't know if you caught the story or not...

Yes, I saw that. You're right, he had convinced himself that he was somebody. :)

Long Live #3
12-19-2003, 10:06 PM
Talk about a split personality!