View Full Version : South Florida meet Friday Dec 26

12-26-2003, 07:53 AM
I was looking for a way to hook up a car meet in Ft. Lauderdale FLA. I couldn't raise any interest here but given this tip.

The following info was posted by: bryankie

"Go to Tower shops cruise in, every Friday night, over 400 cars each week. Many MM's show up every week. The Tower Shops in Davie, FL . 595 and University Dr., just about 8 miles west of 95 on 595."

Well it's Friday the 26th and I'll be there tonight. With my 12 second monster Marauder. It anyone is down here & wants to join me feel free to call me at 215-880-8110. If you just show up I'm sure you'll find me. I'm the guy with the black car.

I hope it's not another record for smallest meet. I know me myself & I have tied that record many times over.

Hope to see someone there.


p.s. No one knows what it's like to be the sad man, to be the bad man behind black car

12-26-2003, 08:49 AM
I can assure you John, if I was within the sunshine state at this moment....I'd be there man!

Considering I'm sitting in cold-a$$ Ohio, I couldn't make it if I jumped on a plane this afternoon:(

Hope you are having fun. Happy holidays to you and your family!


12-26-2003, 10:41 AM
JET Sorry I can't make it this time, I'm working and the wife is not up to traveling just yet, have a cold one in my name.:D :beer:

12-26-2003, 11:01 AM
JET: Good luck hooking up with Fl. Marauders:)

Congrats on your new times:):):)

02-03-2004, 10:36 AM
Does any body know if their is any Marauder Club's in South Florida Around Ft Lauderdale.I got a Silver 2003 -300A one In December with 2000 miles on it and wanted to see if any body had a interest in starting one, if it doesnt exist already.

02-03-2004, 12:04 PM
Cobra25 - Welcome aboard. This site is very addicting. :D The Fl. owners will probably contact you shortly. :up:

02-03-2004, 12:56 PM
Does any body know if their is any Marauder Club's in South Florida Around Ft Lauderdale.I got a Silver 2003 -300A one In December with 2000 miles on it and wanted to see if any body had a interest in starting one, if it doesnt exist already.

I was in Ft. Lauderdale 2 weeks ago with my silver MM. By the way, if you have a 2003 silver MM, it's a 300B. They didn't start producing silver ones until April 2003 and they stopped making 2003-300A's in about December of 2002.

I know you will enjoy your car. Good luck on hooking up with a club. It's fun to talk to other owners.

02-03-2004, 02:00 PM
Thank's, So it's a (B ) instead of a ( A ) . Have Learned alot in the past month About this car , every little bit help's.

02-03-2004, 02:40 PM
I go to Tower shop every couple of weeks and have yet to see a Marauder there. I know there are a few around here, I see them now and ten. Maybe people around here just dont want to get together. Let me know if you can round up some troops, and I'll show up! It would be nice to talk to other MM owners around here.

02-03-2004, 04:06 PM
I know their are a # of Marauder's out the In South Fl. I just figured out that maybe No one made a effort yet . I've just heard in the past few day's about the Tower Shop Meetings on Friday nite's in Davie off 595 and University Dr. If I can I'll take a ride by their this Friday nite to see what's happening.

02-03-2004, 04:28 PM
I have gone to tower shops a number of times and have yet to see one marauder there. However, there is ALWAYS a (~8 cars) impala ss crew that is up there every friday kinda set off to the side. it would be nice to see some mm around too.


02-04-2004, 10:14 AM
I'll see If my plans change for Friday , maybe I can stop by The Tower Records for a bit with my MM. I'm a little surprized that alot of area's around the Country have these Club's for he Marauder , and In South Florida they don't .

02-04-2004, 06:46 PM
Might be able to go this Friday, but it would be closer to 9pm if I do. If not this Friday, I can be there next Friday for sure.

02-05-2004, 11:39 AM
Next Week I'll be out of the Country ,This friday 9 pm , I'll be their to see if anybody shows up.

02-06-2004, 07:54 PM
Hey I was there. I saw two others. A solver with a spoiler, and a black with some custom rims. Mine was a black parked near the F150 Lightnings.
The funny thing is I was standing near the silver one for 10 minutes, the wife was on the phone and we started to walk away. Within 10 seconds, the car was backing up and leaving before I could go by and say HI. Oh well, not sure if it was you Cobra25, tha tag started with "W87". Oh well, maybe next time.

02-06-2004, 08:49 PM
Hay I quess we just missed each other . Mine is Silver with a spoiler on it the first Letter is a W on my tag. I was parked at the end where the main street meets. I got their around 8:30 or so and left a little after 9 pm. I really wanted to stay longer but my friend wasn't feeling too good after I got their so I had to take him to get some food,His blood sugar was low. I didn't get much of a chance to enjoy the meet or to look around much , Sorry we didnt get the chance to meet . Maybe we can meet their on Friday Feb.20 this month.

02-24-2004, 09:35 AM
On Friday Feb. 27,2004 a group of marauders will be at the Tower Shop's in Davie Florida at 6:30 pm. . Check out the posts under New Forums,Posted by Firdab.