View Full Version : Is my Mom's dog mad at me?

03-02-2011, 11:37 AM
Strange stuff I know! But my mom has two dogs. Charlie and Tasha. Very lovable and good dogs. Charlie is a beagle and jack russel mix. Funny looking and loves to kill stuff that wonders in the perimeter of the underground fence.
So a few months ago hard times forced me to move to my mother's. Well I'm now moving back out on my own and it's like he's ignoring me. He won't even look at me when I call his name. Usually ya gotta fight him off. Mom says a lot when we are all getting ready to go they just lay back in the bedroom cause they know. Especially if they can't come along they seem sad. I know yesterday he was my shadow while loading up the U-Haul.
So do dogs know what's going on and do they kind of get mad at you?

03-02-2011, 11:40 AM
He's upset you are leaving, pack him in the u-haul and take him with you.

03-02-2011, 11:49 AM
My opinion: Absolutely, they know what's going on and get mad. Dogs have feeling too! When I was little, my dog knew when we were 5 minutes from the house before we walked through the door. He'd go and sit, not lay, just sit there by the door. And before my dad took a trip to China for a few weeks, he was literally tripping over the lil guy because he was glued to his side. When he got back (I guess after realizing how long it had been) he didn't "talk" to him for a couple days then finally warmed up again.

They're smart cookies those pups. He's already missing you. Just give him some loving every chance you get. He'll come around.

Joe Walsh
03-02-2011, 12:04 PM
Oh yeah they know what's going on!

We had a golden retreiver, 'Muffin', that my brother spent a ton of time with.
When he was a young teenager he would take the dog out hiking, running, even to tag along on Mtn. bike rides.
Once my brother started dating and spending his time with his girlfriend, Brooke, the retreiver was so jealous!
Muffin would always totally ignore Brooke.
Whenever they were lying on the family room floor watching TV, the retreiver would push her way between them and lie down with her butt and tail in Brooke's face!
When Brooke would call Muffin to come over to her, Muffin would act deaf!
Muffin acted like someone opened a case of dog treats every time Brooke left our house and headed home.
It was funny as heck to watch!

03-02-2011, 02:08 PM
hahaha that's funny Joe.

03-02-2011, 02:40 PM
Dogs are pack animals. They see you as alpha dog or a member of their pack at bare minimum. They sence when something is abnormal in their pack

03-08-2011, 07:15 AM
That's interesting stuff. Thanks for the input too guys. I'll be stopping there tonight so I'll be sure to bring a treat for him. I do miss the dogs hangin around me all the time.