View Full Version : Troopers in Marauders?!

12-23-2003, 10:02 PM
Here is something for you all, straight out of the Miami Herald.

12-23-2003, 10:22 PM
Gotta luv this "agressive driving" nonsense...

Not that there ain't any that doesn't need to be smacked down...

But if the LEOs would start ticketing the morons in the left lane that are 'obstructing traffic' - a lot of this stuff wouldn't happen...

I have seen numerous accidents and other violations because others were trying to get around a moron holding up traffic....

FHP did a study where they found that ONE slow driver can cause a backup for 2-3 miles....

Think of all the jockeying that goes on in a 3 mile stretch with everyone trying to get around the slow guy....

So why doesn't FHP and others do something about that...???

On all interstates in Florida - there are signs in the median warning "Slow traffic - stay right"

How about a little enforcement of that?

Rant over........

12-23-2003, 10:50 PM
I agree 100%!!!

12-24-2003, 06:07 AM
however, some guys that are in a hurry also will tailgate people even when the traffic is heavy, and there are 6 or 7 cars in front of the one they're tailgating. So obviously even if the person in front of the one doing the tailgating moves aside into the righthand lane, the tailgater won't have anywhere to go anyway. Now those are also the "Morons". Right or wrong?

And then you have the aggressive drivers who refuse to give their turn signals not only when they're turning off the main road, or off of the highway, but also when they're making lane changes on the highway too. You can drive fast, and still remain curtious, and considerate of other drivers around you. That's what I do, and I don't think that's too much to ask. But people who drive fast who also think they own the road, are the reason for crack downs like this, because they're the ones who cause accidents, and they make it bad for the rest of us who drive fast sometimes.

I think that too many people look at driving as some sort of competition even in heavy traffic when being in a hurry will NOT get you anywhere anyway.:rolleyes:

12-24-2003, 06:20 AM
I agree with Billy's explanation. My biggest pet peeve is drivers who are too lazy to use turn signals. They should be used each and every time you make a lane or directional change. Otherwise you are surprising all of the other drivers around you and you eventually will cause an accident.

The use of signals is mandatory especially for those of you who drive fast and make frequent lane changes to go around those 'discourteous' slow ones.

Make it a habit. Use signals even when you turn into your driveway.


12-24-2003, 06:29 AM
I sometimes get the impression that some of the younger drivers on the road who drive fast must think that being curtious while behind the wheel is for old farts and people who drive slow. And they have an absolutely wrong conception.

If they think I drive slow, just because I'm curtious, then they must be surprised when they try to pass me and they can't.:P

....but ofcourse that inability of their's to pass me only applies for when there's light traffic where there's room since driving fast and making bazillion lane changes all over the place in heavy traffic gets you no where, and neglecting to give your turn signal even makes it worse and makes you look more like a moron.

12-24-2003, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by uwsacf

But if the LEOs would start ticketing the morons in the left lane that are 'obstructing traffic' - a lot of this stuff wouldn't happen...

Rant over........

Can't ticket somebody for obstructing traffic in the left lane..... if they are doing the speed limit. :)

12-24-2003, 07:07 AM
a good point that SHERIFF has made.;)

Dr Caleb
12-24-2003, 08:28 AM
Sherrif does have a point. But the law around here is still "keep right except to pass". Unless you're passing someone, it's called "failure to yeld to a passing vehicle", even if the vehicle is speeding.

So does Billy. I can drive the speed limit in the *right* lane and get tailgated. I can drive the speed limit on a two lane road, 2 seconds behind another vehicle, and get tailgated.

Tailgateing me does not make all the vehicles in front of me go faster. It's dangerous and aggrivates me.

12-24-2003, 09:21 AM
I've seen one FHP Marauder in Miami this past October. Looked fine.

12-24-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Dr Caleb
Sherrif does have a point. But the law around here is still "keep right except to pass". Unless you're passing someone,

Although I was more or less making a valid point in the form of a joke.... we have the same law you mention. All the law does is clear the left lane for people who want to drive recklessly though. :)

§ 46.2-802. Drive on right side of highways.

Except as otherwise provided by law, on all highways of sufficient width, the driver of a vehicle shall drive on the right half of the highway, unless it is impracticable to travel on such side of the highway and except when overtaking and passing another vehicle, subject to the provisions applicable to overtaking and passing set forth in Article 4 (§ 46.2-837 et seq.) of this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 46-220; 1952, c. 671; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-203; 1989, c. 727.)

12-24-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Dr Caleb
Tailgateing me does not make all the vehicles in front of me go faster. It's dangerous and aggrivates me.

There is an easy solution..... :)


12-24-2003, 11:26 AM
hey who is going to be the first one to get some photos of one of those babys!

Dr Caleb
12-24-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by SHERIFF
There is an easy solution..... :)


I contemplated building a remote opener for the trunk and a large boxing glove, Wile. E. Coyote style.

12-24-2003, 01:09 PM
back in sept when iwas looking to purchase a mm for my wife
iwas going through the local dealers inventory and noticed they had 6 mm all black iwas only looking for one , i contacted the dealer to make a purchase they told me they had none available
when i asked about the 6 in their stock i was told they were all sold 2 to broward county pd and four to a state law enforcement
agency i thought they were pulling my leg lol go figure

Donny Carlson
12-24-2003, 03:21 PM
Man, between Directedby and uwscf, you can get motion sickness!

But in a HAPPY sort of way!!:D

12-24-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by SHERIFF
Can't ticket somebody for obstructing traffic in the left lane..... if they are doing the speed limit. :) In NYS the left lane is for passing only and the you must move to the right.

12-24-2003, 09:02 PM
O.K., I have to put my $.02 in here. I very rarely drive in the left or passing lane. It is a sure free pass to a ticket. I drive in the right lane on the interstates most of the time particularly at night. Traffic rarely slows me down and I safety pass others as necessary. Police will speed cruise the passing lane looking for prey to pounce-on. Once in a while I will try the passing lane and I am still amazed at how the sea parts in front of me. Think what it will be like when more and more police departments purchase MM for police work. Must share an experience - I was driving to work near my home on a two lane road and I was driving toward one of our many black county police and sheriff cars and the LEO wave to me. The county now has black CVPI with no lights for stealth traffic enforcement. It just gets better and better.


12-24-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Glenn
Once in a while I will try the passing lane and I am still amazed at how the sea parts in front of me.

Wow! That's a lot different than Connecticut and New York. That's for sure. In those states there are sometimes actuallty more cars in the left lane than there are in the right! The only time it's different is real late at night on a weekday.

12-25-2003, 07:08 AM
Tailgating and failing to merge until the last second are what causes the traffic tie ups in combination with left lane riders. I want a bumper sticker for my MM, "the closer you get, the slower I'll go"