View Full Version : Bait Car

02-21-2011, 06:43 PM
Anyone ever check out this show on Tru Tv.(on now)
I watch it and i'm like WTF. These idiots just walk up to a car the cops (un beknowst to them) have set out and just jump in and take off. What the h*ll goes thru their minds? You would think a car sitting with the door open and keys in the ignition would trigger some kind of alarm in their brain.
I have never entertained the idea of looking around in someone else's car and taking it, even when i was roaming through the streets going no where fast.
And these are not just young people, but 99% of them are.

02-21-2011, 06:46 PM
Anyone ever check out this show on Tru Tv.(on now)
I watch it and i'm like WTF. These idiots just walk up to a car the cops (un beknowst to them) have set out and just jump in and take off. What the h*ll goes thru their minds? You would think a car sitting with the door open and keys in the ignition would trigger some kind of alarm in their brain.
I have never entertained the idea of looking around in someone else's car and taking it, even when i was roaming through the streets going no where fast.
And these are not just young people, but 99% of them are.

Ahhh, there is no underestimating the stupidity of your average criminal. you know how they had that show "kids say the darndest things", they should have one entitled "Criminals do the stupidest *****"

02-21-2011, 09:13 PM
If the show on New Orleans comes on make sure to look at it. Idots all over but we have our share of them. I love it when the engine stops and the doors lock. WTF expresion is great.

02-21-2011, 09:35 PM
If the show on New Orleans comes on make sure to look at it. Idots all over but we have our share of them. I love it when the engine stops and the doors lock. WTF expresion is great.

Think that one was on a couple weeks ago.

I mean these cats don't hesitate to jump in a 60,xxx dollar Escalade.

02-22-2011, 12:46 AM
These people are lawless and they will steal every chance they get albeit time, money or valuable objects.

02-22-2011, 03:20 AM
i luv that show!, but you cant apply logic, and common sense when a thief is involved!

its like trying to mix oil, and water.....it aint happening!

02-22-2011, 04:22 AM
I love that show. Frickin dumbasses

02-22-2011, 04:27 AM
I think is hilarious.

02-22-2011, 06:33 AM
Just saw this show last night. It definitely was pretty funny.
I find it funny that people think there's such a thing as a free lunch.

02-22-2011, 06:40 AM
Ive caught a couple episodes, all the people car jacking the bait car were Mexicans, so it must have been in Chicago. Or North Carolina. Funny watching them jump around trying every door handle and window.

02-22-2011, 06:45 AM
Generally speaking, our prisons aren't full of smart people.

02-22-2011, 12:45 PM
Anyone ever check out this show on Tru Tv.(on now)
I watch it and i'm like WTF. These idiots just walk up to a car the cops (un beknowst to them) have set out and just jump in and take off. What the h*ll goes thru their minds? You would think a car sitting with the door open and keys in the ignition would trigger some kind of alarm in their brain.
I have never entertained the idea of looking around in someone else's car and taking it, even when i was roaming through the streets going no where fast.
And these are not just young people, but 99% of them are.

That's because you were raised right with values and morals etc. All I can say is thanks to Mom and Dad and this will surely be passed on! Scary to see the lack of others. :shake:

02-22-2011, 01:18 PM
Generally speaking, our prisons aren't full of smart people.

if criminals were smart, they'd have jobs.

02-22-2011, 02:04 PM
I know of 535 criminals who are gainfully employed.... 435 in the 112th United States Congress and 100 in the United States Senate. :shake:
if criminals were smart, they'd have jobs.

02-22-2011, 02:04 PM
Good show!

A few more worth a watch...

Operation Repo - a family owned repo business, funny as hell, getting into some pretty dangerous repos this season...

Lizard Lick Towing - family owned towing and repo, comical and fast paced, Amy is pregnant this season, but she will fight with the biggest guys out there!

All Worked Up - repos, parking tickets and process service. The process server is a joke, he never exercises his right to use self defense. This show also includes Lizard Lick Towing as well... The girl that writes the parking tickets... loud and obnoxious, not very professional at all IMHO.

Hardcore Pawn - family owned pawn business in Michigan. I love watching this show because of "Ashley Broad", she's a pretty cute girl!

02-22-2011, 04:12 PM
Good show!

A few more worth a watch...

Operation Repo - a family owned repo business, funny as hell, getting into some pretty dangerous repos this season...

Lizard Lick Towing - family owned towing and repo, comical and fast paced, Amy is pregnant this season, but she will fight with the biggest guys out there!

All Worked Up - repos, parking tickets and process service. The process server is a joke, he never exercises his right to use self defense. This show also includes Lizard Lick Towing as well... The girl that writes the parking tickets... loud and obnoxious, not very professional at all IMHO.

Hardcore Pawn - family owned pawn business in Michigan. I love watching this show because of "Ashley Broad", she's a pretty cute girl!

I am pretty sure you have named off every show my husband records!! I just LOVE Lizzard Lick Towing!! Cracks me up every time!!:lol:

02-22-2011, 05:47 PM
Thats a show I can not watch because I hate thieves with a passion... Keep your filthy low life hands off other peoples property :mad2:

02-22-2011, 06:45 PM
^^^I watch just to see them get caught. Their looks and actions when they realize it is hilarious.^^^

02-22-2011, 06:52 PM
Good show!

A few more worth a watch...

Operation Repo - a family owned repo business, funny as hell, getting into some pretty dangerous repos this season...

Lizard Lick Towing - family owned towing and repo, comical and fast paced, Amy is pregnant this season, but she will fight with the biggest guys out there!

All Worked Up - repos, parking tickets and process service. The process server is a joke, he never exercises his right to use self defense. This show also includes Lizard Lick Towing as well... The girl that writes the parking tickets... loud and obnoxious, not very professional at all IMHO.

Hardcore Pawn - family owned pawn business in Michigan. I love watching this show because of "Ashley Broad", she's a pretty cute girl!

All of those towing shows are FAKE! They are scripted for the shock factor. It even says in the beginning that they are "Based on actual events."
I caught a few episodes of Hardcore pawn and that show seems the most realistic of the bunch.

Thats a show I can not watch because I hate thieves with a passion... Keep your filthy low life hands off other peoples property :mad2:
Im with you Ray. If you try to steal from me, pray I don't catch you. It will be ugly. :fire:

02-22-2011, 06:54 PM
That's because you were raised right with values and morals etc. All I can say is thanks to Mom and Dad and this will surely be passed on! Scary to see the lack of others. :shake:

Ya got that right.
Thank God i had good parents at that age and still have today. Mom's would have skinned me alive after Pop's knocked me out, if they got wind of me doing anything like that.

02-24-2011, 01:56 PM
I keep expecting the season finale to have some dude come up and start stealing the rims and stereo off the decoy car... :o

RF Overlord
02-25-2011, 05:03 AM
Operation Repo is definitely fake. It's been identified as a "scripted dramatic re-enactment".

Did you honestly think that any woman would want to look as hideous as Sonia does for real?

Lizard Lick Towing and All Worked Up just have too many inconsistencies to be for real as well...

Hardcore Pawn is most likely real, but highly edited for effect....

02-25-2011, 05:15 AM
Hardcore Pawn is most likely real, but highly edited for effect....
I watched about 10 minutes of one episode, that's all I could take. They are a cheap cheap cheap rip-off of Pawn Stars, which is awesome.