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02-17-2011, 06:35 PM
I just had to share this, guess the Cold War isn't over, just a new attack method?

Hello Good afternoon my friend,
I have a friends in Russia, they are very good decent Russian family. They
are have an amazing attractive daughter, Marina. She is a matchless sweet,
but lonely girl ?. Recently, they came to visit us and I promised to
acquaint her with a foreigner kind man. If you are interested to
communication with her, please write to her first. Her e-mail is
(I’ve deleted this part for your own good)
And please, do not bother don’t call her with trifles. I hope you
understand that I can not send show, her pictures fotos, because it is a
private, but I'm sure that she would send photos if she will show interest
to you. And perhaps one day in the fututre, we will meet us on your wedding
marriage. Who knows..?
Sincerely kind regards, Dmitri.

Black Dynamite
02-17-2011, 06:41 PM
I guess I don't see a problem? :dunno:

Seems like a fair request to me. You did respond, right?


02-17-2011, 07:23 PM
yes, i like meet a russian woman, she them looks good at times.... please send me email mailing address so I could possibly talk to with her and get those picture fotos

02-17-2011, 08:15 PM
^^^^^I didn't know you spoke Russian so fluently^^^^.

02-18-2011, 06:03 PM
i try not brag lots of it because then people would wonder think.