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12-27-2003, 11:28 PM
Just a minute ago I was tellin my parents I couldn't make it home by 11 because I was havin too much fun...

Gotta rant...

So we're (three girls and I) driving around watching every corner we take, peaking over every hill we go over, because cops are just out in mass force (about two every 5 to 10 minutes). We found a couple of backroads and school parking lots to have some fun in but eventually landed on a large 6 lane public highway with a 50mph speed limit. My friend Megan goes "hey, lets race some body" and I'm thinkin "Yeah, no wonder I'm designated driver" as they had had just a tiny tiny bit to drink and were planning on a lot more once they were dropped off at home. So we pull up beside a Harley Davidson edition F-150 and she goes "MAN, RACE HIM!" Like I'm stupid or something, since I know he can smoke me, I start revvin like a dumbass, and at green I floor it. He rolls for a second then friggin floors it. Truck takes off like a shot and it sounded SOOOO sweet. He let up at 50mph and I let up at 60...and that's that DAMN that thing was NICE. I don't care if the Viper Ram is faster...I know which one looks more like a bad ass, and which one would be more fun to tune. ::drool:: Stupid surround sound is a hobby that needs to go! Takes up too much $$$.

Then I've got a question: I've heard about track times (mostly 0-60) being the best only in the hands of a capable driver. Whats up with that? I mean, with an auto-box isn't it brake, gas it up, floor it (not when you've got it up so high you'll have no traction but not so low that it doesnt' do much) and then keep it floored? Are there different techniques? Do tell!

Awesome...everyone be careful on New Years eve and then some!


12-28-2003, 01:44 AM
my MM, I get the best 0-60 on the street by getting into the gas pedal only about halfway until I hit about 15-20MPH, and then I stand on it. If I punch it from the start, then I'll spin em right up to redline, and leave a 40-60ft strip of rubber which would kill my 0-60 MPH time. Ofcourse on the dragstrip is a different story. Since they use that rubber VHT compound on the track, I can punch it from the start and only spin very slightly for a split second.

12-28-2003, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by woaface
I've heard about track times (mostly 0-60) being the best only in the hands of a capable driver. Whats up with that? I mean, with an auto-box isn't it brake, gas it up, floor it (not when you've got it up so high you'll have no traction but not so low that it doesnt' do much)

And Therein lies the challange. Sounds much easier than it is :)

12-28-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by woaface
Just a minute ago I was tellin my parents I couldn't make it home by 11 because I was havin too much fun... but eventually landed on a large 6 lane public highway with a 50mph speed limit.

How old are you? :confused:

12-28-2003, 12:57 PM
Haha, I'll be 17 in april. I've been driving a year since the 27th. I've had drivers ed and a 6 month permit where I could only drive with a licensed parent. Right now I've got the highest license offered by the state at this age...it turns into a pumpkin at midnight if I don't have an adult (over 21) with a years driving experience in the car with me. When I turn 17 I can have it reprinted for a full, unrestricted license if I don't have any tickets or at-fault accidents.

I'll also, hopefully, be able to enroll myself into a more extreme young persons drivers ed course at BMW North America. My dad won't however, let me enroll in the extreme adult course, which is over $3000 for two days and you get to REALLY learn how to drive...using an M5 BMW: )

12-28-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by BillyGman
my MM, I get the best 0-60 on the street by getting into the gas pedal only about halfway until I hit about 15-20MPH, and then I stand on it. If I punch it from the start, then I'll spin em right up to redline, and leave a 40-60ft strip of rubber which would kill my 0-60 MPH time. Ofcourse on the dragstrip is a different story. Since they use that rubber VHT compound on the track, I can punch it from the start and only spin very slightly for a split second.

Sounds just like the Marquis...only it'll work best if I stomp it at 20 or 30 mph...it'll down shift and take off. But at best, I can only leave 5 feet of rubber:)

12-28-2003, 01:24 PM
until it hits second gear to stand on it. if you do that, then you'll hurt your 0-60MPH time.

12-28-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by woaface
Haha, I'll be 17 in april. I've been driving a year since the 27th. I've had drivers ed :)

10-4. I won't do a sermon about drag racing on public highways then. I'm sure drivers ed already touched on it. :)

12-28-2003, 07:35 PM
Yes it did! They show really grusome photos and videos...I don't think it works for many people, but it sure did leave a note for me!I can just picture what I'll look like after something like some of these people did. At least I wear my seatbelt(all the time)...of the 17 teenagers that died in the county and city last year, only 2 were were buckled.

I also take that back about 5 ft of rubber. I had a friend do a burnout in the YMCA parking lot tonight and he left at least 30 or 40 feet. One tire only though. Man was it sweet!

12-28-2003, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by woaface
...of the 17 teenagers that died in the county and city last year, only 2 were were buckled.

Yeah, that takes all the fun out of drag racing on public streets! If I run into some of the kids that don't buckle up I might kill them! Bummer!

Don't pay any attention to me. :) I have very strong feelings about such things since one of my aunts, a very beautiful young lady at 19-years-old, was killed in a street racing event. The only way I know her or ever knew her is by a photograph and the tales of how she was prom queen a few years running.

Back when I was younger we didn't street race or drag race, so to speak. We enjoyed what I guess is called autocross, a true measure of a driver's skill and a vehicle's performance. There is a road here locally called "21 curves". Trust me, it is a wild ride! We would station spotters at both ends so we made sure no innocent people entered our playground. Whoever could run "21 curves" fastest was top dog until the next weekend. I took top dog spot 2 weekends in a row, in a 1969 AMX. Best time ever, to the best of my recollection, was a 1970 Chevelle SS454. You could hear that car coming a mile away, the "nutcracker" tranmission made more noise than the engine and exhausts. :)

Guess I better shut up now. I am showing my age now. The good ole days, the big block Chevys and Mopars!

12-28-2003, 09:30 PM
there's nothing like a big block V8!!!!!!

12-28-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by woaface
I also take that back about 5 ft of rubber. I had a friend do a burnout in the YMCA parking lot tonight and he left at least 30 or 40 feet. One tire only though. Man was it sweet!

My Marauder will leave 40 feet of rubber with both tires on a level surface, and w/out using the brakes. Strictly from a dead punch. And if I do the same on a hill, it will leave 70 feet of rubber.

12-29-2003, 03:24 AM
"nutcracker"? You mean "rock crusher" perhaps, a nick-name for the Muncie M-22 four speed manual tranny popular in those days?

12-29-2003, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by SergntMac
"nutcracker"? You mean "rock crusher" perhaps, a nick-name for the Muncie M-22 four speed manual tranny popular in those days?

I've got the M21 in my Chevelle :D

12-29-2003, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by SergntMac
"nutcracker"? You mean "rock crusher" perhaps, a nick-name for the Muncie M-22 four speed manual tranny popular in those days?

Yes. Too close to Christmas, I accidentally said nutcracker. :)

12-29-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by SHERIFF

Back when I was younger we didn't street race or drag race, so to speak. We enjoyed what I guess is called autocross, a true measure of a driver's skill and a vehicle's performance. There is a road here locally called "21 curves". Trust me, it is a wild ride!

Holy crap, you call it 21 curves too? i swear that name lives on in infamy. Every time i drive down it someone else is tearing down the opposite side in my lane. Which brings me to the point, that road is death. The road condition is horrible at best, the curves are reverse banked on half the turns, and there is no run-out on any of the sides. On a couple curves there is a nice 15ft drop and lots of trees, so once your car slides of the road at 60mph the first thing to the tree is your roof...which doesnt support that kind of load.

21 curves is by far the worst road in charlottesville to drive fast on, its only a recipe for eventual accident.

12-29-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by rurumon
Holy crap, you call it 21 curves too? i swear that name lives on in infamy.

Sure do. I couldn't tell you it's proper name right now without driving out and looking at the signs. :)

Originally posted by rurumon
Every time i drive down it someone else is tearing down the opposite side in my lane. 21 curves is by far the worst road in charlottesville to drive fast on, its only a recipe for eventual accident. Which brings me to the point, that road is death.

It's the best road in the county to avoid. I avoid it nowadays if at all possible. I used it once this past year, when leaving Inglecress and picking my daughter up from St Anne's Belfield school.

Originally posted by rurumon
The road condition is horrible at best, the curves are reverse banked on half the turns, and there is no run-out on any of the sides.

And that is why it was a real measure of a driver's skill and a car's performance. But, all jokes aside, the road was much better and less traveled 30 years ago. :)

Originally posted by rurumon
On a couple curves there is a nice 15ft drop and lots of trees, so once your car slides of the road at 60mph the first thing to the tree is your roof...which doesnt support that kind of load.

We were all 17 to 21 years old. We were invincible. Nothing could kill us. Or so we thought. :)

Just out of curiosity, do you drive a Marauder with the letters and numbers 9 J 8 T 9 2 C in the license plate? Not in that order of course.

12-30-2003, 07:31 AM
why yes, not in that order of course.

do i know you?

12-30-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by rurumon
why yes, not in that order of course.

do i know you?

Probably not. If you do it would be by name only, I have been in the media quite a bit for the last 6 years having sued the local county police department. The last article was when they decided to settle out of court rather than risk a jury trial. Just like everywhere, their few bad apples make the whole bunch look bad. And that's a shame. Pretty sad when most of the officers at one time or another walked up and told me they were glad I sued and that they hope the "bastards get fired for being such fools!" :)

But anyhow..... yours is the only Marauder I have seen or passed in traffic locally. And I walked up to your car and punched my remote one night. The thing didn't work (???), so I inserted my key. That too didn't work. I was standing there scratching my head, when I realized my Marauder was parked 2 cars down in front of yours. This was while your Marauder was parked on East Market Street one night after dark. It was parked in front of the wine shop and apartments there in the 500 block. This was right around Halloween night if I recall correctly. Ever since this night I have simply remembered your license plate number. Mine has a J, C. & S in it. :)

12-30-2003, 12:03 PM
wow, small world man. I think I was taking the missus out for dinner that night, you have to do that otherwise they get all ornery.

I'll PM you when I get back to the ville from break, we should go on a drive or something.

12-30-2003, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by rurumon

I'll PM you when I get back to the ville from break, we should go on a drive or something.

On 21 curves! :)