View Full Version : Wow I guess gas really is expensive

02-15-2011, 12:48 AM
Here is what I was up to. I was curious tonight on a few things and thought I would share. In 1965 minimum wage was $1.25 and gas was 31 cents. Flash to 2011 and gas is lets say $3.60 (here in Chicago) and minimum wage is $7.25. The wage has gone up by 5.8 times, while gas has gone up by 11.6! That's double! I wasn't complaining about gas prices up until I looked up some info and got a rough idea together.

I wasn't complaining before, but it's a little harder to swallow now. At least it's not $7 a gallon here like the predictions I have been hearing for years. Or the way it is in other parts of the world that have had prices like that for a while.

I still say live for today. I'll go broke before I get anything with high gas mileage.

02-15-2011, 05:18 AM
Here is what I was up to. I was curious tonight on a few things and thought I would share. In 1965 minimum wage was $1.25 and gas was 31 cents. Flash to 2011 and gas is lets say $3.60 (here in Chicago) and minimum wage is $7.25. The wage has gone up by 5.8 times, while gas has gone up by 11.6! That's double! I wasn't complaining about gas prices up until I looked up some info and got a rough idea together.

I wasn't complaining before, but it's a little harder to swallow now. At least it's not $7 a gallon here like the predictions I have been hearing for years. Or the way it is in other parts of the world that have had prices like that for a while.

I still say live for today. I'll go broke before I get anything with high gas mileage.

That's what she said :eek:

02-15-2011, 05:48 AM
That's what she said :eek:

HELLO !!! :beer:

02-15-2011, 05:50 AM
Here is what I was up to. I was curious tonight on a few things and thought I would share. In 1965 minimum wage was $1.25 and gas was 31 cents. Flash to 2011 and gas is lets say $3.60 (here in Chicago) and minimum wage is $7.25. The wage has gone up by 5.8 times, while gas has gone up by 11.6! That's double! I wasn't complaining about gas prices up until I looked up some info and got a rough idea together.

I wasn't complaining before, but it's a little harder to swallow now. At least it's not $7 a gallon here like the predictions I have been hearing for years. Or the way it is in other parts of the world that have had prices like that for a while.

I still say live for today. I'll go broke before I get anything with high gas mileage.

Gas prices are crazy, no doubt. P.S., who did the math for you :D

02-15-2011, 07:26 AM
Yeah, gas prices have definitely been on a very steady rise, but the sceptic in me is crying conspiracy. Now if you think about it, the government has put a whole lot of pressure out there for energy conservative vehicles (GM now has a whole line of them, which is why they got their bailout) and in order to force people into paying higher prices for Hybrids (The Prius is just a VW bug, but they want like $25K for it) or electricals(The new Volt is like $40K) so they can get the taxes, they raise gas prices steadily, as much as the market can bare, until people get pissed enough to by a Hybrid.

Now I do believe that we have had an impact on the environment (And no global warming does not mean it gets warmer everywhere, it means that as ice caps melt and the atmosphere changes it produces more extreme weather). I mean how many places have had record snow storms this year?

But all that does not mean I want to turn in my V-8, or build solar panels all over the country, or wind tunnels or all that crap. But despite gas being higher in other countries, I do feel the governement sees an opportunity here to make money (Just look into the amount of taxes, both federal and state, on a gallon of gas) And therefore will raise the prices as much as the market can bare. In the end, if we are willing to pump it, they are going to take it.

Yes and that's what she said

Joe Walsh
02-15-2011, 07:53 AM
Yeah, gas prices have definitely been on a very steady rise, but the sceptic in me is crying conspiracy. Now if you think about it, the government has put a whole lot of pressure out there for energy conservative vehicles (GM now has a whole line of them, which is why they got their bailout) and in order to force people into paying higher prices for Hybrids (The Prius is just a VW bug, but they want like $25K for it) or electricals(The new Volt is like $40K) so they can get the taxes, they raise gas prices steadily, as much as the market can bare, until people get pissed enough to by a Hybrid.

Now I do believe that we have had an impact on the environment (And no global warming does not mean it gets warmer everywhere, it means that as ice caps melt and the atmosphere changes it produces more extreme weather). I mean how many places have had record snow storms this year?

But all that does not mean I want to turn in my V-8, or build solar panels all over the country, or wind tunnels or all that crap. But despite gas being higher in other countries, I do feel the governement sees an opportunity here to make money (Just look into the amount of taxes, both federal and state, on a gallon of gas) And therefore will raise the prices as much as the market can bare. In the end,
if we are willing to pump it, they are going to take it.

Yes and that's what she said

The preemptive TWSS!

I love it!

02-15-2011, 07:59 AM
Here is what I was up to. I was curious tonight on a few things and thought I would share. In 1965 minimum wage was $1.25 and gas was 31 cents. Flash to 2011 and gas is lets say $3.60 (here in Chicago) and minimum wage is $7.25. The wage has gone up by 5.8 times, while gas has gone up by 11.6! That's double! I wasn't complaining about gas prices up until I looked up some info and got a rough idea together.

I wasn't complaining before, but it's a little harder to swallow now. At least it's not $7 a gallon here like the predictions I have been hearing for years. Or the way it is in other parts of the world that have had prices like that for a while.

I still say live for today. I'll go broke before I get anything with high gas mileage.

You should compare college tuition ever since the Department of Education got put in place... And higher minimum wage will only increase the price of gas.

Minimum wage should go away completely. It's a free country, if you don't like working for 7.25 an hour, go do something that pays more, there is NOTHING stopping you. And if you're willing to work for less, great.

Egon Spengler
02-15-2011, 08:04 AM
The preemptive TWSS!

I love it!
psssst... Heeeee's Baaaaaaack....

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 08:28 AM
You should compare college tuition ever since the Department of Education got put in place... And higher minimum wage will only increase the price of gas.

Minimum wage should go away completely. It's a free country, if you don't like working for 7.25 an hour, go do something that pays more, there is NOTHING stopping you. And if you're willing to work for less, great.

^^^^^ Yup, yup, yup, and yup. ^^^^^^

We have the natural resources, and the ability to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but in the wisdom of our Imperial Federal Government, we choose not to allow this, due, as Brad pointed out, to a liberal political agenda that favors expansion of green initiatives; placing the burden on the backs of citizens and at the expense of the general economy.

C.Y.C.B.I. :shake:

02-15-2011, 08:36 AM
^^^^^ Yup, yup, yup, and yup. ^^^^^^

We have the natural resources, and the ability to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but in the wisdom of our Imperial Federal Government, we choose not to allow this, due, as Brad pointed out, to a liberal political agenda that favors expansion of green initiatives; placing the burden on the backs of citizens and at the expense of the general economy.

C.Y.C.B.I. :shake:

But, but but, we're on a runaway tipping point of no return, and if we don't stop using oil now then we're never gonna see snow ever again!

i'm sure there are a few states in the country that would be perfectly happy with that situation after this past winter... :D

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 08:47 AM
But, but but, we're on a runaway tipping point of no return, and if we don't stop using oil now then we're never gonna see snow ever again!

i'm sure there are a few states in the country that would be perfectly happy with that situation after this past winter... :D

^^^^^ As a former resident of Wisconsin, I don't consider that a bad thing! :D ^^^^^

02-15-2011, 08:58 AM
Here is what I was up to. I was curious tonight on a few things and thought I would share. In 1965 minimum wage was $1.25 and gas was 31 cents.

I think the $1.25 per hour in 1965 is wrong.

I started work in 1965 with Eagle's 5&10. Those bastiges only paid me $1.00 per hour. My first paycheck was for $28.00 so I went to see the Boss. "Hey, 40 hours X $1.00 per hour is $40.00. I seem to be missing $12.00. :( Where'd it go????"

At this point, I got an education on Federal Tax, State Tax, Social Security, Medicare, etc deductions. Nobody from the government helped me unload those trailer trucks of merchandise or stock the shelves. And .... It hasn't gotten any better since then. ;) Life was so much simpler before I knew about taxes. :D

02-15-2011, 09:19 AM
If my wages are frozen and there is inflation I have to spend less. If Uncle Sams wages are frozen they just raise taxes,print more money so my wages go down some more, borrow from one of our enemies, and increase spending four fold. And golly gee, they wonder why some people get irritated.

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 09:31 AM
If my wages are frozen and there is inflation I have to spend less. If Uncle Sams wages are frozen they just raise taxes,print more money so my wages go down some more, borrow from one of our enemies, and increase spending four fold. And golly gee, they wonder why some people get irritated.

We all need to get more like the government, I guess.

Problem solved... :rolleyes:

Joe Walsh
02-15-2011, 09:54 AM
psssst... Heeeee's Baaaaaaack....

Yep, but only until he gets his new engine...then he is leaving this site.

Per Dom's post in his 'Wanted to buy Marauder engine' thread:
"Not for long. Once I get what I need I'll be back to being happy from being away from here."

02-15-2011, 10:12 AM
I think you're right about keep raising it until you buy a hybrid or high mileage car.

I will never part with mine or drive one of those minature cars.

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 10:29 AM
I think you're right about keep raising it until you buy a hybrid or high mileage car.

I will never part with mine or drive one of those minature cars.

Yeah, but the American public ain't buying, that's a big part of the problem:

6 December 2007

Reported sales of hybrids in the US in November rose 82% year-on-year to reach 33,233 total units, representing 2.8% of all light-duty vehicles sold during the month. GM does not break out its hybrid sales separately, and so is not reflected in the hybrid number—thus, the actual hybrid total and new market share will slightly higher.

December 2010 Dashboard: Year End Tally (http://www.hybridcars.com/hybrid-clean-diesel-sales-dashboard/december-2010.html)
Hybrid car sales fell for the third consecutive year, dropping nearly 6 percent in a year when overall vehicle sales jumped by 11 percent. That harsh reality could give ammunition to hybrid critics who argue that gas-electric vehicles were never viable, or that they only serve as a bridge to more robust vehicle electrification such as electric cars.

When is the government going to learn that you can't legislate human behavior? :shake:

02-15-2011, 10:42 AM
But all that does not mean I want to turn in my V-8, or build solar panels all over the country, or wind tunnels or all that crap. But despite gas being higher in other countries, I do feel the governement sees an opportunity here to make money (Just look into the amount of taxes, both federal and state, on a gallon of gas) And therefore will raise the prices as much as the market can bare. In the end, if we are willing to pump it, they are going to take it.

Riiiight. That's why Obama and his minions are busy pushing their green agenda. Just today Obama said that "oil is the energy of the past". The only way the government manipulates oil prices is by not allowing oil to be drilled HERE.

Egon Spengler
02-15-2011, 10:46 AM
Yep, but only until he gets his new engine...then he is leaving this site.

Per Dom's post in his 'Wanted to buy Marauder engine' thread:
"Not for long. Once I get what I need I'll be back to being happy from being away from here."
ahhhh I missed that one!

02-15-2011, 10:49 AM
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

Nobody cares what you think.

02-15-2011, 10:50 AM
My wife figured it out finally. I received my latest Sunoco CC bill and it was half what it has been running. The difference? I've been down for a month and she finally figured out its easier to park the Evil Orb at the college than her LS8. 93 is $3.62 a gallon here as of last night. This keeps up and the MM will not be coming out of storage. We are on a fixed income until Momma finishes college. Next year she may be eligible for TAP/PELL. Up until now she was not. We will have to tighten the belt somewhere and the MM is a toy. A very exspensive one if 93 goes to $4 a gallon... She'll be on the road for the trip to SoCo and then right back off. :(

02-15-2011, 11:47 AM
In 1989 I was paying .99 cents for 87 and .95 cents for Marlboros....

02-15-2011, 11:49 AM
In 1989 I was paying .99 cents for 87 and .95 cents for Marlboros....

In 1979, right when I got my license, it spiked to .99/gal and smokes were 2 packs for a buck.

02-15-2011, 11:59 AM
Yeah, but the American public ain't buying, that's a big part of the problem:

6 December 2007

Reported sales of hybrids in the US in November rose 82% year-on-year to reach 33,233 total units, representing 2.8% of all light-duty vehicles sold during the month. GM does not break out its hybrid sales separately, and so is not reflected in the hybrid number—thus, the actual hybrid total and new market share will slightly higher.

December 2010 Dashboard: Year End Tally (http://www.hybridcars.com/hybrid-clean-diesel-sales-dashboard/december-2010.html)
Hybrid car sales fell for the third consecutive year, dropping nearly 6 percent in a year when overall vehicle sales jumped by 11 percent. That harsh reality could give ammunition to hybrid critics who argue that gas-electric vehicles were never viable, or that they only serve as a bridge to more robust vehicle electrification such as electric cars.

When is the government going to learn that you can't legislate human behavior? :shake:

The problem the SMART ONES have is that Americans as a society have not been used to be treated like natives in Kenya or some other equally pleasing place to live.It's called freedom. Suppose the SMART ONES decide to ban cell phones as they are trying to do with oil? Whats the difference? My large neighbor purchased two Honda Hybrids for mileage.He hated them so much he traded them in 6 months for a Lincoln and a gas guzzing Ford 250 4x4. He said never again. Personally I am rat holing the energy inefficient old light bulbs waiting on the light bulb police.

02-15-2011, 12:02 PM
Personally I am rat holing the energy inefficient old light bulbs waiting on the light bulb police.

You and me both!:burnout:

02-15-2011, 12:02 PM
The problem the SMART ONES have is that Americans as a society have not been used to be treated like natives in Kenya or some other equally pleasing place to live.It's called freedom. Suppose the SMART ONES decide to ban cell phones as they are trying to do with oil? Whats the difference? My large neighbor purchased two Honda Hybrids for mileage.He hated them so much he traded them in 6 months for a Lincoln and a gas guzzing Ford 250 4x4. He said never again. Personally I am rat holing the energy inefficient old light bulbs waiting on the light bulb police.
me too, lol! i thought i was the only one!
sidenote, out of the billions of cell phones sold last year, NONE were manufactured in the U.S. Sad. :shake:

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 12:03 PM
In 1979, right when I got my license, it spiked to .99/gal and smokes were 2 packs for a buck.

And we were THANKFUL! :D

02-15-2011, 12:07 PM
In 1979, right when I got my license, it spiked to .99/gal and smokes were 2 packs for a buck.

Cigarettes seemed bigger in 1979, too. Prolly cause I was only 9.

SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 12:11 PM
Cigarettes seemed bigger in 1979, too. Prolly cause I was only 9.

:eek: where the heck were you putting them?

02-15-2011, 12:34 PM
In 1983 Cigs were $1.00 a pack in my neck of the woods. We were actually quite ticked off when they went from $1.00 to $1.15 haha.
If we only knew how much they would cost in the future.....:O

Paul T. Casey
02-15-2011, 01:32 PM
P.S., who did the math for you :D

I kinda noticed that myself. I have a feeling it's just the way math is taught in Illinois.

02-15-2011, 02:39 PM
I kinda noticed that myself. I have a feeling it's just the way math is taught in Illinois.


SC Cheesehead
02-15-2011, 03:11 PM
I kinda noticed that myself. I have a feeling it's just the way math is taught in Illinois.

Had a teacher like that back in the day. Taught both math and philosophy:

Teacher: What's 1+1?

Student: What do you want it to be?

Teacher: Good answer!


02-15-2011, 09:29 PM
Yep, but only until he gets his new engine...then he is leaving this site.

Per Dom's post in his 'Wanted to buy Marauder engine' thread:
"Not for long. Once I get what I need I'll be back to being happy from being away from here."

I don't have everything I need yet.

Nobody cares what you think.

If you were right there would be no responses. Being that you said this in the second page not only proves you wrong, but reveals you're an idiot.

02-16-2011, 04:20 AM
First, what is a cell phone? I don't have one.

Second, in 1985-87 I paid $2 for a carton of smokes.

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 05:06 AM
First, what is a cell phone? I don't have one.

Second, in 1985-87 I paid $2 for a carton of smokes.

:confused: What were you smoking, Gordon, dog ****?

02-16-2011, 05:06 AM
I remember when I paid $4.95 for a carton Boro's in 73 and gas was $.34 a gallon before the embargo. Then came the Nuke their A$$, Take the Gas era... Now, greed has taken over for everyone. Hard to believe my MM gets better MPG on the highway than our LS8, but it does. Maybe I'll park the LS8 for the summer. :confused:

Haggis, PX prices don't count to G-pop.

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 05:10 AM
I remember when I paid $4.95 for a carton Boro's in 73 and gas was $.34 a gallon before the embargo. Then came the Nuke their A$$, Take the Gas era... Now, greed has taken over for everyone. Hard to believe my MM gets better MPG on the highway than our LS8, but it does. Maybe I'll park the LS8 for the summer. :confused:

Haggis, PX prices don't count to G-pop.

Oh yeah, forgot about him being in the military.

PX prices for rolled dog **** cigarettes... :D

02-16-2011, 05:15 AM
Nobody cares what you think.

I care what he thinks, and it seems like others do as well. Look where this thread has gone and see all the input so many people have voiced... :D Atta boy Dom :beer:

02-16-2011, 05:17 AM
:eek: Where the heck were you putting them?


SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 05:20 AM
I care what he thinks, and it seems like others do as well. Look where this thread has gone and see all the input so many people have voiced... :D Atta boy Dom :beer:


Like any of us, Dom has his foilbles, but he's a good friend to those who know him, and I'm glad to see him posting again.

02-16-2011, 05:26 AM
:confused: What were you smoking, Gordon, dog ****?

Haggis, PX prices don't count to G-pop.

Oh yeah, forgot about him being in the military.

PX prices for rolled dog **** cigarettes... :D

Damn, you got me and it was USA made Marlboro and Camel. Cigs and alcohol were tax free at the px.

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 05:30 AM
Damn, you got me and it was USA made Marlboro and Camel. Cigs and alcohol were tax free at the px.

Camels, eh? I used to smoke Kool tipped (basically menthol straights). No wonder I quit...

02-16-2011, 06:26 AM

Like any of us, Dom has his foilbles, but he's a good friend to those who know him, and I'm glad to see him posting again.

Ditto :beer: Dom is a teddy bear in a leather jacket.

02-16-2011, 07:23 AM

Like any of us, Dom has his foilbles, but he's a good friend to those who know him, and I'm glad to see him posting again.

Well said Rex :beer: The guy will go out of his way to help anybody :D

02-16-2011, 07:25 AM
Well said Rex :beer: guspech will go out of his pants to help anybody :D

Hi, sailor! :wave:

02-16-2011, 07:30 AM
Hi, sailor! :wave:

Hi http://disney-clipart.com/snow-white/jpg/Dwarfs/Bashful1.jpg

02-16-2011, 09:51 AM
The guy will go out of his way to help anybody

My experience has been to the contrary. And if any of you had the same experience, you would be saying the same thing.

02-16-2011, 10:01 AM
My experience has been to the contrary. And if any of you had the same experience, you would be saying the same thing.

That might be your experience, others have had a different experience. Either way, I don't think it right to respond to a thread of his or post the way you did (unless of course your just busting chops, then it would help to throw a :lol:in). If that's your experience, why not just ignore him?

02-16-2011, 10:07 AM

02-16-2011, 10:21 AM
Nobody cares what you think.

Yes, so I'm just sharing my experience.

Can I not voice my opinion because it is different than others'?

Then you should have said "I don't care what you think." instead of "Nobody cares what you think." You gave everyone's opinion by implying that nobody cares. You want to go with singular not plural. (that's what she said) I hope this helps.

02-16-2011, 10:43 AM
My experience has been to the contrary. And if any of you had the same experience, you would be saying the same thing.

That's off topic. I did my best, yet you were constantly complaining. I didn't even read the past 3 pages of your text messages... I quit caring about what you had to say. I have never done that before until you came around, you're special in my book.

02-16-2011, 11:04 AM

02-16-2011, 11:11 AM
In before the lock.:D

02-16-2011, 11:30 AM
The ignore option is too often ignored, IBTL

02-16-2011, 11:54 AM
Which is fine except you made a deal, took my money and then I had to chase you down, excuse after excuse. Emails, texts, PMs, phone calls, all ignored. You continually lied about the condition of the part.
Then the "brand new" part arrived like it had 100K miles on it, and had been run over by a truck. Scratched, faded, cracked, etc what a POS.
The packing job was literally comical. worst packing job ever.
You were a horrible seller, worst experience ever.
Then when I told you I was unhappy you were even more of a douche.

You made me wait, chasing you down for weeks while ignoring me, lied about the condition of the part, lied about shipping......basically extremely inconsiderate and dishonest.......

And somehow I'm the a-hole?
What planet do you live on?

Alright Rob, you wanna do it that way? The thread has already run it's course. Get this in your head, you bought as USED part. Half the time you didn't even know what you wanted. I had to explain several times to you what I had, including pictures. I never ignored you, not once. I cannot respond to you the second I get a text, but I did everyday. So if you said I ignored you, you are a liar. You didn't want me to get you a box so I wrapped it from what I had. If you wanted a good box, you should have paid for one. I ran to the post office twice during my week of rock n' roll hell week just to get you to shut up already. You got the tracking number and misplaced it, not my fault. I had to take a ton of my own time just to get the thing prepped for shipping and yet you say it was the worse ever, well then pay for better! If you weren't so cheap you would have better wrapping, you get what you pay for... actually you don't. You didn't pay for my box, but you got it. Yet you say it was the worse ever and it looked like it was run over by a truck. My truck doesn't run so blame USPS. I'm though with your complaining and feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with you.... on and off the board.

02-16-2011, 12:25 PM
The ignore option is too often ignored, IBTL
That sounds famous, who said it?

02-16-2011, 12:27 PM
Alright Rob, you wanna do it that way? The thread has already run it's course. Get this in your head, you bought as USED part. Half the time you didn't even know what you wanted. I had to explain several times to you what I had, including pictures. I never ignored you, not once. I cannot respond to you the second I get a text, but I did everyday. So if you said I ignored you, you are a liar. You didn't want me to get you a box so I wrapped it from what I had. If you wanted a good box, you should have paid for one. I ran to the post office twice during my week of rock n' roll hell week just to get you to shut up already. You got the tracking number and misplaced it, not my fault. I had to take a ton of my own time just to get the thing prepped for shipping and yet you say it was the worse ever, well then pay for better! If you weren't so cheap you would have better wrapping, you get what you pay for... actually you don't. You didn't pay for my box, but you got it. Yet you say it was the worse ever and it looked like it was run over by a truck. My truck doesn't run so blame USPS. I'm though with your complaining and feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with you.... on and off the board.

Can I say it?

02-16-2011, 12:30 PM
Can I say it?

Lol! Oh please do. Here is the golden key!

02-16-2011, 12:43 PM
Lol! Oh please do. Here is the golden key!

The golden key? Does that have anything to with a golden... never mind, I'm medicated.

02-16-2011, 12:47 PM
The golden key? Does that have anything to with a golden... never mind, I'm medicated.

Hahaha I love this thread!

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 01:08 PM
The golden key? Does that have anything to with a golden... never mind, I'm medicated.

Oh man, a medicated turtle, all downhill from here...


post count +1

02-16-2011, 01:10 PM
if you didn't quote it, maybe teacher wouldn't be so irritated.

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 01:12 PM
Well, any doubt as to whether you are full of BS and a liar has been removed by the above statement.

- You told me how much shipping was, and I gave you double that, saying it is worth it to me to get the thing in good shape. I still have all the PMs and emails to prove it. I never said I wouldn't pay for a box, that is pure BS.

- I never misplaced any tracking number, I think you are on drugs or have me confused with someone else. Or just another outright lie.

- You continually insisted that the part was "like new".
I got news for you, my original piece with 260K miles on it looked better than your part.There was nothing "like new" about it whatsoever.

- and as far as the "blame USPS" part, how is it that the cardboard on the outside was in great shape, but the part that was inside it looked like total crap? How did the USPS guy turn a "like new" part into a complete POS without diturbing the outside packaging? :confused:
- prepping parts for shipping is part of the responibility of the seller, sorry you shirked your responsibilities, or thought that you were going above and beyond by actually packaging up the part for shipping(barely).

So again, I suggest you stop selling parts over the internet, because you suck at it. Communication sucked, your packaging sucked, and IMHO your attitude, also sucked.

Ahhh, boys, suggest you take this outside, teacher's gonna get irritated real soon.

02-16-2011, 01:14 PM
We have a review section for this kind of crap! Take it to the correct place!!!!

02-16-2011, 01:18 PM
The only review section I see is for vendors.

Can you tell me where I can post this?


02-16-2011, 01:24 PM
You post it in the section and administration puts it up. The only ones allowed to respond are the people involved.

02-16-2011, 01:50 PM
You post it in the section and administration puts it up. The only ones allowed to respond are the people involved.

Well I can't figure out how to post anything there.
It says clicking an "I agree" box, but there is none.
Oh well, no big whoop.

I guess it does make sense, though, this is the site that worships Zack McGrath, why wouldn't they worship Dom as well?

SC Cheesehead
02-16-2011, 01:53 PM
Well I can't figure out how to post anything there.
It says clicking an "I agree" box, but there is none.
Oh well, no big whoop.

I guess it does make sense, though, this is the site that worships Zack McGrath, why wouldn't they worship Dom as well?

Putz Alert!

Time to hit the ignore button...

02-16-2011, 01:55 PM
lol, this is just getting funny now.

02-16-2011, 02:17 PM
Rob, the price given was for the item. By the time I was done wrapping to to USPS standards the item got bigger because it was now in a box. So I actually lost three dollars for your sake and didn't ask you for more. Yet I am the a-hole who paid with my own money to ship your item. Keep typing, you are making yourself look worse by the post.

02-16-2011, 02:22 PM

Egon Spengler
02-16-2011, 02:35 PM
I guess it does make sense, though, this is the site that worships Zack McGrath, why wouldn't they worship Dom as well?
te-hehehe... My "Zack" feelings ebb and flow. As do my Dom feelings...

Make sure you said Thank You!

02-16-2011, 02:41 PM
Hey we are all here for the same reason. There is no reason we gotta be treating each other like this. I'm back and forth on TJ too, but I know sometimes it's me. I know not everything I've ever said and done was right. I'll be the first to admit that. Rob, is another case. As far as Zack is concerned, he's a great guy. It might seem like has a rough exterior, but he's one of the nicest people I have ever known. He calls it like he see/knows it, but does it in his own way that some find offensive. I guess that's why we get along so well... somedays. haha

Joe Walsh
02-16-2011, 03:07 PM
I was on your side until I read that:
You bought a used part....from Dom!......:shake:......:nono:

02-16-2011, 03:15 PM
I miss Bawazir.:depress:

02-16-2011, 03:18 PM
That sounds famous, who said it?

The Famous one, the Brad, just kind of came to me, but seemed appropriate, and I think it still is.

02-16-2011, 03:19 PM
I miss Bawazir.:depress:


Me too, the guy was a trip, a little crazy, but funny nonetheless. Remember when he posted that cartoon about racing Doom? (with all the language that got him his first vacation)
We had a lot of fun with that

02-16-2011, 03:24 PM
I was on your side until I read that:
You bought a used part....from Dom!......:shake:......:nono:

It was never on my car bunghole. :P

02-16-2011, 03:25 PM
It was entertaining to see what Bawazir had to say, along with Zack and Motorhead. But people came down on them quite a bit and pushed them back and or out. I'm not exactly timid myself and have had my share of criticism. That's ok with me. I really don't care.

02-16-2011, 03:26 PM
Rob, the price given was for the item. By the time I was done wrapping to to USPS standards the item got bigger because it was now in a box. So I actually lost three dollars for your sake and didn't ask you for more. Yet I am the a-hole who paid with my own money to ship your item. Keep typing, you are making yourself look worse by the post.

Look, I still have all of the PMs, and emails to prove what I'm saying.

You acted like properly packing the item for shipping was going above and beyond your responsibility as a seller.
Then you acted like actually shipping the item was going over and above your responsibility as a seller.

I have bought/sold/packaged/shipped a lot of parts over the years.
Why don't you contact the other members here who have sold stuff to me?
I highly doubt that any of them would say I'm a bad buyer.
I send money right away, and ask for a tracking number, that is all.

I don't know if you're mentally deficient or on some type of drugs, but your version of reality is significantly different than the original.

02-16-2011, 03:33 PM
Look, I still have all of the PMs, and emails to prove what I'm saying.

You acted like properly packing the item for shipping was going above and beyond your responsibility as a seller.
Then you acted like actually shipping the item was going over and above your responsibility as a seller.

I have bought/sold/packaged/shipped a lot of parts over the years.
Why don't you contact the other members here who have sold stuff to me?
I highly doubt that any of them would say I'm a bad buyer.
I send money right away, and ask for a tracking number, that is all.

I don't know if you're mentally deficient or on some type of drugs, but your version of reality is significantly different than the original.

Do your worst, I don't care. I don't make a living off the site. Actually I lost money going outta my way for you. Everytime I had an issue (which I had a few on my end) I told you what was going on the day of and said I was sorry. I bet you would weed out those PMs and texts just to make yourself look good and seem like the victim of a bad seller. There are three sides to every story, one side, the other and the truth. No one is going to care about what you have to say because I am not a seller, usually and if I have something someone wants they will buy.

I buy more than I sell on here. So your attempt to hurt me in anyway will fail. Even if it works and I cannot sell anything here, there is craigslist. You are wasting your time in other words and this will be forgotten about before the month is up.

Go ahead, waste your time just to make yourself feel better. If you get off that way go for it, but I'm not going to clean up your mess.

02-16-2011, 03:37 PM
So your attempt to hurt me in anyway will fail.


I'm thinking drugs.
Can anyone confirm?

02-16-2011, 03:42 PM
No on the drugs when it comes to Dom. He is all natural!!!:eek:

02-16-2011, 04:57 PM

Me too, the guy was a trip, a little crazy, but funny nonetheless. Remember when he posted that cartoon about racing Doom? (with all the language that got him his first vacation)
We had a lot of fun with that
oh yeah i remember those! a bunch of us made some after that, lol.

02-16-2011, 05:36 PM
It was entertaining to see what Bawazir had to say, along with Zack and Motorhead. But people came down on them quite a bit and pushed them back and or out. I'm not exactly timid myself and have had my share of criticism. That's ok with me. I really don't care.

Absolutely was entertaining, and Dom is as well, as is Zack. Some people will just rub some the wrong way, but I will say this about all three, having met them in person, their heart is in the right place.

Hell tbone, you and I have even had our brief scuffs, because we disagree on some stuff, and that's okay, in the end it was always spirited debate and it only happens because we are passionate about out views

In the end, the Marauder unites us, everything else is just window dressing :beer:

02-16-2011, 08:32 PM

I'm thinking drugs.
Can anyone confirm?

Never had a drink in my life, never done a drug and refuse medication at all cost. Drugs have done me a few times and those were some good times!!!!!!!

I'm what some call Straight Edge. Google that. I'm just say sober, clean, straight... whatever. Drugs aren't a part of my life at all.

02-16-2011, 09:01 PM
How come my 4 flags turned into 4 stars? Was I demoted?:confused:

What's the difference? I looked around but don't see an explanation.

02-16-2011, 09:07 PM
How come my 4 flags turned into 4 stars? Was I demoted?:confused:

What's the difference? I looked around but don't see an explanation.

It's been a year or six months already. Where does the time go?

02-16-2011, 11:27 PM
It's been a year or six months already. Where does the time go?

I don't get it.

02-16-2011, 11:31 PM
I don't get it.

The flags go away over time. No joke.

02-16-2011, 11:51 PM
Nobody should cry here...about anything.You are still living in a great and friendly country. I have had the privilege of spending the winter in Scottsdale AZ. Smokes & booze are still cheap compared to my Canada. Gas is still 2 bucks a gallon cheaper here too. Besides the weather here is awesome. I love everything about your country. You really are blessed here. just stop your government from taking everything from you like what has happened in Canada. Multi culturalism will only divide & kill yourcountry. Don,t make the same mistake our politicians have done. God bless all of my American Friends. Signed, Kenny Metsala.

02-17-2011, 01:35 AM
Nobody should cry here...about anything.You are still living in a great and friendly country. I have had the privilege of spending the winter in Scottsdale AZ. Smokes & booze are still cheap compared to my Canada. Gas is still 2 bucks a gallon cheaper here too. Besides the weather here is awesome. I love everything about your country. You really are blessed here. just stop your government from taking everything from you like what has happened in Canada. Multi culturalism will only divide & kill yourcountry. Don,t make the same mistake our politicians have done. God bless all of my American Friends. Signed, Kenny Metsala.


FINALLY someone from outside the States states the real situation!

02-17-2011, 04:18 AM
Post count +1

02-17-2011, 04:59 AM
Nobody should cry here...about anything.You are still living in a great and friendly country. I have had the privilege of spending the winter in Scottsdale AZ. Smokes & booze are still cheap compared to my Canada. Gas is still 2 bucks a gallon cheaper here too. Besides the weather here is awesome. I love everything about your country. You really are blessed here. just stop your government from taking everything from you like what has happened in Canada. Multi culturalism will only divide & kill yourcountry. Don,t make the same mistake our politicians have done. God bless all of my American Friends. Signed, Kenny Metsala.

Pfffftttt, horsepoop!

02-17-2011, 04:59 AM
Nobody should cry here...about anything.You are still living in a great and friendly country. I have had the privilege of spending the winter in Scottsdale AZ. Smokes & booze are still cheap compared to my Canada. Gas is still 2 bucks a gallon cheaper here too. Besides the weather here is awesome. I love everything about your country. You really are blessed here. just stop your government from taking everything from you like what has happened in Canada. Multi culturalism will only divide & kill yourcountry. Don,t make the same mistake our politicians have done. God bless all of my American Friends. Signed, Kenny Metsala.
I.......I...I love you, man. :beer:

SC Cheesehead
02-17-2011, 05:00 AM
Pfffftttt, horsepoop!

I think Kenny's from the same part of Canada I've been to...;)

02-17-2011, 05:02 AM
I think Kenny's from the same part of Canada I've been to...;)
Canatucky? He's drives a DTR, eh?

02-17-2011, 08:52 AM
At least you got the part. It apprears that Amazon took my money and ran... Now the fun starts. I'll just have Visa deny payment.

Finally received the item yesterday, only three days late, to the wrong address.

02-17-2011, 09:05 AM
At least you got the part. It apprears that Amazon took my money and ran... Now the fun starts. I'll just have Visa deny payment.

That's one of the reasons I enjoy using Paypal as a buyer. Any time I've had serious problems on eBay, they have resolved my case by refunding my money.

Now, to counter any arguments of cheating the system, the only cases I've opened were:
1. bought a model kit from a Korean seller who took my money then shut down his eBay account. Refund issued.
2. ordered an XBOX from an apparently well-established seller. they took my money then never heard from them for nearly 2 months. They never responded to my claim, so I was issued a refund
3. ordered a game from a seller who I found out later frequently listed items that were out of stock. after a few weeks of unanswered emails, opened a claim. eBay resolution center seemed to have persuaded him to do the right thing, as on the absolute last day of time given to the seller to respond to the claim, they issued a full refund themselves.

I have heard it's not so nice for sellers though, as apparently they tend to favor buyers in disputes so even legitimate sellers have been screwed.

All I know is it's been pretty great for me using eBay and PayPal.

02-17-2011, 09:20 AM
Pretty long thread so I will have said one thing. :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox

02-17-2011, 10:58 AM
Casey's dong is pretty long, so I will have said one thing; it's a mouth full. :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go Pink Sox

Fixed it for you again.

02-17-2011, 12:04 PM
Fixed it for you again.

That's funny.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox

1 Bad Merc
02-17-2011, 12:46 PM
You got pretty lucky with your refunds. Buy alot of parts from Ebay and have run into 2-3 proffesional con artists that know the Ebay system inside and out. By the time you contact them about a problem they immediately file a harrassment complaint against you in Ebay which ties your hands in how the cases are handled and these sellers win these cases most every time. If I ever have another problem with a seller on Ebay I will file a complaint first then try to work it out with them all under Ebay's supervision. Learned this lesson the hardway-hope nobody else has to experience this -PITA.

02-19-2011, 07:28 AM
Hey we are all here for the same reason. There is no reason we gotta be treating each other like this. I'm back and forth on TJ too, but I know sometimes it's me. I know not everything I've ever said and done was right. I'll be the first to admit that. Rob, is another case. As far as Zack is concerned, he's a great guy. It might seem like has a rough exterior, but he's one of the nicest people I have ever known. He calls it like he see/knows it, but does it in his own way that some find offensive. I guess that's why we get along so well... somedays. haha

Hell yea!!! :bows: :bows:

02-19-2011, 07:32 AM
No on the drugs when it comes to Dom. He is all natural!!!:eek:

:banana: :cool4::banana:

02-20-2011, 01:39 PM
Living a life of sobriety explains a few bad habits.