View Full Version : STAP tour 2011

02-10-2011, 04:28 PM
For those who don't visit CVN, I am posting it here as well. CVN will be hosting yet another St. Thomas Assembly Plant tour this summer.

This will be your last chance to tour the facility before it closes its doors in September. Our group is the only one still allowed on the tours as Ford has canceled tours for the remainder of production.


The STAP tour will take place on Friday, June 17th. Morning tour at 10 am and afternoon tour at 1 pm.

Only 40 tour spots are available!

In order to get yourself on a tour:

- You must PM me with your full name, and the names of any persons who will be joining you as well as an email address at which you can be contacted

- You must specify if you would like to be on the morning tour or afternoon tour.

- If you unable to attend, let me know at least 2 weeks prior to the event so someone else could take the available spot.

Make sure you become familiar with the following guidelines:

We are pleased to offer you this opportunity to tour Ford's vehicle manufacturing operations. The men and women, who produce our vehicles, take tremendous pride in their work and, as you are likely to experience, appreciate your interest in what they do.

As Ford's guest, we will try to accommodate your needs to the best of our capability. We must also, however, attend to your safety and the safety of our workers during your visit. Our plants are extremely busy and our employees cannot be interrupted without potentially dangerous results.

Please read over the following in-plant tour guidelines and adhere strictly to them for your safety and the safety of our employees. Use common sense and enjoy your visit!

• Ford facilities require mandatory safety talks before visiting the plant floor.

• Safety glasses, which will be provided to you, must be worn AT ALL TIMES while on the plant floor.

• Visitors should watch for vehicle traffic on the plant floor and yield the right of way when crossing designated vehicle aisles.

• Please do not touch any equipment, vehicles or components that you encounter as you tour the plant. (Many components lying in inventory bins are hot, sharp and may be negatively affected by the oils on your fingers.)

• Please do not attempt to talk to our employees while they are working. Distractions can lead to accidents.

• Please remain with your plant guide and tour group at all times.

• Manufacturing plants can be hazardous – please stay alert and pay attention to your surrounding environment.

• Remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothing. We DO NOT permit open-toed shoes or sandals to be worn on the plant floor and strongly discourage shoes with high heels.

• Do not bring any food or drink on the plant tour.

• Loose clothing, purses and briefcases can get caught on equipment and inventory bins; we recommend that you don't bring these on the plant floor.

• Please do not make cell phone calls on the plant floor unless you have stopped touring and are out of the way of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

• Do not disturb our employees' personal belongings or work space.

• Photographs and videos are prohibited.

• Visitor passes may be required in some facilities; plant representatives will notify you of where and when you can obtain a visitor's pass if one is needed.

• All visitors MUST BE 16 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER … there will be no exceptions.

• Any tour requests from an Automotive Competitive Company (e.g. Chrysler, GM, Toyota, etc.) will require prior approval from our Office of the General Counsel in Dearborn, before being allowed entrance into our plant. Advanced notice is needed for these types of requests, as it takes time to process them through the system.

• Tours last approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours (all walking). Our facilities are wheelchair accessible, but you must provide your own wheelchair.

• Our plant is located just west of London, Ontario on Highway #4 South (Colonel Talbot Road), about one mile south of Highway #401. Google maps. (http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=42.8293,-81.261063&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=13&sll=42.828772,-81.24115&sspn=0.091022,0.22316&ie=UTF8&ll=42.662241,-81.309814&spn=2.920387,7.141113&z=8) You take the first entrance into the plant (visitor parking) and take the driveway all the way to the top – turn right – and park in the area of the flag poles. You enter through the front Lobby doors which are located adjacent to the flag poles. The tour guides will be in the Lobby to greet you.


Here is satellite image of the parking lot where we gather. Everyone can meet there before the tour, then we head inside as a group.
linky... (http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=stap&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&ll=42.829616,-81.263613&spn=0.001422,0.003487&t=h&z=19)


02-10-2011, 07:05 PM
In for the morning tour.

For anyone who hasn't done this tour, I highly recommend it. We had an absolute blast last year. This is the last BOF/RWD/V8 car built. See it being built while you still can. After you PM Serge that you're going, you can reserve a hotel room. The information (+ discount) can be found HERE (http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2236286#Post2236286).