View Full Version : Housing market

02-20-2011, 03:35 PM
Whoever said there was a recession forgot to tell Iowa. (I am not saying there isn't, but you would never know around here right now.)

My wife and I are living in our first home that we bought in '98. We always thought we might move to something that uses space a little better, but we have liked this house since we have owned it. Since we have the kid now and would like a little more room we thought last year might be the time, given interest rates, etc..

We found several listings in our price range and started the "going to open houses, bug the realtors" type weekends.

Last year every house we were interested in (about 15 or so) sold in under 72 hours (from time of listing, not when we could see it). A dozen more we couldn't even get into before they sold. The ones remaining had obvious issues or were overpriced and had clueless owners who were likely upside-down.

We made an offer that was 7% under list for a house we liked. The owners didn't even counter and instead waited a week and sold it for list (can't really blame them - it obviously worked).

This weekend we got enthusiastic and decided to go out and see what was available, so we got on the local websites and we found maybe 8-10 possibilities to walk through.

6 of the 10 have been sold in the last 24 hours, and the other 4 are not what we want after driving by and walking through them. One open house (the one we liked the best, of course) we walked in the door to find the Realtor sitting on the couch watching NASCAR. He immediately said "It's been sold, but you can still look around if you like."

We aren't the type to jump on anything, but at this rate it looks like it is either be first in the door or build our own.


Mr. Man
02-20-2011, 03:50 PM
Try Traer or Dike:D

02-20-2011, 03:57 PM
I guess its all location. Nothing around here sells unless you are giving it away or just plain get lucky. It took my secretary 5 years to sell her one house.

02-20-2011, 04:11 PM
Its a buyers market here in NoVA. Houses sit and sit and you can make offers on them but they are still overpriced just because of the area we are in. Im in my 30's now and couldnt imagine making a mortgage payment unless the combined income of my spouse and I was over $100K. The cost of living around here is so damn high. And kids? forgetabout it.

02-20-2011, 04:49 PM
I am glad to hear things are good there in real estate. It may be people are asking too much for their houses but I know people in three states that are trying to get rid of their houses and few lookers they say.

02-20-2011, 05:43 PM
Yeah, that is why I posted. I hear from basically everyone I know (outside the area) how bad housing is and how you can get them for low prices, it takes forever to sell, etc..

We can't get a house in town unless we are the first in the door. We aren't first in the door type people, so I guess we wait.

SC Cheesehead
02-20-2011, 05:46 PM
Market is fairly good down here in Greenville. Prolly still considered a buyer's market, but houses are holding their value and are usually selling within 90 -120 days.

02-20-2011, 07:28 PM
There have been houses on the market for YEARS in my neighborhood! I'm just glad I don't have to sell. I guess DuPage co. Il. got to big for it's britches and now home values are falling like bricks.:eek:

Mr. Man
02-20-2011, 07:50 PM
There have been houses on the market for YEARS in my neighborhood! I'm just glad I don't have to sell. I guess DuPage co. Il. got to big for it's britches and now home values are falling like bricks.:eek::D

:hmmm: Hmmm... live next to Bob or live in a cardboard box? :hmmm: Bob?, box?, Bob?, box? :D:run:

02-20-2011, 08:00 PM
So where are you in Iowa? I suggest you sell your house first, for a big number. Then pay the big price fast for what you like. When the river is up, paddle faster!

Good luck

02-20-2011, 08:29 PM
Nah - mine is not worth a lot, and besides I am more interested in the fast sale when I find one I like to buy. I have the equity so I don't need to hold out. I am in Cedar Falls - houses fly off the market as soon as they land.

So where are you in Iowa? I suggest you sell your house first, for a big number. Then pay the big price fast for what you like. When the river is up, paddle faster!

Good luck

02-21-2011, 09:40 AM
:hmmm: Hmmm... live next to Bob or live in a cardboard box? :hmmm: Bob?, box?, Bob?, box? :D:run:

Take the box. No brainer.:lol:

02-21-2011, 11:54 AM
My home lost 25% of its' value. 240k to 180k. I want to move south but will have to wait a while.

02-22-2011, 08:51 AM
I wish that iowa market would look a few hundred miles up to MN... paid 172 for my place in 06. The neighbor next door bought hers for 98k, and there are currently two houses identical for 90k and 95k.. I still owe 150, so selling it ain't gonna happen for a long time :(