View Full Version : Rifle Ideas 7.62 (.308)

03-17-2011, 07:41 AM
Cool stuff happening with my Son and I. He wants to shoot a lot more these days. Because we are such a well educated and experienced community here, I thought I would get anyones thoughts on this:

My Son is looking to get a 7.62 mm FN FAL rifle. I guess the Belgian originals are hard to come by, but DSA makes them, from what I have been told. A big problem I have here in Buffalo is, there is only one gun store around, and they have only one base model DSA around.

So what do you all think is te best 7.62 semi-auto rifle? What are the possibilities of my neighboring states (OH, PA) having a selection and my ability to get one there and bring back here?

I am really glad he and I will get a chance to shoot together. Father - Son time.

Looking forward to your ideas.

03-17-2011, 08:09 AM
Here is the DSA website. Say in the FAQ section you can order the rifle and have it shipped to your local gun store. Hope that helps.


03-17-2011, 08:11 AM
Mini Thirty is fun. Easy to convert too. ;)

03-17-2011, 08:21 AM
Gunbroker.com and Auctionarms.com on the net. Be careful on how its marked for ammo. Some are NATO ammo only and using .308 Winchester may cause problems. (head spacing) Plenty of surplus ammo around. Shop around for a transfer dealer as prices can vary quite a bit. Should not be more than $35 max for a transfer FFL on your end and I consider that too high. Do not pay $35 shipping, thats BS too. $40-$50 about normal to ship & recieve. Check out Bass Pro Shops if there is one there. You'd be surprised at what they have.
There is also GunsAmerica.co, but I consider their prices to be too high. You could also try Gander Mountain, there must be one in Buffalo. I also would not limit myself to one brand. Century still has FALs at decent prices.

Make sure what you buy is NY legal. We are the PR of NY, communist rules, still a 1994 gun ban state. If Bloomash gets his way you won't even be able to own a firearm in NYS. I wish he would keep his own NYC subjects under his communist authority and leave the rest of the state alone....

03-17-2011, 08:36 AM
Robinson arms! They make some of the best rifles and most of them are chambered in .223 & 7.62 http://www.robarm.com/resources/products/xcrlmini/index.aspx I wouldnt trade my XCR-L mini for nothing.

03-17-2011, 08:37 AM
Ha, Buffalo and Bass Pro - what a story - That's a big NO!. I did go to Gander, they had about three semi-auto rifles, none in 7.62.

What would a fella do if he lived in West Virgina and had some guns but had to move to NY. Have to sell his NY banned arms?

I heard the BATF was frequenting shooting ranges out here in WNY. Looking for guns outside the NY perameters. Confiscating and arresting. Sad.

03-17-2011, 09:01 AM
Ha, Buffalo and Bass Pro - what a story - That's a big NO!. I did go to Gander, they had about three semi-auto rifles, none in 7.62.

What would a fella do if he lived in West Virgina and had some guns but had to move to NY. Have to sell his NY banned arms?

I heard the BATF was frequenting shooting ranges out here in WNY. Looking for guns outside the NY perameters. Confiscating and arresting. Sad.

That is ridiculous. What happen to the constitution?? Wait I know. What if youre on vacation visiting friends there and bring some weapons would you be busted also? All the gun shops here (1 every 10-20 Mi) are loaded with semi auto's Heck guy down the street from me has a huge inventory of AK style & AR-15's

03-17-2011, 09:14 AM
That is ridiculous. What happen to the constitution?? Wait I know. What if youre on vacation visiting friends there and bring some weapons would you be busted also? All the gun shops here (1 every 10-20 Mi) are loaded with semi auto's Heck guy down the street from me has a huge inventory of AK style & AR-15's

As I stated above NY is a communist state. The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban is still in effect here by state law. The answer to your question is yes, you would be arrested. Pistol permits are not an easy thing to obtain in NY. NYS has no reciprocity with any other state, even though we have the toughest laws to legally obtain a handgun. NYC almost impossible and cost big bucks. Funny thing is every gang banging mutt down there has a gun. So Bloomy feels the need to punish lawabiding citizens upstate in an attempt to control his subjectcated population. Funny he never comes upstate and is heavily guarded by armed people. Stalin in a business suit.
DO NOT ever get caught in NYS with a handgun if you are not licensed to carry here. Felony with minimum mandatory 5 year sentence. If you are going to a sanctioned shooting event, then you must follow very strict rules for transport of said pistols.

The best part is I know exactly where I can buy a illegal handgun anytime I want. Its a lucrative business. For me to obtain the same gun legally can take months sometimes. -AND- I live in the middle of nowhere, very rural, more cows than people. The commies have done nothing but harass legal gun owners with these laws. One of the reasons I'm getting the F outta this state.

03-17-2011, 09:16 AM
FALs are a blast i had one that was built on a imbel reciever and it was also a Para model. Fals are stone cold simple and reliable, much better than a AR(i know ill get some flack over that). plenty of spare parts available for them and kick is minimal cause they are fairly heavy. DSA does make the best, but i wouldnt be afraid to buy a homebuilt or a century as long as you get to shoot it and take it apart to see whats up. i traded a guy in texas my PS90 for the Fal and it was a homebuilt. my friend owns it now.

G3's and CETME's are also good and plentiful you just have to watch it on the cetmes if its a century arms as they are kinda shady, so if you start looking at one let me know and ill let u know what to look for. my best friend has a century cetme and it shoots perfect just the bolt gap is not there so he needs to get some new rollers to open it up.

KEL TEC RFB is also one to look at too, still fairly new so the prices are still up there but reliable and cool too

heres a pic of the FAL i had and kinda regret selling but i want a kel tec RFB

03-17-2011, 09:21 AM
Yeah, I know the pistol rules. I have my Unrestricted carry. I told my Son he cannot even pick up my hand guns. He can't wait 'til he is 21 and can get his permit.

03-17-2011, 09:25 AM
Ha, Buffalo and Bass Pro - what a story - That's a big NO!. I did go to Gander, they had about three semi-auto rifles, none in 7.62.

What would a fella do if he lived in West Virgina and had some guns but had to move to NY. Have to sell his NY banned arms?

I heard the BATF was frequenting shooting ranges out here in WNY. Looking for guns outside the NY perameters. Confiscating and arresting. Sad.

1)Check the auction sites, Gander may do transfers if you can not find a dealer. The auction sites maintain a database of dealers.

2)Absolutely yes, prior to moving, to be legal.

3)This does not surprise me with the new head of that agency being a Bloomyite anti gunner. Basically hand picked. The NRA had a fit.

03-17-2011, 09:53 AM
Yeah, I know the pistol rules. I have my Unrestricted carry. I told my Son he cannot even pick up my hand guns. He can't wait 'til he is 21 and can get his permit.

My wife wants to get a permit. I believe they are up to $155 just to apply. Then theres the 3-9 month wait. Recently went to all unrestricted in our county. Not sure why. At least you do not have to buy a pistol in our county to obtain/maintain the permit.

Boy how times change, 1976, had mine in 3 weeks, no restrictions.

03-17-2011, 09:59 AM
One of neighbors just got his. Applied for unrestricted - they gave him target only.... 6 months wait. Whatever.

03-17-2011, 12:21 PM
That is obusrd Ray! Communist state is right add another state to the list of places I would never live. The funny thing is what you pointed out any criminal can get one anywhere. The Dem's are all fools when it comes to Gun rights. Heck look at CRAZY Pelosi she doesnt want us to have guns period BUT I have heard that she carrys a .38 under here dress strapped to her leg actually heard this from several people. Isnt that nice she wants to make it were we the people cant protect ourselves but she can.....
I would imagine a criminal could just accquire from another person accross state line.
I to live in the middle of nowhere & the folks that live around me would never stand for trampled Gun Rights. How could I expect to protect my family if it takes 15 min for police to arrive

03-17-2011, 12:45 PM
If I were to buy again one of the Eastern Euro would be my choice, best buy and excellent reliability.

03-17-2011, 12:47 PM
great fun very very accurate
cetmes are good and cheap

03-17-2011, 02:44 PM
Go against the grain, get a Kel Tec RFB if you can find one! I've only ever seen a few at gun shows. They were asking $1500 so you might be able to find one in a store for $1300. Still they're accurate, compact, and are great handling weapons. Hands down they have the best trigger of any bull pup rifle I've tried out.

Since it looks like you've ruled out a FAL, an AR-10 also wouldn't be a bad second choice. They're kind of like muscle cars. They're large beyond reason, but you look cool with one. Just understand that replacement parts for the AR-10 are much more expensive than those for an AR-15. Also be aware of what type of magazines you buy for it. Some take "inch" FAL magazines, some take "metric" or L1A1 mags, but some will take both.

Seriously, stay away from some of the G3 rifles that were assembled by the staff of drunk monkeys at Century. Most of them have cycling issues or at least see accuracy of around 10MOA. No, I didn't forget a decimal point there. Even a novice shooter probably isn't going to have fun with that. They also have a much more unpleasant recoil than many other 7.62 main battle rifles.

Speaking from experience.

03-17-2011, 04:35 PM
The FAL is actually his first choice. Maybe we will order one from DSA and have it shipped to a local FFL dealer.......

03-17-2011, 04:54 PM
we have a wasr10, pretty fun but probably not what you are looking for

03-18-2011, 08:26 AM
Thank you all who gave me their thoughts. My Son is pretty well set on the FN FAL style. DSA makes an SA 58 CONGO he is stoked about. A little more research and to find the best pricing out there and he should be good to go.

I appreciate the input and experience.

03-21-2011, 03:22 PM
Take a look at the M-14. A 7.62 NATO war horse, and very accurate and reliable.

03-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Back a number of years ago I had a chance to buy a "demilitarized" FAL. I was dumb and had no idea what I was looking at. It had been "used". If only I knew :banghead: