View Full Version : 2 officers shot in Athens, GA. 1 fatally shot...

03-23-2011, 03:41 PM
Senior Police Officer Buddy Christian was fatally shot and killed yesterday while investigating a carjacking/kidnapping. Ofc Tony Howard was also shot during the incident but survived. This cowardly act was commited by Jaime Hood who fled the scene. It's believed he may have been captured today.
Ofc Christian survived by his wife and 4 children.
I speak for all law enforcement Ofcs when I say I HOPE THIS GUY FRIES FOR HIS COWARDLY AND PATHETIC ACT !:flamer:

03-23-2011, 03:48 PM
this is happening all to often! i would love to see the death penalty for those responsible.

03-23-2011, 04:08 PM
48 already this year

03-23-2011, 04:33 PM
Damn shame.

03-23-2011, 04:59 PM

03-23-2011, 05:39 PM
We visited Athens, Georgia last year during the SSHS10 event. A college town with lots of atmospherics IIRC. Some kind of football activity was going on so we just passed thru.

Very sad to learn of this tragedy.

03-23-2011, 05:43 PM
Wife and four children... :shake:truly sad! It angers me to hear stuff like this and I'm sure he has criminal rap sheet longer than his arms. I ask myself this a thousand times, why are these scum bags still on the street!

03-24-2011, 05:56 AM
Thoughts and prayers go out to these officers and all officers across the country.

03-24-2011, 07:58 AM
Thoughts and prayers to the family. RIP brother Christian.

Egon Spengler
03-24-2011, 09:00 AM
Terrible news. Recently we had a gentleman shot and killed by officers. The girlfriend called police and said he was acting strange. Police entered his dwelling and were charged at by a man wielding a machete! They shot him with a pepperball to no avail so then had to fire on him. He died and of course the officers are under scrutiny for use of deadly force. Officers got to do what they got to do. Unfortunately this officer laid down his life. Rest in peace.

03-24-2011, 03:18 PM
^^^ "Damned if you do, damned if you don't!" Hmmm, and people wonder why Police are the way they are, talk about being in harms way, but it comes with the job so in a way love it or leave it. It just really, really bothers me to know this family will be missing a Brother, Husband, Father, and Grandfather in the future. May he rest in peace and hopefully the family will be strong and continue on! Thank you for your service and I salute you, Officer Christian! ^^^

03-24-2011, 03:42 PM
Next time you get stopped by a law enforcement officer and start to get ticked off, think about these fine officers that make the ultimate sacrifice FOR ALL OF US. They deserve our respect and courtesy. Each one of them goes out the door in the morning knowing that they risk ending up the victim of some dirtbag like this. But they go out anyway. They sure don't do it for the money.

Mustang man
03-25-2011, 03:11 AM
Its just another reflection of our screwed up society. Two days from now people will move on with their lives and forget about the officers that gave their lives for citizens they dont know and generally get very little appreciation from. But the media will still be talking about the death of Liz Taylor or what ever retarded thing Charlie Sheen is doing. Very sad :banghead:
http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/505389537/small__28_03_2007_21_17_SP-244_Thin_Blue_Line_5_Point_Sta r_normal.jpg

03-25-2011, 12:05 PM
^^^ ... yup, or just focus on the bad Officers! ^^^

03-26-2011, 08:04 AM
Its just another reflection of our screwed up society. Two days from now people will move on with their lives and forget about the officers that gave their lives for citizens they dont know and generally get very little appreciation from. But the media will still be talking about the death of Liz Taylor or what ever retarded thing Charlie Sheen is doing. Very sad :banghead:
http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/505389537/small__28_03_2007_21_17_SP-244_Thin_Blue_Line_5_Point_Sta r_normal.jpg

True dat brother, very sad but absolutely TRUE....

03-26-2011, 08:32 AM
And the media will continue to report the useless crap of another day, over looking these losses. Thoughts and prayers to their families.

03-26-2011, 09:01 AM
Update............. He surrendered last night, with TV cameras rolling surrounded by hostages...... Wanted to speak with his momma before he went in, and was afraid of the local police, so the FBI came in to negotiate his surrender...... Friggin dirtbag felon trying to smear local PD indicating that they would kill him vs. bringing him in........ Who knows, it may have went down just that way, and in this case, that would have been fine by me.

He had the audacity to complain about cuffs being "too tight" too....

By all accounts that I have read, he killed a well liked and respected officer. Not an abuser of his position by any means. We need more officers on the street like him. Rest in peace now Officer Christian.

03-26-2011, 09:21 AM
Always sad when this happends, here in the Phila. area we also see it too much.

Prayers sent and God Bless the fallen Office & his Family.

:flag: :flag:

03-26-2011, 12:42 PM
Update............. He surrendered last night, with TV cameras rolling surrounded by hostages...... Wanted to speak with his momma before he went in, and was afraid of the local police, so the FBI came in to negotiate his surrender...... Friggin dirtbag felon trying to smear local PD indicating that they would kill him vs. bringing him in........ Who knows, it may have went down just that way, and in this case, that would have been fine by me.

He had the audacity to complain about cuffs being "too tight" too....

By all accounts that I have read, he killed a well liked and respected officer. Not an abuser of his position by any means. We need more officers on the street like him. Rest in peace now Officer Christian.

^^^ It's a shame isn't it?!? Scumbag lives and will be treated like a King in prison because he killed a Copper. ^^^

03-26-2011, 03:26 PM
its to bad he was taken into custody with a heartbeat

03-26-2011, 07:29 PM
This is truly a tragic event, seen all to often in both the cities and suburbs.
The mut that was with him will more than likely turn states evidence and get off with life or something lighter.
I say cook em all and use a rope and do like Texas does limit the appeals.
Just for your FYI all shooting, lethal or otherwise are handled by Internal Affairs, and the US Attorney or District Attorney and Grand Juries. Mostly IA
If you point a gun or have in hand you are going down. I shoot to kill. We will deal with that later. I'm no Wyatt Earp. (The USMS screens for that)
But at least we are still on our feet.
My Prayers go out to the families and loved one left behind. That is where
the Pain is. God will take care of Officer Christen, and take him into his loving arms. God Bless Officer Christen and God Bless the United States of America.
Russell Youngblood

03-27-2011, 05:12 PM
Its just another reflection of our screwed up society. Two days from now people will move on with their lives and forget about the officers that gave their lives for citizens they dont know and generally get very little appreciation from. But the media will still be talking about the death of Liz Taylor or what ever retarded thing Charlie Sheen is doing. Very sad :banghead:
http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/505389537/small__28_03_2007_21_17_SP-244_Thin_Blue_Line_5_Point_Sta r_normal.jpg
could not have said it better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-27-2011, 07:01 PM
Shame on those that so easly forget. I do this job because I love it, not for the money.
I won't be forgetting anytime soon. put your self on the line and see if you forget any
time soon. We go through doors every day and most of the muts are armed. We only
hope we can get to them before they get to us. We try to get them on the ground before they can think about it. Not always psssible.
That is when you remember Officer Christen. and the others that went before him. I don't think about sheen or
Taylor or Jackson or any of them unless we have to protect them. Otherwise it's the
Muts we think about and are they armed? Most times yes.
Why do you we weir black on our shealds. No police officer forgets about fallen
comrads. I have been to too many funerals this years alond. Never mind in a life time
of Law Enforcement.