View Full Version : A little doggie adopted us yesterday.

02-03-2011, 12:28 PM
Yesterday afternoon I was standing in the garage, the door was opened 'cause it was in the 60's, and a little black something ran by. My first thought was "Damn! That cat has the most deformed head I've ever seen." So, I walk around to the front of the house and it's a little doggie, jet black, shivering, growling at me from my front porch. Looks like a Maltese. He would growl at me, then run to the front door and paw to get in, then growl at me, back and forth. Amy opened the front door and scared the little dude, he was boxed in by humans and hunkered down and peed from being scared I guess. So then Amy opened the storm door and the little guy ran in and jumped into her arms and curled up like a baby. I got it to eat some sliced turkey, that kind of un-scared him, but he wouldn't leave Amy's arms for a good 20 minutes, then he got down, ate Halas's cat food, then scouted the house, and spent the next few hours causing Halas to hiss and expand to twice her usual body size. I've never seen a cat's hair explode like that, it looked like she had an afro. So, I called the local vet and such to see if anyone reported a dog missing, no such luck. Me and Jr. went up to the store to egt a couple things to make the dog comfy for the night. Over 200 bucks later, we come back with a Marauder trunk full of dog supplies.:) Today, we are going to take him up to the vet and see if he is micro-chiped. In a way I'm hoping he isn't, he was the happiest little puppy in the world last night. New puppy toys, new puppy house, buffet of doggie foods and treats, I'd hate to see him go. But, if there is a little kid in the neighborhood crying because he got away, I'd rather he go back. I will keep all the stuff we got last night and just go get a shelter doggie. What do you's think, would you take him to see if he has a chip, keep him, or feed him and send him on his little doggie way?

Black Dynamite
02-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Definitely check for a chip and check the lost pet listings too. He may be a cool dog, but he's obviously someone elses cool dog first. Hopefully you get to keep him, good luck!

02-03-2011, 12:36 PM
Yesterday afternoon I was standing in the garage, the door was opened 'cause it was in the 60's, and a little black something ran by. My first thought was "Damn! That cat has the most deformed head I've ever seen." So, I walk around to the front of the house and it's a little doggie, jet black, shivering, growling at me from my front porch. Looks like a Maltese. He would growl at me, then run to the front door and paw to get in, then growl at me, back and forth. Amy opened the front door and scared the little dude, he was boxed in by humans and hunkered down and peed from being scared I guess. So then Amy opened the storm door and the little guy ran in and jumped into her arms and curled up like a baby. I got it to eat some sliced turkey, that kind of un-scared him, but he wouldn't leave Amy's arms for a good 20 minutes, then he got down, ate Halas's cat food, then scouted the house, and spent the next few hours causing Halas to hiss and expand to twice her usual body size. I've never seen a cat's hair explode like that, it looked like she had an afro. So, I called the local vet and such to see if anyone reported a dog missing, no such luck. Me and Jr. went up to the store to egt a couple things to make the dog comfy for the night. Over 200 bucks later, we come back with a Marauder trunk full of dog supplies.:) Today, we are going to take him up to the vet and see if he is micro-chiped. In a way I'm hoping he isn't, he was the happiest little puppy in the world last night. New puppy toys, new puppy house, buffet of doggie foods and treats, I'd hate to see him go. But, if there is a little kid in the neighborhood crying because he got away, I'd rather he go back. I will keep all the stuff we got last night and just go get a shelter doggie. What do you's think, would you take him to see if he has a chip, keep him, or feed him and send him on his little doggie way?

Take him to the vet to check for a chip & a checkup. No chip, call local ASPCA, animal shelters, police dept. etc. to see if anyone's reported him lost. Put ad in local newspaper's lost & found section (most of the time it's free). If you no one claims him, keep him and get rid of the cat.

02-03-2011, 12:36 PM
Is say see if he's chipped you would want someone to do the same it if it was your lost pet. If not chipped keep him and feed him, most of the time we pick our pets some times they pick us.

02-03-2011, 12:39 PM
Well Casey,

Like you said, I wouldnt keep him from some kid that may miss the poor little guy, so I would check on the chip and post up some flyers.....I know when I was a kid and my dog got out I was devistated.....and one of my cats never turned up....and that was pretty painful too. I think not knowing is the worst, but then again they say ignorance is bliss.

Love the part about making him comfortable for the night and then spending 2 bills....that was great!!


02-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Definitely check for a chip and check the lost pet listings too. He may be a cool dog, but he's obviously someone elses cool dog first. Hopefully you get to keep him, good luck!
Aww, that's a nice story.

Doesn't sound like a unwanted stray though, i'm sure you will give a good effort to find 'his' home.

If that doesn't work it sounds like he found a great new home!

02-03-2011, 12:46 PM
AWWWW, such a soft heart! I am glad he found someone who would take him in and feed and shelter him. Try to find the owners, but if you can't I would keep him if only to irritate the cat!!;)

02-03-2011, 12:55 PM
I would say you are doing the right thing. But maybe the dog ran away from some rotten people and giving him back might be the wrong thing to do. I say go with your gut feelings. He may have been scared of people for fear of being kicked again.

02-03-2011, 01:03 PM
Congrats on doing the right thing:up:

Funny how a "free" puppy ends up coating $$$$$

If no owner is found then the little guy will have a geat home.

Mr. Man
02-03-2011, 01:05 PM
Haggis says beef go Bow-wow. Sure it's not a Venezuelan wharf rat?

02-03-2011, 01:15 PM
Aaaaww Casey?!! I love this story!

Definitely see if he's been reported missing otherwise you got a new lil bud!!! Seems like you're being a great daddy already! :up:

Keep us posted! :woof:

02-03-2011, 01:28 PM
Where are the pictures?

02-03-2011, 01:38 PM
I would say you are doing the right thing. But maybe the dog ran away from some rotten people and giving him back might be the wrong thing to do. I say go with your gut feelings. He may have been scared of people for fear of being kicked again.

LoL! :rolleyes: Possibly, or you can always go by... Finders keepers, losers weepers! Unless it belongs to a child :bigcry:, who dearly misses his/her dog.

02-03-2011, 03:37 PM
Wait it was in the 60's? I'm so jealous! Ha ha but great story too ;)

02-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Yesterday afternoon I was standing in the garage, the door was opened 'cause it was in the 60's, and a little black something ran by. My first thought was "Damn! That cat has the most deformed head I've ever seen." So, I walk around to the front of the house and it's a little doggie, jet black, shivering, growling at me from my front porch. Looks like a Maltese. He would growl at me, then run to the front door and paw to get in, then growl at me, back and forth. Amy opened the front door and scared the little dude, he was boxed in by humans and hunkered down and peed from being scared I guess. So then Amy opened the storm door and the little guy ran in and jumped into her arms and curled up like a baby. I got it to eat some sliced turkey, that kind of un-scared him, but he wouldn't leave Amy's arms for a good 20 minutes, then he got down, ate Halas's cat food, then scouted the house, and spent the next few hours causing Halas to hiss and expand to twice her usual body size. I've never seen a cat's hair explode like that, it looked like she had an afro. So, I called the local vet and such to see if anyone reported a dog missing, no such luck. Me and Jr. went up to the store to egt a couple things to make the dog comfy for the night. Over 200 bucks later, we come back with a Marauder trunk full of dog supplies.:) Today, we are going to take him up to the vet and see if he is micro-chiped. In a way I'm hoping he isn't, he was the happiest little puppy in the world last night. New puppy toys, new puppy house, buffet of doggie foods and treats, I'd hate to see him go. But, if there is a little kid in the neighborhood crying because he got away, I'd rather he go back. I will keep all the stuff we got last night and just go get a shelter doggie. What do you's think, would you take him to see if he has a chip, keep him, or feed him and send him on his little doggie way?

Yes, check for a chip, if there is one, then at least the owners will get him back. Otherwise, no chip, well, keep and love him. And DON'T get rid of the cat--that'll just make it more fun!!!
Just MHO.....

Ms. Denmark
02-03-2011, 05:54 PM
What a great story! You get a free pass from me to post any old nonsense you want for life :D just for being so kind to this little lost traveler. You are doing the right thing by trying to locate his owner. But if you can't, you will have a new four legged friend who adores you. A couple of years ago after my Dad died, a little long haired Chihuahua wandered into my Mom's life. Dolly has lifted Mom's spirits and replaced some of the sorrow and loneliness with unconditional love. She is a great little dog and obviously was someone's pet, but no one answered the ad or responded to the fliers about a "found dog." She wasn't chipped then, but she is now!23761

SC Cheesehead
02-03-2011, 06:12 PM
Where are the pictures?

yeah, pics or it didn't happen...

02-03-2011, 07:01 PM
yeah, pics or it didn't happen...

Yeah, I'm with you on that one. No pics, didn't happen.

02-03-2011, 07:07 PM
Its a tiny little black dog. I think the dog looked more scared of Casey holding him. :)

02-03-2011, 07:48 PM
:( Well it wasn't meant to be, Jr. called me when me and Amy were coming home from work and said there was a sign on our block for a missing doggie. I guessed Maltese, but it turns out he is a Yorkie Poo? Never heard of it but if they are all like him I may get one. Anyway, turns out he is 7 months old and lived TWO DOORS DOWN. I've known the folks since they moved in five years ago, good people, two young daughters who "cried until they fell asleep last night and then cried before they went to school." Now aside from spending $215.00 for the little guys one night sleepover. Guess how much the reward was? Five HUNDRED dollars! :eek: The doggie cost them $450.00, and they were giving 50 bucks more than that for it's return because they missed him so much. Five Hundo, in 20's, held out to me and Amy. I declined, because that's what neighbors do. So I spend 2 hun last night, got beat by a 'vette on the way to work, then turned down 5 hun. That little :censor: cost me 720.00 bucks, lol! So I'm out 720 and I lost a race. Hey but you know what? It was all worth it, Paige and Megan got Zachary Taylor Adams (I guess they like Presidents:confused:) back, we get visitation rights, and they said if we end up getting a Yorkie Poo from the breeder they got thiers from, they would chip in a "discount" for us, but I think we will go the rescue route this weekend. It should suck that I lost money, a dog, and a race all within 24 hours but it's all good, life is good.
And I texted a few people a cell phone pic, so proof is out there, non-believers! :neener:

02-03-2011, 07:53 PM
:( Well it wasn't meant to be, Jr. called me when me and Amy were coming home from work and said there was a sign on our block for a missing doggie. I guessed Maltese, but it turns out he is a Yorkie Poo? Never heard of it but if they are all like him I may get one. Anyway, turns out he is 7 months old and lived TWO DOORS DOWN. I've known the folks since they moved in five years ago, good people, two young daughters who "cried until they fell asleep last night and then cried before they went to school." Now aside from spending $215.00 for the little guys one night sleepover. Guess how much the reward was? Five HUNDRED dollars! :eek: The doggie cost them $450.00, and they were giving 50 bucks more than that for it's return because they missed him so much. Five Hundo, in 20's, held out to me and Amy. I declined, because that's what neighbors do. So I spend 2 hun last night, got beat by a 'vette on the way to work, then turned down 5 hun. That little :censor: cost me 720.00 bucks, lol! So I'm out 720 and I lost a race. Hey but you know what? It was all worth it, Paige and Megan got Zachary Taylor Adams (I guess they like Presidents:confused:) back, we get visitation rights, and they said if we end up getting a Yorkie Poo from the breeder they got thiers from, they would chip in a "discount" for us, but I think we will go the rescue route this weekend. It should suck that I lost money, a dog, and a race all within 24 hours but it's all good, life is good.
And I texted a few people a cell phone pic, so proof is out there, non-believers! :neener:

What an ending to a .......STORY!!!! Casey, Karma will work for ya in the end. The big guy upstairs is keeping count.

02-03-2011, 07:56 PM
:( Well it wasn't meant to be, Jr. called me when me and Amy were coming home from work and said there was a sign on our block for a missing doggie. I guessed Maltese, but it turns out he is a Yorkie Poo? Never heard of it but if they are all like him I may get one. Anyway, turns out he is 7 months old and lived TWO DOORS DOWN. I've known the folks since they moved in five years ago, good people, two young daughters who "cried until they fell asleep last night and then cried before they went to school." Now aside from spending $215.00 for the little guys one night sleepover. Guess how much the reward was? Five HUNDRED dollars! :eek: The doggie cost them $450.00, and they were giving 50 bucks more than that for it's return because they missed him so much. Five Hundo, in 20's, held out to me and Amy. I declined, because that's what neighbors do. So I spend 2 hun last night, got beat by a 'vette on the way to work, then turned down 5 hun. That little :censor: cost me 720.00 bucks, lol! So I'm out 720 and I lost a race. Hey but you know what? It was all worth it, Paige and Megan got Zachary Taylor Adams (I guess they like Presidents:confused:) back, we get visitation rights, and they said if we end up getting a Yorkie Poo from the breeder they got thiers from, they would chip in a "discount" for us, but I think we will go the rescue route this weekend. It should suck that I lost money, a dog, and a race all within 24 hours but it's all good, life is good.
And I texted a few people a cell phone pic, so proof is out there, non-believers! :neener:

:( I'm sad FOR you! That sucks... I guess though now you kow what the kids felt like, kinda. But you did the right thing and I'm sure it will come back around to you tenfold.

Btw, a Yorkie Poo is what's called a hybrid or "designer" dog breed. Its a mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle and they're ADORABLE!!! I want one!


02-03-2011, 08:06 PM
:( I'm sad FOR you! That sucks... I guess though now you kow what the kids felt like, kinda. But you did the right thing and I'm sure it will come back around to you tenfold.

Btw, a Yorkie Poo is what's called a hybrid or "designer" dog breed. Its a mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle and they're ADORABLE!!! I want one!


Yeah that's pretty much what he looked like except 3 times bigger and with a little more facial hair. Had the terrier foo man choo mustache and beard. Miss him already :( Oh well, if it was meant to be, it would be. We sent the toy he liked the most over with him, a green furry rat-penguin freaky looking stuffed squeaky toy thing. Maybe he will think of us when he chomps on it. Or, like he did twice on the couch, start drilling it like a dentist with a new car payment to make. Little freak, lol.

02-03-2011, 08:15 PM
Yeah that's pretty much what he looked like except 3 times bigger and with a little more facial hair. Had the terrier foo man choo mustache and beard. Miss him already :( Oh well, if it was meant to be, it would be. We sent the toy he liked the most over with him, a green furry rat-penguin freaky looking stuffed squeaky toy thing. Maybe he will think of us when he chomps on it. Or, like he did twice on the couch, start drilling it like a dentist with a new car payment to make. Little freak, lol.

Lolol! Aaaww, I'm sure he misses you guys too. ORRRR he'll start missing you SO much that he'll run away again and come back to you!!! :rolleyes:

02-03-2011, 08:21 PM
Yeah Casey. Karma will Work for you in the end. You will get beaten by a DTR. Probably not mine but it will be a DTR.

Look at it this way. Now you guys get to choose what kind of dog to save. At least the kids are happy and all is good now. And you helped out the economy by spending $215.

Mr. Man
02-03-2011, 08:22 PM
Lost your little lost doggie. Lost 720 bucks. Lost to a Corvette. Your proctologist called he wants to see you tomorrow.:D

02-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Lost your little lost doggie. Lost 720 bucks. Lost to a Corvette. Your proctologist called he wants to see you tomorrow.:D

I know, right?! When it rains it pours.

02-03-2011, 08:39 PM
LOL I thought that was another cat! Sorry to hear though, sounds like he made an impression, in the wallet as well.

02-04-2011, 04:44 AM
Man this put a knot in my throat this morning when I got to the line "Whatever is mine is his." I complained because I miss a dog that isn't mine, then read this today. I think I'd rather miss a dog than miss a child. Usually when the military breaks the rules, it is not in your favor. Can you imagine the amount of affection and attention this dog will get until the day he dies, too?


02-04-2011, 05:04 AM
...So I spend 2 hun last night, got beat by a 'vette on the way to work, then turned down 5 hun. That little :censor: cost me 720.00 bucks, lol! So I'm out 720 and I lost a race.

..and Halas lost a brand new furry toy to torture, at least Halas still has you.

02-04-2011, 05:05 AM
:( I'm sad FOR you! That sucks... I guess though now you kow what the kids felt like, kinda. But you did the right thing and I'm sure it will come back around to you tenfold.

Btw, a Yorkie Poo is what's called a hybrid or "designer" dog breed. Its a mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle and they're ADORABLE!!! I want one!


I thought you wanted a large dog? Not a house broken rat.

SC Cheesehead
02-04-2011, 05:08 AM
Wow! +1 on the story about Eli.

What an ending to a .......STORY!!!! Casey, Karma will work for ya in the end. The big guy upstairs is keeping count.

I lost Otto, my little black and tan, a couple years back, never thought I'd see him again. About a week and a half after I posted up some lost signs with his photo, a got a call from a guy that had found him about 5 miles from our place. He wouldn't take a reward, either.

Like MMBLUE said, you done good, pilgrim.

02-04-2011, 06:56 AM
Wow! +1 on the story about Eli.

I lost Otto, my little black and tan, a couple years back, never thought I'd see him again. About a week and a half after I posted up some lost signs with his photo, a got a call from a guy that had found him about 5 miles from our place. He wouldn't take a reward, either.

Like MMBLUE said, you done good, pilgrim.

Aww, he looks like a small version of a female Doberman I used to have, same 'red and rust' coat.

SC Cheesehead
02-04-2011, 07:02 AM
Aww, he looks like a small version of a female Doberman I used to have, same 'red and rust' coat.

Yeah, cute little guy, but dumb as a rock.

All the same, he's my favorite out of the four of ours.

Matt In Detroit
02-04-2011, 07:20 AM
Yorkeepoo, great dog, no shedding, lots of energy, no huge turds in the yard.

I know, we have one, his name is Hero. He is more poo than yorkee though.

Funny as heck, when i get home from work he howls like a coyote, but doesnt do it at all otherwise.

02-04-2011, 07:41 AM
Yorkeepoo, great dog, no shedding, lots of energy, no huge turds in the yard.

I know, we have one, his name is Hero. He is more poo than yorkee though.

Funny as heck, when i get home from work he howls like a coyote, but doesnt do it at all otherwise.

Nice! He looked just like that except longer face hair. Supposedly there is a 2 year old one at the local SPCA, my neighbors said they saw it when they went there looking for thiers yesterday. We may go scope out the situation, see whats up.

02-04-2011, 07:42 AM
Yorkeepoo, great dog, no shedding, lots of energy, no huge turds in the yard.

I know, we have one, his name is Hero. He is more poo than yorkee though.

Funny as heck, when i get home from work he howls like a coyote, but doesnt do it at all otherwise.
We have a yorkie-poo also, looks just like yours matt but white, great dog, i would also add non alergenic.

She does have to go to the doggie beauty parlor for haircuts though.


02-04-2011, 07:47 AM
I still want one of these doggies:


02-04-2011, 07:52 AM
Or one of these:



02-04-2011, 08:15 AM
I thought you wanted a large dog? Not a house broken rat.

At this point I'll take any puppy I can get!! :( The boss man prefers smaller dogs and, since a dog can't fix my car, I'll abide by his standards... for now. :lol:

02-04-2011, 08:48 AM
The boss man prefers smaller dogs and, since a dog can't fix my car, I'll abide by his standards... for now. :lol:

True, but a big dog can destroy your car, all your furniture, attack you, and be extremely annoying with its nose in your crotch or pulling food off the table.
Besides you have a prefectly good stuffed dog in your car. :D

02-04-2011, 08:56 AM
True, but a big dog can destroy your car, all your furniture, attack you, and be extremely annoying with its nose in your crotch or pulling food off the table.
Besides you have a prefectly good stuffed dog in your car. :D

NOT IF YOU TRAIN HIM!!! And the only person I'll teach him to attack is YOU! :D

02-04-2011, 09:01 AM
NOT IF YOU TRAIN HIM!!! And the only person I'll teach him to attack is YOU! :D

I don't think there will be enough room for you and him to live in your Focus. :D

02-04-2011, 09:03 AM
I don't think there will be enough room for you and him to live in your Focus. :D

:( You're mean

SC Cheesehead
02-04-2011, 09:07 AM
I still want one of these doggies:


The wife wants one of these:


I'd like one of these:

I figure if we compromise and get both, we can name them Dr. Evil and Mini-me...

02-04-2011, 09:12 AM
My favorite dog is the miniture german schnauzer. My family has had several of these dogs and they to me are the most loyal and lovable dogs.
http://www.schnauzercharacteristics.c om/sites/joanb/_files/image/schnauzer.jpg

02-04-2011, 09:17 AM
Do they tolerate other critters very well, and how many pounds does it get up to? I'ma google mini ger. sch. this weekend, see what Amy and Jr. think.

My favorite dog is the miniture german schnauzer. My family has had several of these dogs and they to me are the most loyal and lovable dogs.
http://www.schnauzercharacteristics.c om/sites/joanb/_files/image/schnauzer.jpg

02-04-2011, 09:18 AM
I like the black schnauzers =

But my fave is a pug

02-04-2011, 09:20 AM
If you let the dog eat what it wants it will get up to over 30lbs like our dog. :rolleyes: Normally 15-20lbs and they play nice with every other dog we brought in the house. They also love kids and will protect them. Plus they don't shed and you don't have to worry about allergies with them.

02-04-2011, 09:21 AM
Cute!, but my cat would destroy one that small.
I like the black schnauzers =

SC Cheesehead
02-04-2011, 09:23 AM
What's not to love about a dog like this?

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAGa_iFEHhD UY4QwgiVW0MoAYpkpAzM9QYAN_MYbl-LFZaGExTUA&t=1

02-04-2011, 09:40 AM
lol, well at least when he falls down he won't have far to go!

What's not to love about a dog like this?

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAGa_iFEHhD UY4QwgiVW0MoAYpkpAzM9QYAN_MYbl-LFZaGExTUA&t=1

02-04-2011, 10:06 AM
Nuttin better than a mutt...imho!;) I had one named Rex:eek: when I was a lad and when he was hungry he would go to the pantry and get a can of dog food, bring it into the living room toss it up in the air and let it bang on the floor 'til someone got up to open it for him, much like SCCheesehead does with a Blue Moon!:P Almost got him to open it too. Lol.

Rex with my Niece Melonie.

02-04-2011, 10:16 AM
Nuttin better than a mutt...imho!;) I had one named Rex:eek: when I was a lad and when he was hungry he would go to the pantry and get a can of dog food, bring it into the living room toss it up in the air and let it bang on the floor 'til someone got up to open it for him, much like SCCheesehead does with a Blue Moon!:P Almost got him to open it too. Lol.

Rex with my Niece Melonie.

lol, cool dog that can do that

02-04-2011, 10:18 AM
Casey here is a dog for you that Halas will not be able to eat.

02-04-2011, 10:24 AM
Casey here is a dog for you that Halas will not be able to eat.

:eek: what the..........

02-04-2011, 10:32 AM
:eek: what the..........

Here kitty kitty kitty....:food:

Mr. Man
02-04-2011, 10:53 AM
Casey here is a dog for you that Halas will not be able to eat.
:eek: Ummm.that's not Chris

Mr. Man
02-04-2011, 10:54 AM
Nuttin better than a mutt...imho!;) I had one named Rex:eek: when I was a lad and when he was hungry he would go to the pantry and get a can of dog food, bring it into the living room toss it up in the air and let it bang on the floor 'til someone got up to open it for him, much like SCCheesehead does with a Blue Moon!:P Almost got him to open it too. Lol.

Rex with my Niece Melonie.
Wow they had some crazy wallpaper back in the 1860's:D

02-04-2011, 11:03 AM
How'd I miss this? Ya did the right thing Casey. Think about how happy you made them and what a hero you are to those two little girls. Most here know my preference on dogs, loyal until the day they die, only dog the "Dog Whisperer" will own, Rottweilers. Except my Otto, something ain't quite right in that boys head... still love em though.

That pic Haggis posted, IIRC, is the largest Mastif in the world.

02-04-2011, 11:10 AM
How'd I miss this? Ya did the right thing Casey. Think about how happy you made them and what a hero you are to those two little girls. Most here know my preference on dogs, loyal until the day they die, only dog the "Dog Whisperer" will own, Rottweilers. Except my Otto, something ain't quite right in that boys head... still love em though.

sometimes I don't fail ;)

02-04-2011, 02:23 PM
Wow they had some crazy wallpaper back in the 1860's:D

Bite me!!!:argue:

Mr. Man
02-04-2011, 02:42 PM
Bite me!!!:argue:
Hey! Get your own by-line:P

02-04-2011, 02:48 PM
Best dog we ever had was a st. bernard named Tiny (she wasn't). Never even had to train her, she trained herself! The only problem with her was the DROOL! Ever seen the movie Bethoven? Yah, like that. Had to have a dish towel with you where ever you went to wipe the goo off. But she was awsome! I still miss her.

02-04-2011, 07:53 PM
Best dog we ever had was a st. bernard named Tiny (she wasn't). Never even had to train her, she trained herself! The only problem with her was the DROOL! Ever seen the movie Bethoven? Yah, like that. Had to have a dish towel with you where ever you went to wipe the goo off. But she was awsome! I still miss her.
Yeah a St. Bernard is too big I think for my house/yard. I'd want to live on a farm if I have animals that can leave life-size land mines when they poopy.

02-05-2011, 02:28 AM
O.K, I read that you offered meat to a runaway. Did I miss anything else?

02-07-2011, 05:05 AM
:eek: Ummm.that's not Chris

Are you sure about that?

02-07-2011, 05:19 AM
WOW Casey has a heart........just kidding :D You did a good thing and if you get something to take it's place, you'll need to post a picture :beer:

02-08-2011, 04:40 AM
O.K, I read that you offered meat to a runaway. Did I miss anything else?
lol! you need help. :P

02-08-2011, 06:29 AM
Well Friday me, Jr. and Amy decided we would go ahead and get a dog since we already had all new stuff. The plan was to go to the local shelters around 2 in the afternoon on Saturday after Amy got done with work, because she decided to put in some overtime. So that morning, me and Jr. decided to hit McD's for breffas then go to an estate sale. I got a local paper while Jr. was getting ready. Flipping thru the pets section I see " AKC Belgian Malinois, female, 6 months old, needs more attention than I have time to give her, 250.00." Translation: I bought a fur-coated chainsaw on meth, and don't know how to train her. So, I called around 8 a.m., left a message, figuring someone already realized that was a steal and took her in. Me and Case go to the estate sale, it was awesome, we both got a few neat things. One was a brand new in the box, not even assembled Bissel power steam cleaner vac (for 20 bucks!) that I thought would be great if we are getting a doggie that may have accidents in the house. Amy gets off work, we all 3 make a pact not to fall in love with every dog (and cat)we see that day. Man, it was brutal. If I had a 300 cage kennel and a farm I'd have taken them all in . Walking out of those places without a critter under each arm is rough. At least half were Pit Bulls, and at one place we actually wanted to adopt a female that we all fell for, but we were told she was on hold while it's owners awaited a divorce court decision on who got her. Meanwhile, the dog is the loser in the deal. So we are leaving the 3rd place and I get a call about the Belgian, the lady tells us we can come and see her. We decide to meet at a gas station in West Point, VA. We said hi's and whatnots and then she opened the back of the Explorer and there was a VERY energetic little doggie trying to get out of it's cage and kiss our faces off, lol. I don't know what that lady did or didn't do with her, but she came out of the cage and wouldn't stay out of our arms and faces, it was like the owner didn't exist anymore. I offered her 2 bills and she took it, gave us all the paperwork and records, and told us what she ate and she was gone. Her birthname was Isis, the previous owner named her Daisy, and we all agreed to keep it. She is great and has plenty of house and yard to go nutty in.

Here is Daisy and Amy hogging the couch and my Bears throw.


02-08-2011, 06:42 AM
Another pic, we took cushions off a bench seat we never sat on and gave them to her for a bed and 2 pillows :)


02-08-2011, 06:58 AM
Here she is nom nomming on a chew toy. In two days she has tore one end off of it, ripped apart one of Halas' scratching toys, chewed some pine tree branches in half, and deflated a soccer ball we were playing catch with. She wants to deflate Halas, but Halas isn't having any of that crap.


02-08-2011, 07:07 AM
SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!!! And so fluffy!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etwF-kCTcFU) :D She's pretty big for only 6 months! :eek: Very happy for you guys!

Post up more pics pleeease!

02-08-2011, 07:16 AM
Do not give raw hide to a dog, it can become lodged in the intestinal tract and then it is off to the vet for a operation.

Congrats Case and family, she is a cute dog she is going to be a biggie not as big as Jax, but a good size play mate for Halas.

02-08-2011, 07:38 AM
SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!!! And so fluffy!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etwF-kCTcFU) :D She's pretty big for only 6 months! :eek: Very happy for you guys!

Post up more pics pleeease!

She's a lean, mean 32 pounds. I have more pics but they are not so good because as soon as the camera flashes at her she thinks it's an electronic chew toy and goes into "get that camera outta my face!" mode. When she is tuckered out tonight I will take a few more.
We wanted to go the rescue route, actually tried to with that female Pit (not because she was a Pit, but because she was sooooooooo big and cute and playfull as heck), and since we all 3 agreed on Daisy I think it worked out okay.

02-08-2011, 07:38 AM
She's adorable.

02-08-2011, 10:13 AM
Beautiful dog Casey! You did well. I assume by papers you meant she is AKC registered? Train her, your life will be so much easier.

02-08-2011, 10:21 AM
Yes that's a gorgeous dog, congrats on the adoption...

02-08-2011, 10:28 AM
She's a lean, mean 32 pounds. I have more pics but they are not so good because as soon as the camera flashes at her she thinks it's an electronic chew toy and goes into "get that camera outta my face!" mode. When she is tuckered out tonight I will take a few more.
We wanted to go the rescue route, actually tried to with that female Pit (not because she was a Pit, but because she was sooooooooo big and cute and playfull as heck), and since we all 3 agreed on Daisy I think it worked out okay.

Aaaw, I'm sure you guys will make a wonderful family! I'm like you... If I had a huge house, acres of land and time, I would rescue every puppy and dog I could get my paws on. :woof:

02-08-2011, 10:40 AM
If I had a huge house, acres of land and time, I would rescue every puppy and dog I could get my paws on. :woof:

Should I be afraid?:eek:
http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001220681/poodle20hoarding_xlarge.jpeght tp://rlv.zcache.com/crazy_dog_lady_tshirt-p235069597539991947uh2p_400.jp g

02-08-2011, 10:45 AM
Should I be afraid?:eek:
http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001220681/poodle20hoarding_xlarge.jpeght tp://rlv.zcache.com/crazy_dog_lady_tshirt-p235069597539991947uh2p_400.jp g

Yes... I WOULD be a complete dog hoarder if I had the space, time and money honey! :D

02-08-2011, 10:53 AM
Should I be afraid?:eek:
http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001220681/poodle20hoarding_xlarge.jpeght tp://rlv.zcache.com/crazy_dog_lady_tshirt-p235069597539991947uh2p_400.jp g

Yes... I WOULD be a complete dog hoarder if I had the space, time and money honey! :D

Yes you should; "Be afraid, be very afraid."

02-08-2011, 10:54 AM
Yes... I WOULD be a complete dog hoarder if I had the space, time and money honey! :D

Yeah, Ill be that guy who buys a house elsewhere (another state) and calls TLC to do a Animal hoarding documentry on you.:D

02-08-2011, 11:07 AM
Yeah, Ill be that guy who buys a house elsewhere (another state) and calls TLC to do a Animal hoarding documentry on you.:D

Been a lot of that around here lately, but mostly with cats. By the hundreds in some cases. How a person could stand the smell is beyond me. :bigcry: Good intentions gone wrong....

02-08-2011, 11:09 AM
Yeah, Ill be that guy who buys a house elsewhere (another state) and calls TLC to do a Animal hoarding documentry on you.:D

You probably would! Only difference is I would actually take care of them instead of letting them sleep in their feces and become malnourished!

02-08-2011, 11:20 AM
You probably would! Only difference is I would actually take care of them instead of letting them sleep in their feces and become malnourished!
I know of three pupies that need a home. :woof:

02-08-2011, 11:22 AM
Been a lot of that around here lately, but mostly with cats. By the hundreds in some cases. How a person could stand the smell is beyond me. :bigcry: Good intentions gone wrong....

Cats are easier to come by then dogs. Thats why the crazy cat ladies are all over the place. I sit there and watch these animal hoarding shows and yell at the TV out of anger. I wouldn't leave a animal out in the cold, but there is a line when you have to prevent animals from taking over your life. Besides, these animals were born and raised in the wild before humans domesticated them. I think they they would be better off out in the wild then in some craxy womans house living on top of each other in filth.

You probably would! Only difference is I would actually take care of them instead of letting them sleep in their feces and become malnourished!

Everyone thinks that at first!

02-08-2011, 11:29 AM
I know of three pupies that need a home. :woof:

No can do right now unfortunately... No puppies allowed in the building :( :( :(

02-08-2011, 11:31 AM
No can do right now unfortunately... No puppies allowed in the building :( :( :(

No puppies, but yet they allow a lot of grouchy old bi-atches in the place. :D

02-08-2011, 11:54 AM
No puppies, but yet they allow a lot of grouchy old bi-atches in the place. :D

DAMN! You two, opposite corners of the room, lol.

02-08-2011, 11:56 AM
DAMN! You two, opposite corners of the room, lol.

Lolol! Yes sir :alone:

02-08-2011, 11:56 AM
DAMN! You two, opposite corners of the room, lol.

Not her!!! Shes not old. :D

The old battle ax next door calls the security office right away even if a dog barks on TV. :argue:

02-08-2011, 12:01 PM
Not her!!! Shes not old. :D

The old battle ax next door calls the security office right away even if a dog barks on TV. :argue:
Oh, LMAO! My B, proceed with the doggie hoarding.

02-08-2011, 12:02 PM
Not her!!! Shes not old. :D

The old battle ax next door calls the security office right away even if a dog barks on TV. :argue:

True on both accounts :D. I'm a spring chicken especially when compared to the lady next door. They complain if the TV is too loud yet when someone is leaving a message on their machine we can hear it loud and clear. :shake:

02-08-2011, 12:09 PM
True on both accounts :D. I'm a spring chicken especially when compared to the lady next door. They complain if the TV is too loud yet when someone is leaving a message on their machine we can hear it loud and clear. :shake:

You's should get thier number and see if you can hear yourself yelling a message to thier machine when they check it. I'd do it, then be answering myself thru the wall.

02-08-2011, 12:11 PM
You's should get thier number and see if you can hear yourself yelling a message to thier machine when they check it. I'd do it, then be answering myself thru the wall.

LMAOOOOO!!!! That's brilliant! :lol:

02-09-2011, 05:01 AM
Not her!!! Shes not old. :D

The old battle ax next door calls the security office right away even if a dog barks on TV. :argue:

I need to come over and visit, I'd be howling in the hallway.

02-09-2011, 05:04 AM
I need to come over and visit, it would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

TMI, man. TMI.

02-09-2011, 05:05 AM
TMI, man. TMI.

How the hell did you get throwing a hotdog down the hallway out of that?

02-09-2011, 05:43 AM
How the hell did you get throwing a hotdog down the hallway out of that?

Yeah really, that didnt even make sense. :confused:

Come on by, you can meet the cast of characters that live in my building. Like the angry russians, the battle ax with the 150db answering machine and 1950s rotory phone which rings constantly, the brain dead moron 2 doors down that wanders the neighborhood in all weather conditions and times of the morning, the older battle ax down the hall that thinks I just moved in everytime I see her, but yet I been living here 6 years, and the 75yr old guy that wanders the halls in his underwear holding a paper. You'll have to be around in the afternoon to catch him. At least I haven't seen the yodeling homeless guy that used to wander the streets. :shake:

02-09-2011, 06:05 AM
At least I haven't seen the yodeling homeless guy that used to wander the streets. :shake:

That's because Casey moved to Virginia

02-09-2011, 07:04 AM
Yeah really, that didnt even make sense. :confused:

Come on by, you can meet the cast of characters that live in my building. Like the angry russians, the battle ax with the 150db answering machine and 1950s rotory phone which rings constantly, the brain dead moron 2 doors down that wanders the neighborhood in all weather conditions and times of the morning, the older battle ax down the hall that thinks I just moved in everytime I see her, but yet I been living here 6 years, and the 75yr old guy that wanders the halls in his underwear holding a paper. You'll have to be around in the afternoon to catch him. At least I haven't seen the yodeling homeless guy that used to wander the streets. :shake:

Don't forget the smelly hairy monkey man that's always planting stuff in the garden and singing in the spring and summer. Or the lady with the 3 kids who lets them scream and yell down the hall. :depress:

02-09-2011, 07:49 AM
Yeah really, that didnt even make sense. :confused:

Come on by, you can meet the cast of characters that live in my building. Like the angry russians, the battle ax with the 150db answering machine and 1950s rotory phone which rings constantly, the brain dead moron 2 doors down that wanders the neighborhood in all weather conditions and times of the morning, the older battle ax down the hall that thinks I just moved in everytime I see her, but yet I been living here 6 years, and the 75yr old guy that wanders the halls in his underwear holding a paper. You'll have to be around in the afternoon to catch him. At least I haven't seen the yodeling homeless guy that used to wander the streets. :shake:

Holy....wow....that's quite the eclectic mix of people. Please take a pic of hallway underwear paper guy, it makes me think of those Wal-Mart pics that are hilarious.

02-09-2011, 08:09 AM
Don't forget the smelly hairy monkey man that's always planting stuff in the garden and singing in the spring and summer. Or the lady with the 3 kids who lets them scream and yell down the hall. :depress:

I can get that to stop real quick.

Meet Psycho neighbor with chainsaw and hockey mask. "Would you like to be...come to dinner tonight?"

02-09-2011, 08:23 AM
Holy....wow....that's quite the eclectic mix of people. Please take a pic of hallway underwear paper guy, it makes me think of those Wal-Mart pics that are hilarious.

Yeah he also uses the same joke over and over when he gets on the elevator....."So you driving or should I take the controls?" I usually tell him Im driving and its a express run so no stops til my floor. He finds it funny everytime which must mean he's also losing his memory. :shake:

I forgot about the hairy flower guy and the fat lady with her screaming little brats. Also the people directly across the hall from me have 4 grandkids that insist on having a screaming contest in the hall when they arrive and leave.
Also the 4ft asian lady who parks next to my Marauder that bows when she sees me and insists on getting the last hello. I say hello and she bows and says hello back, then I say hello again and she bows and oince again says hello. I wanna yell hello just as Im leaving the garage so she can't get it in.
Plus we have the emotionless jewish lady who just stares back with a dead stare if you say hello to her. Its the same look as if I told her that I tossed her kids off the roof. :shake:
Recently we got rid of the pothead couple next door that would fight constantly and have the cops show up on a weekly basis.
Its like a on going Seinfeld episode in my building with this cast of characters.

My sister lived in the same complex area and she had the 3am naked fat guy singing opera out his window across from her.

Ill start taking video soon. Yodeling homeless guy will probably return in the spring along with hairy flower guy outside in the garden.

02-09-2011, 08:30 AM
Yeah he also uses the same joke over and over when he gets on the elevator....."So you driving or should I take the controls?" I usually tell him Im driving and its a express run so no stops til my floor. He finds it funny everytime which must mean he's also losing his memory. :shake:

I forgot about the hairy flower guy and the fat lady with her screaming little brats. Also the people directly across the hall from me have 4 grandkids that insist on having a screaming contest in the hall when they arrive and leave.
Also the 4ft asian lady who parks next to my Marauder that bows when she sees me and insists on getting the last hello. I say hello and she bows and says hello back, then I say hello again and she bows and oince again says hello. I wanna yell hello just as Im leaving the garage so she can't get it in.
Plus we have the emotionless jewish lady who just stares back with a dead stare if you say hello to her. Its the same look as if I told her that I tossed her kids off the roof. :shake:
Recently we got rid of the pothead couple next door that would fight constantly and have the cops show up on a weekly basis.
Its like a on going Seinfeld episode in my building with this cast of characters.

My sister lived in the same complex area and she had the 3am naked fat guy singing opera out his window across from her.

Ill start taking video soon. Yodeling homeless guy will probably return in the spring along with hairy flower guy outside in the garden.

Welcome to NYC.

02-09-2011, 10:04 AM
Yeah he also uses the same joke over and over when he gets on the elevator....."So you driving or should I take the controls?" <--Now I know why you hate my constant use of TWSS!
I usually tell him Im driving and its a express run so no stops til my floor. He finds it funny everytime which must mean he's also losing his memory. :shake:

I forgot about the hairy flower guy and the fat lady with her screaming little brats. Also the people directly across the hall from me have 4 grandkids that insist on having a screaming contest in the hall when they arrive and leave.
Also the 4ft asian lady who parks next to my Marauder that bows when she sees me and insists on getting the last hello. I say hello and she bows and says hello back, then I say hello again and she bows and oince again says hello. I wanna yell hello just as Im leaving the garage so she can't get it in.
Plus we have the emotionless jewish lady who just stares back with a dead stare if you say hello to her. Its the same look as if I told her that I tossed her kids off the roof. :shake:
Recently we got rid of the pothead couple next door that would fight constantly and have the cops show up on a weekly basis.
Its like a on going Seinfeld episode in my building with this cast of characters.

My sister lived in the same complex area and she had the 3am naked fat guy singing opera out his window across from her.

Ill start taking video soon. Yodeling homeless guy will probably return in the spring along with hairy flower guy outside in the garden.

Dude, that is some funny stuff. I would have a 'Hello Off' with the Asian lady, just to see how many times she'd say it. I'd have someone film it just in case it turns hysterical. Hairy flower guy, lol.

02-09-2011, 10:38 AM
Dude, that is some funny stuff. I would have a 'Hello Off' with the Asian lady, just to see how many times she'd say it. I'd have someone film it just in case it turns hysterical. Hairy flower guy, lol.

Are you saying that you are becoming a pajama wearing old man who's losing his mind? :D

Ill try that with her in the garage. Im pretty sure my camera woman wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. Hairy flower guy will be sporting his back and shoulder hair in the garden within a few months.

02-09-2011, 10:46 AM
Are you saying that you are becoming a pajama wearing old man who's losing his mind? :D

My man-jama bottoms have Bears logos all over them.......so i guess so :alone:

02-09-2011, 10:51 AM
My man-jama bottoms have Bears logos all over them.......so i guess so :alone:

Would that logo of the "Bears" on your man-jamas happen to be a rainbow flag? :D

02-09-2011, 11:03 AM
My man-jama bottoms have Teddy Bear logos all over them.......so i guess so :alone:

Fixed it for you again.

02-09-2011, 12:03 PM
That is one hairy dude in that pic, it must be like snuggling with a grizzly bear! In front of the fire place. While watching Lifetime Channel. I wonder which one of them rides passenger and which one actually drives the DTR. Muhahahaaaaa.......

02-09-2011, 01:00 PM
Are you saying that you are becoming a pajama wearing old man who's losing his mind? :D

Ill try that with her in the garage. Im pretty sure my camera woman wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. Hairy flower guy will be sporting his back and shoulder hair in the garden within a few months.

With all the goings on in ya'lls building....it is starting to sould like a great internet movie......I am already going to give it "2 thumbs way up" and even an Emmy nod!!

SC Cheesehead
02-09-2011, 02:41 PM

02-11-2011, 09:49 AM
At least I have only one PITA neighbor to complain about. If I go inside I can't hear the mutts anymore. I'll stay up here in the woods thank you. My ex was from Brooklyn/Queens so I'm very familiar with what you're talking about. Her uncle kept his good car upstate because he only had on street parking and his "city" car looked like it had been in a demo derby...