View Full Version : Anybody into aquariums?

02-13-2011, 06:28 PM
When im not Marauding and hot rodding im working on my fish tanks. This is my 120G Discus tank:

02-13-2011, 06:34 PM
Man. Thats nice!!

Blk Mamba
02-13-2011, 06:38 PM
A friend of mine tried to breed them, told me that during their breeding cycle, he couldn't play his music loud, close a door hard, Etc. or it would disrupt their cycle, and they wouldn't breed. He had many exotic fish, Neon tetra's, Red Tail Sharks, and more. BTW they are way bigger than any he had.

02-13-2011, 06:41 PM
thats real nice man. i see your avatar fish lol

02-13-2011, 07:30 PM
We literaly just started our tank on Saturday....fresh water....I havent had any fish since I was about 6 years old...so it is a learning experience for us. We started out small, 4 fish...and 25 gal tank with a few fake plants, a castle and some little island with palm trees. At this point I just hope they live more than a few days and then we will get some more.

Nice set up by the way.

02-13-2011, 07:33 PM
Nice discus tank! Ever consider adding some plants to it? I think some Leopard Vals or Cryptocorynes would look great in there.

I have a 75 gallon planted aquarium. I'm running nearlly 300 watts of T5-HO lighting and pressurized C02.

It's a neat set up and, as a bonus can net me almost $100/month in plant sales to local shops. Eventually I plan on going to RO/DI and trying out some tougher plants.

Mr. Man
02-13-2011, 07:47 PM
I love to look at aquariums. I can spend hours looking at the big public one's like Mystic or Monterrey's. We had a 25 gallon tank when I was a kid and it was great as long as I wasn't the one who had to maintain it.

02-13-2011, 08:30 PM
I have a 45 gallon fish tank with several fresh water fish, very relaxing to look at. Are those their natural color or are they injected with color ink? BTW, I'm an ALexis Texas fan myself, LOL!

02-14-2011, 05:49 AM
We literaly just started our tank on Saturday....fresh water....I havent had any fish since I was about 6 years old...so it is a learning experience for us. We started out small, 4 fish...and 25 gal tank with a few fake plants, a castle and some little island with palm trees. At this point I just hope they live more than a few days and then we will get some more.

Nice set up by the way.

Good for you! If you have any kids I suggest you get them involved. Its a great way to hang out with your kids and teach them something they'll enjoy learning about.

02-14-2011, 05:50 AM
Nice discus tank! Ever consider adding some plants to it? I think some Leopard Vals or Cryptocorynes would look great in there.

I have a 75 gallon planted aquarium. I'm running nearlly 300 watts of T5-HO lighting and pressurized C02.

It's a neat set up and, as a bonus can net me almost $100/month in plant sales to local shops. Eventually I plan on going to RO/DI and trying out some tougher plants.

I cant keep plants alive man. they seem to turn to moosh after a month or two. Maybe its because the discus require 85F?

02-14-2011, 06:06 AM
I have a 45 gallon fish tank with several fresh water fish, very relaxing to look at. Are those their natural color or are they injected with color ink? BTW, I'm an ALexis Texas fan myself, LOL!

No that is their natural colors. They have been bred to have bright colors like that. You can tell when a discus is happy and well fed by the way they act and go after food.

02-14-2011, 06:45 AM
I have a 120 gal tank with Angel fish. I have a 3 pair, Gold Pearl Scale,Black lace and a pair of 3 Stripe Angels. With them I have a dozen Black Tetras and a dozen Red Minors.I really enjoy watching how the Angels stake out an area of there own and how the smaller fish school up and swim thru the length of the aquarium.

02-14-2011, 06:48 AM
Good for you! If you have any kids I suggest you get them involved. Its a great way to hang out with your kids and teach them something they'll enjoy learning about.

Oh yeah....I got the kids involved from the very begining....from the purchase of the tank....to making sure it had no leaks, cleaning the tank, going to the fish store to gather information about what type of fish to get, going to the pet store to purchase the tank toys, going to home depot to purchase the rocks at the bottom of the tank, filling it up and placing everything in it. Then last but not least we went to pick out the fish. Still looking to add some things and more fish in the next few days, where once again we will go as a group.

They kept asking when we were gonna get fish for the tank....we had the tank for about 6 months before we set it up, and it was filled and treated and ready to go for about 2 weeks before we put fish in it....so they would stare at the fishless, water filled tank and wonder when we were getting something to swim around in there:)

02-14-2011, 08:18 AM
I cant keep plants alive man. they seem to turn to moosh after a month or two. Maybe its because the discus require 85F?

Here's a good article on planted discus tanks. http://aquaticconcepts.thekrib.com/Articles/PAM_Discus.htm .

My tank will hit 90+ during the summer months and my plants thrive in it. Plants tend to be very adaptable to environmental changes. I wish I had a few pics of it but since I plan on re-doing it this spring, it's currently in farm mode for the LFS.

02-14-2011, 08:28 AM
I love looking at aquariums too. We tried to set up ours as salt water but it was too much. We killed a 40 dollar fish! The more expensive ones were saved though. It is now fresh water :p

02-14-2011, 08:42 AM
Cool stuff! I really want a giant fish tank :beer:

Mr. Man
02-14-2011, 01:59 PM
Cool stuff! I really want a giant fish tank :beer:
You'd be better off with an AMC Pacer:D

02-14-2011, 02:00 PM
Cool stuff! I really want a giant fish tank :beer:

Its the only way to go. I have a 125G and a 120G. When I get a house im setting up a 600G!

02-15-2011, 06:19 AM
You'd be better off with an AMC Pacer:D

Hey one of the best cars i ever owned was a Gremlin :beer:

Its the only way to go. I have a 125G and a 120G. When I get a house im setting up a 600G!

600, holy cow. What would the tank dimensions be to hold 600 gallons?