View Full Version : Patricia and I are bankrupt....

01-22-2011, 02:15 PM
My nine year old grandson, Ian, with only a couple of hours of previous game play in Monopoly, bankrupted Patricia and me. We played two three hour sessions.

His playing style is unorthodox, but he parlayed Baltic and Mediterranean into cash cows, strategically acquired Park place then Boardwalk, added hotels, and it was just a matter of time.

He was fun to play against.

01-22-2011, 02:24 PM
I just hope that the MM was not part of the deal. :D

01-22-2011, 02:34 PM
Funny I love Monopoly

01-22-2011, 02:36 PM
Life is a really good game too.

01-22-2011, 02:39 PM
apples to apples can be fun too.

01-22-2011, 04:13 PM
My nine year old grandson, Ian, with only a couple of hours of previous game play in Monopoly, bankrupted Patricia and me. We played two three hour sessions.

His playing style is unorthodox, but he parlayed Baltic and Mediterranean into cash cows, strategically acquired Park place then Boardwalk, added hotels, and it was just a matter of time.

He was fun to play against.

We could pull our money together and help you out if you like.

I have 3-4k I could loan you, no strings attached...................... ...

Of course, it is Monopoly money.:D :rofl:

01-22-2011, 04:17 PM
Ian was beside himself, jumping up and down after feeling overwhelmed at the beginning. He's willing to take risks and is constantly looking to acquire, develop and monopolize. He has the makings of an entrepreneur.

So glad to be a part of his young life.

01-22-2011, 05:13 PM
Ian was beside himself, jumping up and down after feeling overwhelmed at the beginning. He's willing to take risks and is constantly looking to acquire, develop and monopolize. He has the makings of an entrepreneur.

So glad to be a part of his young life.

Just remember that when he tries to hit you up for money for the movies or the candy store. Ask him what he did with ALL that money he took from you in Monopoly. ;)

We still do family board game night around the kitchen table occasionally with the kids and their friends when they come to visit. Monopoly is one of our favorite games -- my daughter-in-law takes it very seriously when we gang up on her. :P

Other good games that we play are:

LIFE (I've liked this one since it came out in the 1960's)

I can still enjoy "Chutes & Ladders" and "Candyland" with the really young ones.

Games from the early 1960's that I miss are from the American Heritage series -- that I don't think are offered anymore. My favorites there were:

Dogfight (a WW I airplane game)
Broadsides (Naval battle game)

01-22-2011, 07:31 PM
Ian was beside himself, jumping up and down after feeling overwhelmed at the beginning. He's willing to take risks and is constantly looking to acquire, develop and monopolize. He has the makings of an entrepreneur.

So glad to be a part of his young life.

Sounds like he's going to be a player on Wall st. one day!

01-23-2011, 06:37 AM
My nine year old grandson, Ian, with only a couple of hours of previous game play in Monopoly, bankrupted Patricia and me. We played two three hour sessions.

His playing style is unorthodox, but he parlayed Baltic and Mediterranean into cash cows, strategically acquired Park place then Boardwalk, added hotels, and it was just a matter of time.

He was fun to play against.

Donald Trump would be proud! :)

01-23-2011, 07:14 AM
Monopoly is one of my favorites games.

Joe Walsh
01-23-2011, 08:05 AM
Just remember that when he tries to hit you up for money for the movies or the candy store. Ask him what he did with ALL that money he took from you in Monopoly. ;)

We still do family board game night around the kitchen table occasionally with the kids and their friends when they come to visit. Monopoly is one of our favorite games -- my daughter-in-law takes it very seriously when we gang up on her. :P

Other good games that we play are:

LIFE (I've liked this one since it came out in the 1960's)

I can still enjoy "Chutes & Ladders" and "Candyland" with the really young ones.

Games from the early 1960's that I miss are from the American Heritage series -- that I don't think are offered anymore. My favorites there were:

Dogfight (a WW I airplane game)
Broadsides (Naval battle game)

Yes Charlie!
We used to play those two games all the time when we were "youngins".
Battle ship was another game that induced sibling squabbles.
I think that they are all still my parent's basement closet.

BTW: We have two college aged sons who are attempting to drive us into bankruptcy in real life!....:bigcry:

SC Cheesehead
01-23-2011, 08:14 AM
You 'ol rascal, the title of your thread scared the c**p out of me!:D

We still do board games whenever we get the kids together.

We played Pictionary Man last night with Lisa and her fiancee', also play alot of Scrabble.

Used to play a lot of Risk, but Terry's crazy, a regular Gengis Khan; ruthless!;)