View Full Version : Take em for a ride.

02-03-2011, 09:47 PM
How can some of you just leave them sit all season?? You gonna actually own it forever and ever? They aren't worth anything.. Go out and have some fun, then throw $8 of quarters at the car wash.. Your not gonna kill it! Jeesh.

This guy pictured below was enjoying his own exhaust at the red light today with nice little revs, just like any summer day. It's days like this i'm mad I didn't take black to work! Ofcourse, thats just about every other day anymore...:) My car has seen every winter (not daily), hauled salt in the trunk almost every year, pushed light snow, and is immaculant thanks to my car washing fetish:o

I will admit to not driving during a snow fall much anymore in fear someone will tap into me and just my luck have the ins. com. total her. other than that, I LOVE the way she handles in the snow! Not pulling a M.H. here, just curious why you don't atleast enjoy it on the weekends or monthly or something?? Or better yet HOW do you do it?

02-03-2011, 09:51 PM
i enjoy driving the mm, but we have been slammed this year with so much snow, and i find my self working on it a lot lately, with mods, and upgrades!

plus me no likey salt/snow

02-03-2011, 09:53 PM
Yep. Drive 'em. I will buy your garage queens when I'm done having fun with mine.

As soon as I unbury it!

02-03-2011, 09:55 PM

02-03-2011, 09:59 PM
For me I have another car to drive so my car is really is not needed day to day. The blower isn't recommended for freezing temperature plus my focus does a lot better in snow. In the summer I drive her almost every day and want to do so for a long time

02-03-2011, 10:06 PM
This is the first year mine hasn't been driven regularly in the winter, driving the trooper more than the Marauder is making me a sad panda :bigcry:

Mr. Man
02-03-2011, 10:46 PM
Like you said Bob it's the knucklehead in the Camry who thinks he can still drive 65 on the ice that keeps mine off the road in the Winter.

Bradley G
02-04-2011, 12:19 AM
The Marauder has been in the garage since Lil' sis got new brakes and tires last week.
She is in need of a bath and interior treatment.:P

02-04-2011, 02:01 AM
I currently drive mines daily. I don't drive it everyday but it's my one and only for now. I'm thinking about purchasing a vic for next winter. I had a s/c regal but it was totaled. So the merc is alone until I find a crown somewhere when ready.

Mr. Man
02-04-2011, 03:33 AM
1. How can some of you just leave them sit all season??
2. You gonna actually own it forever and ever?
3. They aren't worth anything..
OOPS.....This is actually MS. DENMARK posting......Sorry Mr. Man!:o

1. I drove mine daily up until Thanksgiving 2009..... did not do that well in the snow. Bought an Aviator with essentially the same engine and feel safer in the winter as I HAVE TO get to work no matter what the weather. Plus I want to reduce wear & tear on my Marauder.

2. Trying to!

3. Wrong! This car is worth so much more than it's $$ value. It is our hobby and our connection to a whole bunch of really great people that we would never ever have had the good fortune to meet. :beer:

02-04-2011, 04:21 AM
OOPS.....This is actually MS. DENMARK posting......Sorry Mr. Man!:o

1. I drove mine daily up until Thanksgiving 2009..... did not do that well in the snow. Bought an Aviator with essentially the same engine and feel safer in the winter as I HAVE TO get to work no matter what the weather. Plus I want to reduce wear & tear on my Marauder.

2. Trying to!

3. Wrong! This car is worth so much more than it's $$ value. It is our hobby and our connection to a whole bunch of really great people that we would never ever have had the good fortune to meet. :beer:
LMAO! Copy catting Haggis?

Daily driver, and the beatings will continue until morale declines.

02-04-2011, 07:29 AM
I Love it too much not to drive it. That's why I bought it. If some yahoo can drive and enjoy their $100,000 BMW or what ever in the snow. I can enjoy my Marauder too. And look better doing it. I do fear someone hitting it everyday. But then I'll just buy another one and enjoy that one too. Just saying.

02-04-2011, 07:32 AM
I do fear someone hitting it everyday.
That's what she said.

Egon Spengler
02-04-2011, 07:50 AM
Drive mine EVERYDAY. Making all yours that much more rare! Mine is fit for the scrap yard...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs795.ash1/168497_10150153783847926_56293 2925_8288790_6758834_n.jpg

02-04-2011, 08:48 AM
I've wanted a Marauder since I saw the concept version way back when. So now that I've got one, I'm not really in a rush to tear it up. Eventually, if I end up getting another one (SB or DTR), I will drive that one on dry snow days. The black one will keep getting stored. It's mint underneath.

If you saw the amount of salt they put on our roads, you wouldn't drive yours in NE Ohio either. Besides, why would I bother driving the Marauder in the snow when I've got AWD + Hemi to get me where I need to go?

02-04-2011, 09:04 AM
sorry I won't drive mine in the winter I have had winter cars since I had a 5.0 mustang

02-04-2011, 10:00 AM
I've wanted a Marauder since I saw the concept version way back when. So now that I've got one, I'm not really in a rush to tear it up. Eventually, if I end up getting another one (SB or DTR), I will drive that one on dry snow days. The black one will keep getting stored. It's mint underneath.

If you saw the amount of salt they put on our roads, you wouldn't drive yours in NE Ohio either. Besides, why would I bother driving the Marauder in the snow when I've got AWD + Hemi to get me where I need to go?

That was my reasoning too, I would have had to buy new tires this winter, be it snow tires for the MM, or new tires for the excursion... 7000lb 4x4 with new tires that'll serve me all year round, or rear wheel drive white knuckle driving with tires I'll have to swap out in the spring and sell at a loss when I move out of this frozen tundra...

02-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Okay, fine, I took it for a short ride today:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs041.snc6/167098_576745635351_39003984_3 3150410_2922337_n.jpg

I started it and pulled it out of the storage bay and let it get up to operating temperature.

Ms. Denmark
02-04-2011, 01:02 PM
Okay, fine, I took it for a short ride today:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs041.snc6/167098_576745635351_39003984_3 3150410_2922337_n.jpg

I started it and pulled it out of the storage bay and let it get up to operating temperature. That's a great lookin' Marauder!!!

02-04-2011, 01:04 PM
Thanks! It has a few dings but I love it.

02-04-2011, 01:14 PM
Yep cant go very long without driving one of them! Hell it washes up nice.

02-04-2011, 01:51 PM
Well for me, the Maruader is the Daily Driver, rain, sleet or snow. The Mustang is in the garage, but I bring it out on nice days and usually drive it 1-2 days a week, as long as I'm not going downtown.

02-04-2011, 03:26 PM
Sorry biscuits aint gonna happen!

My car has been sitting since before thanksgiving. :eek:

Today was the first day i started it since november.

Too many "inexperienced" drivers around here (and some of them are marauder owners)! :shake:

Waiting for spring sitting in the garage looking "BRAND NEW"! :coolman:

02-04-2011, 03:28 PM
That's a great lookin' Marauder!!!

Of course it is! It's BLACK.

Ms. Denmark
02-04-2011, 03:33 PM
Of course it is! It's BLACK.
:thinker: :) :cool: :coolman: :D

02-04-2011, 03:46 PM
How can some of you just leave them sit all season?? You gonna actually own it forever and ever? They aren't worth anything.. Go out and have some fun, then throw $8 of quarters at the car wash.. Your not gonna kill it! Jeesh.

How.... it's easy, put a battery tender on it and cover it with the car cover. I have a couple of DD's to get through the rough weather.

Will I own it forever, probably so. Corvette's and Hemi's are tasty, and this car just lures them in.:burnout:

02-04-2011, 03:52 PM
Corvette's and Hemi's are tasty, and this car just lures them in.:burnout:



02-05-2011, 11:10 AM
Out again today! AHHHH nice and sunny with a lil 80's Megadeth to warm things up on the way to pick up the kids... See whatcha missin? :)

02-05-2011, 12:07 PM
two thumbs up :D

steve fox
02-05-2011, 01:12 PM
could not bear the damage to the finish from the salt, nor the difficulty with adapting winter tires to the MM so I bought a TBSS AWD for the snow. It is as fun in the snow as the MM is in the summer.

02-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Out again today! AHHHH nice and sunny with a lil 80's Megadeth to warm things up on the way to pick up the kids... See whatcha missin? :)

Man I don't miss snow storms like that, forecast for Atlanta tomorrow...56. Bringing out the Mustang tomorrow, played in the Marauder today. Burned a Fartcan acura just cause I could :D

02-05-2011, 05:05 PM
Recognize the first pic Brad? :)

02-05-2011, 05:23 PM
Recognize the first pic Brad? :)

Aww crap, I didn't even realize it until you said something. Damn, that's my old hood, how many Saturdays did we make that turn? Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks bud

02-05-2011, 09:15 PM
Brings back memories. I actually began parking mine when the price of 93 went nuts in the summer of 2008. My mother was ill 150 miles away and three - four round trips a week were killing my wallet. Since then she gets parked in Oct and comes out sometime in April. Winter is brutal on vehicles here.

Bradley G
02-06-2011, 09:03 AM
Yess Sir!. May I have two Black stripes,... PLEASE?! :P
Recognize the first pic Brad? :)
I'm recommissioning her today from her week or so rest , for a trip to O'hare in this snowstorm.

02-06-2011, 09:16 AM
or why not drive it when snow is not on the ground instead of let it sit all winter.its ok to drive it cold air.only because i hear so many complain it sits from november to april ,just drive them on nice days?

02-06-2011, 09:08 PM
Why does BLUE stay in when there's SALT on the road? Ask me again in a few years when your rustbucket looks like hell. Illinois winters are terrible on cars and I want my baby to look good forever. E.

02-07-2011, 12:27 AM
Bob, you're 100% correct. Drive your cars people! I don't know why anyone would buy one of these as an "investment". Oh the car is going up in value... so what you going to sell it now? Are you people business men and women or are you gearheads. I guess it could be difficult for someone to understand. People will go through cars every few years, but usually when I bring something or someone in my life, it's for life.

Drive your cars. It's a real downer to even know of a low milage Marauder or anything for that reason. A car is built for one purpose, transportation. Not to sit and go up in value like a Baseball Card or piece of Real Estate. What a waste of machinery. Summer, winter, sunny, rainy, snowy.... doesn't matter, it sees all weather. Salt wipes off, when it get's to be too much repaint it, someone hits it... there are tons of CV body parts in the junkyard. There is nothing to worry about. I cannot think of a car that could be cheaper to fix. Even replacing the engine, for the power potential and what we can get that's cheap too.

Drive it, don't think about.

BTW Erin, your sig = Fail

02-07-2011, 05:32 AM
Bob, you're 100% correct. Drive your cars people! I don't know why anyone would buy one of these as an "investment". Oh the car is going up in value... so what you going to sell it now? Are you people business men and women or are you gearheads. I guess it could be difficult for someone to understand. People will go through cars every few years, but usually when I bring something or someone in my life, it's for life.

Drive your cars. It's a real downer to even know of a low milage Marauder or anything for that reason. A car is built for one purpose, transportation. Not to sit and go up in value like a Baseball Card or piece of Real Estate. What a waste of machinery. Summer, winter, sunny, rainy, snowy.... doesn't matter, it sees all weather. Salt wipes off, when it get's to be too much repaint it, someone hits it... there are tons of CV body parts in the junkyard. There is nothing to worry about. I cannot think of a car that could be cheaper to fix. Even replacing the engine, for the power potential and what we can get that's cheap too.

Drive it, don't think about.

BTW Erin, your sig = Fail

Translation........ don't let it go up in value, I can't afford it.

My car sits in the winter, it is a toy, I have plenty of others to drive. They all go up in "value" over time, it was a limited production vehicle, there will always be collectors. Look at the "B" body Chevrolets, clean low mile examples bring the $$$.

Keep fixing yours up Dom, that leaves all the nice ones for people that like to take care of them.:flamer:

02-07-2011, 08:34 AM
I wasn't quite sure just how to word the original post. You see, I have a good low mileage fully optioned beater plus the wifes minvan, but I just can't go more than a week or so without driving the Rauder... Thats all, it's not like I have to, I WANT too! Salt washes off...

02-07-2011, 08:41 AM
Mine is a toy now. Four years of DD duty here in the snow belt was enough. I did have it undercoated and she is still silently rusting in spots. :(

02-09-2011, 01:11 AM
Yeah mine is worth less than anyone else's make everyone else's more valuable. You should all thank me for bring the values of your cars up. I keep fixing it or having help fixing it. Doesn't matter to me.

I still say I have the most fun though!

Wait until you guys see what I got for it next. Pics in a day or two then it's back to me being outta SITE... again, for who knows how long.

02-09-2011, 05:27 PM
Yeah mine is worth less than anyone else's make everyone else's more valuable. You should all thank me for bring the values of your cars up. I keep fixing it or having help fixing it. Doesn't matter to me.

I still say I have the most fun though!

Wait until you guys see what I got for it next. Pics in a day or two then it's back to me being outta SITE... again, for who knows how long.
BTW What is your EXACT time? 12.3what at 109.what?? That shouldn't cut the mustard on the timeslips page. Have a time slip by chance? LOL Bustin your chops, hope all is good. Now get that car runnin again!

02-09-2011, 05:33 PM
I received my adjusted tune today and took it out for a ride. It sucks driving the car after it sat so long, the tires feel a little flat spotted and vibrated a bit on the road plus I had to get used to not going 1/2 throttle to prevent the rear tires from going up in smoke. However the new tune is working great, no more hard shifts are partial throttle and my TC lockup issue is solved. :banana:

Still love this car and I plan to keep it out of the salt and crappy weather so I can continue to enjoy it for many years to come.

02-09-2011, 05:34 PM
Wait until you guys see what I got for it next. Pics in a day or two then it's back to me being outta SITE... again, for who knows how long.

Sounds like a replacement engine???

02-09-2011, 05:55 PM
So you had some fun Paul :) Wish I could get my TC lock up fixed.. ANNOYING.

02-09-2011, 07:13 PM
BTW What is your EXACT time? 12.3what at 109.what?? That shouldn't cut the mustard on the timeslips page. Have a time slip by chance? LOL Bustin your chops, hope all is good. Now get that car runnin again!

To be honest I am not sure. I just look at the xx.x numbers. So you could have the faster car by a bumper, but I still have the fastest in the city. :lol:

I wish I still had the time slip, but because I moved a lot of them have been lost. I'm still down for another grudge race if you are, but I won't be ready for a while and even then it wouldn't be fair.

Everything isn't well, but isn't not bad. That's life. I deal with it.

02-09-2011, 09:11 PM
Why not fair??? Whatchu buildin Willis? :)

My car will be seeing even less of the track than normal. Not much interest in the track I guess?? Too far, too long, a whole day shot, expense... I could keep going. But I'm sure we'll line em up again.

Later bud.

Btw. the remaining .xxxx's are a BIG deal!


02-09-2011, 10:02 PM
I luv u guys! :argue:

02-10-2011, 12:50 AM
Hi Tom!!!!!!:wave:

02-10-2011, 01:55 AM
whats better than driving a rwd ford in the snow, with exception of the 22 inches we got in chicago last week? NOTHING!!! the only reason I dont drive mine everyday is because I have a really loud engine knock. other than that I bought it because I love Marauders and absolutly love driving mine everywhere. Plus I love to show it off, revn the engine at stop lights then launchin when it turns green. Its not everyday you see a marauder. only 3 other guys in my neighborhood have them other than that I've only seen 1 or 2 other that were ruined because of giant rims and ugly paint jobs. KEEP THE STOCK RIMS AND THE STOCK COLOR. thats what makes it a Marauder. They look amazing out of the facotry.

02-10-2011, 02:05 AM
Bob, I couldn't agree with you more about the track. Plus the only time I actually break stuff is because of the track. Everyday use is fine.

I will post what it going in sooner or later.

As far as KY, with no steady job it looks doubtful. Especially because I need to build the car before I would go to KY. The GF now has her own Mercury (not a Marauder) but I wouldn't wanna go down there without my Marauder.

We will see how things go about. Thank you for asking. Enjoy every inch you drive that car.

02-10-2011, 11:01 AM
Fun down rt. 20 at 6:30 AM and -10*!!!!

02-10-2011, 11:09 AM
Fun down rt. 20 at 6:30 AM and -10*!!!!
Yeahhhh Biatches!!!!!:burnout:

02-10-2011, 05:39 PM
Bob, I couldn't agree with you more about the track. Plus the only time I actually break stuff is because of the track. Everyday use is fine.

I will post what it going in sooner or later.

As far as KY, with no steady job it looks doubtful. Especially because I need to build the car before I would go to KY. The GF now has her own Mercury (not a Marauder) but I wouldn't wanna go down there without my Marauder.

We will see how things go about. Thank you for asking. Enjoy every inch you drive that car.

That's too bad Dom, would love to see you again, we always have such a blast in Kentucky. But totally understand man. Keep us posted on the build :beer:

02-10-2011, 05:58 PM
Okay, fine, I took it for a short ride today:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs041.snc6/167098_576745635351_39003984_3 3150410_2922337_n.jpg

I started it and pulled it out of the storage bay and let it get up to operating temperature.

Man these car look good in the snow... " looking good billyray" a trading places quote..I'm waxing my car tomorrow I don't care if it is going to 15degree

02-10-2011, 06:10 PM
SPANK that car Baby!! WOO HOO!!:burnout:

02-10-2011, 07:14 PM
my thing is this. yeah there rare, but its only a car. no need for somebody to act like they live and die for a marauder or any vehicle, thats whats families are for. im paying for it with my own money so i do as i please. if something goes wrong, i pay to fix it and come back even stronger!!!

02-11-2011, 06:24 AM
VERY well said! I LOVE my car! But I am a mechanic and also worked at a body shop for a good spell, so maybe for me it is nothing at all to do a complete rebuild, where as some could not see it so easily?? It is a hot rod, a car that will NEVER be "finished", or even a blank canvas? I actually like when things break (providing if I have the money and I am not stranded....) it gives me an excuse for an upgrade!

Work has really put a damper on this cars direction the last 2 1/2 years, BUT, if things continue the way they are then look out!

Random thoughts lately:

1. Simple nickle and diming as always and enjoy it. Meh, where's the fun in that?
2. Investing $30 grand on a complete new package and spare nothing. < I can justify this very easily as I only have $27 into the car AND parts since I bought it 6 1/2 years ago and it is more than payed off. How much more NOT upside down does this car need to be? It has paid for itself atleast twice now!
3. Sell as is for someone to enjoy a very well built car for many more years and purchase a lower mileage (sunroofed) MM and start a radical build?

My only concerns is a DEPENDABLE car that any one can handle (with caution :) ) and still feel stock. Besides my exhaust and shift schedule, you would never have a clue that mine isn't stock. A twin turbo build would be the only way I would go with it, capable of windowing an aluminator, but dialed WAY down. The art of knowing what it could be is just fine with me :)

02-11-2011, 09:58 AM
I'd rather drive my Focus in crap weather and let some idiot run into that (it's already been rear-ended 3 times in the 5 1/2 years I've owned it) and leave the Marauder as my summer and weekend toy.

Plus my commute to work is 65 miles round trip which gets expensive in the Marauder.