View Full Version : Report from a relative in Afghanistan

02-07-2011, 09:00 PM
From a relative. His unit was also the first in to Sadir City in Iraq. He told me the night before his CO told him what he was going to see was pure evil. He said his CO was right.

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 12:39 PM

Dear Family and Friends,

We recently completed our largest counterinsurgency mission to date and this was covered by an embedded reporter with the Washington Post.

Please see the link to the article at the end of this overview on our operations.

2/1 is a reinforced infantry battalion conducting counterinsurgency operations in the Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Southern Afghanistan under Regional Command Southwest.

This is our battalion's UNCLAS mission statement:

2/1 (Reinforced), in coordination with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) and our Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) partners, conducts combined full-spectrum counterinsurgency (COIN) operations throughout the Garmsir District, and builds capacity in the GIRoA/ANSF in order to protect the populace from enemy forces and set conditions for the successful resumption of control by the legitimate Government of Afghanistan.

The Garmsir District has an estimated population of 120,000.

The Garmsir District's population is predominately settled along the Helmand River.

Garmsir is primarily an agricultural community.

The battalion's Logical Lines of Operation (LOOs) or focus of effort in Garmsir are:
1. Security
2. Afghan National Security Force Development
3. Reconstruction and Development
4. Governance

The battalion's method of operations centers on "partnership" with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA). This means we live, eat, train and operate with our Afghan counterparts as outlined in the Marine Corps Small Wars Manual.

Specifically, the Marines partner with an Afghan National Army battalion, Afghan National Police, and Afghan Border Police.

We have a Department of State Team that partners with the Afghan Government Officials.

The battalion is deployed throughout the population centers along the Helmand River because the ultimate objective in a counterinsurgency is securing the population and then enabling the local national forces to take over security in the area.

This is a small unit leader's war. Sergeants and Corporals are leading effective combat patrols (raid, ambush, contact, security) throughout a battlefield dispersed over 30 miles along the riverline or "green zone".

The Marines are fighting Taliban Insurgents that employ Improvised Explosive Devices against the Marines and conduct a Murder and Intimidation campaign against the local population.

The battalion's security operation throughout Garmsir are earning the local population's coopertion and enhancing their confidence in the Afghan National Government.


Semper Fidelis,

Battalion Executive Officer
Second Battalion, First Marines, RCT-1
FOB Delhi

02-08-2011, 04:22 AM
From a relative. His unit was also the first in to Sadir City in Iraq. He told me the night before his CO told him what he was going to see was pure evil. He said his CO was right.

Did I miss that part in the story :confused:

02-08-2011, 06:29 AM
No, 2 different stories. Sadr City is in Iraq;

02-08-2011, 06:34 AM
Yeah I'm familiar with where Sadr City is, where is the pure evil is what I'm asking.

No, 2 different stories. Sadr City is in Iraq;

02-08-2011, 06:41 AM
He was refering to Sadr City.

02-08-2011, 07:06 AM
Oh, I thought there were pictures or somthing. Well I hope your relative returns home safe and soon. :beer:

02-08-2011, 07:42 AM
The level of detail in that note is very surprising to me and somewhat of a cause for concern. The general rules on OpSec have not changed all that much. I'll leave it at that.

02-08-2011, 12:55 PM
The level of detail in that note is very surprising to me and somewhat of a cause for concern. The general rules on OpSec have not changed all that much. I'll leave it at that.

I just don't see any details that are not already public information, "this was covered by an embedded reporter with the Washington Post".

Alot of details in "Stars and Stripes".