View Full Version : Pet Peeve(s)

Joe Walsh
02-28-2011, 04:36 PM
I have long ago given up on "trusting a turn signal"....as most driver's don't know what that stalk coming off the steering column is for!
The drivers that do manage to use a turn signal usually leave it blinking ad infinitum.


What really gets me peeved is the following friggin' idiots:

- After two years of driving with one of my headlights burned out....I just noticed it!
- (Actually, a friend noticed it as I left our work parking lot and they told me about it the next day.)


- I've considered changing it myself....but it seems like a very difficult and dangerous repair!
- I called a local shop and they want too much money to replace it.
- I just realized that, if I keep my high beams on ALL THE TIME it works just as well as the regular headlights!
- GEEE....this solution works great for me! :shake:

Well...the other evening I had someone (it turned out to be a Lexus driver...imagine that...:rolleyes:) following me with their high beams on.
They were killing my night vision and I was trying to get the A-hole off of my rear bumper.
Unfortunately they were using their "I'm an idiot and follow way too close" 'tractor beam' and were locked on to me!....:mad2:
I decided to slow wayyyyy down until they could no longer maintain their tractor beam lock and they finally pulled around me....
and made the critical mistake
...of pulling in front of me!
I now had the opportunity to "introduce" the Lexus driver to my PIAA headlights and foglights.
(I've wired my foglights, regular and high beam headlights in my Ranger to all to stay on when I hit the high beams....heh heh heh....:D)
Needless to say....Mrs. Lexus got her retinas burned out of her eyeballs for the next 5 miles.....:eek:
When I eventually pulled out to pass her....low and behold....she had kicked off her high beams and was motoring along, obliviously,
with one regular headlight beam on!

Mission accomplished!

I feel so good when I can help out a fellow motorist!

02-28-2011, 04:41 PM
Joe i love your threads! :beer:


02-28-2011, 04:48 PM
Pet Peeve:
Finding out my wife's new bra has more than one snap! :mad2:

02-28-2011, 04:53 PM
Pet Peeve:

When someone asks me what time it is, while pointing at their wrist. (Het asshat, I know where my watch is)

02-28-2011, 04:56 PM
Pet Peeve:

When someone asks me what time it is, while pointing at their wrist. (Het asshat, I know where my watch is)

Pet peeve:
When someone asks me what time it is, and they are WEARING A WATCH!!!

02-28-2011, 04:58 PM
Pet peeve:
When someone asks me what time it is, and they are WEARING A WATCH!!!

No doubt, or when everyone and their mother seems to have a cell phone, and all they have to do is look at it.

also get annoyed when someone says "You can't have your cake and eat it too"

Why the hell not, it's cake, it's meant to be eaten, and damnit if I have it, I'm chomping on it.

02-28-2011, 04:59 PM
Why is it that people leave their headlights on while sitting in line at school?

I am sitting there with Caitlin at her school when this SUV pulls up behind me. The person is skewed to my left and the damn headlights were hitting all 3 mirrors.


Caitlin is telling me how bright the headlights are (as if I couldn't tell) and holding her hand over her eyes.

After about 5 minutes of this, I politely walk up to the SUV behind me and tap on the womans window.

Now, I could already tell this was not going to go well at all just by the look on the woman's face.

I asked if she could please turn off her headlights as they were blinding me and my daughter.

This woman lookas at me and with the meanest reply says: Why don't you adjust your mirrors!?"

WTF??? :puke:

There was a pause from me as most replies going thru my head would have probably landed me in jail, or the Principal's office. LOL!

I replied: "You're blinding me in ALL my mirrors!"

She lunged forward letting out a big puff of air and smacks her headlight switch turning them off.

When I said "Thank you" her window was already up and she was staring straight ahead.


To this day there are several cars that still will not kill their headlights while sitting in line and in park.


THAT is one of my many peeves.


02-28-2011, 05:01 PM
Why is it that people leave their headlights on while sitting in line at school?

I am sitting there with Caitlin at her school when this SUV pulls up behind me. The person is skewed to my left and the damn headlights were hitting all 3 mirrors.


Caitlin is telling me how bright the headlights are (as if I couldn't tell) and holding her hand over her eyes.

After about 5 minutes of this, I politely walk up to the SUV behind me and tap on the womans window.

Now, I could already tell this was not going to go well at all just by the look on the woman's face.

I asked if she could please turn off her headlights as they were blinding me and my daughter.

This woman lookas at me and with the meanest reply says: Why don't you adjust your mirrors!?"

WTF??? :puke:

There was a pause from me as most replies going thru my head would have probably landed me in jail, or the Principal's office. LOL!

I replied: "You're blinding me in ALL my mirrors!"

She lunged forward letting out a big puff of air and smacks her headlight switch turning them off.

When I said "Thank you" her window was already up and she was staring straight ahead.


To this day there are several cars that still will not kill their headlights while sitting in line and in park.


THAT is one of my many peeves.


I hate that, i mean your car has parking lights, so when in park, use the parking lights if you must have them on.

It's like the idiots walking down a walkway and then just stop, for no reason.
It's called a walkway, not a standway.

Or people that put their car in park in a drive through, it's not a "park through"

02-28-2011, 05:02 PM
When you're lining up at the tree and then realize that no one is lining up in the next lane to go because they want to line up with their buddy behind you. :(
(And then miss the green because you're craning your neck to see what's going on!) :D

02-28-2011, 05:06 PM
Pet Peeve:
Finding out my wife's new bra has more than one snap! :mad2:

http://s.shld.net/is/image/Sears/00917342000_20090912075929999? hei=600&wid=600&op_sharpen=1&qlt=90,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0



02-28-2011, 06:51 PM
Pet Peeve:
Finding out my wife's new bra has more than one snap! :mad2:
More clips means tigger Bitties DUH! THATS GOOD...

My pet peeves.

Left lane drivers.

Asshats, oops neighbors, from across the street with a General Motors SUV with day time running lights that come home at midnight, back into their garage pointing the headlights directly at my bedroom window while they proceed to listen to music.

People who do NOT use turn signals to change lanes.

Not enough midgets to go around.

Left lane drivers.

People who can't for the life of them park straight.

Needing to poop when i'm in the field wearing four layers of clothes and my bibs AND having to poo in ice cold blue water in a frozen plastic closet.

People who take a cell phone pic of my car because I had to use the shoulder to pass because they would not leave their precious left lane... Exactly what good is that photo a MILE after the fact??? Dum dum:shake:

This worlds safety police. Aren't some of the human race just a little tooooo concerned about everyone elses life?

Oh hell, I have WAY too many pet peeves.. The meds help, but only a little.

Blk Mamba
02-28-2011, 07:07 PM
People who pull up on you in traffic, then when you change lanes, they change, then when you change back, they do also, then you speed up, and of course they do also, slow down, Etc., Etc.

02-28-2011, 07:14 PM
-Customers who don't pick up their dog's **** before I show up to do lawncare
-Customers who walk up to me while I'm wearing a respirator and chem suit while spraying a tree and ask "Is it safe for me to be around you?"
-Customers who accuse my chemicals of creating "mutant" half tadpole-half frog abominations. Yes, I'm serious.
-Customers who tell me how great their yard looks and then don't pay up
-Customers who mow their lawn the day after I apply fertilizer and then b**** about how bad it looks weeks later
-Customers who put exotic weeds in their pond because they look pretty and then go ballistic when they take over after we advise them against introducing exotic species
-... and Lack of turn signal usage

Seriously most of my customers are genuinely great people, but I also have some real assbags.

02-28-2011, 07:30 PM
i only use turn signals if people are near me.

i hate when people put cruise control on in a zone thats known to have cops around. like its going to keep the cops away, learn to use the ****ing gas pedel

02-28-2011, 07:32 PM
People who pull up on you in traffic, then when you change lanes, they change, then when you change back, they do also, then you speed up, and of course they do also, slow down, Etc., Etc.
I thought those people were called the BORED cops? Last week I had a Chicago Police Airport ASS do this untill I gave him a reason to pull me over! Almost 3 miles of damn near rubbing my back bumper!

02-28-2011, 07:48 PM
I really enjoy driving behind brainless buttholes who see a squad car and decide, hey. Let's drive under the speed limit. Because I'm an idiot and think I'll get pulled over for driving the speed limit.
I think my biggest one is when I see some illegals all packed in a car/truck and for the life of them can not match the speedometer needle with a number on the speedometer with the same ***** number on the big white speed limit sign that they just passed 4 of.
***** IDIOTS!!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Joe Walsh
02-28-2011, 07:59 PM
How about the D-bags who park a primered, beat-to-$h*t, POS Ricer diagonally across two parking spots!


Like that $250 Honda Civic needs to be protected from any potential damage!.....:shake:

02-28-2011, 08:05 PM
How about... When you and everyone else pull to the side of the road to let an emergency vehicle go by and then it's like half the people race back in to get pole position! WTF???

02-28-2011, 08:25 PM
I also like watching the "traffic report" as I am sitting on my sofa.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

02-28-2011, 08:27 PM
Another person who should be shot in the face. Is a guy I saw last week driving 50mph in the left lane on a 3 lane tollway with a spare donut tire on. WTF!!!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-01-2011, 02:58 AM
Pet Peeves:

Being born too late for my own time.


Hybrid cars

Stereo Recordings

No longer half price days at the junkyards

The existence of alcohol

The existence of drugs




People who only wanna race for money

The inventor of Napster


gage ear rings

Women who are attracted to a-holes

Parking tickets

Current movies

I hate alcohol
I hate smokes
I hate drugs
I hate people
I hate women and they hate me
I hate new music
I hate the latest trend
I hate ipods
I hate trendy ****'s
I hate people in abusive relationships
I hate musicians having a carrier off new music
I hate religion
I hate authority
I hate drunks
I hate narrow minded people
I hate people who hate gay people
I hate girls who keep falling for a-holes
I hate show offs
I hate posers
I hate punks
I hate soda
I hate current Green Day fans
I hate politics
I hate the media
I hate the radio
I hate bands that cover songs
I hate people who ware Ramones shirts... you know who you are
I hate girls who think staying distant is smart
I hate drunk drivers
I hate people who hold grudges
I hate people who treat women like crap
I hate people who insult others
I hate subwoofers
I hate big wheels
I hate victory records
I hate Cleveland.... Adam is cool and so is CRUZTAKER.
I hate remakes
I hate racist people
I hate people that get what I deserve
I hate people that take advantage of others
I hate people who grow up too fast
I hate people who hate me when they don't know me
I hate people that call Nitrous nawwss
I hate sports... except Da Bears
I hate machanics
I hate emissions testing
I hate suburban cops
I hate state troopers (except Michigan)
I hate cocky people
I hate wet farts
I hate computers
I hate what The Sex Pistols did for others
I hate clean air people
I hate nazis
I hate most modern cars
I hate people who look down on you if you don't know what they are talking about
I hate that all my favorites are dead or almost there
I hate Chicago Love Taps
I hate people who see women as objects
I hate car problems
I hate having to buy new tires all the time
I hate when people steal from me
I hate parking tickets
I hate brats
I hate frats
I hate jerks
I hate peer pressue excuses
I hate speed traps
I hate the government
I hate being taken advantage of
I hate people who don't call back
I hate people who screw you over if your view differs
I hate bars
I hate alternative fuel cars
I hate fashion
I hate A&F
I hate party people
I hate gangs
I hate asshats
I hate blink 182.... A LOT!!!!!
I hate people who think they can play guitar
I hate people who ask for money
I hate alcoholics
I hate drug addicts
I hate people who celebrate being drunk
I hate mtv
I hate product placement
I hate lower back tattoos (tramp stamps)
I hate fog
I hate people who think their in love
I hate it when people get married young
I hate the war
I hate knifes
I hate people that buy the newest thing... ALL THE TIME
I hate people that don't pay attention
I hate abusive parents
I hate Jesus Freaks
I hate bush folks
I hate chick flicks A LOT
I hate the modern world
I really hate people.

I love my car and I love my records.


03-01-2011, 04:58 AM
I dislike priveledged people who have much more than most but never stop complaining.


03-01-2011, 05:23 AM
More clips means tigger Bitties DUH! THATS GOOD...

My pet peeves.

Left lane drivers.

Asshats, oops neighbors, from across the street with a General Motors SUV with day time running lights that come home at midnight, back into their garage pointing the headlights directly at my bedroom window while they proceed to listen to music.

People who do NOT use turn signals to change lanes.

Not enough midgets to go around.

Left lane drivers.

People who can't for the life of them park straight.

Needing to poop when i'm in the field wearing four layers of clothes and my bibs AND having to poo in ice cold blue water in a frozen plastic closet.

People who take a cell phone pic of my car because I had to use the shoulder to pass because they would not leave their precious left lane... Exactly what good is that photo a MILE after the fact??? Dum dum:shake:

This worlds safety police. Aren't some of the human race just a little tooooo concerned about everyone elses life?

Oh hell, I have WAY too many pet peeves.. The meds help, but only a little.

^^^Those are my biggest pet peeves^^^ When I'm backing into my drive, I always shut off my headlights because I have some common courtesy :D

03-01-2011, 05:24 AM
Pet Peeves:

Being born too late for my own time.


Hybrid cars

Stereo Recordings

No longer half price days at the junkyards

The existence of alcohol

The existence of drugs




People who only wanna race for money

The inventor of Napster


gage ear rings

Women who are attracted to a-holes

Parking tickets

Current movies

I hate alcohol
I hate smokes
I hate drugs
I hate people
I hate women and they hate me
I hate new music
I hate the latest trend
I hate ipods
I hate trendy ****'s
I hate people in abusive relationships
I hate musicians having a carrier off new music
I hate religion
I hate authority
I hate drunks
I hate narrow minded people
I hate people who hate gay people
I hate girls who keep falling for a-holes
I hate show offs
I hate posers
I hate punks
I hate soda
I hate current Green Day fans
I hate politics
I hate the media
I hate the radio
I hate bands that cover songs
I hate people who ware Ramones shirts... you know who you are
I hate girls who think staying distant is smart
I hate drunk drivers
I hate people who hold grudges
I hate people who treat women like crap
I hate people who insult others
I hate subwoofers
I hate big wheels
I hate victory records
I hate Cleveland.... Adam is cool and so is CRUZTAKER.
I hate remakes
I hate racist people
I hate people that get what I deserve
I hate people that take advantage of others
I hate people who grow up too fast
I hate people who hate me when they don't know me
I hate people that call Nitrous nawwss
I hate sports... except Da Bears
I hate machanics
I hate emissions testing
I hate suburban cops
I hate state troopers (except Michigan)
I hate cocky people
I hate wet farts
I hate computers
I hate what The Sex Pistols did for others
I hate clean air people
I hate nazis
I hate most modern cars
I hate people who look down on you if you don't know what they are talking about
I hate that all my favorites are dead or almost there
I hate Chicago Love Taps
I hate people who see women as objects
I hate car problems
I hate having to buy new tires all the time
I hate when people steal from me
I hate parking tickets
I hate brats
I hate frats
I hate jerks
I hate peer pressue excuses
I hate speed traps
I hate the government
I hate being taken advantage of
I hate people who don't call back
I hate people who screw you over if your view differs
I hate bars
I hate alternative fuel cars
I hate fashion
I hate A&F
I hate party people
I hate gangs
I hate asshats
I hate blink 182.... A LOT!!!!!
I hate people who think they can play guitar
I hate people who ask for money
I hate alcoholics
I hate drug addicts
I hate people who celebrate being drunk
I hate mtv
I hate product placement
I hate lower back tattoos (tramp stamps)
I hate fog
I hate people who think their in love
I hate it when people get married young
I hate the war
I hate knifes
I hate people that buy the newest thing... ALL THE TIME
I hate people that don't pay attention
I hate abusive parents
I hate Jesus Freaks
I hate bush folks
I hate chick flicks A LOT
I hate the modern world
I really hate people.

I love my car and I love my records.


Tell us how you really feel Dom :beer:

Joe Walsh
03-01-2011, 05:41 AM
WOW Dom!

I thought that I was angry...

You lost me when you said that you hated women, cigars and beer.

(BTW: there are meds for your condition.)

03-01-2011, 06:25 AM
Other drivers, period, including people on this website.

03-01-2011, 07:39 AM
Pet peeve:
Watching Charlie Sheen flush himself down the toilet! Gimee all that $! I'll show you how to have fun without drugs! Now where did I park my Ferrari 430???

03-01-2011, 07:51 AM
Yup. Saw a ricer the other day with two donut holes on the back. Can't wait till the day when it is fashionable to have a full set on your car.
Back to pet peeves, when you are in a restaurant or doctors office and some goon with a t-shirt hanging out on a cell phone hollering at his 400 lb wife about not feeding the dog at loud volume.

03-01-2011, 08:58 AM
Hook your toilet up to the hot water line... Duh! :D In before the lock!

03-01-2011, 09:02 AM
I hate it when you make an offer on a house contingent on sale of existing home (so you can use the equity as part of down payment) and some asshat tries to buy your new house out from under you for $500 more than you offered.

And I hate Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller. People who aren't funny need to wear shock collars to deter them from making movies.

03-01-2011, 09:05 AM

I also hate people who make $300,000+ a year and complain about an extra $5,000 in taxes.

I dislike priveledged people who have much more than most but never stop complaining.


SC Cheesehead
03-01-2011, 09:10 AM
Elwood (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): Illinois Nazis.
Jake (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000004/): I hate Illinois Nazis.

03-01-2011, 09:10 AM
I hate when you wave someone out into traffic after they have been waiting awhile and don't give the THANK YOU wave back!

03-01-2011, 09:50 AM
WOW Dom!

I thought that I was angry...

You lost me when you said that you hated women, cigars and beer.

(BTW: there are meds for your condition.)

Oh yeah. You can never trust them, they are always talking, always complaining how they cannot find Mr. Right when that person is right in front of them, there is a week out of the month that can really test your temper, all they ever do is play games and complain on how men are players.... I can keep going on and on.

Always a song for something.


Paul T. Casey
03-01-2011, 09:51 AM
All the dopes who believe the center lane is a travel lane on a 3 lane (one direction) highway. It's the passing lane you idiots. (Anyone who drives a vehicle with commercial plates knows this).

03-01-2011, 09:56 AM
Aholes that don't turn their shoulders while walking in a crowded mall.

03-01-2011, 09:57 AM
It's not the 5K they are griping about, it is the fact that it starts with 5K more this year, how about 15K next year and 30K after that? Hell, they aren't going to miss it... Flat tax! Problem solved.

I guess I should air a pet peeve as well. How about the lazy f'ers who leave their shopping carts in the parking lot instead of returning it to the cart corral 15 feet away.

I also hate people who make $300,000+ a year and complain about an extra $5,000 in taxes.

03-01-2011, 09:58 AM
People that think the "rich" pay too little in taxes.

03-01-2011, 10:05 AM
People whose shopping carts are full of boxes of Ho-Hos, RingDings, Twinkies and Cupcakes and have the cajones to reach for a few two liters of DIET soft drink! :shake: Why bother at that point...

03-01-2011, 10:15 AM
I hate it when people complain about things they hate lol!

03-01-2011, 10:16 AM
Hmmm, too many to list I guess. Probably my number 1 is the Giant Horned Forest Rat that we have far too many of, that most people believe are beautiful. They are, but being dumber than than a box of rocks they can not stay away from roads, being killed by the thousands driving everyones insurance up and my blood pressure everytime I drive at night...

03-01-2011, 08:24 PM
I hate that the media never reports on how our government is screwing everyone of us that has a job.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-01-2011, 08:30 PM
People who don't understand the ugly rich-poor gap and then will defend the filthy rich, big oil, big buisness at the same time as they are being screwed by them.

Double dumb.

SC Cheesehead
03-01-2011, 08:36 PM
People who don't understand the ugly rich-poor gap and then will defend the filthy rich, big oil, big buisness at the same time as they are being screwed by them.

Double dumb.

:shake: Ain't buying it, Kommrade... ;)

03-02-2011, 06:50 AM
Living in NYC will help me create a list that would be way too long to type out.
Ill just make it general. People that do things or say things that I find annoying or make me wanna rip you out of your vehicle and beat you with your car door is my pet peeve. I tend to interact or share the road with these people on a daily basis. :mad2:

03-02-2011, 07:04 AM
Living in NYC will help me create a list that would be way too long to type out.
Ill just make it general. People that do things or say things that I find annoying or make me wanna rip you out of your vehicle and beat you with your car door is my pet peeve. I tend to interact or share the road with these people on a daily basis. :mad2:

You need to drive the Marauder to work, brother! It eases all kinds of tension, including sexual. (But that's my business) :beer:

03-02-2011, 07:21 AM
Living in NYC will help me create a list that would be way too long to type out.
Ill just make it general. People that do things or say things that I find annoying or make me wanna rip you out of your vehicle and beat you with your car door is my pet peeve. I tend to interact or share the road with these people on a daily basis. :mad2:

As long as I am not on that list I am happy. :)

the Marauder eases all kinds of tension, including sexual. (But that's my business) :beer:

Yeah it does, but more so helps me forget.

03-02-2011, 09:50 AM
Living in NYC will help me create a list that would be way too long to type out.
Ill just make it general. People that do things or say things that I find annoying or make me wanna rip you out of your vehicle and beat you with your car door is my pet peeve. I tend to interact or share the road with these people on a daily basis. :mad2:

Oh, you mean driving in Manhattan. :rolleyes:

Joe Walsh
03-02-2011, 09:53 AM
Oh, you mean driving a HUGE TRUCK in Manhattan. :rolleyes:

There...fixed it for ya!

BTW: I have NO idea how Paul maintains his sanity.

03-02-2011, 09:59 AM
Government in 2007 didn't screw me.

My company did as part of a "resource adjustment"..

Did the government help cause the economic problems?

Yes, Rep and Dems both, but we were to blame as well.

03-02-2011, 10:18 AM
Oh yeah. You can never trust them, they are always talking, always complaining how they cannot find Mr. Right when that person is right in front of them, there is a week out of the month that can really test your temper, all they ever do is play games and complain on how men are players.... I can keep going on and on.

Whenever I have that problem, I find a new one. The second you become something that can be walked on is the second it's gonna happen to you. If you're a great guy, then be a great guy and let them figure it out, just do your own thing (cause that's what they do with or without you anyways.)

BTW, no one actually cares about a "good guy", people only care about interesting guys. So if you focus on being an interesting person then find someone, you can seal the deal by being the most awesome guy ever for them. If the girl is really worth it, you won't lose if you do this, trust me on that.

03-02-2011, 10:45 AM
People who don't understand the ugly rich-poor gap and then will defend the filthy rich, big oil, big buisness at the same time as they are being screwed by them.

Double dumb.

People with your belief system have been in charge of Detroit for the last 50 years. Now THAT'S dumb. Enough said.

By the way, I am not rich, and in fact have a hard time paying my bills. I am just a firm believer in people making their own way, not blaming the world around them for all their problems. I know it's a hard concept to grasp for the entitlement culture.

03-02-2011, 10:51 AM
There...fixed it for ya!

BTW: I have NO idea how Paul maintains his sanity.

Oh that's easy... He just texts me throughout the day about all the idiots he come across... (or runs over :D)

My pet peeve, (among many) people who enter the express way going 20 mph while I'm already driving on it going 70! When I come back to work after being off and my chair is repositioned. Grr! :mad2:Oh and as mentioned previously, people who ask the time or date when they have a damn computer & clock right in front of them!!! :shake:

Joe Walsh
03-02-2011, 10:58 AM
Oh that's easy... He just texts me throughout the day about all the idiots he come across... (or runs over :D)

Sounds like a recipe for carpal tunnel syndrome!

03-02-2011, 12:14 PM
Oh that's easy... He just texts me throughout the day about all the idiots he come across... (or runs over :D)

My pet peeve, (among many) people who enter the express way going 20 mph while I'm already driving on it going 70! When I come back to work after being off and my chair is repositioned. Grr! :mad2:Oh and as mentioned previously, people who ask the time or date when they have a damn computer & clock right in front of them!!! :shake:

My sister inlaw is a strap hanger. When we went to FL last year she drove my mother inlaw back and did that on I95 everytime. Drove me knuts to point that I said something about becoming a road pizza. Then I was told I don't know how to drive??? Wait, I drove a PD car for 33 years at that point. I don't know how to drive? From a strap hanger??? :mad2:

03-02-2011, 12:16 PM
You need to drive the Marauder to work, brother! It eases all kinds of tension, including sexual. (But that's my business) :beer:

That leads to more stress dealing with the idiots early in the morning then the dopes on the way home. Weekends and out of state drives are more enjoyable with the car.

As long as I am not on that list I am happy. :).

You didnt make the list. But there is alway room on it. :D

Oh, you mean driving in Manhattan. :rolleyes:

Any of the five boroughs. Manhattan especially!

BTW: I have NO idea how Paul maintains his sanity.
I go to my happy place and wish violence to those who piss me off. ;)

03-02-2011, 12:23 PM
Whenever I have that problem, I find a new one. The second you become something that can be walked on is the second it's gonna happen to you. If you're a great guy, then be a great guy and let them figure it out, just do your own thing (cause that's what they do with or without you anyways.)

BTW, no one actually cares about a "good guy", people only care about interesting guys. So if you focus on being an interesting person then find someone, you can seal the deal by being the most awesome guy ever for them. If the girl is really worth it, you won't lose if you do this, trust me on that.

Oh yeah I know what you mean. That's why I have my girlfriend. It's a great relationship. Before that just getting the attention of a woman without giving away that you want attention is a about as difficult as driving on ice with a 3500 stall TC. I have a good thing, I'm not tempted by anyone, but believe me there are times she will catch me starting at others. :cool:

Still I find them out there with the same problems. It's really annoying and I always wanna help, but always get burned, Not saying getting burned means not getting "any" but they just don't listen and keep making the same decisions and continue to feel miserable. :shake:

I have come to the conclusion every woman in their 20's wants to get married and every dude in their 20's wants to get around. I guess that's why older dudes wanna marry younger girls. Everyone is happy.... right? :confused:

03-02-2011, 04:49 PM
Oh yeah I know what you mean. That's why I have my girlfriend. It's a great relationship. Before that just getting the attention of a woman without giving away that you want attention is a about as difficult as driving on ice with a 3500 stall TC. I have a good thing, I'm not tempted by anyone, but believe me there are times she will catch me starting at others. :cool:

Still I find them out there with the same problems. It's really annoying and I always wanna help, but always get burned, Not saying getting burned means not getting "any" but they just don't listen and keep making the same decisions and continue to feel miserable. :shake:

I have come to the conclusion every woman in their 20's wants to get married and every dude in their 20's wants to get around. I guess that's why older dudes wanna marry younger girls. Everyone is happy.... right? :confused:

I have my theories, I think a lot of it involves a struggle between trying to fit the social norms and trying to actually fulfill personal desires. I don't fault the silly ones for what they want really, just that they don't seem to make a very serious attempt at handling the problems or feelings they have in a productive or logical manner. But then again that isn't really gender-exclusive anyways. A LOT of what people complain about when it comes to the opposite sex isn't gender-exclusive.

03-02-2011, 05:27 PM
-People that don't have their money ready to pay at the register when they just waited in a long ass line rolling their eye about how long it's taking.
-People that hand me a wad of crumpled bills and run out the door telling me what pump they are on and how much.
-The people above not having the amount they said was there.
-People that cut in line.
-Snotty 18&19 year old girls that get an attitude when I ID them for a pack of cigs.........uhhhhh....Its in the car, Do you want me to go get it????........No honey thats ok I can see it from here!
People that buy a 3

03-02-2011, 06:48 PM
I hate people that buy a vowel, when the puzzle is so obvious. :lol:

I hate asshats that ride all the down until the lane ends and then force their way over when they ahve known for a mile that their lane is ending (people who do this cause 90% of the traffic problems)

I hate people that blame their crappy life on everyone else except themselves

I hate people who have a victim mentality (meaning crap always happens to them, not because of them)

I hate people that fail to use common sense and take the literal meaning of everything

I hate sore losers

I hate sore winners

I hate stubbing my toe on furniture that I haven't moved for 2 years, you'd think I'd learn it was there by now.

I hate the fact that men can go topless in public, which I don't want to see, and yet if women (who I do want to see) do it, it's somehow indecent

I hate people that ramble on about all the things they hate

I hate peppermint schnapps, I mean is that crap really necessary and has anyone drank it without hoarking

I hate waking up 10 minutes before my alram goes off

I hate when my alarm wakes me up on a day off because I forgot to turn it off

I hate it when I gotta fart, but I'm not too sure how it will turn out so I hold it in until I can get to the head

I hate when people act way younger than their age

I hate when people act way older than their age

I hate reality TV

I hate spinoffs that are the same damn show except in a different city, what's next, CSI Tulsa

That oughta do it for now

03-02-2011, 06:50 PM
I hate waking up 10 minutes before my alram goes off

I hate spinoffs that are the same damn show except in a different city, what's next, CSI Tulsa

That oughta do it for now

Those two made me bust out laughing. :beer:

03-02-2011, 06:58 PM
^^^^^ PonyUp - :lol::lol:!!!
You are so right!! (Except the reality tv. LOVE IT!)

03-02-2011, 07:01 PM
^^^^^ PonyUp - :lol::lol:!!!
You are so right!! (Except the reality tv. LOVE IT!)

Well I do love when the realidiots get drunk on national TV, get in fights, pass out in the street and throw up on each other. While I have never seen Jersey shore, seems to me like the spin off should be that one chick that keeps giving interviews, shows how stupid she is, and then just sits there with a dumb look on her face, I shalle call it Jersey Whore

Masterpiece in the making

03-02-2011, 07:03 PM
I hate when I goto McDonalds and all the employees dont, can't or don't want to speak English.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-02-2011, 07:05 PM
I also really really hate people that where a pair of pants with a belt yet half of their ass is still showing.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-02-2011, 07:08 PM
I also really really hate people that where a pair of pants with a belt yet half of their ass is still showing.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

You just hate that because of how it makes you feel in your pants :beer:

03-02-2011, 07:13 PM
Well I do love when the realidiots get drunk on national TV, get in fights, pass out in the street and throw up on each other. While I have never seen Jersey shore, seems to me like the spin off should be that one chick that keeps giving interviews, shows how stupid she is, and then just sits there with a dumb look on her face, I shalle call it Jersey Whore

Masterpiece in the making

Lololol!! That's what make the shows so awesome! Seeing other people's melt downs is hilarious!!

Which reminds me - Another pet peeve: Girls who "act" like they're drunk so the stupid crap they pull can be "excused". Dummies. :shake:

03-02-2011, 07:13 PM
Lololol!! That's what make the shows so awesome! Seeing other people's melt downs is hilarious!!

Which reminds me - Another pet peeve: Girls who "act" like they're drunk so the stupid crap they pull can be "excused". Dummies. :shake:

If they are only acting to be drunk, it's okay to take advantage of them right?

03-02-2011, 07:14 PM
I also really really hate people that WHERE a pair of pants with a belt yet half of their ass is still showing.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

I hate when people use the wrong word such as "where"!! :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-02-2011, 07:20 PM
I hate when people use the wrong word such as "where"!! :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

:lol::lol:Self Spell check awesome

Oooh, I also hate when people sing with a song but have no clue what the words are, damnit that means I hate myslef

03-02-2011, 07:21 PM
If they are only acting to be drunk, it's okay to take advantage of them right?

I guess. But then again if the only way they can be taken advantage OF is to make pretend they're drunk, doens't that tell ya something about THEM?? :rolleyes: ;) :D

I hate when people use the wrong word such as "where"!! :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

OMG YES! And "their" instead or "there". I can go on an on....

03-02-2011, 07:29 PM
I also really really really hate when people will use the word "are" instead of "our". I hear it everyday on TV, radio and people around me. For instance. "Thats are dog in the window". No you Fkface. It's, "Thats our dog in the window"!

And I also notice people will say fer instead of for. Most people who speak English are just as bad as illegals.

03-02-2011, 07:32 PM
I also really really really hate when people will use the word "are" instead of "our". I hear it everyday on TV, radio and people around me. For instance. "Thats are dog in the window". No you Fkface. It's, "Thats our dog in the window"!

And I also notice people will say fer instead of for. Most people who speak English are just as bad as illegals.

LOLOL! My coworker always says "testes" instead of "tests". It sounds like she's saying "testies"! Sooooooo freakin annoying!

03-02-2011, 07:34 PM
I guess. But then again if the only way they can be taken advantage OF is to make pretend they're drunk, doens't that tell ya something about THEM?? :rolleyes: ;) :D

OMG YES! And "their" instead or "there". I can go on an on....

Tells me I be getting some!!!! :D

They'll be gone by the time they have to pretend they're sober :lol:

03-02-2011, 08:17 PM
A LOT of what people complain about when it comes to the opposite sex isn't gender-exclusive.

Yeah that is for sure! I will say this, everyone knows what they should do, but hardly any of them do it.

I hate when people act way younger than their age

I hate when people act way older than their age

I hate people

Yeah I couldn't agree more!!! We seem to get along though and I am often labeled as immature around here. Screw em, I don't care.

Here Brad, enjoy this.


There's a song for everything!

03-03-2011, 05:09 AM
I hate when people act way younger than their age

Screw you, I do not want to or have to act like an old fart if I don't want to. :P

I hate pretty women that work in hospitals and are not nurses. And fugly ones that are.

03-03-2011, 05:19 AM
For instance. "Thats are dog in the window". No you Fkface. It's, "Thats our dog in the window"!

Actually, Fkface, it would be "That's our dog in the window."

03-03-2011, 05:21 AM
I hate when I goto McDonalds and all the employees dont, can't or don't want to speak English.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

I also really really hate people that where a pair of pants with a belt yet half of their ass is still showing.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Is this at the same place? There are only two places where it is acceptable to see half of someones ass when food is being served, and that is at Hooters and in my kitchen.

03-03-2011, 06:20 AM
I hate calling a company and have to press "1" for english and then talk to someone who has a extremely hard time trying to talk english. :argue:

Joe Walsh
03-03-2011, 06:44 AM
Is this at the same place? There are only two places where it is acceptable to see half of someones ass when food is being served, and that is at Hooters and in my kitchen.

In my kitchen it is only acceptable to see someone's entire ass....we don't allow any half assed service!

Joe Walsh
03-03-2011, 06:45 AM
BTW: I hate it when someone doesn't know how to properly pet my peeve!....:shake:

OK....now I've officially derailed my own thread....nothing new here folks!

03-03-2011, 06:46 AM
I hate calling a company and have to press "1" for english and then talk to someone who has a extremely hard time trying to talk english. :argue:
Just press 2 and yell at them in English until they transfer you back to 1. This is also way funnier after a few beers.

03-03-2011, 06:46 AM
I hate calling a company and have to press "1" for english and then talk to someone who has a extremely hard time trying to talk english. :argue:

Definitely, or when you ahve to go through a half hour of automated options that don't help you, before you can get to an actual person. Then by the time you get to them, you find the call center was outsourced to India, you can't understand a damn word, and they think you are calling about a toaster when you are really calling about a TV

03-03-2011, 06:49 AM
Screw you, I do not want to or have to act like an old fart if I don't want to. :P

I hate pretty women that work in hospitals and are not nurses. And fugly ones that are.

Fair enough, amendment to prior bitching

I hate people that act way younger then their age, however once you cross 50 you get to act anyway you want. Those in their 40's should keep it confined to within 10 years fo their age, those under 40, should act their age.

Exception to all of this, is women are going to act however they want, don't try and change it, just roll with it, and if you're lucky you'll come out alive

03-03-2011, 06:52 AM
just roll with it, and if you're lucky you'll come out alive

That's what she said.

03-03-2011, 06:54 AM
That's what she said.

Sometimes you gotta roll em in flour, shut out the lights and just hope for the best

SC Cheesehead
03-03-2011, 07:01 AM
Fair enough, amendment to prior bitching

I hate people that act way younger then their age, however once you cross 50 you get to act anyway you want. Those in their 40's should keep it confined to within 10 years fo their age, those under 40, should act their age.

Exception to all of this, is women are going to act however they want, don't try and change it, just roll with it, and if you're lucky you'll come out alive

True, that, and when you get to be as old as dakslim, that means you turn into a grouchy old coot...

03-03-2011, 07:31 AM
I hate pretty women that work in hospitals and are not nurses. And fugly ones that are.

HEY?!?!!!!!!!!?!! :mad2:

BTW: I hate it when someone doesn't know how to properly pet my peeve!....:shake:

OK....now I've officially derailed my own thread....nothing new here folks!

I literally just "lol'd" :rofl:

03-03-2011, 08:35 AM
HEY?!?!!!!!!!!?!! :mad2:

I literally just "lol'd" :rofl:

Truth hurts. :lol:

Joe, your reading my mind. I spit ice tea all over my screen when I read that

03-03-2011, 08:51 AM
I hate guys who wear cowboy hats at Maraudervilles :cowboy: and put boots on peoples cars!! :razz:

Oh and I hate when people chew their food loud & then suck their teeth like my coworker is right now!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

03-03-2011, 08:59 AM
I hate guys who wear cowboy hats at Maraudervilles :cowboy: and put boots on peoples cars!! :razz:

Oh and I hate when people chew their food loud & then suck their teeth like my coworker is right now!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

I'll remember that second one for the G'burg meet. ;)

03-03-2011, 09:02 AM
I'll remember that second one for the G'burg meet. ;)

Oh you mean the chewing loud??? Lol

03-03-2011, 09:03 AM
I hate calling a company and have to press "1" for english and then talk to someone who has a extremely hard time trying to talk english. :argue:

I demand to speak to someone who speaks idiomatic American english as a first language. Most do not know what I am talking about.

Another peeve is not using the correct words such as using"presently" when they mean "at present" or "decimate" to indicate near total destruction rather than meaning select by lottery and kill one in ten.:mad2:

03-03-2011, 09:06 AM
Oh you mean the chewing loud??? Lol

And sucking on my teeth.

03-03-2011, 09:30 AM
Screw you, I do not want to or have to act like an old fart if I don't want to. :P

I hate pretty women that work in hospitals and are not nurses. And fugly ones that are.

+100, although I did have a couple of hotties last month :D especially a young cleaning woman who took a shine to me. :help:

03-03-2011, 09:36 AM
+100, although I did have a couple of hotties last month :D especially a young cleaning woman who took a shine to me. :help:

Did she speak english? Was she blind?

03-03-2011, 09:40 AM
Did she speak english? Was she blind?

Perfect english, not blind, that was the problem, she thought I was a , I'll tell ya in person. :D

Came to see me everyday, twice a day, stopped to chat in the hall if I was walking...

03-03-2011, 09:45 AM
Perfect english, not blind, that was the problem, she thought I was a , I'll tell ya in person. :D

Maybe she liked your Ninja Turtle suit. ;)

03-03-2011, 09:51 AM
Maybe she liked your Ninja Turtle suit. ;)

I'll pm ya...

03-03-2011, 10:30 AM
Maybe she liked your Ninja Turtle suit. ;)

I'll pm ya...

Ya, but he got cold and it retracted back into the shell. KA-POW!

SC Cheesehead
03-03-2011, 10:32 AM
Did she speak english? Was she blind?

Does she like ninja turtles?

Beat me to it, Casey!

Must like blind ninja turtles...

03-03-2011, 12:09 PM
Does she like ninja turtles?

Beat me to it, Casey!

Must like blind ninja turtles...

"Ya, but he got cold and it retracted back into the shell. KA-POW! "

Not exactly. I'll explain when I see you guys.

03-03-2011, 12:31 PM
"Ya, but he got cold and it retracted back into the shell. KA-POW! "

Not exactly. I'll explain when I see you guys.

Uh oh... Sounds like a doozy! We'll have to fit this story into the MV9 itinerary. Lolol :D

03-03-2011, 01:02 PM
Uh oh... Sounds like a doozy! We'll have to fit this story into the MV9 itinerary. Lolol :D

Uhm, I think for you it will come under the TMI heading. :o

Joe Walsh
03-03-2011, 01:35 PM
Ya, but he got cold and it retracted back into the shell. KA-POW!

Does she like ninja turtles?
Beat me to it, Casey!

Must like blind ninja turtles...

"Ya, but he got cold and it retracted back into the shell. KA-POW! "

Not exactly. I'll explain when I see you guys.

"Like a frightened turtle!!"


03-03-2011, 02:59 PM
Too funny Joe, but no. See ya at Carlise.

03-03-2011, 05:31 PM
Pet peeves:


What is her talent?
Why does she act like a cheerleader?

(I don't watch her, but my wife does, so I can't help but listen to her BS in the background.)

FOX news

Regardless of how you feel about their message, it hurts to know that no matter how smart my daughters are, FOX will never hire them because they aren't "pretty" enough.

03-03-2011, 06:02 PM
How many Marauder-specific parts are going "obsolete" from Ford.

03-03-2011, 06:20 PM
SOME OF MY PET PEEVES (50 for now)

1. The left lane hog who drives under the speed limit and won’t let anyone pass.
2. The driver who likes to ride next to the car in the other lane preventing passing.
3. The idiot that rides next to the 18-wheeler in the blind spot for miles.
4. People who run down to the end of the deceleration/acceleration lane and refuse to take easy opportunities to merge into traffic.
5. People who don’t know what to do when traffic clears ahead of them after driving 5 MPH for the past 20 minutes.
6. Anyone on a cellphone in traffic.
7. Cellphones cause people to mimic the characteristics of a drunk driver.
8. Cell phone users cannot maintain posted speed and usually are 5-10 MPH under the limit.
9. Cell phone users cannot stay between the lines on the road and weave into your lane.
10. Cell phone users sit at traffic lights long after the signal goes “Green”
11. Cell phone users run through Red Lights because they are not concentrating on driving.
12. Cell phone users cause rear-end accidents because they are constantly distracted.
13. The woman putting on her make-up on the highway at 50 MPH.
14. The guy shaving his head at a stop light.
15. Anyone eating their McD’s “Big Breakfast” with a knife and fork on the highway.
16. People who drive with their dog or cat in their lap.
17. ********s who still let their 3 year old sit in the passenger seat without a seatbelt or child seat anywhere in sight.
18. Dufuses (Dufei) who stop 4 car lengths back at stop light.
19. Fools who can’t figure out who is next to go at a 4-way Stop and wait forever.
20. Dirtbags who make a right rolling turn without stopping at a Red Light or Stop Sign.
21. People who don’t use their turn signals.
22. People who don’t turn their turn signals off after a turn.
23. People who don’t know where there turn signals are or what they are for.
24. Lazy bastiges that don’t clear their side and rear windows of snow and ice.
25. Real dumb azzhats who just clear a little peek hole in their front window.
26. Car and SUV drivers who leave a pile of ice and snow on their hood, roof and trunk to allow the 60 MPH winds remove it right in front of you.
27. People who pull out in traffic without enough safe space causing you to brake hard.
28. People who pull out in fast moving traffic only to cruise up to a top speed of 35 MPH
29. People who need 1 mile of clear space before even considering pulling out in traffic.
30. POS owners who park next you really close all the way in the back of the parking lot.
31. Minivan biatches who fling their doors open in the parking lot and ding your side.
32. Inconsiderate fools who think it is OK to stop their vehicle and leave it running in the Fire Lane or Yellow No Stopping Zone while they run into the Quik Mart for cigarettes, a 20 ounce malt liquor and 5 lottery tickets.
33. People who take up two gas pump locations because they really don’t know how long their car is.
34. Timid drivers who white knuckle it everywhere they go.
35. Drivers who cannot drive in the rain should stay home when it rains.
36. Drivers who cannot drive at night should stay home when it is dark.
37. Drivers who are afraid of the snow and ice should not be on the road in those conditions.
38. The ********s who do not anticipate their exit and cross 3 lanes of traffic at the last minute because they haven’t read the signs for the past 4 miles.
39. Drivers who have to swing wide because they think that their Toyota Corolla has the handling characteristics of the Queen Mary and Lusitania combined.
40. People who constantly ride the brakes or 2-footed drivers that have their stop lights constantly on or always on-off-on-off for miles.
41. Nitwits who fly up the right lane using it as the fast lane and staying close to exit ramps for a quick exit in case the pole-leece see them.
42. *******s who wait until the toll booth before checking for the correct amount and then pull out a $50.00 bill right in front of you to pay their $2.00 toll.
43. Toll takers who don’t have the math skills or fingers/toes to make change for a $50 bill.
44. Tailgaters who THINK they are faster than you and can’t wait for you to move out of the way.
45. 18-wheelers who ride the bumper of slow vehicles and created a dangerous situation.
46. People who haven’t looked in their rearview mirror since last Thursday.
47. People who don’t know how to adjust the side mirrors and come over on you without notice.
48. People (usually women) who have their rearview mirror adjusted to watch junior in the back or conveniently positioned to apply morning make-up.
49. POS cars with dings and dents all around and on all 4-fenders indicating that the owner hasn’t got a clue as to the size of his car.
50. People who zoom through the posted 25 MPH School Zone at 45 MPH every damn day.

I am sure there are more Pet Peeves …. But this is enough for now.

03-03-2011, 07:27 PM
Actually, Fkface, it would be "That's our dog in the window."

You shut your pie hole. You, you. You big meanie!!
And the Cubs are stupid doo doo head. :)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Joe Walsh
03-04-2011, 06:31 AM
Heck Charlie!!! You beat Dom's "Peeve List".

Well folks, after that list....I guess we got them all covered might as well shut down this thread.....:P

03-04-2011, 06:52 AM
Heck Charlie!!! You beat Dom's "Peeve List".

Well folks, after that list....I guess we got them all covered might as well shut down this thread.....:P

1.) I hate when Joe gets a thread locked.
2.) Hipsters.
3.) Hoop earings that are IN the earlobe instead of hanging from them.
4.) One-ply toilet paper.
5.) The stupid weekly coupon newspaper that keeps getting thrown in my yard and I have to keep kicking out into the street.
6.) "Jersey (anything)"
7.) Women who wait until it is way too late to pose for Playboy posing for Playboy. I don't want air-brushed 1995 Farrah, I want 1976 poster Farrah.
8.) Mimes.
9.) Dialect in porn films. Don't talk just get it on. if I want to hear people talking while someone is getting screwed I'll listen to the State of The Union address.
10.) Lists.

03-04-2011, 07:10 AM
I guess we got them all covered might as well shut down this thread.....:P

Not yet....
I hate when people think its comedic genius when they add, "Thats what she said" to every post even when its makes no sense. :P

03-04-2011, 07:14 AM
Not yet....

That's what she said:alone:

03-04-2011, 07:25 AM
Not yet..... :P

Still not yet .... :o

How about the hen-pecked husband (or boyfriend) who calls his wife (or girlfriend) from the grocery store aisle to ask what kind of catsup or mustard to buy. Come on guy .... make your own decision and grow a set. Its just condimints for Pete's sake. :P

03-04-2011, 09:08 AM
1.) I hate when Joe gets a thread locked.
2.) Hipsters.
3.) Hoop earings that are IN the earlobe instead of hanging from them.
4.) One-ply toilet paper.
5.) The stupid weekly coupon newspaper that keeps getting thrown in my yard and I have to keep kicking out into the street.
6.) "Jersey (anything)"
7.) Women who wait until it is way too late to pose for Playboy posing for Playboy. I don't want air-brushed 1995 Farrah, I want 1976 poster Farrah.
8.) Mimes.
9.) Dialect in porn films. Don't talk just get it on. if I want to hear people talking while someone is getting screwed I'll listen to the State of The Union address.
10.) Lists.

1.And 40 year old guys still wearing earrings
2.Porn that has the stupid Pizza guy just observing
3.Actresses that are actually waitresses, if you don't have an acting job, you're not an actor
4.people that overuse the phrase "right on" and make me feel like I'm on the Happy Days set
5.The fact that Fonzie was cool, and now he just plays geeks, and serial killers with weird fetishes
6.People who laugh at their own jokes before checking to see if their audience found it funny
7.people who don't tip well
8.the people at subway and Starbucks expecting a tip when they make well above what those in the "tipping" industry do
9.Women that have rules about when they "put out"
10. DTR's :lol:

03-04-2011, 09:49 AM
8.the people at subway and Starbucks expecting a tip when they make well above what those in the "tipping" industry do

Similar to that, I really don't like it when people expect me to tip them huge when with tips they make more than I do straight pay. I'm not gonna go broke so you can be a little less poor.

03-04-2011, 10:48 AM
Similar to that, I really don't like it when people expect me to tip them huge when with tips they make more than I do straight pay. I'm not gonna go broke so you can be a little less poor.

Nice one, Starburns :beer: I'm gonna add that to my quote list later. Subtle statement, yet packs a wallop.

03-04-2011, 11:23 AM
That's what she said:alone:

Saw that one commin' a mile away!:lol:

03-04-2011, 11:41 AM
Saw that one commin' a mile away!:lol:
Biscuits stop usin' Mel's account!!

03-04-2011, 12:14 PM
I'm not gonna go broke so you can be a little less poor.

John Q. Taxpayer

03-04-2011, 01:26 PM
Pet Peeve:

Why is my birth certificate printed on the back of an apology letter from a condom company? :mad:

Joe Walsh
03-04-2011, 02:53 PM
1.) I hate when Joe gets a thread locked.

We are in complete agreement here!

2.) Hipsters.
3.) Hoop earings that are IN the earlobe instead of hanging from them.
4.) One-ply toilet paper.
5.) The stupid weekly coupon newspaper that keeps getting thrown in my yard and I have to keep kicking out into the street.
6.) "Jersey (anything)"
7.) Women who wait until it is way too late to pose for Playboy posing for Playboy. I don't want air-brushed 1995 Farrah, I want 1976 poster Farrah.
8.) Mimes.
9.) Dialect in porn films. Don't talk just get it on.

Usually they can't talk anyway...their mouths are full!....:eek:

.........:laugh:.............. ...:laugh:..........
If I want to hear people talking while someone is getting screwed I'll listen to the State of The Union address.

10.) Lists.

People who make long lists!


03-04-2011, 03:14 PM
People who make long lists!


And now you're on it. ;) Hope ya got a room at Carlisle. :jk:

03-07-2011, 11:33 AM
Crotch Cam....

03-07-2011, 12:18 PM
My neighbor threw birdseed all over the back ally in front of my driveway. It looks like a scene from Birds out there.

03-07-2011, 03:16 PM
My neighbor threw birdseed all over the back ally in front of my driveway. It looks like a scene from Birds out there.
Make him post up his pet peeve about you using this to... ahem, "Clear the Air." :D

03-07-2011, 03:25 PM
This on 03-07-2011 when we were not expecting it.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/P10100191.JPG (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/19174/ppuser/2412) http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/P1010025.JPG (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/19175/ppuser/2412/sl/r)

03-07-2011, 03:29 PM
This on 03-07-2011 when we were not expecting it.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/P10100191.JPG (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/19174/ppuser/2412)
I saw a yard Saturday where the owners had made a huge igloo-like structure. I hate igloo-like structures right now... :depress:

03-07-2011, 03:32 PM
The Rockabilly and Psychobilly crowds, even though I really enjoy the music.

03-07-2011, 03:39 PM
I saw a yard Saturday where the owners had made a huge igloo-like structure. I hate igloo-like structures right now... :depress:

The snow was starting to go away, then this noreaster whacked us with 30+" out of nowhere. They didn't say spit about it until the night before, then said oh, maybe 8-12"... :censor::bs: enough already.

03-09-2011, 05:05 AM
The snow was starting to go away, then this noreaster whacked us with 30+" out of nowhere. They didn't say spit about it until the night before, then said oh, maybe 8-12"... :censor::bs: enough already.

What are you complaining about, you have a built on sled; i.e. the turtle suit.

03-09-2011, 07:16 AM
What are you complaining about, you have a built on sled; i.e. the turtle suit.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We carry Ray to the top of a hill and ride him down, muhahahahaaa......I call frontsies.

03-09-2011, 07:20 AM
This on 03-07-2011 when we were not expecting it.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/P10100191.JPG (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/19174/ppuser/2412) http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/P1010025.JPG (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/19175/ppuser/2412/sl/r)

It sucks, I left the city with sunny 40 degree weather only to get stuck in a white out with over a foot of snow in Albany.
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200214_10150111838205675_79062 5674_6326236_2977046_s.jpg

SC Cheesehead
03-09-2011, 07:59 AM
People that live up in snow country that get all PO'd and constantly gripe about snow get me peeved.

Be a real man, and MOVE, that's what I say... :D

03-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Be a real man, and MOVE, that's what I say... :D
No, that's what SHE said!

Joe Walsh
03-09-2011, 08:12 AM
People that live up in snow country that get all PO'd and constantly gripe about snow get me peeved.

Be a real man, and MOVE, that's what I say... :D

Hey, I was born in Binghamton, NY.
I always loved snow...but couldn't stand the endless grey, cloudy days.
We moved to Maryland and don't get enough snow (except for last year's 80 inches !!)
Now I gripe about taxes, traffic, taxes and the Democratic deathgrip* on the State's legislature....did I mention taxes?

*(2/3 of registered voters in Maryland are Democrats)

Here is Maryland's latest bit of ridiculous legislation:
Let's give all ILLEGAL ALIENS a tuition break!
Let's let them pay the same tuition as all the resident taxpayer's in Maryland pay!


Here's a crazy idea for you:


What part of ILLEGAL don't you understand?

03-09-2011, 09:18 AM
Hey, I was born in Binghamton, NY.
I always loved snow...but couldn't stand the endless grey, cloudy days.
We moved to Maryland and don't get enough snow (except for last year's 80 inches !!)
Now I gripe about taxes, traffic, taxes and the Democratic deathgrip* on the State's legislature....did I mention taxes?

*(2/3 of registered voters in Maryland are Democrats)

Here is Maryland's latest bit of ridiculous legislation:
Let's give all ILLEGAL ALIENS a tuition break!
Let's let them pay the same tuition as all the resident taxpayer's in Maryland pay!


Here's a crazy idea for you:


What part of ILLEGAL don't you understand?
*I guess I am in the minority then, why don't we just deport all the politicians.

03-09-2011, 11:37 AM

We're voting for schmuck R or schmuck D.

What would they do if nobody voted?

03-09-2011, 06:17 PM
People that live up in snow country that get all PO'd and constantly gripe about snow get me peeved.

Be a real man, and MOVE, that's what I say... :D

So you wanna buy house on hill where its really only cold a few times a year? :D

Could be worse, I saw 12 foot snow banks over on Jackass Hill this afternoon.

03-09-2011, 09:22 PM
Another thing that peeves me off. When I am working on a road and we have an arrowboard set up telling people to merge over. Then I see so many ass holes driving right up to the arrowboard as if maybe they think it's just a mirage and will magically disapear. So closer and closer the ass hole gets and before you know it. Traffic is stopped. Hey ass holes. You had seen the signs and arrowboard for a 1/4 mile. Merge sooner and you won't FK up the flow of traffic and look like a bigger ass hole for pulling up to the arrowboad and waiting to merge in.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Joe Walsh
03-10-2011, 05:25 AM
Another thing that peeves me off. When I am working on a road and we have an arrowboard set up telling people to merge over. Then I see so many ass holes driving right up to the arrowboard as if maybe they think it's just a mirage and will magically disapear. So closer and closer the ass hole gets and before you know it. Traffic is stopped. Hey ass holes. You had seen the signs and arrowboard for a 1/4 mile. Merge sooner and you won't FK up the flow of traffic and look like a bigger ass hole for pulling up to the arrowboad and waiting to merge in.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

I see that EVERY day in the DC/Baltimore area.
Commuters who go through the same merge everyday and they still pull that "OOPS I didn't know"...last second merge B.S.
Always causes a HUGE back-up and lots of near accidents....:mad2:

Unfortunately, there is always a 'sheep' who lets them in.
I don't give them an inch and I've run a few people, who insisted on cutting in front of me, off onto the shoulder.
Sorry A-Hole...you knew about this merge for the past 1/2 mile!

03-10-2011, 05:29 AM
Another thing that peeves me off. When I am working on a road and we have an arrowboard set up telling people to merge over. Then I see so many ass holes driving right up to the arrowboard as if maybe they think it's just a mirage and will magically disapear. So closer and closer the ass hole gets and before you know it. Traffic is stopped. Hey ass holes. You had seen the signs and arrowboard for a 1/4 mile. Merge sooner and you won't FK up the flow of traffic and look like a bigger ass hole for pulling up to the arrowboad and waiting to merge in.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Stop putting up arrowboards, I have places to go.

03-10-2011, 09:40 AM

65 above zero:
Floridians turn on the heat.
People in Upstate New York plant gardens.

60 above zero:
Californians shiver uncontrollably.
People in Upstate New York sunbathe.

50 above zero:
Italian & English cars won't start.
People in Upstate New York drive with the windows down.

40 above zero:
Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and wool hats.
People in Upstate New York throw on a flannel shirt.

35 above zero:
New York city landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in Upstate New York have the last cookout before it gets cold.

20 above Zero:
People in Miami all die.
Upstate New Yorkers close the windows.

Californians fly away to Mexico.
People in Upstate New York get out their winter coats.

10 below zero:
Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in Upstate New York are selling cookies door to door.

20 below zero:
Washington DC runs out of hot air.
People in Upstate New York let the dogs sleep indoors.

30 below zero:
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Upstate New Yorkers get upset because they can't start the snow-mobile.

40 below zero:
ALL atomic motion stops.
People in Upstate New York start saying...'cold enough fer ya?'

50 below zero:
Hell freezes over.
Upstate New York public schools will open 2 hours late.

Just saying...

03-10-2011, 11:08 AM
Stop putting up arrowboards, I have places to go.

Hahaha!!! Funny man made another funny!!:)

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

03-10-2011, 11:18 AM
20 below zero:
Washington DC runs out of hot air.
People in Upstate New York let the dogs sleep indoors
That was funny! Even funnier is: Washington DC runs out of hot air.
:D Never happen!

03-10-2011, 07:21 PM
At 32 degrees Washington state residents abandon their cars on the side of the road. 1" of snow = snowmagddon

03-10-2011, 07:28 PM
I've learned to accept/tolerate a lot of ignorant s*** that comes with daily driving, but what tops it off for me is when I see a lit cigarette get flicked out of a car window and watch it land on my car... ROAD RAGE!

03-10-2011, 07:39 PM
Another thing that peeves me off. When I am working on a road and we have an arrowboard set up telling people to merge over. Then I see so many ass holes driving right up to the arrowboard as if maybe they think it's just a mirage and will magically disapear. So closer and closer the ass hole gets and before you know it. Traffic is stopped. Hey ass holes. You had seen the signs and arrowboard for a 1/4 mile. Merge sooner and you won't FK up the flow of traffic and look like a bigger ass hole for pulling up to the arrowboad and waiting to merge in.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

You DANG STRAIGHT! Pisses me off big time! Had a guy try to do the other day so I decided to take my half out of the middle and block him. He had to ride behind me and then the car that was already in my lane behind me blocked him as well. He ended up having to wait til the big truck came by he was originally behind before he could get over. SUCKED TO BE HIM! :D

03-10-2011, 07:42 PM
You DANG STRAIGHT! Pisses me off big time! Had a guy try to do the other day so I decided to take my half out of the middle and block him. He had to ride behind me and then the car that was already in my lane behind me blocked him as well. He ended up having to wait til the big truck came by he was originally behind before he could get over. SUCKED TO BE HIM! :D

I do the exact same thing when I see some swampass driving on the shoulder with the sole purpose of passing people to get ahead.

03-10-2011, 07:48 PM
I do the exact same thing when I see some swampass driving on the shoulder with the sole purpose of passing people to get ahead.

Sorry but that struck me funny!:lol:I LIKE IT! My father in law is a nut on the road anyway he'll just run them on off the road into the median if we are going at a slow speed. I just sit back and watch and get ready to have his back.:popcorn:

03-11-2011, 05:14 AM
Hey, I was born in Binghamton, NY.
I always loved snow...but couldn't stand the endless grey, cloudy days.
We moved to Maryland and don't get enough snow (except for last year's 80 inches !!)
Now I gripe about taxes, traffic, taxes and the Democratic deathgrip* on the State's legislature....did I mention taxes?

*(2/3 of registered voters in Maryland are Democrats)

Here is Maryland's latest bit of ridiculous legislation:
Let's give all ILLEGAL ALIENS a tuition break!
Let's let them pay the same tuition as all the resident taxpayer's in Maryland pay!


Here's a crazy idea for you:


What part of ILLEGAL don't you understand?

(CNN) -- South Carolina state senators passed a bill Thursday that would make it a crime to create fake immigration documents, not to have one's immigration card or give a false identification.
By a 34-9 margin, the state Senate approved a third and final reading of the measure to send it to the Palmetto State's House of Representatives. All 26 Republicans in the chamber voted for it. The nine dissenting were all Democrats, though eight legislators from that party backed the measure.

^^^I hate Republicans and Democrats, but Democrats more, for reasons like this. ^^^

03-11-2011, 06:22 AM
!!!##$$$$???? Prius in the fast lane

03-11-2011, 10:09 AM
How about you must speaky da inglish to worky the counter at Micky D's :rolleyes:

Nightmares of MV8 :shake:

03-11-2011, 07:57 PM
How about you must speaky da inglish to worky the counter at Micky D's :rolleyes:

Nightmares of MV8 :shake:

F That, I can handle hearing Big mac in another language, all Call centers must not contain Indian's, You are a good people, but I can't understand a damn word you say on the phone. Slow down, lose the heavy accent. I'm not homer trying to buy a burrito from Apu, speak clearly

03-11-2011, 08:08 PM
!!!##$$$$???? Prius in the fast lane


Joe Walsh
05-25-2011, 01:49 PM
!!!##$$$$???? Prius in the fast lane

The National Motorists Association is launching a campaign to inform the driving public about left lane courtesy:


Great idea!

Think it'll have any effect on the "Anti Destination League"??


05-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Pet peeve: Having to enter my screen name and password every single time I log onto .net.

05-25-2011, 04:12 PM
TV shows that have background music, gunfire, and explosion volumes much higher than dialogue levels.

Yes, I know that 5.1 rear speaker volumes are adjustable, but why should I have to do this everytime for different shows and/or channels??

05-25-2011, 04:30 PM
TV shows that have background music, gunfire, and explosion volumes much higher than dialogue levels.

Yes, I know that 5.1 rear speaker volumes are adjustable, but why should I have to do this everytime for different shows and/or channels??

If we are talkingtv shows, how about the live actions promos that show up taking a huge portion of the screen and block nudity, or subtitles

Joe Walsh
05-22-2014, 06:54 PM
I got so tired of all the "I'm such a great runner" 26.2 and 13.1 decals on cars, that I bought this at a local Beer & Bourbon & BBQ festival:

http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/JoeJWalsh/IMG_6048_zps81e1206f.jpg (http://s984.photobucket.com/user/JoeJWalsh/media/IMG_6048_zps81e1206f.jpg.html)

I put it on the rear window of my DD Ranger.

05-22-2014, 06:56 PM

05-22-2014, 07:04 PM
I got so tired of all the "I'm such a great runner" 26.2 and 13.1 decals on cars that I bought this at a local Beer & Bourbon & BBQ festival:

http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/JoeJWalsh/IMG_6048_zps81e1206f.jpg (http://s984.photobucket.com/user/JoeJWalsh/media/IMG_6048_zps81e1206f.jpg.html)

I put it on the rear window of my DD Ranger.

I usually see these on minivans with really fat people driving.

I'm a fat ass yes... But I damn sure aren't telling people I run a marathon.

05-22-2014, 07:11 PM
You DANG STRAIGHT! Pisses me off big time! Had a guy try to do the other day so I decided to take my half out of the middle and block him. He had to ride behind me and then the car that was already in my lane behind me blocked him as well. He ended up having to wait til the big truck came by he was originally behind before he could get over. SUCKED TO BE HIM! :D


05-22-2014, 07:16 PM

Ok thread is going down hill time to close

05-22-2014, 07:17 PM

Looks good on paper...........:rolleyes:

joe mosely
05-22-2014, 10:11 PM
One of my pet peeves is a full size truck with a 12" lift, 33" tires, and a drop hitch for their matching wakeboard boat. I don't get it. I understand that baller rims are the in thing but I guess I belong in the "everything for a reason" camp. So many vehicles these days have stuff done to them just for the sake of matching the driver's Metal Malisha hat. They even make M/M and Monster Energy Drink rims for God's sake!

These are often the same drivers who:

a)don't signal when they change lanes

b)pull a trailer on the highway @ speeds well over the speed limit. I like speed but an F350 with a toy hauler going 100+ scares me as a motorist sharing the road. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (This means there is a surplus of diesel truck parts available at wreckers).

c)dial their dashboard tuner to the "roll coal" setting for the sake of making all the sweet sounds a stressed stock diesel makes.

d)have an ex-stripper on a donut diet either riding shotgun with two or three brats in the back seat or at the wheel because the owner of the truck has lost his license recently due to a DUI while working in the oilsands region (if you've been to western Canada you will know what I mean).

One of my other pet peeves is the Ford Raptor.