View Full Version : Political Plots

02-24-2011, 03:24 AM
Ok, does anyone see a systematic strategie being executed in the world. There have been mass uprising in dictator controlled countries over the last decade. All the years some of these countries have endured under rule of tyrants was done so under the supervision of the U.N.(who are the police in world ethics and law). So why all of a sudden the people want to get apocolyptic and violent..? And what the hell is Obama doing telling other leaders (in their own country) that they have to resign.

I read a theory once on how to overthrow a goverment. There were 3 ways.., assasinate the leader, stage a coo, or send them a gift rapped missle that says :fire:. I'm just putting it out there that these small takeovers are being controlled and manipulated. I'm doing a paper for my critical thinking course. I just want to get some opinions to see if mine is far-fetched!

02-24-2011, 04:11 AM
I think you can thank W. for a good part of the uprisings.

02-24-2011, 04:21 AM
We invaded Iraq to find those weapons of mass destruction (by the way, possession of a sawed off shotgun will get you charged with owning a weapon of mass destruction) and yellow cake Uranium, and when we couldn't find anything, our government kept repeating that we were there to spread democracy because the Iraqi people wanted it. My question is, why are we not invading Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and all the other countries that are actually protesting and dying in the streets for democracy right now? I feel ashamed that we are not in six wars helping these contries. We are fighting two wars to bring our way of life to the middle east, but why would they want our way, I don't even want our way. In the US there are 17,000+ murders commited each year. Compare that with the two current wars, about 5,000 total in almost 11 years. This country is out of control and we are sticking our nose into other countries business, nice.

02-24-2011, 05:02 AM
Ok, does anyone see a systematic strategie being executed in the world. There have been mass uprising in dictator controlled countries over the last decade. All the years some of these countries have endured under rule of tyrants was done so under the supervision of the U.N.(who are the police in world ethics and law). So why all of a sudden the people want to get apocolyptic and violent..? And what the hell is Obama doing telling other leaders (in their own country) that they have to resign.

I read a theory once on how to overthrow a goverment. There were 3 ways.., assasinate the leader, stage a coo, or send them a gift rapped missle that says :fire:. I'm just putting it out there that these small takeovers are being controlled and manipulated. I'm doing a paper for my critical thinking course. I just want to get some opinions to see if mine is far-fetched!

Hopefully you will work on your "Critical Spelling" skills before submitting that paper. ;) Even the best thought out paper will lose points if you botch up the small stuff.

And no, I don't think that this is some grand conspiracy.

02-24-2011, 05:13 AM
Ok, does anyone see a systematic strategie being executed in the world. There have been mass uprising in dictator controlled countries over the last decade. All the years some of these countries have endured under rule of tyrants was done so under the supervision of the U.N.(who are the police in world ethics and law). So why all of a sudden the people want to get apocolyptic and violent..? And what the hell is Obama doing telling other leaders (in their own country) that they have to resign.

I read a theory once on how to overthrow a goverment. There were 3 ways.., assasinate the leader, stage a coo, or send them a gift rapped missle that says :fire:. I'm just putting it out there that these small takeovers are being controlled and manipulated. I'm doing a paper for my critical thinking course. I just want to get some opinions to see if mine is far-fetched!

Hopefully you will work on your "Critical Spelling" skills before submitting that paper. ;) Even the best thought out paper will lose points if you botch up the small stuff.

And no, I don't think that this is some grand conspiracy.

Spell check is a wonderful thing............

02-24-2011, 06:08 AM
Hopefully you will work on your "Critical Spelling" skills before submitting that paper. ;) Even the best thought out paper will lose points if you botch up the small stuff.

And no, I don't think that this is some grand conspiracy.

Oh yea, no doubt G-money :D

02-24-2011, 06:49 AM
There's a lot that plays into this. In some cases we have either put these dictators in power, or have financed keeping them in power because we were in business with them, like Mubariak.
In Libya this becomes even more interesting because their uprising has sparked a more violent response. In this case I feel like we should go in and help, but as with everything in this country, major decisions are based on political backlash, and there is no way that this country would support a third war when we are hardly behind the current two.
Qaudafi knows this, so he is going to respond as a dictator would, with no fear of repercussions.
But finally, why is it our responsibility to aid these uprisings? Why does everyone look to us? I think overthrowing two government in our current wars is enough. You want freedom? Go out and get it. We did :beer:

Blk Mamba
02-24-2011, 07:05 AM
IMHO, we have much more to worry about with N. Korea, Iran, & Venezuela, with the three idiots that run those countries. They may be just waiting for us to spread ourselves too thin, and then put up an affront we will find hard to handle.

02-24-2011, 07:15 AM
There's a lot that plays into this. In some cases we have either put these dictators in power, or have financed keeping them in power because we were in business with them, like Mubariak.
In Libya this becomes even more interesting because their uprising has sparked a more violent response. In this case I feel like we should go in and help, but as with everything in this country, major decisions are based on political backlash, and there is no way that this country would support a third war when we are hardly behind the current two.
Qaudafi knows this, so he is going to respond as a dictator would, with no fear of repercussions.
But finally, why is it our responsibility to aid these uprisings? Why does everyone look to us? I think overthrowing two government in our current wars is enough. You want freedom? Go out and get it. We did :beer:

Please do not go in and "help"

It is not your responsibility and everybody is not looking to your country.

They are going out and gaining thier freedom.

Peace, :beer:

SC Cheesehead
02-24-2011, 07:19 AM
Please do not go in and "help"

It is not your responsibility and everybody is not looking to your country.

They are going out and gaining thier freedom.

Peace, :beer:

I'm in full agreement with you on this one, kernie. Need to let them get their own houses in order.

02-24-2011, 07:23 AM
I'm in full agreement with you on this one, kernie. Need to let them get their own houses in order.

We need to get OURS in order. If you cannot help yourself, how in hell can you help others?

02-24-2011, 07:25 AM
We need to get OURS in order. If you cannot help yourself, how in hell can you help others?

Best statement yet!;)

SC Cheesehead
02-24-2011, 07:26 AM
We need to get OURS in order. If you cannot help yourself, how in hell can you help others?

Best statement yet!;)

BIG +1 to those statements, guys!

02-24-2011, 08:28 AM
Doesn't make much sense, does it?? Homeless go without eating. Elderly go without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits that were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries that hate us before helping our own first.

02-24-2011, 08:35 AM
Doesn't make much sense, does it?? Homeless go without eating. Elderly go without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits that were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries that hate us before helping our own first.


We should take care of our own first.

Same goes for all those celebrities like Oprah. Instead of opening a school in" nowhere" Africa, open a school here........

02-24-2011, 08:42 AM
Tyrants and dictators being overthrown isnt anything new or unique to the last decade, or current events.

I cant began to name the changes of governments from even 1960-1980 let alone the rest of the 20th century and all of history preceding it.

There may be some validity in your thesis that the administration strong armed Mubarick to step down, but Im sure Obama's words were less threatening to him than Egyptians' fists and rocks.

If you want a critical thinking piece, how about discussing the ethics on both sides of the issue of the state senators leaving wisconsin and indiana? Theres less speculation, and more of an opinion topic which is good for those critical thinking pieces.

02-24-2011, 08:42 AM
Horsepower...... just noticed the title of this thread. I'm sure you mean "plots" not "pilots" unless your talking about a TV show :D

02-24-2011, 08:46 AM
Horsepower...... just noticed the title of this thread. I'm sure you mean "plots" not "pilots" unless your talking about a TV show :D

wasnt sure about that one either lol.

maybe 'survivor, middle east'?:rolleyes:

02-24-2011, 08:49 AM
wasnt sure about that one either lol.

maybe 'survivor, middle east'?:rolleyes:
LOL! You get a King James Bible and a bar-b-que sammich for supplies.

02-24-2011, 08:59 AM
Edited thread title.



02-24-2011, 09:15 AM
It is just the world turnning as it should, country's rise and fall like the tides............

Sun will rise tomorrow.

02-24-2011, 09:23 AM
There are always political plots, financial plots, etc etc going on all the time all over the world. There are always some men who want what is not theirs and they are willing to murder, suppress, harass, or use anything they can to gain what others have worked for. When it comes to the middle east we westerners do not understand their thought patterns and as such do not understand their culture and are at a complete disadvantage when it comes to us sticking our nose in their business and trying to help. We would be better served staying the heck out of most of these situations and let them determine their own fate. Let's see how many of these countries end up with a better more freer society after the overthrow of their present regimes, bet you it is no better.

02-24-2011, 09:49 AM
I find no reason to be in Iraq or Afghanistan, I know we are supposed to be out of Iraq but they left 50K there so we are still there. No reason to be there and most every other place we have troops plus giving money to foreign nations that hate us. Our leader has no business trying to tell other countries who their leader should be. The world is not listening to him anyway.

02-24-2011, 10:17 AM
Sun will rise tomorrow.

IT WILL!?:eek:

02-24-2011, 11:24 AM
I think you can thank W. for a good part of the uprisings.

Just wow.

People are still actually blaming George W. Bush for everything?

You do know that he is no longer in office, right?

02-24-2011, 11:29 AM
This is our fault. The information highway. Not on purpose though and would have happened no matter what. Freedom of information access and communication with others of like minds. You can't start a revolt easily if you can only spread the word physicaly by word of mouth. With phones, internet access... You piss your people off enough...

02-24-2011, 01:29 PM
Please do not go in and "help"

It is not your responsibility and everybody is not looking to your country.

They are going out and gaining thier freedom.

Peace, :beer:

That's the point I was trying to make kerne. There is a part of me that wants to help everyone willing to fight for their freedom, it just isn't realistic and we have our own issues to tend to.

But I was watching Fox news with my Dad last night and Obama was getting pasted for not taking a tougher line with Libya including sending troops. That's why responded with "why is it ourresponsibilty"

It always comes back to the same thing when we are talking about the middle east, oil.

The big fear is that this unrest will continue to spread throughout the Mideast, eventually landing in Saudi Arabi, which will greatly effect our oil supply, driving oil prices up and the stock market down.

And yet in the long run, a democratic Mideast might yield abetted market, but that could take decades

02-24-2011, 01:51 PM
Just wow.

People are still actually blaming George W. Bush for everything?

You do know that he is no longer in office, right?

He isn't? I thought he's in office as long as we're in this recession. Damn.

02-24-2011, 10:31 PM
Horsepower...... just noticed the title of this thread. I'm sure you mean "plots" not "pilots" unless your talking about a TV show :D

I'm sorry folks. :P

Pilots = The drivers on this site who are intrested in politics.

I know the site is for the marauder. Even when the topic is in the marauder unrelated section of the site. My bad;)lol