View Full Version : BigDogJims rant??

02-20-2011, 11:36 PM


Ms. Denmark
02-21-2011, 03:34 AM
That piece of road goes from San Jose Metro Area over the Santa Cruz Mountains to all those beach towns memorialized by The Beach Boys. I used to drive it several times a week in my Opal Manta (and loved it) when I lived in Aptos. It's curvy and beautiful....and would be so much fun in a Marauder! But definitely no fun in a bus.....or worse, behind one.;) Our member Black Bart lives over that way. Jim only wishes he was having so much fun! :D

SC Cheesehead
02-21-2011, 05:28 AM


Thought so at first, but I don't think BDJ gets out to the SF area.

Also, Jim has far more couth than the writer of that post demonstrated.

He'd NEVER use that kind of languge, believe he would let the motorcoach do the talking and just ram the offending parties instead... ;) -----> :D

02-21-2011, 06:19 AM
I can sympathize with the frustration that this bus driver expresses. The same can probably be said for the 18-wheelers. Navigating traffic must be a real pain for these folks considering the number of idiots on the roads who are absolutely clueless to traffic dynamics.

The two behaviors that I really can't understand are:

1. The folks who will ride next to a bus or 18-wheeler in their blind spot for miles. They won't accelerate and won't slow down to get behind the bigger vehicle. They would much rather ride in the most dangerous spot to be. I blame this on "cruise control" that is usually set for 5 under the speed limit and an oblivious driver who is too lazy to do the "manual" thing and just get on out of the way.

2. The folks who don't look in the rearview mirror (or do and don't care) when an 18-wheeler is approaching fast in their lane. They won't move over and give way to the faster vehicle and claim territorial rights on their part of the road like they are paying taxes on it. I have seen big rigs run up within a couple feet of the rear bumper (that ain't right either) and these people just won't move over. Guess they simply do not understand how dangerous that really is.


I try to get out of the way of big rigs as quickly as possible.

I will NOT ride next to one of them for any longer than I have to.

I will flash my lights and let them in to let 'em know that they are clear.

I do understand the dynamics of uphill pull and downhill roll and will allow larger vehicles to take advantage of gravity where possible.

02-21-2011, 06:30 AM
Can't be Jim,,, there are no spelling errors!!! :rofl:

02-21-2011, 05:42 PM
Can't be Jim,,, there are no spelling errors!!! :rofl:
Oooooooooooo, that's gotta burn, lol.

02-21-2011, 05:59 PM
Insert truck driver and anytown USA into that and its the same exact mind set. When I'm close to the point of no return and a car will not let me over then guess what? Either slow down or speed up cause I'm coming over either way. I done it many times and blowing your horn, flashing lights or hand gestures won't prevent me from doing it again if I have to merge.
I have to shift 7 times to reach 60mph and that's winding out each gear. Unloaded I'm looking at close to a full minute or at least a 1/2 mile to reach 60mph. When I'm loaded, I'm looking at almost a full 2-3 minutes and that's if I can even reach 60mph. Sometimes a slight upgrade or some moron that needs to slow down for no reason in front of me prevents me from reaching my top 2 gears. I can completely relate to this guys rant.

02-22-2011, 12:29 AM
Nope! Was not me:) I would have pull the dump valve on the crapper at 70MPH :laugh:

Hey mercman ever hear of spell check?