View Full Version : Be careful with Tylenol PM's

04-01-2011, 10:38 AM
Not a dig on Tylenol but a public service for my friends here...

Don't ever try to use Tylenol PM to get sleep because its cheaper than the OTC sleeping meds.

My oldest son in Chicago lost his internship and girlfriend in the same week and was a mess mentally. He was not sleeping at night and OTC benadril meds were being used to help get sleep and keep functioning and go on job interviews etc etc. He found that the sleep aids with benadril were more expensive than Tylenol PM with the equivalent amounts of benadril...he is your typical 23 year old that thinks he's invincible and warning labels are for other people.

In one week of taking Tylenol PM well beyond recommended doses he managed to kill his liver...I mean totally kill it. He luckily survived the ordeal by getting a liver transplant at Northwestern Hospital in downtown Chicago. He is now part of a study looking at the roughly 1000 people a year that suffer the same liver failure from the same toxic dose of acetominophen.

This really happened and is not an April Fools thing. I feel really blessed to still have him alive and I am just passing this along so others do not go through anything like this.

04-01-2011, 02:25 PM
Sorry to hear this - very glad he survived!

I never take Tylenol/acetominophen for this very reason mentioned in this story. The warning label on Tylenol just isn't strong enough!

04-01-2011, 05:58 PM
^^^ Wow! Well I'm glad to hear he's still with us, talk about a close call... JeezZ! ^^^

04-01-2011, 06:14 PM
wow thats crazy. Thanks for the heads up