View Full Version : Watch what you tweet!

03-15-2011, 11:45 AM
I just ran across a news story about Gilbert Gottfried being fired from Aflac Inc. for posting some jokes about the earthquake in Japan on Twitter. I always wondered how real the cyber world was, so after this I realize big brother is always watching.

http://www.foxnews.com/ucat/images/292527_AFLC.jpg (http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/03/14/aflac-fires-gilbert-gottfried-japan-jokes/?test=faces)

Mr. Man
03-15-2011, 12:00 PM
I tauwt I taw a pootty tat:D

03-15-2011, 12:01 PM
Pretty stupid of him, he was not the voice in Japan, only here:)

Still dumb if you ask me........

03-15-2011, 12:45 PM
It's not a joking matter in the first place.

03-15-2011, 12:51 PM
It's not a joking matter in the first place.


Watch whatever you post on the internet or send as an email. It WILL be around forever!

03-15-2011, 12:57 PM

Watch whatever you post on the internet. It WILL be around forever!

DOOM RULES!!! :rock:

03-15-2011, 01:52 PM
Freedom of speech comes with freedom of offending someone... If that someone happens to be your boss, or your boss's company's clients... Then you run into Newton's law; for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction... :lol:

03-15-2011, 01:55 PM
It's not like Aflac didn't know who Gilbert was. He makes off color jokes like this all the time. You should hear him on Howard Stern, and that hasn't stopped them in the past. This is probably more a reason to break contract, as that stupid Duck has run it's course. Kind of like the cavemen, don't see them around too much huh?

I'm sure he is signed to a long contract, and they saw an out, so they took it. I think it's poppycock. He did what he has always done. Not saying it's right, but its definitely hypocritical.

03-15-2011, 03:14 PM
I am ceasing all political decussions
Thank you.

03-15-2011, 05:19 PM
It's called the Aristocrats!

03-15-2011, 05:34 PM
Under the law, if this guy is using a company smart phone (Computer) than the company has every right to monator any and all communications.
However if this guy is using his personnel smart phone or computer, on his own time, he has an expectation of privacy.

Expectation of privacy has to do with restrictions on what the government can use against you, not a private company.

03-15-2011, 05:44 PM
I don't really know who this Gilbert Gottfried is, nor do I care. I will also add that what
has happened in Japan is devastating to the there country in general and it's people in
particular. His comments were foolishness. That being said.
Under the law, if this guy is using a company smart phone (Computer) than the company has every right to monator any and all communications.
However if this guy is using his personnel smart phone or computer, on his own time, he has an expectation of privacy. Yes it is the internet, I am not naïve enough to believe that this information is not somehow going to get out. I don't think the Government is interested in calling Aflac concerning this issue. If someone at Aflac is an invited friend than that changes everything. So much for friendship. Most companies have a moral clause in there contracts with there employees, but the point is the Expectation of Privacy. JMHO,
I could be wrong. But I don't think so.
Have a great day and thanks for letting me express my thoughts on this
Best regards.

Well we live in a world nowadays where you represent your company in everything you do. I've seen companies fire people for getting DUI's, or even critiquing the company on facebook. When it is out there in public view, what you say and what you do can and does reflect on the company you work for.

However, they knew this was his sense of humor when they contracted with him, and this is one of many jokes along this line he has made in very public arenas. In addition when you are the public face of a company, then your interaction with the public is a matter of obligation towards the company you represent. But Aflac entering into a contract with him, knowing he does this, they entered it consciously and to cry foul now if hypocritical in my opinion.

03-15-2011, 06:28 PM
That was Gilbert Gottfried that did the ducks voice?! Wow, all this time I thought they just used a regular duck. :lol:

03-15-2011, 07:06 PM
This just reminds me of "The Dean Martin Roast" and how it can't be replayed in this day and age.

03-15-2011, 07:15 PM
I am ceasing all political decussions
Thank you.

03-15-2011, 07:26 PM
You are 100% correct Sir.
I do know that you give up certan civil rights when you are on company
property and in use of there equipment. Telephones, computers, Celular
equipment etc.
Thank you for that information.
As I said before, I could be wrong, in this case i am. Please forgive me.
I would also suggest that the First Amenment give you certan rights.
However the Patriot Act has changed thing considerable. with respect
to these rights. It is not my duty to interpret these changes, just to enforce
Best regards

First Amendment certainly does give a number of rights, but similarly only restricts the actions of the government.

03-15-2011, 09:37 PM
One of my friends has been removed from my facebook friends because of this. He said "Don't write your goofy sh11111t on my wall, corporate is checking it." He didn't even have a job. I was like checking for what? You aren't an employee and that's going a bit personal. They should be checking your resume and references... THAT'S IT. What you do in your "life" is none of their business, nor is who he is friends with.

Well after I was told to censer myself I didn't change so I was blocked from his wall, then photo comments, then status. So all I could do was look at him like when you view some peoples profiles before you are friends. I said "This is BS" so I took him off my friends list even though we are still the best of friends in reality. I agree about beware of what you post, but some people just don't belong.

The whole reason Gilbert got fired I would think is because they were probably thinking "Did you see that joke? He represents our company!!! If he represents our company people will think we support his joke and we will be looked down upon. We will lose MONEY or maybe worse, cost us our jobs! We must fire him, it's all we can do to save our own butts." That I can understand when you are at that status, but in the end I think everyone takes "social networking" way too far.

I guess everyone will have to stick to BSing in bathrooms, garages, gyms.... whatever.

03-16-2011, 01:23 AM
It's not a joking matter in the first place.

+1,000 i totaly agree

03-16-2011, 05:34 AM
Big brother is watching.............or is there to snitch.

03-16-2011, 07:31 AM
I am ceasing all political decussions
Mr. Logan is right. Thank you for reminding me of that.

03-16-2011, 07:54 AM
I am a Federal Law Enforcement officer. I am on the job to enforce the Laws of the
United States of America and the Constitution there of.
My personal views are my own, and should remain that way.
Thank you for your understanding.