View Full Version : Pirates kill hostages

Joe Walsh
02-22-2011, 08:49 AM
Just read this....


Sad news, but I will have to say this:

Why would you sail through those pirate infested waters?

We just watched "Into the Wild" (the Chris McCandless story) this past weekend, and I had the same conflicted feelings.

Sadness tempered by the question: "What did you expect? - What were you thinking!?"

02-22-2011, 08:58 AM
Why would you sail through those pirate infested waters?

I initially had the same thought. However, if you look at the map and location of Somalia .... it is pretty difficult to avoid the danger zone if yo pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea enroute to the Indian Ocean.

02-22-2011, 09:18 AM
" The US Constitution. Article I, section 8 says:

Congress shall have power … To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations.

2. Under U.S. Law, there is already authority for Civilian Mariners to defend against pirates and seize pirated vessels.

33 U.S.C. 383: Resistance of pirates by merchant vessels (source)

The commander and crew of any merchant vessel of the United States, owned wholly, or in part, by a citizen thereof, may oppose and defend against any aggression, search, restraint, depredation, or seizure, which shall be attempted upon such vessel, or upon any other vessel so owned, by the commander or crew of any armed vessel whatsoever, not being a public armed vessel of some nation in amity with the United States, and may subdue and capture the same; and may also retake any vessel so owned which may have been captured by the commander or crew of any such armed vessel, and send the same into any port of the United States."

In the late 1970's and early 1980's drug runners were killing the crews of pleasure boats in the Gulf of Mexico and stealing their boats to make a drug run. Everyone I knew who had a pleasure boat in the Gulf of Mexico was armed.

I know of commercial vessels operating in the Gulf of Mexico who have an armed security detail on board when they are operating in certain parts of the Gulf.

02-22-2011, 09:18 AM
Just read this....


Sad news, but I will have to say this:

Why would you sail through those pirate infested waters?

We just watched "Into the Wild" (the Chris McCandless story) this past weekend, and I had the same conflicted feelings.

Sadness tempered by the question: "What did you expect? - What were you thinking!?"

this is really too bad. but i understand the adventure. i mean why would anyone drive a car 150 mph? we all know the answer to that. these people were obviously risk takers and its unfortunate that they got bit. i think its incredible that there were TWO navy destroyers AND an aircraft carrier involved! i bet the pirates pants got a little dirtier...

02-22-2011, 09:19 AM
well, there will be no repercussions, our current administration will want to see if they can talk about it with the kidnappers.

RIP brother and sister Americans.....:depress:

02-22-2011, 09:40 AM
well, there will be no repercussions, our current administration will want to see if they can talk about it with the kidnappers.

RIP brother and sister Americans.....:depress:

Sad but very true!!!!!:(

02-22-2011, 09:45 AM
There was a US warship watching this. I take it they didn't blow the pirates outta the water... :mad2: Can you say bye bye B HO in 2012

02-22-2011, 10:00 AM
Too bad it happened but........

If you play with fire, you'll eventually will get burned.

What did they think would happen...

Why temp fate?

I think the navies of the world should stay right off the coast and make an announcement............ Any vessels caught in these waters will be searched. If it is determined that it is a pirate ship it WILL be sunk and all personnel onboard will be tried as pirates and executed.

BTW.... I heard that they also had bibles onboad the vessel. Maybe not a good idea when sailing Muslim waters......

02-22-2011, 10:14 AM
lots of bibles, no guns.

02-22-2011, 10:17 AM
I hear a BEER SUMMIT is being planned.:rolleyes:
That will teach them.

02-22-2011, 10:35 AM
We America should set them up and make an example of them by sloutting them. Them the other clicks would be afraid.

02-22-2011, 11:30 AM
We America should set them up and make an example of them by sloutting them. Them the other clicks would be afraid.

:confused: Did you mean "slaughtering" them? :confused: :rolleyes:

02-22-2011, 12:06 PM
Call me cold hearted but they put themselves in that situation, in those waters knowing the danger. Not that they deserved what happened, but they certainly knew the risks they were taking.

02-22-2011, 12:07 PM
Call me cold hearted but they put themselves in that situation, in those waters knowing the danger. Not that they deserved what happened, but they certainly knew the risks they were taking.

I agree......

02-22-2011, 01:00 PM
Call me cold hearted but they put themselves in that situation, in those waters knowing the danger. Not that they deserved what happened, but they certainly knew the risks they were taking.

Yep!! They should all be packing sticks and stones, guns, and rockets.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox

02-22-2011, 01:02 PM
:confused: Did you mean "slaughtering" them? :confused: :rolleyes:spell check. Yes i did.

02-22-2011, 01:15 PM
When they, the pirates are apprehended, take them way off shore into the Indian Ocean and let them swim back to Somalia. There is no trial or execution. There is no feeding, housing, or guarding them.
We are not judging them, just saying, you are unwelcome aboard our vessels.
We are allowing them the privilege of going home. Weither or not they want to.
There are no Civil Rights 12 miles off the coast of .........
Nice day for a swim.

02-22-2011, 02:35 PM
When they, the pirates are apprehended, take them way off shore into the Indian Ocean and let them swim back to Somalia. There is no trial or execution. There is no feeding, housing, or guarding them.
We are not judging them, just saying, you are unwelcome aboard our vessels.
We are allowing them the privilege of going home. Weither or not they want to.
There are no Civil Rights 12 miles off the coast of .........
Nice day for a swim.
Nice day for a swim dodging bullets :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox

Dennis Reinhart
02-22-2011, 02:48 PM
The sad part is all of will be paying for there room and board for there life time.

02-22-2011, 04:10 PM
Just read this....


Sad news, but I will have to say this:

Why would you sail through those pirate infested waters?

We just watched "Into the Wild" (the Chris McCandless story) this past weekend, and I had the same conflicted feelings.

Sadness tempered by the question: "What did you expect? - What were you thinking!?"

You're right Joe - what did they expect!
But the bigger question is why should they have had to avoid those waters? I mean it isn't the 18th century anymore!! We have the best navy in the history of the world and we can't take care of these crap 'pirates'?
There is absolutely no excuse for putting up with this torokaka. Time for some drones and subs to make some examples and hang them on the forecastle!!!! AArrr - Long John Silver is it? How 'bout a bottle of rum me matey? Here .. KABOOM!!! Do this a few times ( X 100!) and we will have a new water skiing vacation area for anyone in the world. This ***** has got to stop!!!!

02-22-2011, 05:08 PM
Just watched the news. The victims were nowhere near that 3rd world cess pool. They were in international waters miles out to sea. These alleged humans are so ignorant they fired a RPG at a US Navy destroyer not close enough to be hit, not that it would have done any damage anyway. Bad move. The SEALS responded, but it was too late. A knife fight ensued and two pirates lost. So we now have 15 left to deal with. Anyone else here see the recent video of what the Russians did with pirates? In a nutshell they went down with their ship, no choice. If I can find the video in my emails I'll post the link, but it is very, very graphic.

02-22-2011, 06:03 PM
I have a close relative who doesn't believe in religion at all. (Sometimes I have my doubts.) We have some pretty heated discussions.

He wants to know why, since these folks were doing God's work, God didn't intervene?

I can't answer him, expecially when I read that the universe is comprised of 50 billion planets that God created.

Seems like saving four people would have been a piece of cake.

02-22-2011, 06:13 PM
I have a close relative who doesn't believe in religion at all. (Sometimes I have my doubts.) We have some pretty heated discussions.

He wants to know why, since these folks were doing God's work, God didn't intervene?

I can't answer him, expecially when I read that the universe is comprised of 50 billion planets that God created.

Seems like saving four people would have been a piece of cake.

Maybe he is just too busy.

02-22-2011, 07:57 PM
Anyone else here see the recent video of what the Russians did with pirates? In a nutshell they went down with their ship, no choice. If I can find the video in my emails I'll post the link, but it is very, very graphic.

I would love to see that :bows:

02-22-2011, 08:07 PM
Just watched the news. The victims were nowhere near that 3rd world cess pool. They were in international waters miles out to sea. These alleged humans are so ignorant they fired a RPG at a US Navy destroyer not close enough to be hit, not that it would have done any damage anyway. Bad move. The SEALS responded, but it was too late. A knife fight ensued and two pirates lost. So we now have 15 left to deal with. Anyone else here see the recent video of what the Russians did with pirates? In a nutshell they went down with their ship, no choice. If I can find the video in my emails I'll post the link, but it is very, very graphic.

There was a little known / covered story back in the late 80's early 90's when hostages were being taking in the middle east. Seems some Russian's were kidnapped. A week or so later they were released. The Russians found out who kidnapped their people and started to "eliminate" the families of the kidnappers....... Solved the problem.

02-22-2011, 09:46 PM
lots of bibles, no guns.

Ah, ya see, there's yer problem right there.

Call me cold hearted but they put themselves in that situation, in those waters knowing the danger. Not that they deserved what happened, but they certainly knew the risks they were taking.

No Good deed ever goes unpunished.

Just read this....


Sad news, but I will have to say this:

Why would you sail through those pirate infested waters?

We just watched "Into the Wild" (the Chris McCandless story) this past weekend, and I had the same conflicted feelings.

Sadness tempered by the question: "What did you expect? - What were you thinking!?"

Never saw that Into the wild movie, but I did read an outdoors magazine's articles that breaks McCandless's story into nothing move than unassisted suicide: http://outsideonline.com/outside/features/1993/1993_into_the_wild_1.html

02-22-2011, 10:53 PM
well, there will be no repercussions, our current administration will want to see if they can talk about it with the kidnappers.

RIP brother and sister Americans.....:depress:

Absolute baloney.

Mr. Man
02-22-2011, 11:06 PM
We need Bait Yacht manned by Special Forces.:D

1 Bad Merc
02-23-2011, 01:08 AM
What I find ridiculus is that people expect us to police and patrol the large oceans of the world yet we cant even control our own borders!

02-23-2011, 12:31 PM
Call me cold hearted but they put themselves in that situation, in those waters knowing the danger. Not that they deserved what happened, but they certainly knew the risks they were taking.

Unfortunately this happens all the time in those waters. They had to know the risks. That is a dangerous part of the country and we forget that U.S. law and protection only happens within our borders.

02-23-2011, 03:10 PM
I found it. Its very graphic, so be warned.


Baaad GN
02-23-2011, 03:29 PM
First of all when sailing or cruising 95% of the countries will NOT allow an armed vessel to enter their port, you must hide the gun's and hope they are not found or they will be taken from you and you will be charged, especially in South American countries.
Also be careful calling these men Pirates as you could be in trouble with the Secret Service until it's determined if anyone of the 15 is related to Obama or #1 hole!

Big Black Beast
02-23-2011, 09:44 PM
They are angry at the U.S. because we are holding some of their pirate buddies hostage (in jail).:shake:

BTW, there are many parts of the world where you should NOT TAKE A BIBLE WITH YOU. And you certainly shouldn't hand them out.

02-24-2011, 03:30 AM
Well it seems things are constantly getting worst.

02-24-2011, 03:57 AM
Also be careful calling these men Pirates as you could be in trouble with the Secret Service until it's determined if anyone of the 15 is related to Obama or #1 hole!

Right............ Idiot

02-24-2011, 04:12 AM
I found it. Its very graphic, so be warned.


Great video.

Our navy should be doing that too.

02-24-2011, 08:44 AM
We need Bait Yacht manned by Special Forces.:D

And by "manned" you mean C4 with a hair trigger...