View Full Version : Got pulled over...

03-07-2011, 09:15 PM
..for going 40 in a 35? I think the WSP officer was just jealous. He gave me a verbal warning ;).

03-07-2011, 09:19 PM
Must have had a boring shift, most of the time around me the State P won't bother unless you're traveling at least 7 over. However, I've been pulled over for local LEO for 3 over in my Mustang, he gave me a written warning.

03-07-2011, 09:29 PM
I think it might have been cuz I goosed it while passing "Still Low" the local low rider shop. lol!

03-07-2011, 10:34 PM
I got pulled over a few weeks ago for not signaling 100 feet before a stop sign...

He pulled me over about half a mile after my "offense"

Just a warning but still..

That particular cop harasses me and all my friends constantly. Really annoying.

03-07-2011, 10:46 PM
I'm surprised they didn't give you summonses as that is the cash cow for most local
PDs in most states. They need to pay for the new Chargers they are buying (Owned
by Fiat) I hate getting pulled over as much as the next guy. I know how you feel.
Besides they are more than likely driving P71s and they are jealous of your rides.

03-08-2011, 08:26 AM
I hate tickets, I am a retired Jefferson Parish Captain Louisiana) and in 25 years I only issued 2 tickets. They pulled (distroyed) the last ticket because it was 500,000 tickets out of circulation. They gave me a new ticket book that I lost in the trunk.

Egon Spengler
03-08-2011, 08:34 AM
Unwritten rule in MA... speed limit is 10 over what is posted.

03-08-2011, 08:49 AM
Suprised you got a warning with all these cities,counties,states going broke there all looking for $$$ anywere they can get it.

SC Cheesehead
03-08-2011, 08:57 AM
I hate tickets, I am a retired Jefferson Parish Captain Louisiana) and in 25 years I only issued 2 tickets. They pulled (distroyed) the last ticket because it was 500,000 tickets out of circulation. They gave me a new ticket book that I lost in the trunk.

Sorry to hijack the tread, but I wish I would haven known your location a few months back. I was down in Venice, LA for a little over 8 months working the oil spill response; would have enjoyed getting together with you.